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Posted on 08-17-13 03:55 AM Link | ID: 35396
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If it was the IP, you wouldn't be able to access anything. They only blocked the main domain, which is shoddy security at best.

Fucking networking noobs.

Posted on 08-17-13 10:22 AM Link | ID: 35403
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Posted by Trelior
If it was the IP, you wouldn't be able to access anything. They only blocked the main domain, which is shoddy security at best.

Fucking networking noobs.
It could be one of those keyword based blocking filters. I've seen those all too well.

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Posted on 08-17-13 04:29 PM (rev. 2 of 08-17-13 04:30 PM by Gohan) Link | ID: 35406
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Posted by Trelior
If it was the IP, you wouldn't be able to access anything. They only blocked the main domain, which is shoddy security at best.

Fucking networking noobs.

I know, right? I figure if you block the site, take the time to block everything at once. I don't see why forums have to be blocked anyways, the idiots block it as web chat, yet I can still get on the IRC no problem.

Posted on 08-18-13 09:07 AM Link | ID: 35430
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That reminds me how I screwed with a whole bunch of people once using remote access software in college. Was controlling my desktop at home, and kept browsing sites that couldn't be accessed on the college internet.

Was hilarious watching people try to log on facebook after. :D

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Posted on 08-22-13 10:10 PM Link | ID: 35507
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Okay... So I have a few orders I placed online that are sitting in Limbo or some other stupid bullshit.

I placed an order for a few T-shirts and a hat from Shark Robot on Friday last week... According to their website, they're still processing my order. Why? Is it because I ordered several clearance items? Is it because I ordered one preorder shirt that the "preorder by" date was Monday the 19th? Why is this taking so long? They've already taken my money.

I won an auction for a Nintendo 64 from some dude in Texas. For some reason, the tracking is saying it hasn't gotten any closer than its departure from the Dallas sort facility. It's been FOUR DAYS! I feel I have reason to be upset because the Prince of Persia I ordered from California that was shipped the same fucking day is already sitting in my box of PS3 games. Last I checked, Whittier, CA was at least 1000 miles farther away from Dubois, PA than Dallas, TX is. What. The. FUCK! I know for a fact that a three pound box shouldn't take three days longer to arrive than a six ounce envelope from a thousand miles farther away.

The last one's just a "Why did they do it this way?" thing. I ordered a few more shirts from Topatoco and started checking the tracking. What confuses me is that the origin location of my package was in Easthampton, Massachusetts, yet it went completely around me and is now in Memphis, Tennessee! What makes it worse is that I paid for the two day delivery. Don't you dare tell me that they shipped it five hundred miles out of its way just to pad out the two day expected delivery.

Posted on 08-24-13 10:42 PM Link | ID: 35530
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I'd assume they don't expect people to use tracking on packages. I only ever tracked one thing, and it took two days before it recognised the tracking number as valid. Then it didn't update until it was delivered.

That was probably one of the biggest wastes of tracking going.

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Posted on 08-25-13 03:44 AM Link | ID: 35538
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I use many tracking services, and most of them were fairly accurate. Perhaps Trel just got a really bad stroke of bad luck. I do get the few that end up being nightmares though.


Why don't I have an ask thread? Maybe because nobody gives a shit?

Posted on 08-25-13 05:33 AM Link | ID: 35539
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The N64 and second Topatoco shirt order came in between Friday and yesterday. In fact, I'm wearing one of the new shirts right now.

When I brought the box in with the N64, the first thing I did was try to hook it up to my TV to test my eight games... Only to find that my TV doesn't support composite for whatever reason. Good thing I still have my Dazzle and old TV, otherwise I'd be kinda fucked.

After spending an hour testing the games, I figured I would do a bit of glitching around in DK64. Let me say this: of the five glitches I was able to pull off, I hate one of them in particular.

I'll detail it in the games thread.

Posted on 08-30-13 10:34 AM Link | ID: 35595
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Most places I order from actually give you the number at time of posting to be picked up by the shipping company. Heck sometime the tracking info doesn't get updated until it's delivered. (That bugs me.. I tend to obsessively track them.. no fun if you can't :( )

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Note: if you can see this my layout broke. ALL THE CREDITS WILL BE REVEALED!!
'Victory Noriko' by @thatsheepagain.
'Chibi Dance Noriko' by @Haru__Kitsu.
'Deity's Night Out (Featuring Gabbie)'
by @thatsheepagain
Noriko Emotes by @Haru__Kitsu.
Side Bar Noriko by @thatsheepagain
'Noriko's Nature Walk' by @projectTiGER_
Emotive Noriko by @thatsheepagain.
"Space Candy Noriko" by BerryVerrine.
"Super Sharp Noriko" by Xionfes.
A gift illustration from the wonderful EverKinzPony!
"Magical Girl Noriko" by @cute_hospital!
"Patient Chibi Noriko" by @Ruii_ki!
'Dapper '60s Noriko' by @thatsheepagain.
'Shiny Chibi Noriko' by @inioli.
'Flower Veil Noriko' by @Sushiee_.
'Noriko in Realism' by @_Sarybuu.
'Noriko's Midnight Adventure' by @projectTiGER_
'Yukata Noriko' by @yunyunmaru_
'Birthday Wishes Noriko' by @thatsheepagain

Posted on 09-03-13 09:56 PM Link | ID: 35642
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I've only ever had a single package that the tracking number was absolutely useless. And that was from China Post. The first time using it and it happens. China really doesn't give a shit about its reputation...

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Posted on 09-14-13 03:00 PM (rev. 2 of 09-14-13 03:01 PM by KP) Link | ID: 35774
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Since: 08-04-12
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While at PAX this year I got the chance to interview two great people! Of course I was super nervous before and during but it was a lot of fun.

First one is with Tommy Tallarico, one of the men behind Video Games Live (which is awesome). I was less nervous about this interview than the second one. And this dude is really short.

Second interview was with Starslay3r, who is a progamer and was in the TV show, Robot Combat League. She's very cool and has a great message to gamers, especially females.


Posted on 09-14-13 03:32 PM Link | ID: 35776
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Anya, that's wonderful. You're really taking this by the horns. Tommy seems way more nervous than you; perhaps the stature of both of you contributed to that. :P As for your interview with StarSlay3r, I think you did a great job there as well. A bit longer than Tommy's interview though, which is cool because you got to touch on a few more things. I'm kinda glad you tackled the female aspect of gaming and how it relates to marketing and even how us big stupid males react to it.

Again, I'm happy that you have a grip on what you want to do and it's clear that you're good at it.

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Posted on 09-14-13 04:35 PM Link | ID: 35779
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Thanks! Shame I don't get paid for it. Being an EIC for a gaming site is nice but like I said, no money.

But that's why I hope my first book brings in the money once it launches in December. I would really like to quit my job and get paid for what I love to do.


Lili~ ♥
Posted on 09-16-13 01:32 PM Link | ID: 35785
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It appears I am now officially underweight at 57 kg / 125 lbs.

I don't know if that's something to be proud of, but... I guess I'll have to take it as a given.

Posted on 09-16-13 03:49 PM Link | ID: 35786
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Posted by Liliana
It appears I am now officially underweight at 57 kg / 125 lbs.

How tall are you?

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Lili~ ♥
Posted on 09-16-13 05:34 PM Link | ID: 35791
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Hmm... I thought that was common knowledge by now?

I am 1.76 m, or 5'9" for the Usonians.

Posted on 09-16-13 07:13 PM Link | ID: 35792
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Posted by Liliana

I am 1.76 m, or 5'9" for the Usonians.

Taller than me. :(

I'm 1.69-1.70m-ish and about 52 kg.

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Posted on 09-16-13 08:07 PM Link | ID: 35795
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Not sure if being underweight is a good thing? Why would we have separate terms for our measurements of weight relative to our height? Being underweight is just as bad as being overweight. I don't mean to be rude at all, just concerned. Look for the best path to where you need to be.

Posted on 09-17-13 12:32 AM Link | ID: 35798
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Um, no one said it was a good thing?

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 09-17-13 01:01 AM Link | ID: 35799
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Posted by Trapster
Um, no one said it was a good thing?

Posted by Liliana
I don't know if that's something to be proud of
Posted by KP
Not sure if being underweight is a good thing

Is context good enough for you?

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