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Posted on 02-07-18 11:25 PM Link | ID: 126631
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Roy Koopa
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Yeah, there's music out there that could be classified as psychological warfare.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 02-07-18 11:26 PM Link | ID: 126632
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The good kind would be indie-folk like Regina Spektor, Lana Del Rey, and Amanda Palmer ;) Turn our people into feminists :D

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Posted on 02-07-18 11:29 PM Link | ID: 126636
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Roy Koopa
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Since: 01-04-12
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Posted by Danika
The good kind would be indie-folk like Regina Spektor, Lana Del Rey, and Amanda Palmer ;) Turn our people into feminists :D

How's that the good kind?

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

My youtube channel
FFRK Brotherhood

Robbie Rage
Posted on 02-07-18 11:31 PM Link | ID: 126638
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Posted by ゼンガー・ゾンボルト
Posted by Danika
The good kind would be indie-folk like Regina Spektor, Lana Del Rey, and Amanda Palmer ;) Turn our people into feminists :D

How's that the good kind?

First wave, maybe?

Posted on 02-09-18 11:37 PM (rev. 2 of 02-10-18 01:38 AM by Thierry) Link | ID: 126789
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[00:21:04] <Thierry> well that's weird

Robocop sprite failed to display there. I doubt src="img/sprites/ýÊ"> is a clientside thing. it displays fine on the spritelist.

also, checking the sprite list I noticed Robocop and Stopper have the same image title. is this normal?

there's a link here.

Posted on 02-10-18 01:33 AM Link | ID: 126804
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That is weird. It's in the db correctly at least. Might be an oddity with how it's spawing.

The Dynamic Profile Administratorâ„¢

"Never Knows Best"
Note: if you can see this my layout broke. ALL THE CREDITS WILL BE REVEALED!!
'Victory Noriko' by @thatsheepagain.
'Chibi Dance Noriko' by @Haru__Kitsu.
'Deity's Night Out (Featuring Gabbie)'
by @thatsheepagain
Noriko Emotes by @Haru__Kitsu.
Side Bar Noriko by @thatsheepagain
'Noriko's Nature Walk' by @projectTiGER_
Emotive Noriko by @thatsheepagain.
"Space Candy Noriko" by BerryVerrine.
"Super Sharp Noriko" by Xionfes.
A gift illustration from the wonderful EverKinzPony!
"Magical Girl Noriko" by @cute_hospital!
"Patient Chibi Noriko" by @Ruii_ki!
'Dapper '60s Noriko' by @thatsheepagain.
'Shiny Chibi Noriko' by @inioli.
'Flower Veil Noriko' by @Sushiee_.
'Noriko in Realism' by @_Sarybuu.
'Noriko's Midnight Adventure' by @projectTiGER_
'Yukata Noriko' by @yunyunmaru_
'Birthday Wishes Noriko' by @thatsheepagain

Posted on 02-12-18 07:53 AM Link | ID: 126890
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Going to commit suicide in under 24 hours... I can't stand living on this earth any longer.

Good riddance!

Posted on 02-12-18 09:02 AM (rev. 2 of 02-12-18 09:31 AM by Thierry) Link | ID: 126891
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Posted by IceFairyAmy
Going to commit suicide in under 24 hours... I can't stand living on this earth any longer.

what. is this your final, well-thought-out decision? do you have full knowledge on the repercussion this will cause to family, friends and everybody who legitimately care about you, even on the internet?
do you know how hard it is to commit suicide? I hope this is not just you begging for attention, but rather you reaching out for help, at least.

okay. first, try to clear your mind. then, proceed to read the following:

think this over slowly. you very much tend to get into stuff on a whim or get pushed into it; either by nosy people or just your own self after reading too much into your failures, and ultimately blaming yourself for being.. yourself.

I mean come on, the one thing I'd blame you for is not relying on us more. out of all people, you're definitely not a lost cause. you likely heard this line already, but you need to get ahold of yourself.
you can't seem to break the endless circles you got yourself into all these years, so you should try something else. anything.

drastic measures like quitting internet are pointless and doesn't work. even if it did, there's no point. you just need to get your life back on track; one way to do this is stabilize your course (school and whatnot, to a dedent degree) and meanwhile, try new things. I mentionned the possibilities for hobbies to you previously, and you seem interested in coding. just three words, go for it!
this is just one example. I'm not pushing you if you're not interested. it doesn't have to be a chore- you're doing this for yourself. but hobbies are something we all share. so, we can help out along the way. the more the merrier, as they say.

note that "new things" is vague. it can be a hobby, but doesn't limit to that. if you're out of ideas, we can suggest stuff we would try ourselves, anytime. it can range from little projects online to a fun, real life activity.

there's most likely, a fair lot you can do even taking into account just what you can't.

--but, I'm straying from my point.

you haven't lived long yet, there's still plenty to try out. don't constantly dwell on the past and look forward. if you're seriously considering suicide and not kidding yourself, then I hope it's after some thorough soul-searching.

I went overboard. this is not the serious forum.. whatever, posting this. please have a read before taking any action.

Edit: reading your Twitter, this whole issue seems to be more focused on your situation offline. which, I lack info about so I can't just go 'YOU HAVE SO MUCH TO LIVE FOR' all over you. most I heard of I remember is your parents and classmates acting restrictive and plain wrong, respectively.

please fill me in. is it really so hopeless you'd consider suicide? is there no other way out?
suicide is seen as cowardice for one reason: it's the "easy" way out, giving up on all that matters. if you think nobody will be hurt, you're wrong. if you simply don't care, well, this won't do.

don't kid yourself until the end.

there's a link here.

Moonlight Capital
Posted on 02-12-18 11:35 AM Link | ID: 126894
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Since: 04-26-16
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Suicide is never an option. Sorry if i sound rude or any, you should have more trust in people and accepting their opinion, instead of going straight your road. You should always find the solution to your problems instead of harming yourself. Be like me, i'm not the problem, i'm just a consequence of existence. I don't have sucidal thought because i need to take revenge on anyoen who doesn't like me. Said all. If you need help, i'm here (better twitter or discord) to talk. Just telling, i saved another person from suicide before, the CGS is mobilitated already.

Posted on 02-12-18 12:47 PM Link | ID: 126904
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If you're still here, I suggest calling 1-800-273-8255 immediately, we don't want you to go ;_;

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Moonlight Capital
Posted on 02-12-18 04:23 PM Link | ID: 126912
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He hasn't been responding to messages the whole day, we don't actually know if he's gone, or his psrents took his PC/mobile or maor happened.

Posted on 02-12-18 09:13 PM Link | ID: 126924
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#PrayForJamie, hopefully she didn't go through with it ;_;

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Robbie Rage
Posted on 02-13-18 12:19 AM Link | ID: 126944
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....Damn. I picked a crazy time to take a break from this place.

All I currently know right now is that life is worth living, and I'm not giving up on Kafuka or anyone on it.

That means you, the person reading this post. Please stick around.

Posted on 02-13-18 01:59 AM Link | ID: 126961
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Jamie isn't gonna commit suicide.
I've known him for 2 1/2 years, he ain't gonna do it. I know he won't.

I'm worried about him, but not him commiting suicide. It's fine. He won't do it.

I'll talk to him later.

Posted on 02-13-18 02:10 AM Link | ID: 126963
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♥10854 ✿4766 ★87
Posted by nineri
Jamie isn't gonna commit suicide.
I've known him for 2 1/2 years, he ain't gonna do it. I know he won't.

I'm worried about him, but not him commiting suicide. It's fine. He won't do it.

I'll talk to him later.

I can only hope you're right :<

Posted on 02-13-18 02:22 AM Link | ID: 126966
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I mean, I'm hoping I am too. You can't quickly reverse suicide like the other things he reverses.

hope he gets the help he needs soon :/

Posted on 02-13-18 02:27 AM Link | ID: 126967
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If she's like me, most likely only faking like I have done in the past :x

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Moonlight Capital
Posted on 02-13-18 06:48 AM Link | ID: 126971
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I'd like to bring you good news: Jamie is ok now.

@Danika no, he thinks of stuff without really thinking about it, which is why he keeps failing.

Posted on 02-13-18 08:41 AM Link | ID: 126973
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Roy Koopa
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Since: 01-04-12
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Posted by Moonlight Capital
he thinks of stuff without really thinking about it

Er...that's a contradiction. I know, bad time for a joke, perhaps. But it's good that he's ok.

I remember when I talked someone out of suicide a whole bunch of years ago.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 02-13-18 09:19 AM Link | ID: 126974
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Posted by Moonlight Capital
he thinks of stuff without really thinking about it

I'll explain this bit: he thinks about stuff, but at the same time not really. he doesn't consider all sides and only thinks about the depressing side.
don't get me wrong, that in itself is normal if he's having a bad time. if it goes on for too long and his situation doesn't improve, he ends up pulling this kind of thing.

there's a link here.
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