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Posted on 03-17-17 02:19 PM Link | ID: 97223
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Posted by Swingball
Posted by Swingball

1. Also what're you saying? You're saying something.

2. Are you accusing me of something?

3. Has your Submission Attack changed any? :P

4. Y no multiquote?

5. You expect me to break my back over a sandwich?

6. Do you think if both of us are really quiet, we can sneak over to the lifeboat?

7. Is it lunch yet.

8. Also, feelin' any luckier now? ^_~

1. Huh?
2. No, not really... ^_~
3. Nah :P
4. It's more fun this way :P
5. Huh?
6. Uh, sure ^_^
7. Not here :P
8. Maybe, it's St. Patrick's Day ;)

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Posted on 03-17-17 11:02 PM (rev. 2 of 03-17-17 11:05 PM by Swingball) Link | ID: 97226

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1. Do you think I stole your precious first dime?

5. You're keeping me out at sea because a clam ate your dollar?

7. Whaddya mean?

8. Do you play sports yourself?

9. If yes to 9, ever thought of Rugby? ;)

10. How many more posts till we overheat again?

Sandobaggu ni ukande kieru nikui anchikushou no kao megake

Posted on 03-18-17 09:28 PM Link | ID: 97230
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Posted by Swingball
1. Do you think I stole your precious first dime?

5. You're keeping me out at sea because a clam ate your dollar?

7. Whaddya mean?

8. Do you play sports yourself?

9. If yes to 9, ever thought of Rugby? ;)

10. How many more posts till we overheat again?

1 and 5. Oh, SpongeBob again? Pass :P
7. It's like 5:30 here right now ^_~
8. Not really
10. Not sure, maybe we'll something this weekend

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Posted on 03-19-17 12:12 AM Link | ID: 97231

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10. Uh...Didn't quite get you. Could you repeat that?

11. Do you watch Rugby?

Sandobaggu ni ukande kieru nikui anchikushou no kao megake

Posted on 03-19-17 12:49 AM Link | ID: 97233
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Posted by Swingball
10. Uh...Didn't quite get you. Could you repeat that?

11. Do you watch Rugby?

10. I was trying to say, maybe there'll be a lot of posts this weekend :P
11. Nah :P

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Posted on 04-06-17 10:10 PM Link | ID: 97370

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1. You like bumper cars?

2. Can I have something to eat?

3. Can I have something to eat?

4. Can I have something to eat?

5. Is/was Katelyn part of this board?

Sandobaggu ni ukande kieru nikui anchikushou no kao megake

Posted on 04-06-17 10:11 PM Link | ID: 97371
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Posted by Swingball
1. You like bumper cars?

2. Can I have something to eat?

3. Can I have something to eat?

4. Can I have something to eat?

5. Is/was Katelyn part of this board?

1. Of course I do :P
2. No?
3. No!
4. NO!
5. She registered but only posted a couple times, she's in IRC a bit though

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Robbie Rage
Posted on 04-07-17 02:29 AM Link | ID: 97376
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Favorite carnival ride or game?

Posted on 04-07-17 02:50 AM Link | ID: 97378
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Posted by Robbie Rage
Favorite carnival ride or game?

Always been fond of the Trabant, but sadly they're not that common anymore :P

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Posted on 04-07-17 05:39 PM Link | ID: 97382
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Since: 04-06-17
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I feel that this question was ask but, What do you like?

owo Delp!
Mah Discord :3 (if u want to join)

Posted on 04-07-17 06:22 PM Link | ID: 97383
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Posted by orsiniortiz
I feel that this question was ask but, What do you like?

In hockey? My favorite player has to be Alex Ovechkin, because he has led the Washington Capitals to two President's Trophies, but sadly no Stanley Cups yet :( (as for goalkeeper, Henrick Lundqvist of the New York Rangers... I happen to have both Ovechkin and Lundqvist on my fantasy hockey team ^_^)

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Robbie Rage
Posted on 04-07-17 07:31 PM Link | ID: 97387
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What beverage would you like to drink out of the Stanley Cup?

Posted on 04-07-17 08:34 PM Link | ID: 97389
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Posted by Robbie Rage
What beverage would you like to drink out of the Stanley Cup?

Molson Canadian, the official beer of the NHL, of course ^_~

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Posted on 04-07-17 09:10 PM (rev. 2 of 04-07-17 09:16 PM by Swingball) Link | ID: 97392

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Posted by Dani ★
Posted by Swingball
2. Can I have something to eat?

3. Can I have something to eat?

4. Can I have something to eat?

2. No?
3. No!
4. NO!

2, 3 and 4 Can't you say anything else but no?!

Sandobaggu ni ukande kieru nikui anchikushou no kao megake

Posted on 04-07-17 09:13 PM Link | ID: 97393
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Posted by Swingball
Posted by Dani ★
Posted by Swingball
1. You like bumper cars?

2. Can I have something to eat?

3. Can I have something to eat?

4. Can I have something to eat?

5. Is/was Katelyn part of this board?

1. Of course I do :P
2. No?
3. No!
4. NO!
5. She registered but only posted a couple times, she's in IRC a bit though

2, 3 and 4 Can't you say anything else but no?!

Why don't you ask me later?

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Robbie Rage
Posted on 04-08-17 04:14 PM Link | ID: 97409
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Posted by Dani ★
Posted by Robbie Rage
What beverage would you like to drink out of the Stanley Cup?

Molson Canadian, the official beer of the NHL, of course ^_~

Follow up, then:

Favorite beer (other than Molson Canadian)?

Posted on 04-08-17 04:58 PM (rev. 4 of 04-12-17 01:58 AM by Swingball) Link | ID: 97421

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Posted by Dani ★
Posted by Swingball
Posted by Dani ★
Posted by Swingball
2. Can I have something to eat?

3. Can I have something to eat?

4. Can I have something to eat?

2. No?
3. No!
4. NO!

2, 3 and 4 Can't you say anything else but no?!

Why don't you ask me later?


Sandobaggu ni ukande kieru nikui anchikushou no kao megake

Posted on 04-08-17 05:24 PM Link | ID: 97425
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Posted by Swingball
Posted by Dani ★
Posted by Swingball
Posted by Dani ★
Posted by Swingball
2. Can I have something to eat?

3. Can I have something to eat?

4. Can I have something to eat?

2. No?
3. No!
4. NO!

2, 3 and 4 Can't you say anything else but no?!

Why don't you ask me later?


*in a seductive-ish voice* No.

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Posted on 04-12-17 12:08 PM Link | ID: 97486
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I am the Delphox *makes Delphox noises*
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If you had one last word, what would you say?

owo Delp!
Mah Discord :3 (if u want to join)

Posted on 04-13-17 12:59 PM Link | ID: 97497
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Posted by orsiniortiz
If you had one last word, what would you say?


"Miracles happen, when you believe..."
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Main - Ask-a-palooza - Roller Coaster 1 has crashed! (3)

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