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Posted on 04-26-14 06:03 PM Link | ID: 56956
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Since: 07-16-12
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I'm curious as to how you all started gaming ^_^ What console was it, and when?

As for me, my first gaming console was a Sega Master System for Christmas 1989 (IIRC Genesis was out by then), I mainly remember Alex Kidd in Miracle World, Columns, Monopoly, Safari Hunt, the original Phantasy Star, etc. ;) Although we also did own a ColecoVision and a Atari 2600, I hardly remember playing on those :P

I still own a Sega Master System and a Genesis to this day, although they are in storage right now ;) (I didn't even own an NES until 2002, or an N64 until 2012 :P) I was mainly a Sega girl until 1994, when I got my first SNES (with FFVI, SMW, and Zelda)... stuck with Sega in the 32-bit generation (did get a PS1 for my 14th birthday though) ;) In fact, I still own my original Dreamcast and I was disappointed that Sega killed off the console :( (I mainly bought a GameCube for Sonic Adventure 2 Battle back in the day :D)

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Posted on 04-26-14 06:09 PM Link | ID: 56960
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My parents were both gamers, and they used games on the Commodore 64 to teach me the alphabet. Yes, really. I remember one you had to match letters on a Ferris wheel.

From there I branched out into other C64 games, then moved on to our brand new NES, which I didn't comprehend at first. I would push the buttons at complete random, even Select and Start :LOL:

'Cause when you've given up,
When no matter what you do it's never good enough,
When you never thought that it could ever get this tough,
That's when you feel my kind of love.

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Posted on 04-26-14 10:10 PM Link | ID: 56985
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I started with the original Nintendo in either 1984 or 1986. I always thought I started when I was six but then I found a few hints that indicate 1984.


Posted on 04-26-14 11:01 PM Link | ID: 56995
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I started with PC gaming thanks to a demos CD including Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles.

That was the first I played. It only had Act 1 of Angel Island Zone for Knuckles, but had Act 2 for Sonic.

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Posted on 04-26-14 11:22 PM Link | ID: 56996
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I remember PC gaming from very, very early on, and I do have some old games from that era. But I believe that I started playing the NES, specifically that Europe-exclusive cart with Tetris, SMB and Nintendo World Cup on it. So many good memories with that...

Posted on 04-27-14 12:05 AM Link | ID: 57001
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My first system was the Atari 2600. Atlantis, Cosmic Ark, and that irritating dual-controller wielding Raider of the Lost Ark. (and more!)

I enjoyed the C64 more however. Ms. Pacman actually acted like the arcade. Also the Donkey Kong Port was decent too :)

We also had an Atari 400 (Miner 2049er was the best game on that one). I also played Battle Chess often. (on a 8086.. than finally a 286!)

I didn't get any of the newer systems until the 16 bit era when I got a SNES for Christmas.

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"Super Sharp Noriko" by Xionfes.
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"Magical Girl Noriko" by @cute_hospital!
"Patient Chibi Noriko" by @Ruii_ki!
'Dapper '60s Noriko' by @thatsheepagain.
'Shiny Chibi Noriko' by @inioli.
'Flower Veil Noriko' by @Sushiee_.
'Noriko in Realism' by @_Sarybuu.
'Noriko's Midnight Adventure' by @projectTiGER_
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Posted on 04-27-14 02:01 AM Link | ID: 57043
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Since: 04-03-12
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Posted by Anya
I started with the original Nintendo in either 1984 or 1986. I always thought I started when I was six but then I found a few hints that indicate 1984.

Had to have been 1986, since the NES wasn't released in the US until 1985.

'Cause when you've given up,
When no matter what you do it's never good enough,
When you never thought that it could ever get this tough,
That's when you feel my kind of love.

Posted on 04-27-14 02:05 AM Link | ID: 57046
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On a side note, I'd be curious as to how many people bought a Sega Master System or an Atari 7800 because the store they went to was out of stock with NESes? (I know some bought a 7800 because they already owned a bunch of 2600 games... back then typically families only owned one console) :P

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Posted on 04-27-14 02:11 AM Link | ID: 57057
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Yeah. Was the same with computers. Most people thought they had to throw out the old one to get a new one for some reason.

My parents didn't do that though, instead they passed their old computers to me. So I was typically behind the times.

'Cause when you've given up,
When no matter what you do it's never good enough,
When you never thought that it could ever get this tough,
That's when you feel my kind of love.

Posted on 04-27-14 02:25 AM Link | ID: 57071
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I believe the first system I play was the SNES... and the first game I've ever played on it was the original Super Mario World. We had at least 3 copies of that game :P

Eventually I would grow into other historic games like Super Metroid, Link to the Past..Mario Kart Super Circuit...and slowly grew with the generations of gaming.

Posted on 04-27-14 06:08 AM Link | ID: 57386
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I started gaming in late December 2004/early January 2005 with Mario Kart: Double Dash for the GameCube. Shortly afterwards (like a few days later), I got Super Mario Sunshine and Luigi's Mansion.

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Posted on 07-10-14 09:31 PM Link | ID: 69493
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I remember it was in the 80's when Pac-Man was popular, ever since I inserted that quarter it was the end for me I loved gaming ever since... :yes:


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Posted on 07-11-14 10:19 AM Link | ID: 69529
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I've been gaming on and off since I was about four years old. I fondly remember playing Sonic CD and Hunter Hunted on Windows 93 as a really young kid. Before I moved to Penfield when I was ten, I had a NES, SNES, and N64. After that, I kinda moved to Sony with my PS2, but sticking to Nintendo for handhelds.

I had a NES and N64 at my dad's.

Over the course of my life, I have owned: Three NES, two SNES, five N64, two PSOne, three PS2, three Game Boy Color, one Game Boy Advance, three Game Boy Advance SP, two DS Lite, one DSi XL, two PSP, one 3DS, one Wii, one PS3, and one Wii U.

Of those I mentioned I still own (one of each): N64, PSOne, PS2, GBA, GBASP, DSLite, PSP, 3DS, Wii, Wii U, and PS3.

I purposely omitted PC, except for the example of playing as a kid because none of the rigs I've ever owned have been respectable gaming rigs.

Posted on 07-12-14 12:34 AM Link | ID: 69591
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When I was a kid, I mostly gamed on a PC for my early years. I played Lemmings fairly extensively and though I was pretty decent at it -- I mean, not like I am now, but I kinda quit around the Menace homage level because it scared the hell out of me. I also had access to a family friend's NES, so I was able to play the Mario Bros. games, the first Legend of Zelda, and a few other games that are largely forgettable. I played Mega Man 3 when we rented it and an NES when staying in a motel or something like that.

By the time I was five or six, we owned a Sega Genesis. I played a few Sonic games on there, but also some other stuff like Vectorman, but in general, mostly just platforming games. In the later 90s, we got hold of an N64. I played Banjo-Kazooie, for starters, and a lot of other games -- probably more that I remember on that system than most others. I got a Game Boy Color a year or so later as a Christmas gift with the then new Pokemon Yellow. We got a PS2 the day it came out, and it definitely has since ended up being my favorite console yet. We had a GameCube for a while, then my brother moved out and took it with him.

I have since picked up the GameCube again, and got a PS3, a DS Lite, and a 3DS. Yes, I also had a GBA at some point, and still do now, but I can't entirely remember when. Also, you know, PC gaming. That's just sort of been a constant, but I haven't ever had a gaming PC.

Posted on 07-12-14 09:36 AM Link | ID: 69595
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Posted by Lili~ ♥
Nintendo World Cup on it. So many good memories with that...

Now there's a fun game. Which team was your favorite?

I remember that me and my little brother got an NES with Bart vs The World. Kinda boring game but it had its interesting moments. Fairly long too. Examples of other games we own are Battletoads, Lemmings, Darkwing Duck, Tecmo World Wrestling, Shadowgate, etc.

We also got a PC early on, with the best hardware you could get at that time. I remember it had a 166MHz Processor, 4mb 3dfx graphics card but not how much RAM it had. 16 or 32mb, I think. We had a shareware version (I think) of Terminal Velocity (space/flying/arcade) and some Apache vs Havoc game that didn't even start. After a year or two, we bought Monster Truck Madness. Lots of fun with that game.

Another old-school game we played the crap out of was Worms Armageddon. Suffice to say, I was the undisputed champion of that game in my family.

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Posted on 07-15-14 09:15 PM Link | ID: 69856
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Nintendo Gamecube (Though I got a N64 later on.) I don't remember exactly when it was, or what my first game was.

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Posted on 07-22-14 04:11 PM Link | ID: 70456
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With nes in '94 or '95, Im fairly sure it was either smb1 or smb2, and I was basically stuck with it and our old PC until much later when I got ps1 for free from my uncle, I think it was around when platinum versions of games started to come out(in European) or when ps2 was about to come out(again, in European). Some years later I got ps2 and around same time(or before, I dont remember) gba:sp, although at the time I discovered emulation and mostly emulated nes/snes/genesis/n64 etc stuff all the time, which later led me to upgrade my PC to play games I missed.

After that when I had more money I bought other consoles, gamecube, wii, DS, psp as they were damn cheap as used(psp was around 30€, and others were under 60€ at "worst"), and somewhat recently bought 3DS and PS3.


Posted on 07-25-14 05:20 PM Link | ID: 71003
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I started with the first system I ever owned, when I was 4. I'm pretty sure my dad's drug money paid for it, since we were piss poor, and the console costed like $250; for the late 80's, that was a fuck ton of money. NES; the gateway drug.

Before that, I sometimes played Atari at relatives' houses, but I was mostly exposed to DOS games that were puzzle/platformer and was lucky if it had 8 colors.

Posted on 07-25-14 11:43 PM Link | ID: 71066
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My Dad introduced me to DOS games (earliest game I remember is Moraff's Blast, a Breakout-type thing), then I lusted over consoles until my parents gave in and bought me a Game Boy Color with Pokemon Red- my first console was a Nintendo 64... (thus Mary calls me a faker when it comes to retrogaming since I'm too young to have "real" nostalgia)

Posted on 08-03-14 02:57 AM Link | ID: 71823
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I started when I was about five, when I was given one of those clear case gameboy advances. The only game I remember playing was the GBA port of Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2, which lead me into an obsession with the Tony Hawk series. I recently found the cartridge, stuck it in my DS and played for a few hours on the bus. Surprisingly the gameplay still holds up and it was actually a really good port.

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