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Posted on 06-24-14 04:32 AM Link | ID: 68024
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In the fold between dimensions, there sits a lush plain that is dotted with trees, bushes, and other flora. There are rabbits, deer, and other fauna populating the serene valley, they all seem at peace. The weather is sunny with a few fluffy clouds casting light shadows onto the ground. All is well.

In the middle of this field sits a modest cabin-like building. It is a very unassuming domicile, with naught much to it at face value. There is a small footpath that leads from the porch into a forest quite a distance away.

Inside of the cabin, there is a rather spacious tavern and lounge with anything one could imagine for amenities.

The room appears to be in total disarray. The tables are flipped, broken glass scattered all over the floor, and there's a heavy layer of dust covering everything in sight. Upon the wall, there is a sign that reads in a simplistic font, 'Si tu id aeficas, ei venient. Ager somnia.' The sign is hanging slightly off-kilter.

Caionna is laying on the floor behind the counter, she appears to be unconscious.

Zissou is also passed out on one of the couches in the far corner of the main hall. The book he was reading is laying some feet away with a few pages torn out and strewn on the immediate floor space.

Zarik is nowhere to be found.

After some time, Caionna comes to and assesses the wreckage. With a furrowed brow, she asks herself, "Now what could have happened here...?" heaving a sigh, she continues, "I don't understand how this happened... All I remember is catching up with our friends. I guess we partied a little harder than we thought. It just seems weird that everyone is gone. Maybe I'm losing my mind. I don't know."

She gestures with her hand, summoning up some cleaning supplies, and she quickly gets to work getting things back in order.

Posted on 06-24-14 05:34 AM Link | ID: 68045
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Just in time, too. For what, though? Okay, okay, that's a good question, but nonetheless, Adel Volker just happened to show up in front of the only building in the field at about the same time. Giving the matter only a second or so of thought, Adel lets himself in. If someone complains, it was their own damn fault for leaving the door unlocked.

This might not have been the most useful place for Adel to hole up, but he figures that it'll have to do. He's lost as it is. Anywhere to hunker down will do for the time being.

Before he goes much further into the building past the doorway, he shoves a hand into his messenger bag, just before turning around and closing the door behind himself. Searching the contents, he came to the conclusion that, yes, he had more than enough gear to engage in a little bounty-hunting, but there was one definite, major omission. "Damn," he grumbled, "I forgot my wallet back home." Shame he didn't have a whole lot of time to pack, either.

That accomplished, Adel takes a look around the rest of the facility. Quickly, he comes to two conclusions:

One: he hasn't been this thirsty in years, and two: getting work would probably be a pain in the ass.

Posted on 06-24-14 07:03 AM Link | ID: 68051
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Hard at work, getting the place presentable, Caionna doesn't even notice the newcomer enter at first.

Hearing his grumbling, it snaps her out of her focus. With a small yelp of surprise, she turns to face him. Her face flush with embarrassment at the disorder, she says, "Welcome to the Tavern of the Field of Dreams. Sorry about the mess, instability of the plane caused a bit of a tussle around here." She smiles sheepishly, trying to hide that she lied about not being sure of what actually happened.

Taking a moment to process what she overheard him say, she adds quickly, "You needn't worry about money. As long as you pull your weight around here, you'll be fine." She smiles softly and her off-colored eye flashes a bit, hoping she caught his attention, "You see, sir, this is an adventurers' tavern. Anyone from anywhere in the multiverse is welcome here. This place will serve as our base of sorts."

With a shallow bow, she returns to her work, muttering to herself, "Where is Zarik when I need him? This place is a freaking mess!"

Posted on 06-25-14 10:30 PM Link | ID: 68219
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Rune walks out from behind one of the trees and surveys the field, he lets out a sigh "Another field... Wonde..." Rune noticed the Tavern and feels as if he has seen it before but he isn't sure on the subject. With the tavern being the only building he has seen in awhile he decides that it would be best to go check it out. For hopes of food and supplies.

Reaching the door of the building Rune hesitates a bit while reaching for the door. He can't help but get a foreboding feeling that won't go away. With another sigh he opens the door and steps through.

"Hello?" Rune says while closing the door behind him "Sorry to intrude." Taking a look around he sees that the building is relatively empty save a few.

Posted on 06-26-14 07:48 AM Link | ID: 68227
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"I can accept that," Adel responded with regard to payment. "Usually I take various odd jobs to earn my keep. Generally, the sorts of offers I get mean I land somewhere between bounty hunter and errand boy. I'll do what's needed of me."

But of all the places to be a base, this seemed like a particularly odd one. Then again, his base of operations was, prior to this point, an apartment in a particularly rainy city. Then again, it was home. And from the looks of things, this place would be for a time, too.

His moment of thought was interrupted by the arrival of another new... arrival. He seemed a bit less rough-cut than Adel probably made himself look.

"Doesn't seem like a big deal, honestly," he responded. "Looks like not a whole lot is going on here. And... I guess not a lot has gone on here in a while. Unless I showed up just in time to miss the bar brawl."

Posted on 06-26-14 11:14 PM Link | ID: 68290
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Roy Koopa
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An interdimensional portal opens a short distance from the cabin. A wizard steps through and closes the portal behind him using his rod. It has a couple of new gemstones embedded into it. It is Belgarion. He looks a bit roughed up but in good health.

The wizard makes it to the door and steps inside.

Bel: Guess who? At this point he notices the condition of the interior and perks an eyebrow, aswell as taking a quick look at the guests.

Bel: Whatever happened here? Looks like a bomb went off. Or one of Zarik's inventions. Speaking of Zarik, where is he? Thought he'd be here.

Bel makes it over to Caionna, who doesn't look like her usual happy self.

Bel: It's nice to see you again. However, you look like you've seen better days. Anything I can help with? Awaiting an answer, Bel uses some minor telekinesis to pick up the torn pages lying on the floor and puts them back on the couch along with the book.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 06-27-14 07:50 AM Link | ID: 68314
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Caionna chuckles uneasily at Adel's joke and sheepishly says, "Yeah... A bar fight..."

Taking notice of Rune, she forces herself to smile and extends a greeting to him, "Hello, and welcome to my humble establishment. Make yourself at home."

After some time of getting back to work, she sees Belgarion make his entrance. Avoiding his gaze, she replies, "Yeah... I don't even know what happened here. All I remember is going about my normal business, taking care of the customers, then suddenly everything is a blur. I came to just a little while ago to the whole place being turned upside down."

She motions to the passed out dog-man on the couch, "Mister Zissou is out like a light, it's not like him to be like that." Her expression suddenly becomes stormy as the topic turns to her brother, "I don't even know where Zarik is! He seems to have gone missing! Either he's guilty for tearing the place apart, which I feel may be the case; or someone or something abducted him, which let's face it, that's ridiculous!"

Posted on 06-28-14 04:01 PM Link | ID: 68391
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel flinches for a millisecond from Caionna's sudden shift in her tone.

(Woah, talk about a shift in her mood. Must be really bad if she reacts like that to a simple question. Not just any question, but still.)

Bel: Woah, easy there. I can see that you're shaken up by whatever happened and I realize it might be hard to stay calm but there's no need to take it out on me. I'll do everything I can to help you out, alright?

Actually, I'm not even sure I've seen you this much on edge before.

Zissou might be able to help too once he comes to but I'm not sure if I should wake him up now or let him wake up on his own.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 06-28-14 04:43 PM Link | ID: 68392
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A keening whine rings through the room as a figure appears in a most Mega Man-like fashion. The bright red pillar of light quickly resolves into a humanoid shape, revealing... some kind of cat wizard holding a crumpled note in one hand and the grip of a sword hidden in its robes in the other. The visitor quickly looks around, confused, then glances at the note and nods.


Posted on 06-29-14 07:16 AM Link | ID: 68449
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As if on command and apparently noticing the influx of people in the room, Zissou seems to stir. He creakily sits up and groggily surveys his surroundings. Not sure what to make of anything, he dismissively grunts.

Taking note of her mentor's renewed consciousness, Caionna breathes a small sigh. Shaking her head, she says, "Thank you, Bel, but I think I may need more help than you can provide by yourself if we're going to find that slacker."

Upon the entrance of the newcomer, Caionna turns to face whoever it is and raises a brow questioningly.

Posted on 06-29-14 07:34 AM Link | ID: 68450
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Said newcomer warily returns the eyebrow-based gesture, then suddenly thrusts the note at Caionna. "You speak English," it states as a matter of fact, its voice just high enough to be useless in answering the question of what gender it is. "Aneron."

Posted on 06-29-14 08:13 AM Link | ID: 68451
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Caionna reflexively backs away from Aneron as s/he thrust the note at her, unsure of what their intent happened to be.

Caught off guard by the matter-of-factness, she affirms, "Yes, I speak English... I don't understand how that's relevant though..."

Taking note of, well, the note, she gingerly takes it from their hand and looks at it. Perplexed by the scrawl on the paper, she tentatively comments, "I don't understand what's written on this. Whatever it is, it's not in English."

Hating being put on the spot like this, she darts her gaze from guest to guest in hopes that either someone deflects the situation or that Aneron decides to explain themself.

Cue the Tina Belcher moan

Posted on 06-29-14 09:00 AM Link | ID: 68453
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Aneron points at the first line of the note. "It is. It says 'hook the enclosed device to the FTL drive of your ship.' So I did. And now I'm here."

Judging the situation, the cat creature releases its hold on the weapon in its other hand, letting it settle in its robes.

"So... what is this place, sweetie?"


Posted on 06-29-14 03:49 PM Link | ID: 68462
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Roy Koopa
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Bel observes the new guest for some time, aswell as noticing Zissou waking up. (Hm. Strange creature. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, though. I've seen a lot during my travels. But talk about not dropping more details than the absolute necessary. Or perhaps less than the absolute necessary. Also, he/she seems to have a knack for stating the obvious. Not sure if I like the personality either.)

Bel decides to cut in before Caionna can answer the newcomer's question and hopes no one is offended.

Bel: Hm. I may be able to help more than usual now that I've aquired these two gems embedded in the eye sockets of my wand (Bel takes it out from inside the robe and shows it off for a brief moment). But we can talk more of that in a bit.

(If someone was to take a closer look at Bel's wand, provide that they didn't watch it carefully enough when it was being displayed, they'd see that the new gems were blue and purple.)

Bel then turns to the new guest.

Bel: Sorry for, Aneron.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 06-29-14 04:19 PM Link | ID: 68470
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"Please, call me Ani, hon."

Turning back to Caionna, it notices the bar. "This is a drinking establishment of some sort?" it asks. "I do hope so -- I'm a bit parched, sweetie."

Posted on 06-30-14 05:54 AM Link | ID: 68556
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Smiling sheepishly and blushing progusely at being called 'sweetie', Caionna explains, "This place is a gathering place between planes of the multiverse. Anyone is welcomed here, usually my visitors are wayfarers that got lost in planar travel." Thinking back to Ani's explanation of how they got here, she adds, "I'm not entirely sure what you mean by 'FTL drive', that's not my field of expertise... That's more my idiot brother's domain."

She then shakes her head at Bel, stating, "I'm not sure what your new accoutrements to your staff can do for us, unless they can heighten your locating divinations."

Upon hearing Ani's question, she blushes again at the pet name, then responds, "Yes, I run the bar." Walking behind the counter, she grabs a glass and motions to the wide selection of drinks, alcoholic and otherwise, continuing, "Sorry for the mess in here... What can I get you?"

She then snaps her fingers and her cleaning gear jumps to life and begins cleaning where she had left off.

Zissou, having began to come around, notices Bel and hails him with a greeting wave.

Posted on 06-30-14 07:15 AM Link | ID: 68557
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Bel: Uh, sure, Ani.

(Bleh. This will take some getting used to.)

Bel then turns back to Caionna.

Bel: Actually, I've read up more on time & space magic and those gems amplifies/allows me to control the specific fields. There are limitations, however. I might be able to lock on to him if there are some of his junk lying around here somewhere but I can't say it'll be entirely accurate as there are countless dimensions, realities, pocket dimensions and such things.

The wizard takes a short breath.

Bel: Should help to home in on him, at least. Not that it matters but are we even sure that this mess is his fault? Come to think of it, I never checked if there were any newly dug up holes outside that he might be hiding in.

And if I'm not mistaken, FTL means "faster than light". How Ani here ended up in this nexus dimension is quite a coincidence unless there're also coordinates on that note.

Bel nods in Zissou's direction to return the greeting.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

My youtube channel
FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 06-30-14 07:20 AM (rev. 2 of 06-30-14 07:22 AM by Kawa) Link | ID: 68558
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"I see. 'Between planes'... explains why the Odd One gave me that device."

Ani jumps at the sudden cleaning activity but quickly collects its wit. "Right, right. Ah... some wine, perhaps? That should loosen things up."

(feck, ninja'd)

Posted on 06-30-14 10:23 AM Link | ID: 68562
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Caionna grabs one of the better wines off of the shelf, pours it into the glass, and hands it gracefully to Ani, "There you go." she says, "Now what's this about this 'Odd One'?"

Turning to Bel, she says, "I guess that makes sense, though I don't understand a whole lot about the science stuff... Like I said: That's Zarik's stuff." Stopping to think for a moment, she adds, "Are you sure you'll be able to locate him? I've been trying since I woke up and have drawn nothing but a blank."

Zissou makes his way over to the bar area and says to Bel, "It has certainly been a long time. How have you been, my boy?"

Posted on 06-30-14 01:12 PM Link | ID: 68567
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Ani sniffs the wine, smiles in appreciation and daintily sips. "I'm not sure what his name is but he was tall, did strange things, and had something about him that made me think he was much older than he seemed. And unnaturally tired. I've only met him once. Received that strange device in the mail, actually."

Pausing to swirl the wine around a bit, Ani smiles at Caionna. "But enough about him. Tell me a little about yourself, sweetie?"

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