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Posted on 11-07-14 11:16 AM (rev. 2 of 11-07-14 11:17 AM by Kawa) Link | ID: 78333
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"And I thought I rambled," Ani jokes, then indicates the shed. "Saph's over there by the by, I think."

Ani quickly dashes out to replace the sign.

Posted on 11-07-14 11:31 AM Link | ID: 78334
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"Wait... He's here? ... Near this tavern? Here?" He yells out to Ani "Ohmygodohmygodthisissocool!" He says really fast. "Ok man stay cool..." He pauses for a second. "Ohmygodohmygod!" He regains composure. "Ok I'm sorry about that but I'm sure you can understand being overly excited sometimes? Maybe not you personally but still.

Ech0 calms down and goes back to drinking the water but a little faster than before in excitement

Posted on 11-07-14 01:07 PM Link | ID: 78335
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"You think that's overexcited, you should've seen me earlier," Ani half-jokes as it takes out the video game again and plays another round of whatever.

"Never thought those few levels in crafting would come in handy like that."

Posted on 11-07-14 01:16 PM Link | ID: 78336
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"Oh you get like that too? Well I can tell that we're gonna get along" Ech0 laughs quietly and sees her video game. "Shit I left my phone back at my apartment... Well the enforcers probably have it now" He pauses "Sooo... What do we do here?" He asks

Posted on 11-08-14 08:34 AM Link | ID: 78357
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Inside the Tavern, Caionna perks a brow at Ech0. She isn't quite sure what to make of this newcomer. She opens her mouth to speak several times during his conversation with Ani, but isn't able to get a word in edgewise.

Noticing the gap in the conversation, she chimes in, "You know, Echo, we do have tap water here." pointing her still-glowing finger at the sink behind the counter. There is a slight strangeness to the chipper of her tone, considering her stormy disappearance earlier.

Finally noticing her new runes are still glowing, she deftly motions and makes them dim and blend unnoticeably in with her pale skin tone. With a smile, she adds, "My name is Caionna, by the way. This entire realm is my creation." Pausing thoughtfully for a moment, she says, "As for its name... It doesn't have one yet." With a giggle, she motions to the plaque on the wall with the Latin quote on it, referring to the last two words on the sign, she says, "I guess you could call this the Field of Dreams."

-Out in the workshop-

Adel's inspection of the artifacts reveals that they are no more than bits and baubles. There isn't much to anything at surface value aside from a very distinct emblem on them.

Sapphyre's inspection of the device reveals that it is only partially constructed and not particularly well put together due to missing components. Looking at the blueprints under it reveals that they are the schematics for the device. There is nigh-indecipherable chicken scratch next to arrows on the schematic that appear to be notes about the device.

Zissou looks around the room to try and see visible signs of magic protection on anything. His breathing is heavy and deliberate as he focuses. He mutters to himself incoherently as his gaze scans to room.

Posted on 11-08-14 10:20 AM Link | ID: 78358
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Ech0 stands up and walks over to Caionna "Well I'm sorry if my entrance here was a little... loud? Confusing? Stupid, Weird whatever." He makes a vague gesture towards the table he was sitting at. "And thanks for pointing out the water but I found a bottle" Ech0 smiles and asks "So what's up? I mean you sound a little off, the little glow-y symbols on you, clearly there are supposed to be more people here... I've missed something haven't I?"

Posted on 11-08-14 11:07 AM Link | ID: 78360
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Caionna shrugs and says, "Your entrance wasn't very much out of the ordinary. I'm used to wayfarers dropping clumsily in from their home dimensions." With a laugh, she adds, "It's kinda become the norm around here."

She suspiciously raises a brow at Ech0's incredibly familiar tone. "I was just modifying and renewing my protection runes. The glowing is part of the inscription. I'm not going to bore you with the details." She says dismissively.

"I don't know what you're talking about with the way I sound," She says distantly, then adds, "There are a few more people here, as well as some that aren't here that should be." Motioning toward the back wall, which is the general direction of Zissou and the others.

"As for missing anything... It's difficult to say that you've missed something you're not privy to yet." She says with a shrug. She then tugs at her robe to make sure its doing its job of obfuscating her figure.

Posted on 11-08-14 11:25 AM Link | ID: 78361
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"Well everyone seems to be a bit quiet at the moment and Ani is focused on her game so at the moment your the only one talking to me, and I'm not too bothered by that." Ech0 laughs a little "So where did the others get to then? Actually who are the others?" He questions

Posted on 11-08-14 11:43 AM Link | ID: 78362
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"The four that are outside, you mean?" Caionna asks, "One of them is my dearest friend and mentor, Zissou; another is a friend who seems to have a bit of a crush on me, Belgarion; the third is a bit of an enigma, Adel; and the fourth is your friend, Sapphyre."

Pausing for a bit, she adds, "They're out in my brother's workshop trying to find something that will help Bel locate him, wherever he is in the multiverse." Her expression fades from the feigned cheer to mild anger, and her tone shifts to match as she adds, "Because the idiot disappeared without a trace during an unstable patch not long ago."

Posted on 11-08-14 11:49 AM Link | ID: 78363
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He picks up on the tone change, and says "Hey take it easy, brothers are idiots trust me I would know. But your stuck with them so you gotta deal with it. And Sapphyre isn't my friend as such he just developed the tech that I use a lot." He points to the laser revolvers back on Ani's table and his hacking device on his belt.

He continues "And if they find anything electronic, I'm pretty sure having both me AND Saph here will be pretty useful in that sense." He smiles in confidence at his ability. "So what can you do? I mean everyone seems to have their own power... So what's yours?"

Posted on 11-08-14 03:56 PM (rev. 2 of 11-08-14 04:01 PM by SapphireBlaze) Link | ID: 78365
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"Dammit! This thing isn't even close to complete and I can't even tell what it's supposed to be because Zarik's handwriting is unreadable. It's worse than mine for god's sake. And that's saying something because mine is literally the worst."

Sapphyre looks at the schematics and looks for the missing components in the shed hoping to complete the machine and test it outside to find out what it is.


Posted on 11-09-14 06:35 AM Link | ID: 78391
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Frustrated, Adel stops searching through the artifacts. "These don't really seem to have any purpose whatsoever," he grumbles. "Though, they do all have this unfamiliar symbol on them." He grabs one and heads back to the rest of the group.

"Hey, do any of you guys have any idea what the symbol on this thing is?" It was kind of a long shot, and if asked, he'd probably pass it off as sarcasm. But hey, maybe Zissou would know.

Posted on 11-09-14 07:03 AM Link | ID: 78392
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Bel had been watching Sapphyre and Adel search through the stuff in the workshop with his arm crossed, tapping his left arm with his index finger as the plan was just to get in, get something decently small and then get out.

Bel: I didn't need anything specific so looking through every single item in here is kinda pointless. We could've just grabbed whatever we came across first. Besides, if that thing is magical I'm not sure if I want to put additional spells on it.

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Posted on 11-09-14 09:23 AM Link | ID: 78393
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"Maybe, but there could be something else of use here," Adel notes. "Of course, that said, I think that searching for something meant we weren't gonna find it.

"Anyway, from the sounds of things, then, most things here might be a little high-risk in that case."

Posted on 11-09-14 06:50 PM Link | ID: 78394
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Ech0 coughs awkwardly during the odd pause in the conversation "Er... I'm just gonna go sit back with Ani then..." He walks back over to the table nudging Ani as he sits "Ok, you got any ideas for what we could do to pass the time? Or at least until the 'others' are back?" He says quietly going back to drinking the water in the glass bottle.

Posted on 11-09-14 10:49 PM Link | ID: 78399
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Wordlessly, Ani produces another handheld game device from inside its clothes, connects it to its own with a thin but reasonable-length cable, turns it on, and hands it to Ech0.

Though the title screen logo is in the same unreadable script as most writings regarding Ani, it's quite clearly Tetris, or at least something closely comparable.

Ani smirks from behind its device, a competitive gleam in the least-obscured eye.

Posted on 11-09-14 11:13 PM Link | ID: 78400
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Ech0 picks up the small handheld device and remarks "Wow what is this some sort of alien game-boy? With wired connection too wow didn't think this was a thing anymore" He laughs slightly "Back in the day right? Anywho if you want me to beat you at what I'm guessing is... Tetris?... You won't know what that is but it may work the same as this?"

Ech0 presses buttons to get to the multiplayer mode and manages to decipher what to press.

"I think I'm connected?" He questions. "Well there's two of these things on screen sooo... 321go!" Ech0 starts trying to decipher the game while trying to beat Ani at it.

Posted on 11-09-14 11:25 PM Link | ID: 78401
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"Oh, I'm perfectly aware of your human Tetris," Ani says as it watches Ech0's playfield. Gauging its opponent's skill, Ani decides to start slow and removes its finger from the 'drop' button.

"'Back in the day' indeed... rhi, rhi..."

Posted on 11-09-14 11:25 PM Link | ID: 78402
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Sapphyre looks up, sniffs at the air and says "Someone's playing Tetris without me. I can sense it. They're gonna get their ass thrashed if we have time when we get back. I am the shit at Tetris."

He then turns his attention back to the device, shrugs and says " Yeah, that would probably be a good idea. I don't think I can find the right parts for this and for all I know it might explode. We should just take one of the smaller devices he has and maybe one of the artifacts to see if Cai can either track Zarik with one of them or at least tell what the icon on them means."


Posted on 11-10-14 08:38 AM Link | ID: 78405
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Caionna goes to respond to Ech0, but is cut off by his severe lack of attention span. Shaking her head, she tends to the counter.

Zissou looks at Sapphyre and quips, "You can tell someone is playing a video game while being several hundred feet away? That is quite the curious power you have there."

Turning his attention to Adel, he says, "No need to ask Miss Caionna. That emblem is naught but a branding sign. All artificers from our world use their own insignia to denote which workshop made what items. It is both a benefit and a curse in that the identification allows customers to find their shop if they are interested in investing in more items with them, or avoid them in the case of poor workmanship."

He then sighs and shakes his head, "You should be able to tell if something is magical by your senses alone, Belgarion." Tapping his staff against the floor, he adds, "You know Zarik well enough by now to know he lacks any and all magical capabilities."

Turning toward the door, he makes his way out. "We should have all that we need for Belgarion to cast his location spell. We should return to the others."
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