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Posted on 12-13-16 12:17 AM Link | ID: 95023
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Responding to Moxley, Cai says, "For the most part, it's self-service. However, I reserve the right to cut anyone off from the drinks, in one form or another." As a display of what she meant, she nonchalantly taps on the counter, rendering the ale in Moxley's stein into root beer in a manner tat isn't evident until he takes a swig.

After a moment, Zarik comes back into the main building and looks the room over. Spotting Moxley behind the bar, he walks over and taps Mox on the breastplate. "Hmm... Silver? Awful soft material to be trusting to protect you, eh?" His expertise in armorcraft showing through.

Turning his attention elsewhere, he says, "Hope no one got too comfortable. I need some help." Shooting his gaze toward Bel and Zissou, as if expecting them to jump to offer their assistance, he continues, "I gotta go find one of my buddies and start finding materials to rebuild what our mage friends here decided to destroy of mine."

Posted on 12-13-16 12:21 AM Link | ID: 95028
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"Nah, I'm *yawn* okay," comes a sudden reply from right beside Moxley. A cat in a cowboy hat stands there with a rumpled shirt, stretching with a moany yawn. "Thanks for the offer though, Mr. Windham."

Posted on 12-13-16 12:25 AM Link | ID: 95029
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Zarik looks at the cat that just appeared, then looks at Moxley. With a snicker, he quips, "A paladin named Windham? I bet you have detractors that call you 'Windbag. I do not envy you."

Posted on 12-13-16 12:27 AM Link | ID: 95030
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"Windbag? I should remember not to say that," mumbles the cat as they fiddle with a bottle of what seems like bubbly chocolate milk.

Robbie Rage
Posted on 12-13-16 01:08 AM Link | ID: 95032
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"I'll have you know this armor is far more durable than mere silver!" Moxley says to Zarik with a chuckle. "Certainly more than tough enough to endure whatever magical calamity just occured. I've encountered those who would want to do far worse to me than to make a joke of my name, at least!"

Moxley takes another swig of his beverage, not immediately aware of Cai's subtle change. "Hmm...this ale tastes like root beer...not bad!" The paladin exclaims, seemingly unfazed by the switch.

"Well then...who wants to inform me of there most recent magical shenanigans?"

Posted on 12-13-16 01:23 AM Link | ID: 95041
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"All I know is that I stepped out for a bit to visit a friend a few dimensions over for supplies," Zarik begins, "Then these chuckle heads" motioning at Bel and Zissou, "decided to go on an arcane hayday on my security robot that I was working on."

Grabbing a glass and tossing some ice into it, he continues, "Now I need to figure out why the thing powered up, attacked, then subsequently got turned into a pile of scrap." Pouring some scotch into the glass of ice and taking a sip, he finally introduces himself, "The name's Zarik, by the by, the handyman that likes to pretend to be a swordsman."

Hearing the introduction, Zissou remembers he hadn't introduced himself to the newcomers either, "Zissou Angara, good sers. Forgive me for my lack of formality."

Posted on 12-13-16 01:26 AM Link | ID: 95042
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Roy Koopa
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Bel holds up the bottle of wine he uncorked earlier as response to Moxley. Then he notices Zarik coming into the tavern.

(Hmm. Back so soon?)

Bel: I don't suppose it's the friend you just came back from?

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 12-13-16 01:40 AM Link | ID: 95052
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During it all, the yet to be identified cat notices a little scuff on the back of Moxley's armor and quickly wipes it away with their shirt, unnoticed.

Posted on 12-13-16 01:45 AM Link | ID: 95053
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"Nah, different guy. The first guy's more of an informal business partner I get some of my more high-tech components from." Zarik backhandedly replies, "This guy's another handyman-type. Kinda like me, but he pretends to be a healer instead of a tank. Big dude, kinda looks like a dragon. At least moreso than Cai and I do, given our heritage."

Zissou places a paw thoughtfully on his snout, and questions, "Are you speaking of whom I think you are speaking?"

"I dunno, maybe?" Zarik shrugs, "Why? Kinda not giving me much to work with."

"Based on your description, he is quite the mountain of a man. Like you said, likes to moonlight as one who heals, but is better at working with leather and wood. Not unlike your metallurgy." Zissou begins, "If so, you may be referring to another of my proteges."

Zarik thinks for a bit and replies, "Actually, yeah. How about that shit! Small world, eh?" turning to Cai, he asks, "Why didn't you tell me you knew Aren?"

Caionna zones back in from the thought she drifted off to, and responds, "Uh... I didn't know you knew him. In fact, I don't really know him all that well. I studied thaumaturgy at the guild, he studied conjury. We barely interacted."

In an attempt to reign in the distraction caused by answering Bel, Zarik scruffs the fur between the cat's ears and says, "So who are you, Pussums?"

Robbie Rage
Posted on 12-13-16 01:48 AM Link | ID: 95054
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"Ah, thank you very..."

Moxley turns to look to the figure taking care of his armor for a moment, when he spots the cat with a very mysterious air about them. Moxley's expression grows stern.

"And who might you be, my fuzzy friend?"

Posted on 12-13-16 01:54 AM (rev. 2 of 12-13-16 01:54 AM by Kawa) Link | ID: 95058
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The cat softly bats away Zarik's hand and takes an almost comical swig from their bottle of fizzy chocolate.

"Not Pussums... I'm Kawa."

Posted on 12-13-16 02:36 AM Link | ID: 95060
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"Kawa, huh?" Zarik notes, "Name's vaguely familiar."

Looking the cat over, he shakes his head, "Nah, you can't be him. Right?" with a chuckle, he adds, "You're too tiny and decidedly less, uh... Robotic."

Posted on 12-13-16 01:45 PM Link | ID: 95065
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"Conclude what you want," Kawa responds, flashing an oddly familiar smirk. "It doesn't change any facts."

They hold the bottle up to Zarik. "Shintanik. Try it?"

Robbie Rage
Posted on 12-13-16 02:58 PM Link | ID: 95066
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"Facts, huh?" Moxley says, not taking his eyes off of Kawa. "Well, here's another fact for you. There are those infernal beings among worlds that only seek to possess and devour the innocent; demons that it is my job to exterminate."

Moxley leans in closer to Kawa. "We may have just met, but you have the scent of the arcane all over you. To a rather suspicious degree, even."

"So tell me, kitty...what's your story?"

Posted on 12-13-16 03:13 PM Link | ID: 95068
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"I'm just a humble felin archeologist who decided to change career paths and make games," Kawa answers more or less truthfully, subconsciously expecting Moxley'll doubt his suspicions in short time like everybody else. "I feel a place like this might prove... inspiring."

Posted on 12-13-16 05:57 PM Link | ID: 95072
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Roy Koopa
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Bel, who of course noticed the cat before, didn't pay it any mind because of more interesting inquiries at that moment.

Bel: Well, I can answer how the bot got turned into a pile of junk but not why it activated in the first place. Or why it was hostile. It involved increasing its weight and well...gravity. And portals. We were just gonna borrow something but the thing attacked as soon as we opened the door to the workshop. Naturally, we had to defend ourselves.

As for Kawa over here, I was just about to ask if you weren't yellow before but it seems Zarik kinda beat me to the punch.

Noticing Caionna zoning out and back in from thought, Bel sort of raises a mental eyebrow. (That's the second or third time in a short while she's done that. Is something wrong? Could be related to that time-freeze.)

Bel turns back to Zarik after taking another swig from his glass of wine.

Bel: How is Aren in trouble?

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Robbie Rage
Posted on 12-13-16 06:42 PM Link | ID: 95076
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Bel's words reach his ears, confirming one of Moxley's more immediate suspicions. "I knew it. Tell me more about this Aren."

"And for the record, I can tell when someone isn't telling me the whole truth." Moxley says, turning to Kawa again. "If I find out there's a demonic influence about you that puts us all in danger, I will not hesitate to cut you down like it's my job..."

"...because it is my job. Understood?"

Posted on 12-13-16 06:59 PM Link | ID: 95077
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"No danger here Mr. Windham," Kawa affirms with a playful but innocent grin, offering the bottle of chocolate milk to Moxley.

Posted on 12-13-16 07:08 PM Link | ID: 95078
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Roy Koopa
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Bel: About that, Moxley, should anything dangerous turn up we're plenty capable of taking care of ourselves.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

My youtube channel
FFRK Brotherhood

Robbie Rage
Posted on 12-13-16 10:49 PM (rev. 3 of 12-13-16 10:50 PM by Robbie Rage) Link | ID: 95083
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"Of course, Bel, it's just the principle of the thing." Moxley says, finishing his root beer. "We don't want anyone getting any funny ideas, do we?"

Placing his stein down on the counter, Moxley shifts to fully focus on Bel. "Now then, back to the issue at hand. What's the story with this Aren person?"
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