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Posted on 07-17-19 04:08 AM Link | ID: 149901
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"That wouldn't be a good idea." Cai says flatly, with a not-so-subtle tinge of irritation to her voice. "Do you not understand that that library is home to centuries worth of knowledge that is indispensable to scholars?"

With an annoyed sigh, she adds, "You sound like you've never dealt with possessed books before."

Calming down, she concludes, "Even if they did an investigation, how would we know, shy of scrying on it? For all we know, they may have."

Posted on 07-17-19 09:51 PM (rev. 3 of 07-17-19 11:27 PM by ゼンガー・ゾンボルト) Link | ID: 149913
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Bel: Possessed books? Yes. A giant library where each and every one of those books are possessed? No. I wouldn't mind looking for powerful spellbooks in there either but that knowledge is no good to anyone in that state. Not to mention that if you take out whatever's possessing them, the book burns either way.

If we knew the source of it, however...

Bel scratches his chin for a bit.

Bel: Maybe it's none of our business, though. I'm just bored. That said, I wouldn't mind trying to solve it.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 07-19-19 06:50 AM Link | ID: 149950
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"I don't know if that's a good idea though," Caionna says with a tinge of trepidation, "The affairs of other worlds aren't really for us to intervene in. Zarik took you on that quest for his selfish gain."

With hesitation, she remits, "Sure, we're adventurers of some repute in that world, but it's not our place anymore. We can't go doing whatever we please."

To those with heightened hearing, a faint crackling can be heard coming from the woman's left ear, followed by a man's voice fraught with irritation, 'What do you mean selfish? I didn't realize trying to follow a lead to find my friend was selfish!'

Holding her index and middle fingers up to the device in her ear, she says, "Oh come on, Zarik! We both know the chances of him being on such a dangerous quest is highly unlikely. Aren is a coward, you know that!" With am exasperated sigh, she says, "Why don't you come inside and talk to us in person instead of screeching over the link pearl? You can't be so busy you can't socialize a bit!"

Before Zarik can retort, she removes the device from her ear and powers it off. "He'll either come in from the workshop to talk, or he can be stuck up!" She then trails off, mutteringto herself.

Posted on 07-19-19 12:22 PM Link | ID: 149953
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Roy Koopa
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Bel rests his cheek on his left fist upon hearing the conversation.

Bel: How nice. Leave it to Zarik to turn foul moods up to 11. Any second now I bet he'll come whining about trying to rebuild that monstrosity of a guard that we destroyed some time ago.

The mage suddenly snickers a bit.

Bel: Heh. I wonder if it's possible to invent a good mood for him.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 07-20-19 05:05 AM Link | ID: 150004
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"I think Zarik just has some anger he needs to work out." Caionna says at length, "It's hard to really pin down what his problem really is. It probably boils down to what happened when we were children."

Scratching her face thoughtfully, she adds, "Comparatively speaking... Considering our heritage and age, I suppose you could argue that we still are children. Dragon lifespans are weird."

With a shrug, she dismisses the thought, and goes back to her book. To the unperceptive visitors, she appears to be no different than a young human woman, after all.

Robbie Rage
Posted on 08-23-19 06:47 PM Link | ID: 150711
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Bakk slowly sipped the wine, mulling on what Caionna said. Dragon lifespans were indeed weird. In his experience, their very different perceptions on the passage of time could lead to very unusual goals and motivations.

"The young have no shortage of...imagination" Bakk says, taking note of Caionna's book. "So tell me, Caionna...what is it that keeps you going in a place like this?"

Posted on 08-25-19 02:50 AM Link | ID: 150746
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Thoughtfully flicking the corners or her book, Caionna mulls the Kobold's question over for several minutes. "That's a pretty tough question, frankly, Bakk." She says with pause, "I suppose it's because this is supposed to be my own world to build and mold to my every desire. Although, it seems awfully strange that despite the length of time this world has existed, and the amount of aether it feels like it is taking from me, it doesn't seem to be expanding at all beyond this building and the valley it's in."

Yawning, she adds, "The exertion also makes me very tired. Far more tired than I feel it ought to be."

Posted on 08-25-19 05:19 PM (rev. 2 of 08-28-19 08:08 PM by ゼンガー・ゾンボルト) Link | ID: 150748
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel: Hmm. Is there something else draining your power? Also, would it help to mitigate it if I was to share my own? I'm not using it for anything else while we're stting around here, anyway.

Bel takes out a thick book out of his robe while waiting for an answer. Upon a closer inspection, it'd reveal that it's a book about magical artifacts.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Robbie Rage
Posted on 08-30-19 01:11 PM Link | ID: 150833
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"Tired?" Bakk wonders aloud. "Or do I detect a bit of boredom as well?"

Bakk's attention is suddenly grabbed by Bel's book on magical artifacts. It is commonly understood that many kobolds have an affinity for the shiny trinkets of the world, and Bakk would be reluctant to admit this trait in himself. He couldn't help but be curious...

"Where I come from, goals and their pursuit can easily cure boredom," said Bakk. "and the right sort of treasure can cure many other things. Isn't that right, Bel?"

Posted on 09-04-19 02:30 AM Link | ID: 151072
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Caionna shakes her head, and replies, "No. Not boredom. This is very taxing work, even though it appears that all I'm doing is sitting here." Turning to Bel, she adds, "I would rather do this on my own. I appreciate the offer, but This is my burden to bear. I don't know if there's something else sapping my power. That doesn't seem likely to me"

She adjusts herself in her seat, as if to resume reading. She doesn't get as far as opening its pages before her eyes close and her head dips softly. She appears to have fallen asleep while sitting upright.

Zissou finally pipes up from his seat on a nearby sofa, "Perhaps you may be onto something about a siphon on her." He postulates, scratching his snout, "It could also be that a dragon of her age and heritage could be going through a transformation. It is difficult to tell at this moment."

Getting up from his seat to stretch, he further posits, "I admit, my knowledge on her clan is sparse, at best. They are surprisingly secretive, especially for dragonfolk. But what I do know, based on other clans of dragons that possess a similar metamorphosis, she should be absorbing aether, not abating it."

Posted on 09-08-19 07:59 PM (rev. 2 of 09-08-19 11:03 PM by ゼンガー・ゾンボルト) Link | ID: 151190
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel notices Caionna nodding off and looks at her while scratching his chin with his right thumb. (That bad, huh?)

Bel: Hmm. Yeah, I'm not trying to pry or anything but are there any of her clan still around? Aside from Smiley, I mean.

And regarding aether absorption, maybe that's why this realm hasn't grown more?

Bel turns to Bakk to adress his question next.

Bel: I'm not doing what I do out of boredom. Even though sitting here doesn't do much to prevent it. I feel as if I should be more powerful, but isn't for some reason. That's why I try to look for potential ways to get stronger. Not doing it for power alone, though. That sort of obsession is foolish.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 09-21-19 01:38 AM Link | ID: 151439
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Zissou clears his throat with a tone of appallment laid heavily, "Have you forgotten so soon that she stated this realm's seed was a gift from her mother?"

Narrowing his eyes, he turns away, his finger resting quizzically on his snout. After a moment, of incoherent muttering to himself, he adds at length, "Upon reflection, it does seem strange that her mother would grant a boon such as this. It is curious due to the way that the clan ousted Caionna and Zarik for being half-breeds. Otherwise abandoned, to be raised by their father's village that was nearby."

As he pontificates, his gaze narrows under an ever furrowing brow.

Suddenly, the door to the tavern bursts open with a thunderous bang of the door against the wall. Through the door, steps a man clad in black armor, carrying an intimidating zweihander.

The sudden loud noise spooks Caionna awake with a timid yelp. She falls off her stool and lands on the floor with a soft thud, unable to catch herself before toppling.

The armored man speaks, the voice masked by the closed visor, "I think you may be onto something, old man." the timbre of the voice is oddly familiar, despite being muffled.

Posted on 09-22-19 01:15 AM Link | ID: 151457
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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(Now there's a subtle way of opening doors.) Bel turns towards the new visitor.

Bel: Are you trying to knock the door off its hinges? A little harder and it might go all the way through the wall too.

Bel pours himself a glass of wine at the bar while waiting for an eventual response.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Robbie Rage
Posted on 09-27-19 07:51 PM Link | ID: 151529
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Bakk silently slinks back into the shadows on instinct. The kobold vigilante has had to deal with enough big, heavily armed figures charging into rooms that it was always wise to get into a vantage point as quickly as possible.

Bakk draws an arrow and keeps his bow taut, waiting to hear the intruder's next words...

Posted on 10-21-19 08:10 AM Link | ID: 151969
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The armored knight notices Bakk retreating into the shadow, and deftly monkeygrips his towering claymore, pointing it toward the previously noted sign. With his visor still muffling his voice, the man says, "I'm fairly certain you've already been pointed to this sign if you've been here for more than five minutes."

Swinging the sword back around to rest on his pauldron, he continues, "Before you get on my case about pointing at the sign with my sword. Maybe I should mention..." while he speaks, he uses his free hand to flip the visor on his helm, having the helm open by this point in his statement, a familiar voice beckons out clearly, "I'm the de facto bouncer I'm sure my sister has, doubtless, told you about."

Turning his attention to Bel, he says, "Wow, Bel, for the obvious feelings you have for her, I'm surprised you didn't run to aid Cai when she fell off her stool when I came in. Don't think I didn't notice it."

Caionna - having picked herself up off the floor by this point - perks a brow, skeptically, and says, "Wait, what?" The tone of her voice makes it unclear if she's joking, oblivious to Zarik's comment, or too groggy to know what's happening in a general sense.

Posted on 10-22-19 06:49 AM Link | ID: 151993
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Bel shrugs at Zarik's comment.

Bel: There's a few reasons. 1: I didn't know you'd barge in like you did. 2: I'm not a speedster. And 3: It's not like falling off a chair is particularly dangerous in the first place.

Also, that that what you've been working on as of late?

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 10-22-19 03:31 PM Link | ID: 152010
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Zarik turns directly to Bel in a way that his helmet obscures his face completely in her direction and gives Bel a 'Dude, that's not the point' expression. Returning to a neutral expression, he turns back to be visible to his sister again. Clearing his throat, he says, "I made that entrance because I figured coming in wearing black, blood-slaked armor alone wouldn't have the right impact."

Caionna raises an eyebrow to Zarik turning from her, but shrugs it off.

Heaving the sword into its hanger on his back, he continues, "Yeah, been training in the dark arts for a change of pace. It's a bit more magic-focused than what I was doing. Trying to get to the point where I can finally break into real magic, but that's not an easy road..."

Closing her book, Caionna interjects, "I don't think you could really get to that point on your own, and you know why, Zarik. It's amazing you have the capacity you have."

Zarik lets out a frustrated grunt of a sigh and says, "Well, I need to stick it to the dragon half of our lineage somehow. I know Dad had some magical talent, so maybe there's a way I can keep hold of my human side to grasp that potential."

Zissou narrows his gaze, having been quietly listening to the exchange. "Curious as to why you wish to learn magic so suddenly. Perhaps you have something to prove?"

Zarik closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. He flatly says, "Zerilisk."

A deathly cold falls over the room as Zarik calls out the name. The festivities of the other patrons hushes in nearly an instant, not a peep could be heard anywhere in the room.

Posted on 10-23-19 05:04 AM Link | ID: 152026
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Bel: May I present to you, Zarik, dabbler of the dark arts. Bel says in an overly dramatic tone, while holding his hand out in a proper presenting manner.

Bel: Seriously, though. I assume you conjured that armor then? Also, you finally caught my interest there at the very end. tell. What's a Zerilisk?

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 10-23-19 06:35 AM Link | ID: 152027
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Zarik laughs, trying to distract himself from the seriousness he just dropped on the room like a bad smell, and says, "No, I hand-made the sword and armor out of some spare ingots I had lying around. Good training gear, but nothing I'd go into serious combat in. Had to brush up on my smithing and armory for martial combat, and I had a connection back in Eorzea that would show me the ropes of being a Dark Knight. Cobbled this shit together and went on what amounted to mass slaughter of ne're-do-wells and menacing fauna. Since I haven't been able to really clean my gear up, I probably, appropriately, reek of a war-torn countryside converged on a vaguely man-shaped singularity."

The brevity in his tone drops as he says, "To answer the question, though, Bel. Zerilisk is one of the pompous asshat cohorts of the horde Cai and I belong to by blood ties alone. Motherfucker somehow found me and was making some threats. Can't confirm or deny if they're credible, but if they are, my suspicion about this little pocket dimension may have been more spot-on than I would have ever hoped to be. Didn't have my axe or knightsword handy enough to fight him on equal footing, so I beat a quick retreat." Furrowing his brow, he continues, "I can't help but think that we may be in for a bumpy ride before long if his threats to attack us end up having real credibility. I just fear for how the horde could attack, if they do."

Trying to process what her brother had just said, Cai's eyes dart back in forth, seemingly trying to connect the dots. "You mean to tell me that we weren't gifted this realm to actually build a new world? But what could that mean?" there is an expression of clear distress on her face.

Zissou narrows his eyes, and says, "Precisely, my girl." Turning to Zarik, he adds, "So, it appears we may be on the same page. It did not seem to add up to me that at the rate our dearest Caionna has been abating aether of late was not causing any sort of expansion of the realm. Her lethargy, and recent ditziness certainly feels as though it is adding up with your hypothesis."

Caionna interjects with an offended-sounding "HEY!" at Zissou's comment calling her ditzy. She is promptly ignored, and pouts about it with her arms crossed on her chest defiantly.

Posted on 10-23-19 07:49 AM Link | ID: 152028
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel puts his glass on wine down for the moment and turns around to adress the others.

Bel: Hm. It's safe to assume where that aether drain is going then. The question is this, though: Is he storing it or already using it for something?

Also, if there's an attack on the way, we'd need way more information about Zerilisk and everyone else in the horde that'd be involved. "Pompous asshat" doesn't really say much.

Bel briefly stops talking but starts again after a second of thinking about what he just said.

Bel: Actually, it says a lot but you know what I'm getting at. How powerful is Zerilisk himself? If all you'd need to fight him on equal grounds would be an axe or a sword, overpowering him should be fairly easy. Right?

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood
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