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Posted on 06-30-14 03:09 PM Link | ID: 68576
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OoC: Sorry, been way busy preparing for my trip to Spain. And still kinda am. I'll be away for a week so I can't respond until I'm back.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 07-01-14 01:20 AM Link | ID: 68610
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'Tall, strange, seemingly older than he really is...' Caionna thinks to herself, trying to figure out if that description fits anyone she knows. Drawing a blank, she shrugs it off and contemplates how to best answer Ani.

"Well," she begins tentatively, "I don't really know what to say about myself. I'm just a girl with a strong knack for magic and magical things. There's not a whole lot to me that I'm willing to divulge to a total stranger. I'm sorry."

Posted on 07-01-14 12:53 PM Link | ID: 68630
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Ani breaks out in a particularly feminine laugh at Caionna's self-description. "That's perfectly alright, sweetheart. I won't bother telling you about myself then," it says in acceptance, seemingly ignoring the references to magic.

The being pauses and smirks. "Unless you... ask."

Posted on 07-02-14 07:35 AM Link | ID: 68704
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Adel had spent a lot of time just listening. At this point, gathering information was probably way more useful than anything else.

"Where I'm from," he noted, "the magically-inclined are fairly unusual. They're becoming more common in the wake of... certain events. Then again, I only really was sure of this in my home country. Still interesting."

To be fair, his 'brother' had gotten him in contact with two people from Japan who were both definitely magic users. Maybe things were different outside of America. He hadn't paid enough attention to Germany to have any information on that front.

"Though, I suppose that's not really here nor there."

Posted on 07-02-14 09:06 AM Link | ID: 68706
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Caionna smiles uneasily and says, "Well, if you must know, I grew up in a magician's guild and graduated on the highest honors. After that, I became an adventurer with Bel and several other wayfarers of the multiverse. There's not much else to really say without getting into uncomfortable detail." Turning her gaze to the ceiling for no reason, she adds, "Besides, we may someday meet a villain that will divulge ill-gotten information about me in an overly creepy way." The last statement hangs eerily with foreshadowing.

Zissou nods in agreement up until the last part, where he interjects, "I surely hope we had gotten rid of that fool... He seemed so strangely fixated to you..." He trails off, muttering to himself.

Caionna overhears Adel mumbling to himself and turns her attention toward him, "I'm sorry, what were you talking about?" After a short pause she adds, "I don't believe we properly introduced ourselves... My name is Caionna Hoir. You can call me 'Cai' for short." She smiles sweetly with a slight bob of her head.

Posted on 07-02-14 10:28 AM Link | ID: 68710
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"All this talk about magic," Aneron mumbles. It reaches in its robes and produces a staff not unlike the kind your typical wizard might use, except that it's made of metal and not wood. "I remember last time I pulled this out and someone thought it was magic. Fun times."

Posted on 07-02-14 07:43 PM Link | ID: 68764
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"Bear in mind Ani," Caionna begins, "This realm is in the fold between planes." She continues, "Some worlds, like the one I come from, are flowing with magical energy that can be channeled. Some, like the one I assume you come from, either lost its magic from overuse, or never had it to begin with."

She looks at the staff, shaking her head, "You must not meet very smart people... I can tell that's some kind of technology, and not magical in the slightest." Inspecting it from a distance she adds, "It doesn't emit any kind of magical energy, and it's made of metal. Metal isn't terribly good at conducting magical energy."

Posted on 07-02-14 08:01 PM Link | ID: 68765
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"Oh I like you, sweetie," Ani giggles as it puts the staff back. "Beautiful, well-spoken, and smart!"

It reaches for the bottle and refills its glass, still smiling at Caionna in a curious manner.

Posted on 07-03-14 05:07 AM Link | ID: 68822
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Caionna turns bright red and averts her gaze at Ani's flirtatious complements, feebly saying, "Thank you."

Zissou laughs and interjects, "Let us not forget that I taught her much of what she knows! Who would have thought that she would grow to become the best and the brightest of our whole plane!" He smiles softly and nods.

In an attempt to avert Ani's attention from Caionna, having sensed her discomfort of trying to be swooned by the cat-person, he says, "Master Zarik may be more up your alley with the technology talk. He owns a tinkery near our home, and he is always building new gadgets and gizmos for whatever needs need to be filled.

"Speaking of Zarik," He pauses, "We should probably get on finding the lad. He may be in trouble--" He stops when he notices Caionna glaring at him insistently, "Erm... More so than he is with you for having gone missing."

Posted on 07-03-14 06:57 AM Link | ID: 68824
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After a long journey through the plains, days of endless hunger and restlessness, Garin slowly looks up to see a building in the distance.

"Could it be..." Garin says to himself. It had been so long since he saw any signs of life anywhere. "I must be dreaming, that's...a building." Garin smiles and straightens himself up. "Well..let me go check it out... it's been days since I had anything to eat, or drink..!"

Garin makes his way to the door, and knocks on it.. "I hope there's someone here.."

Posted on 07-03-14 09:21 AM Link | ID: 68830
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"Oooh, a noomie," Ani purrs as if it hadn't noticed Zissou yet. "Isn't that cu--hold on, somebody at the door."

Posted on 07-03-14 09:29 AM (rev. 2 of 07-03-14 09:32 AM by Trelior) Link | ID: 68831
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Hearing the knocking on the door, Caionna takes the opportunity to get out from behind the counter. Opening the door, she sees a young boy taking in the doorway. She beckons him to enter and says, "Welcome to the tavern in the field of dreams, make yourself comfortable." Her face is still noticeably flush from talking to Ani.

Zissou perks a brow at the cat-person before him. It was strange to him that Ani wasn't freaking out at the sight of him, not unlike that of a normal cat reacting to a normal dog.

Posted on 07-03-14 09:36 AM Link | ID: 68832
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Garin slowly walks in, looking at everyone as if he has stage fright. "Hello..w-who are you guys?" Garin says in a shuttering tone. "My name is Garin...I come from a distant planet... I-I haven't had anything to eat or drink for days.." Garin looks down at his stomach and rubs it in circles as it responds in an everlasting growl "D-Do you guys have any food?"

Posted on 07-03-14 09:54 AM (rev. 2 of 07-03-14 03:28 PM by Kawa) Link | ID: 68834
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Without breaking eye contact with Zissou, Ani pulls a box of cereal from its robes and hands it over to Garin -- TentaChews™, lightly roasted bits of tentacle in cream.

"Is there a problem, noomie?" it asks, raising an eyebrow of its own in playful mockery.

OOC edit: this is Ani.

Posted on 07-04-14 12:14 AM Link | ID: 68862
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Garin looks Ani up and down. "And..who might you be..?" Garin takes the TentaChews™ and has a bite, before spitting them out. "Bleh!" Garin spats. "This tastes awful!" Garin looks around slowly, " you have a kitchen..?" Garin was raised eating ramen noodle soup, he knows no other tastes. " don't I suppose I could try to get used to these..things.." Garin looks at the cereal box in disgust.

Posted on 07-04-14 05:32 AM Link | ID: 68886
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"No," Adel responds, "I suppose we haven't introduced ourselves, have we." The length of the pause thereafter probably makes it seem like he's just going to leave it at that, but no, that's just meant to be funny. Or misleading in a way which seemed amusing at the time. "I am Adel Volker. Or just Adel; nobody calls anyone by both of their names unless there's confusion to be had otherwise, or if they're an angry parent."

He's already stated what he does -- or did, anyway -- with his life, so he just stops there.

Posted on 07-04-14 12:04 PM Link | ID: 68899
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"We do have a kitchen." Caionna answers, "I suppose we can whip up some ramen for you." She makes a gesture and the kitchen roars to life, creating Garin's request.

Turning to Adel, she nods and says, "Pleasure to make your acquaintance." She smirks and says, "Zarik might call you by your last name since it happens to be similar to the name of one of his friends on one of the planes we visit often." She says in reference to the Sinnoh gym leader.

Zissou furrows his brow and says, "No problems here. Though, I do have a name by which I would much rather be addressed. My name is Zissou Angara." His tone isn't angry, just slightly perturbed.

Posted on 07-04-14 12:27 PM Link | ID: 68900
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Smirking, Ani takes back its box of chewy planet-devouring horror and pops one in its mouth. "Whatever floats your boat, sunshine." It's remarkable unclear whether it's addressing Zissou or Garin.

Regardless, Ani turns back to Caionna and purrs, "Do you want to try some, sweetie? They're high in fiber and cultural significance."

Posted on 07-04-14 12:47 PM Link | ID: 68901
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Caionna closes her eyes and shakes her head ever so slightly. Taking a seat at one of the tables, she politely says, "No. I'm not hungry right now."

Zissou just shrugs and walks back to the couch and picks up his book. He isn't sure what to make of this situation.

Posted on 07-06-14 08:30 AM (rev. 2 of 07-06-14 08:33 AM by Gohan) Link | ID: 69003
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Garin greets Adel "Hello..Adel. I'm Garin...if..i haven't already told you" Garin notices Caionna in the corner of his eye and appears in a seat across from her as if he was already sitting there. "Mmmm!" He gestures as he takes a whiff of the soup before relentlessly chowing the noodles, finishing the bowl in a matter of seconds.

"Gee..." Garin belches. It seems this boy wasn't raised to use proper manners. "Do you got anymore? I'm still starving.." He chuckles and scratches his head as sweat pours down his face.

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