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Posted on 07-06-14 11:59 AM Link | ID: 69008
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Between two bites of chewy tentacle bits, Ani looks over to Garin and shakes its head with a faint smirk. "Tsk. Saiyans. And they say my people eat too much. Darlings, just in case Sunshine plunders the kitchen, I'm gonna go back up to my ship and prepare to restock."

With that, the strange cat creature disappears in another beam of light.

Posted on 07-10-14 01:58 PM (rev. 2 of 07-10-14 01:59 PM by ゼンガー・ゾンボルト) Link | ID: 69445
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Roy Koopa
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OoC: I'll try my best answering the characters (starting with Zissou's question) in the order they talk as I usually do when I've been away. I've also updated the description of Bel's rod in the profile thread.

Bel: Oh, I'm fine. Just a little roughed up from my recent travels. See, I was looking for the two gemstones now embedded in my rod.

Bel takes up his rod and hands it over to Zissou. The dragon figure that twirls around the rod now has a cobra-like mane, similar to Lagiacrus of MH3U. The gems emit a dim glow as Bel holds it but the light fades as he lets go of it.

Bel: I've read up a bit on time & space magic and the gems amplify and/or allows the user to control those two fields. They can also be used in conjunction with eachother. Naturally, there are limitations. The more I progess in my knowledge about the respective fields and handling that kind of magic, the more the gems will amplify those abilities. Of course you have to be careful, otherwise it'd be like handing a gun to a monkey.

Aquiring them was no easy task, though, as they're incredibly rare. I found out I wasn't the only one looking for the gems either. Most of the "competitors" were not much of a match for me, however, there were some challenging foes. No, I didn't kill them. Don't like unnecessary bloodshed but I'm not above killing if it's necessary. I mostly fired a few warning shots and displayed my power. If that didn't work, I knocked them unconcious and left them on the spot. If they continued to pursue me or destroy eachother didn't matter to me. The biggest challenge were the guardians. They were immense and they nearly pushed me to the breaking point. And I'm known to not give up easily.

While talking to Zissou, Bel easily picks up Caionna's discomfort along with Aneron's flirtacious attemps and displays some annoyed facial expressions while trying to concentrate on the conversation with Zissou. He also takes note of the other guests.

Bel: And speaking of giving Aneron trying something or does he/she just have a really annoying personality? Perhaps I should tell him/her to back off or at least tone down the suggestive act. Caionna can no doubt defend herself but Aneron doesn't look like the type to get a hint the first time.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 07-11-14 08:42 AM Link | ID: 69526
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Tuning into Bel as he begins to speak, Zissou nods politely as he listens.

"It appears as though you have been keeping very well busy, my boy!" he says cheerfully, "Miss Caionna and myself have been maintaining the plane, trying to expand it and what have you."

He pauses, as if thinking, adding "To wit, that could have very well been what happened to cause the discourse here in the lapse since we last spoke." He taps the tip of his snout thoughtfully. "Perhaps whatever happened may have caused a rift to another realm to open and abscond with Master Zarik. It is most unlike him to suddenly leave us when we are in need."

While Zissou waxes philosophical about the whereabouts of Zarik, Caionna just blankly stares at the rude child before her. She is appalled by his lack of basic civility, due to never having encountered a Saiyan before. At great length, she says, "We do have more where that came from, but I must forbid you from entering the kitchen area. Not because I'm afraid you'll eat everything, but because I'm very particular about my kitchen and would rather it stay just so." She hopes that the kid is smart enough to understand idioms.

Noticing Ani having left at the turn of Bel's conversation to them, she adds, "I hope it doesn't come down to needing to take action against them. Though I am a bit perturbed by their advances..." She furrows her brow and shakes her head. It's obvious there's something on her mind and isn't sure how to put it into words.

Posted on 07-11-14 09:38 AM Link | ID: 69528
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Aneron reappears with some splotches of presumably food ingredients stuck in its hair. "Did I miss much?" it asks as it notices a bit of tomato sauce on its hand and licks it up in an appropriately cat-like manner.

Posted on 07-12-14 10:27 AM Link | ID: 69601
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Roy Koopa
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As Bel listens to Zissou's reply, he begins to look at the gems with a slight look of worry and shock with his eyes a bit more open than usual.

Bel: Wait, are you saying that these gems could be to blame for Zarik's disapperance? How? I couldn't have caused any repercussions as I traveled here. It was just a simple portal. I don't dislike Zarik in the slightest either so it's not likely to have been any subconcious action either.

If they are to blame for it, I doubt that I'd want them embedded in my rod. And yet they might be able to provide us with the means to find him.

Bel sighs.

Bel: By the way, which "fool" were you talking about earlier? There has been a number of them over the course of our travels. I may already know but I'd like to heard it from you. Besides, he's not really the top priority right now.

At that very moment, Aneron appears in a flash. Bel decides to answer his/her question.

Bel: No, you didn't miss much. Just some bad manners when it comes to eating.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 07-12-14 10:49 AM Link | ID: 69603
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Misunderstanding Bel's answer, Ani holds out a part of its sleeve with some tomato-like sauce on it. "Ah yes, I'm sorry. Mother always said sharing is caring."

Posted on 07-12-14 11:06 AM Link | ID: 69604
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Roy Koopa
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Bel: No, no. I meant that there's someone here who..., eh, let's just say that it's comparable to eating with your hands when you should eat with a fork and a knife.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 07-12-14 12:28 PM Link | ID: 69606
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"Ah yes," Ani nods in sudden understanding. "The saiyan, of course."

Nearly hitting itself in the eye with sauce, Ani reconsiders its present state. "I should change," it quickly remarks to noone in particular, then disappears again.

Posted on 07-12-14 01:13 PM Link | ID: 69611
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Roy Koopa
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Bel: A sayian, huh? Makes me wanna pull out a gun and see if they're as bulletproof as they say. Bel says and smirks a little.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 07-13-14 10:04 AM Link | ID: 69675
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Zissou's eyes widen at Bel's request of information and silently motions his paw near his neck as if to convey a 'shut up!'

Caionna's gaze bolts over to Zissou and Bel, her golden eye gleams ominously, furrowing her brow into a serious expression saying, "I really wish to not speak of him."

Zissou coughs and shortly says, "All I will say is that this particular man proclaims himself to be Miss Caionna, and is somewhat eerily idée fixe with her."

She closes her eyes and shudders at the mention of the mysterious creeper's obsession. Her lip curls into a snarl and she snaps, "What did I say about talking about Odysseus?"

Nodding his head, he calmly says, "Understood, we will not speak of him."

Heaving a sigh unfitting of a girl her size, Cai tries to change the subject, "At any rate, we have to find my idiot brother. Any ideas on where to start looking?" focusing on Bel, she adds, "Don't worry, Bel, your staff and new abilities can't affect this plane like that... Things are pretty unstable and rifts open somewhat regularly."

Posted on 07-13-14 09:59 PM Link | ID: 69701
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The by now well-known telltale whine of a spacecraft's teleporter sounds once again as Aneron appears in exactly the same place as always. No matter where it goes up, it always comes down in the same spot. This time however, something is different. Instead of baggy robes, sauce optional, the cat person is wearing distinctively feminine clothing; a knee-length loose black skirt and a tight-in-contrast white shirt, topped off with a light denim jacket.

By a coincidence of timing, Ani just barely catches Caionna saying something about looking for someone. "I don't think I caught all of that, sweetheart, but maybe my ship's sensors could help you look?"

Posted on 07-14-14 02:12 AM Link | ID: 69711
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Roy Koopa
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Bel didn't expect such a reaction, yet he's unfazed by Caionna's glare. Maybe because he knew she didn't really mean any harm.

Bel: Wow. Guess I should've left that subject alone for now. It only brought up more questions. Either way, the only reason I asked was so I could learn more in order to help. But perhaps there'll be time for that on another occasion.

The wizard gets up from the chair and walks over to the bar to pour himself a drink, at which point Aneron beams down again.

Bel: Regarding Zarik, it might be of some help to know what he was doing just before he vanished. I might have some way of finding him but I'll need some personal belonging of his. Can't say how accurate it'll be but it could point us in some general direction. If you can refer to other planes, dimensions and realities as directions, that is. And is his disappearance alone reason enough to refer to him as "idiot"?

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 07-15-14 07:59 AM Link | ID: 69842
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Zissou nods to Bel's statement to hold off on information and says, "That is for the best."

Caionna sighs and responds, "I really don't remember a whole lot before everything went dark. All I remember is that all three of us were relaxing for a bit, chatting with the visitors that were here at the time." her face changes into a contemplative expression, "I think Zarik may have been flirting with one of the women that were here, as he's wont to do."

"As for why he's an idiot..." She begins, "You should know why. He's the same person he's always been. Never focusing on the task at hand, being more focused on his toys than anything that's actually important..." She begins to trail off.

Posted on 07-15-14 10:24 AM (rev. 2 of 07-15-14 10:24 AM by ゼンガー・ゾンボルト) Link | ID: 69843
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Roy Koopa
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Bel: Hmm. No details on what he might've been working on or researching at the time then. And if there were more people in here at the time of the incident, they might've, or rather, should've been sent to the same place as Zarik. Unless they weren't in close proximity to whatever happened and simply left afterwards.

Bel scratches his head for a moment wondering if he can do anything else to possibly dig up some details and puts his rod in one of the attachments on his belt. Then he realizes he hasn't introduced himself to the other guests. But they weren't really his top priority anyway.

Bel walks over to each of them, extends his right hand and greets them with small variations of "Greetings. I'm Belgarion." except for Rune/Leo, to whom he says "Nice to meet you again too."

Bel: Now, where's the bathroom? I need to freshen up a bit.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 07-17-14 06:31 AM Link | ID: 70004
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Zissou dismissively motions toward the back of the building while saying, "Not necessarily. These rifts are somewhat of an anomaly. There's no guarantee that going through the same one twice will give the same output."

Posted on 07-18-14 07:32 AM Link | ID: 70111
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Adel nods to Bel and accepts his handshake. He's already introduced himself, and he does not bother with doing so again.

"So, at the same time, it kinda sounds like we might not ever get back here," Adel notes. "Unless all rifts that aren't here lead to this place, and only those here lead elsewhere."

Seemingly contrived, but an End of Time-like setup was not THAT infeasible, right?

Posted on 07-19-14 07:42 AM Link | ID: 70180
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"There is no way of telling what will happen if we enter the unstable rifts." Zissou begins, "However, we have the capability to create stable rifts to roundabout where we need to go, should the need arise."

"Besides," Caionna interjects, "Even if we do get lost while adventuring, there will always be a way back here." Holding up her hand and gesturing slightly, a small glowing orb appears above her hand, continuing after a pause no longer than necessary to focus the spell, "A quick-escape portal can be made by myself or a designated party member." A mischievous smile crosses her lips as she jokingly adds, "Provided you've beaten the level at least once." With a tilt of her head, she giggles at her joke.

Posted on 07-19-14 09:44 AM Link | ID: 70181
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Ani leans back between drinks. "I got that. I got that reference."

Posted on 07-22-14 07:17 AM (rev. 2 of 07-22-14 07:18 AM by Aesur) Link | ID: 70449
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Rune has been silent this entire time due to falling asleep soon after arriving in the building. His teleportation that allowed him to get here drained most of his energy. Though with an audible snap Rune springs to life and loudly proclaims "I have to pee so bad! I'm going to pee right here!"

Soon after saying this Rune looks around and sees where he was and notices everyone in the room. "Wait nevermind." His face turns bright red as he facepalms at what he just done.

Posted on 07-23-14 10:21 PM Link | ID: 70779
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Garin chuckles loudly at Rune, slowly starting to choke on himself "hack..ack.." Garin coughs, and grabs a breath before looking up. "My apologies, but that was just so hilarious" Garin walks over to the man and shakes his hand. "Howdeyado. Just hope you dont pee on me" Garin grins, and begins to laugh again.

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