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Posted on 07-24-14 07:56 AM Link | ID: 70850
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Rune shakes the hand with a firm grip. "Yeah." He chuckles to himself "No worries about that happening. Sorry about that, just kinda forgot where I was. Though I guess I didn't know where I was to begin with..."

He takes another look to scope out his surroundings trying to get a feel for the room and everyone in it. Rune then looks Garin in the eye and with a friendly demeanor says "Oh, my names Rune. What's yours?"

Posted on 07-24-14 12:35 PM Link | ID: 70870
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Roy Koopa
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OoC: Sorry for the small absence from this forum. For some reason I just wasn't in the right mood to post here for the last week. And in case anyone is wondering, Bel enters the bathroom after Adel's response but before Zissou's comment about unstable rifts.

Bel: Hm. Should've expected that. The bathroom is always in the back. Bel says with his right hand somewhat raised and his indexfinger emhpasizing the statement as he walks into the bathroom and locks the door behind him.

(Now, let's see...there's the sink & the tap and over there are some hooks for hanging towels and clothes.)

Bel looks around and finds some clean towels, takes one and hangs it on the hook. Then he begins washing himself all over which takes a good 10-15 minutes, and dries himself of with the towel.

(Good thing I brought a nice perfume with me. Wanna smell good for the lady out there.) Bel says with a small grin and sprays himself a bit. He puts on his clothes again, hangs the used towel over a rack and walks back into the main area of the cabin.

Bel: Sorry for the delay. Didn't really want to smell like a dried-up goblin.

Bel notices that Garin finally seems to have finished eating.

Bel: Oh, so you're done eating now? I hope you left some for the rest of us. The wizard says with a mildly sarcastic tone.

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Posted on 07-24-14 04:46 PM Link | ID: 70908
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Ani smirks at Bel's last comment and hands him what seems to be a restaurant menu. Looking closer, it's a cheap hand-written imitation of one. Clearly, whoever wrote it (spoilers: it was Ani) is not used to writing in English, but the words are clear enough. All the prices are listed as 0.00¤.

Posted on 07-25-14 07:26 AM Link | ID: 70978
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"The name is Garin..Son Garin..but Garin is shorter" Garin looks at the man and then slowly backs away "Anyways it was nice to meet there a bed near here? I could use hours worth.." Garin shyly says as he looks around

Posted on 07-26-14 12:48 AM Link | ID: 71080
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Bel: Er...thanks. I think. Did you study the offering of food here? Or where did this come from? Bel says as he recieves the note from Ani.

(Ookay. That was kinda awkward.)

Bel: Okay, Garin. Bel says in response to the sayian.

Bel: If I remember my Tavern layout schematics correctly, there should be a second floor in the building. Haven't look yet, though. Caionna can probably help you.

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Posted on 07-30-14 08:24 AM Link | ID: 71493
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Adel has spent most of the past several minutes just... considering something. Space would probably be the biggest issue. Finally, he speaks up after deciding that, hey, this was a good idea after all.

"So, if we can stabilize rifts to and from reasonably specific places... hm. I guess my thought would need considerable space, but maybe we could have sort of a... well, a warp room, I guess. A place where we could have rifts open and stabilized to wherever else we might want. I would imagine, though, that that would take a tremendous amount of energy. And space.

"I guess disregard it if someone else already thought of that before."

Posted on 07-30-14 08:46 AM Link | ID: 71495
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Caionna nods to Bel's statement and says, "Yep, there are rooms upstairs for any and all guests. The only rules are that you pick a room and stay in it, and respect the privacy of the other guests. I don't want multiple rooms being claimed by one person, or having guests belongings rummaged though."

Taking the 'menu' from Bel, she looks it over briefly. With a quiet non-lexical, she says, "There are a few errors on the grammar and a few of the descriptions are pretty far off the mark. Aside from that, it's accurate." She gives the menu a light backhanded tap and quips, "Not bad, Ani."

Turning to Adel, she mentions at length, "That's basically what we've been trying to do. It's been a bit of a crapshoot. It's fairly tiresome to focus the energy required to stabilize a single portal." She gestures toward Zissou and continues, "Even with two powerful wizards working on it, it's exhausting."

Posted on 07-30-14 09:44 AM Link | ID: 71497
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Ani, having somewhat learned its lesson, merely smiles at Caionna's judgment. A smile that seems to say something inbetween "I'm glad my English isn't that bad" and "I want to hug you for that."

It might be the fangs.

Posted on 08-02-14 11:15 PM Link | ID: 71796
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A large portal materializes outside of the tavern. Out of it falls Sapphyre loudly and ungracefully. Sapphire looks around confusedly at his surroundings. "Of all of the places to end up, I wasn't expecting an empty field" Sapphyre says getting up unstably, as the effort of creating the portal that got him to this plane had sapped most of his energy reserves. He then noticed a building which looked suspiciously like a tavern he'd se in a fantasy game (the sign with a mug of beer on it helped).

Hoping to find a seat or something to rest on Sapphyre walked into the tavern, noticing everyone inside ignoring for the moment the abnormal appearances of some of them. He walks up to the bar and sensing that everyone seems to be focused on a single woman asks her "Sorry to interrupt all of you, but do you mind telling me where exactly I am?"


Posted on 08-03-14 07:29 AM Link | ID: 71829
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Caionna senses the exuberance Ani is emitting and smiles slightly to herself, enjoying the knowledge she made him/her happy, but not making it readily noticeable to anyone in the room.

Upon seeing Sapphyre's entrance and taking note of his request, shetakes a moment to think about her explanation, then says at length, "You are in a fold between the planar dimensions. A place that exists in a way that is accessible from anywhere in the multiverse, yet doesn't have a specific 'place' within it." With a short exhale, she adds, "I'm not sure if that makes any sense. I'm still learning the implications of this realm's existence, and I made this realm."

With a shrug, she introduces herself, "My name is Caionna. What's yours?"

Posted on 08-03-14 09:33 AM Link | ID: 71839
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Sapphyre suddenly regains a bit of composure and replies "Oh, where are my manners? The name's Sapphyre Eldritch, but in most places I go by just Sapph or Eldritch. You guys go ahead and use whichever you like best". Thinking back to Caionna's earlier statement about the present location, Sapphyre says " So you say this is some sort of gateway world to an entire 'verse of different worlds. Doesn't seem that weird compared with what's happened to me over the past couple of years and of course a healthy dose of videogames doesn't hurt. Also, the ability to absorb and throw electricity around really helps."

"Speaking of which" Sapphyre looks tentatively around the room before turning to Caionna and asks "By the way, do happen to have an electrical outlet around here? Making that portal... thing seems to have left both me and my energy reserves pretty much wiped."


Posted on 08-04-14 06:17 AM Link | ID: 71897
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Roy Koopa
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Listening to Adel's and Caionna's converstion about portals, Bel decides to add some to the subject that's being discussed.

Bel: Actually, it's not much of a problem at all. The space-gem's energy resources are basically endless. Then again, I haven't really been making interdimensional portals until recently, or without the gem, so I wouldn't know how exhausting it is. I should probably try without and see how it is.

He then turns to Adel to adress the space issue.

Bel: As for space, we're hardly transporting aircraft carriers. Mostly people. If you do need to transport something big, it wouldn't be much of a problem just to drop it outside.

Suddenly something causes a bit of a racket outside, to which Bel turns his attention.

Bel: Speaking of outside...more guests?

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 08-13-14 05:29 PM Link | ID: 72944
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OoC: I lost my internet again, but just got it back yesterday, so that's what happened to me. I'll try to be more active again

Garin nods towards Caionna, half ears listening, half asleep already. He takes a walk around looking for a way up and accidentally bump into the wall.

"Ow" Garin says in disgust, as he holds his head and shakes it off, "Guess I'll never do that again, huh" Garin jests, and heads up to get some rest.

" few rooms...which one to choose..." Thinking hard is something Garin rarely does. "How abouuuuuut....this one!" Garin jumps into a and lies flat on the bed. "Ahh..." He says in relief. "This oughta' be comfortable enough....." Garin relaxes and looks at the ceiling. "Yeah................. ... I...can get used to this...." Garin yawns as he passes into a heavy sleep.

Posted on 08-13-14 07:52 PM Link | ID: 72947
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For a few minutes after Garin leaves, Ani sits and thinks in silence.

"...hold on just a minute."

With that, it gets up and follows Garin upstairs. It doesn't take the creature long to find which room the young saiyan had picked. Ani sneaks into Garin's room and, finding its target sleeping, brushes its tail under Garin's nose.

"Wakey wakey..."

Posted on 08-14-14 08:32 AM Link | ID: 73038
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Garin turns around, snorting as if something was stuck in his nose. Violently sneezing as he awakens.

"Blaaahchoo!!" Garin sniffles "W-who is it.." Garin turns back to notice Ani "" Garin shyly says, disturbed that he was waken.

Posted on 08-14-14 12:59 PM Link | ID: 73043
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"Hiii", the intruder whispers. "I just wanted to know, since I've met a few saiyans before, if you had any special techniques or whatever. Is that okay?"

Posted on 08-18-14 09:00 PM Link | ID: 73831
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Garin looks into Ani's eyes, and turns away quickly. "Like...what kind of special technique?...." Garin gulps..(" does she it possible..?") His mind spins in a daze and he looks back at her. "Well....there is one..but it's not really special, or a technique.. but it is a legendary transformation.. If you wanted to see it..this rickety old cabin wouldn't be the right place. it'd fall apart before i even got enough energy to transform." said Garin, reluctantly.

Posted on 08-18-14 09:52 PM Link | ID: 73941
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Ani easily recognizes Garin's unease and smirks just a little bit. "I've heard of a transformation, but that one was hardly 'legendary'. You know, the one with the apes? It would destroy this building, but considering what you just said, I don't think that's the one you mean."

The smirk intensifies almost imperceptably.

"Now, I've also heard of another transformation known to your kind. One that's actually legendary... From what little I know about that, surely you speak of a third?"

Posted on 08-19-14 12:43 AM Link | ID: 74021
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Sapphyre, annoyed at how loud and completely oblivious the pair are being in their conversation, shouts up at them. "You know we can hear you down here right? Also, can you not destroy the tavern while I'm standing in it? I can barely walk, let alone dodge large chunks of destroyed building falling on me!" Sighing loudly, he continues. "Don't make me come up there and drain you, you hear me?"


Posted on 08-19-14 04:37 AM (rev. 2 of 08-19-14 04:39 AM by Trelior) Link | ID: 74033
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Posted by OoC
Yeah... No. Sapphyre can't hear what's going on. Being a temporal anomaly, the building (and by extension the whole plane) exists in a quasi-non-existence so it doesn't follow normal physical laws, and is far larger inside than it appears. Ani and Garin are no closer than twenty meters away with heavy insulation between floors, so unless he has incredibly sensitive hearing, I'm not going to allow that post to fly.

Also, transforming into Super Saiyan will not destroy the building. It has had two powerful wizards blowing portals up in it, so a little bit of Ki energy isn't going to affect the building in the slightest.
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