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Posted on 08-19-14 03:40 PM Link | ID: 74053
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Posted by OoC
Oh, ok. I'll just blame random fourth wall breaking powers that are TOTALLY detailed in my character description. *sarcasm* I'm sure we can write it off as a big lipped alligator moment and I'll try not to make any more assumptions about how a magical plane works. Sorry.Hopefully, the following will be adequate enough of a justification, if not just ignore it and get on with the actual important parts.

Sapphyre blinks confusedly a bit at the odd vision of himself he just had and wonders what the hell happened. Having more important things to focus on he returns to the situation at hand.


Posted on 08-20-14 03:31 AM Link | ID: 74099
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OoC: Trel, Garin has only transformed once before, so he doesnt have it down as just a slight raise of power to transform yet. He would have to charge and release his power to transform still, and that would cause it to shake, at least destroying a few thing within it and causing a disturbance. It would break the floors and stuff as well. So..

Garin looks away from Ani, "The great ape transformation can only be done at night...when looking at the full moon..or anything that gives off the same light. Even still, I don't have a tail anymore. So I can't do that. But there is one type of ape that is legendary. The Golden Great Ape.." Garin looks down at his hands. "To think I could ever become something like that...though.."

Garin quickly looks back at Ani and places a finger on her lips "Although I'm sure people might already know...or would hear it or even feel it, if you wish to see this legendary must keep it quiet. I should only really be using it when in danger. I don't want to scare anyone with my power.." Garin looks into her eyes for a promise.

Posted on 08-20-14 09:28 AM Link | ID: 74110
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"Let's stop beating around the bush," Ani announces, barely restraining the urge to nibble on the finger that dared touch its mouth. "You're talking about Super Saiyan, aren't you? I've been told about it. About the few who managed to unlock its power."

The smile drops off Ani's face like so many bricks. "Unless you're a halfbreed with a parent who'd done it before, there's no way a kid like you'd gone through the sheer emotional terror required."

Posted on 08-20-14 09:45 PM Link | ID: 74134
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Garin looks away again, "How do you know so much about my race..." (Weird..and I only thought there were only a few who knew about us.. is this one of the few?)..Garin's thoughts linger in his head. "You don't know all the trouble I went through..." Garin takes Ani's hand and opens the window nearest them, "Well, let me show you that I can do it.."

They fly a fair distance from the tavern, far enough so no one notices, and Garin lands, sitting Ani down, "Well...whenever you're ready" Garin remarks, smirking back at her

Posted on 08-21-14 10:56 AM Link | ID: 74156
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"Before we do this," Ani interrupts. "maybe I should answer your own question from earlier."

"I've met a few saiyans on my study travels. Found 'em in a bar somewhere. Proud warriors, eager to boast."

"Now, I'm a creature of science, so if you prove my skepticism wrong I'll accept it. But I just remembered, I originally asked about special techniques. I know from my encounter at that bar that saiyans have an innate skill at manipulation of destructive force."

Ani reaches behind its back and produces that staff from before. "And since we're at a nice safe distance from anything important..."

Suddenly, the staff fires an intense red beam at a random tree in the distance, burning a large hole clean through. The top half of the tree hangs in the air for a second, then falls to earth.

"Okay, won't be able to do that again for a while," Ani wheezes. "But yeah. Attacks like that, without tools. As a saiyan, I suppose you know at least one."

Posted on 08-21-14 12:41 PM (rev. 2 of 08-21-14 12:41 PM by Gohan) Link | ID: 74157
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Garin looks at the destruction, amazed at such a thing from a simple staff. "Hmm...I have no knowledge on my race as much as I'd like to know. I was only a child when I was launched away from my home.. I heard that there were only 4 others known to existence...."

Garin looks up at the sky, "Oh, how I wish things were different." Garin looks back at Ani, "But in any case, I could destroy a large part of this field with one yeah."

Garin begins to charge his power. "Now...if you don't mind...lets get this party started. What do you say?" Garin says, eager to show it his golden power.

Posted on 08-21-14 01:31 PM Link | ID: 74158
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"Hold up!" Ani quickly whips out a recording device. "Okay we won't need the entire field destroyed so try and just that tree over okay GO!"

Posted on 08-21-14 06:19 PM Link | ID: 74161
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Roy Koopa
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Bel, who pretty much had just be rolling his thumbs and taking sips from his drink for some time, noticed when Ani went upstairs but didn't pay it much mind. That is, until he/she'd been gone for some time.


Bel: I take it you guys also noticed when Ani slipped upstairs but didn't come back down? It's hardly a guess which room he or she went to. But for what purpose, I wonder.

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Posted on 08-21-14 07:25 PM Link | ID: 74162
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Sapphyre shrugs at Bel. "Probably went up to whatever room that saiyan chose. She doesn't strike me as someone who particularly respects other people's boundaries."


Posted on 08-22-14 04:43 AM Link | ID: 74214
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Caionna shudders and quips, "You're telling me." in regards to Ani's lack of boundary invasion.

Sensing some commotion a ways off, she turns her attention to the window that looks out in the direction Garin took Ani. Looking out in the distance, she sees the smoke of the immolated tree and shakes her head.

Posted on 08-22-14 06:22 AM Link | ID: 74215
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Roy Koopa
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Bel: Seems like someone needs a lesson in respecting privacy.

Bel shrugs as he notices Caionna looking through the window, walking over there himself to have a look.

Bel: So they're out there. And showing off by the looks of it. How quaint. I'll admit I haven't actually seen a sayian before but I have heard of them.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 08-22-14 03:00 PM (rev. 2 of 08-22-14 03:00 PM by Nicole) Link | ID: 74218
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A ways away from where the Saiyan was boasting of his power, the sky rapidly rippled- in a low tone and a flash, Niesse appeared several feet in the air, quickly falling to the ground in a heap.

NIESSE: (mrrrow)... I didn't expect this to be so sudden...

She put a shining object back in her bag, and then stood up, brushed herself off, and pulled her cloak over her head to cover her ears. Looking around, she sees the tree gets incinerated, shudders, and decides to take her chances with the wooden cabin instead, walking over to it.

NIESSE: *knocking at the door, terrified* Excuse me?

Posted on 08-22-14 09:17 PM (rev. 2 of 08-22-14 09:17 PM by SapphireBlaze) Link | ID: 74228
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Sapphyre turns around and looks at the noise. "Another one?" He says. "Sure seems to be a lot of people visiting this realm right now."

Sapphyre then turns to Caionna and asks "Is it always this... active in here?"


Posted on 08-22-14 11:28 PM Link | ID: 74241
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Roy Koopa
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Bel: Guess I'll go get it since I'm already up and about. This guest seems different than the rest of us already since most just open the door and walk inside. Bel puts his drink down at the nearest table, walks over to the door and opens it.

Bel: Another guest, I see. Come right in.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 08-22-14 11:41 PM Link | ID: 74250
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Niesse quickly entered the room and shut the door behind her, still clutching her cloak so it covered her head; however, upon noticing that Bel was an elf, she allowed it to drop, revealing her head and ears.

Niesse: Ah, thank you, thank you so much... She looks around the tavern What is this place? An inn?

Posted on 08-23-14 05:48 AM (rev. 2 of 08-23-14 05:49 AM by Gohan) Link | ID: 74270
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Garin looks up at the sky, beginning to feel the energy coarse through this veins, suddenly the ground shakes tremendously as a yell of devastation fills the air. "Haaa....AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" The grass below Garins feet begins sinking, as garin slowly stays in place floating above the cratered land created by himself. "Now..the finale.." Garin powerfully releases all of his energy, his golden hair stiffening straight up, a mgnificent aura waving off his body, as he shakes the field. "AHHHHH!!...."

Garin puts his arms back to his sides, smirking back at Ani. "So...what do you think of..this transformation. Having seen it with your own eyes?" Garin turns around, his body bulkier than before. "I hope I didn't cause too much noise..."

Posted on 08-23-14 05:59 AM (rev. 2 of 08-23-14 06:00 AM by ゼンガー・ゾンボルト) Link | ID: 74273
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Bel: Actually, it's more of a tavern. There're things such as food, a bar, a bathroom in the back and beds upstairs if you need to rest. You don't have to worry about payment.

Sensing the disturbance outside, the wizard walks over to the window again. He knew that it'd be much better to watch up close if he wanted to study it but didn't care much for it at the moment.

Bel: Oh, look. It's a gigantic candle. Quite impressive power output, though.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 08-23-14 07:29 AM Link | ID: 74275
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"Hold that pose, please. I need to record this," Ani requests, silently consigning itself to having been wrong. It's not exactly a feeling it's unfamiliar with, but the idea of this kid being a Super Saiyan...

Noticing a movement near the tavern window, Ani waves at what it can't tell is Bel with its free hand.

"...aaaand drop it. Thank you for this data."

Posted on 08-23-14 07:34 AM (rev. 2 of 08-23-14 07:35 AM by Gohan) Link | ID: 74276
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Garin powers down, his power fading back to normal, his hair falls back down into its normal black state, an his aura fading. "" Garin looks at Ani weirdly. "Who did you just wave to- Oh no...Oh no, please no." Garin looks down at his feet. "They...they know dont they?"

Posted on 08-23-14 08:44 AM Link | ID: 74277
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Adel had spent most of the time considering what Bel had mentioned. It seemed best, though, not to test anything just yet -- if any plans involving dimensional transport were to fail for any reason, the consequences would certainly be unpleasant, to say the least. He was so caught up in considering this that he had not noticed the arrival of a new guest. He also hadn't really paid any mind to anything going on outside. As far as he could tell, it didn't concern him.

After a moment, he looked up and caught sight of the new guest. "Hello," he offered her simply.
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