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Posted on 08-23-14 10:16 AM Link | ID: 74279
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Ani merely smiles at Garin, then suddenly teleports back into the tavern, 'bouncing' off its ship.

"Hi guys! Did I miss much?" it asks, putting away the scanner. Turning around, it spots Niesse. "Eee!"

Posted on 08-23-14 11:46 AM Link | ID: 74281
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Garin begins to fly back toward the tavern. "Man" He says to himself. "It's like coming home after a bad date...ugh." He picks up the speed and flies in through he window of his room. "Well...I hope it will be a long time before someone bothers me." Garin finally relaxes on his bed, shutting his eyes and relaxes before momentarily falling back to sleep.

Posted on 08-23-14 03:39 PM Link | ID: 74286
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Niesse: *nodding to Bel*Ah, thank you...

She looked around the tavern. She'd be in places like this before, but generally they were on fire. It was a nice change of pace, she thought, and headed over to figure out how to get a drink when she noticed Adel.

Niesse: *cautiously offering a handshake* Ah, hello, I'm-

At this time, she heard Ani, and jumped back, surprised.

Posted on 08-23-14 04:55 PM Link | ID: 74288
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"Ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod--" Ani squeals, its tail wagging as if it was a dog instead of a cat, but otherwise thankfully standing still. Hell's wrong now?

Posted on 08-23-14 07:58 PM Link | ID: 74302
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Caionna just stands and watches as the scene unfolds before her. She's unsure what to think of things.

After a long pause, she answers Sapphyre, "Not really... It's been fairly quiet for quite some time."

Posted on 08-23-14 09:31 PM Link | ID: 74307
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Sapphyre backing away slightly from the frankly terrifying scene of an anthrophomorphised cat freaking the hell out responds with "Hmm. I wonder why we all seemed to have appeared here at once rather than trickling in over time". He then concludes with "Dimension travel is so bloody confusing."

He then turns his attention to Ani again and pokes her while asking "Are you alright? Are you going insane or something?"


Posted on 08-23-14 10:22 PM Link | ID: 74309
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"Look at that," Ani suddenly exclaims as it grabs Sapphyre by the shoulders. "I've seen so many things but this lady? This is new! This is exciting! Th--be right back!"

And with that, Aneron the hyperactive felin scholar teleports away once again.

Posted on 08-23-14 10:59 PM Link | ID: 74310
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Sapphyre turns and shrugs at Caionna. "Like I said: boundary issues. Freakin' took the wind outta me there and I'm barely even standing as it is".

Sapphyre looks on in realization "That reminds me, any power outlets nearby? Or can any of you guys zap me? I'm seriously almost unconscious, even though it doesn't look it."


Posted on 08-23-14 11:07 PM Link | ID: 74311
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Niesse blinked at the felin. She... or, er, was it he? seemed to be very interested in her, and she wasn't sure that was a good thing. On the other hand, she ...he seemed looked like ...uh, they... might be a cat themselves. Hopefully it was just some sort of feline solidarity.

And then right before she could try to introduce herself, they teleported away. She decided to just take a seat and sort out her things.

Posted on 08-24-14 01:55 AM Link | ID: 74324
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Zissou chimes in, responding to Sapphyre, "As they say, heroes are summoned in the strangest of places when a need for their assistance is of the essence."

Caionna nods and adds, "There was a realm like this a while back that was lost that acted very similarly to this place," she looks up as if to recall Kawa's, the place where she began her questing. She continues, "Since the powers that be in my home world thought it was necessary, they granted me the heightened ability to make a realm of my own to gather wayfaring warriors to save the various worlds that are strewn about."

Aside: If Zarik were here, he would comment about it being not unlike that of a crossover between Chrono Trigger and Kingdom Hearts

Coming back to the topic brought up by Sapphyre, she questions, "How much electricity do you need? I have several varieties of lightning-based magic that may patch you up..."

Posted on 08-24-14 04:49 AM Link | ID: 74332
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"Look, if that's all you need," Adel remarks, "I can handle that, too. If that's the case, though, I really hope magnetic fields won't fuck you up too much. They're pretty useful for me in many cases. You'd be surprised what you can manage with them. Ripping through an office complex while trying to avoid detection will teach you that."

Long story. Try not to ask. Or go ahead with it, that's fine too.

Posted on 08-24-14 08:06 AM Link | ID: 74334
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The instant the now familiar bloob-woosh teleport finishes, Ani finds the table Niesse sits at and takes the opposite seat, still wide-eyed and smiling like it just met a childhood hero or something, but now in somewhat roomy pants.

"HiImAniandImsorryforbeingsoexcited!" it blurts out in roughly 1.5 second.

Posted on 08-24-14 09:29 AM Link | ID: 74335
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Sapphyre answer's Caionna's question with a shrug "I honestly don't know, I normally absorb electricity straight from outlet's and electrical devices and my magic just guides the process. Plus I've never actually had anyone recharge me with magic before, I mainly asked because this is a medieval looking tavern so it's unlikely there are any outlets."

He then turns to Adel and answers "I can actually manipulate magnetic and electromagnetic fields as part of my electrokinesis powers, so it shouldn't do much to me."A smile comes to Sapphyre's face and he continues "And trust me I know how insanely useful they are. Once, a guy tried to literally throw a flaming car at me, wasn't expecting me to catch it and launch it back with electricity running through it"

"If you guys are gonna be zapping me we should probably do it outside."He then starts to whisper "But I don't think it's a good idea to leave Ani alone with the newcomer, might give the poor thing a heart attack"


Posted on 08-24-14 09:39 AM Link | ID: 74336
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Garin's eyes open slowly as he wakes. "Man, what a night" He says to himself getting up. Garin begins to take a walk out of his room and downstairs to all the voices. "Guys.." Garins says as he looks up briefly to notice Ani hovering over some new face. "I don't wanna know." He points out, as he walks back up stairs in attempts to avoid Ani.

Posted on 08-24-14 11:14 AM Link | ID: 74338
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Caionna looks around the room, as if skeptical of Sapphyre's request to go outside. Shrugging, she closes her eyes and flourishes her hand before her and begins to focus. After a moment's time, her eyes open with a yellow light and her previously invisible runic tattoos glow in an awe-inspiring light show. There is a strange echoing to her voice (not unlike that of a Shadow from Persona), as she calls out, "Angry spirits of the world strike now! Thundaja!"

Her outstretched hand begins to crackle loudly with white bolts of electricity. Taking aim at Sapphyre, a terrible bolt flies from her body and strikes him at full force. There is significant force to the blow, but due to the nature of her focus, it only causes slight discomfort to everyone not immediately in the line of fire. If anyone has a particularly negative affinity to electricity, they may feel something worse.

After several seconds pass, the light she emitted begins to fade. She looks upon Sapphyre with bated breath to see how the spell affected him.

Zissou, whom was sitting nearby, has his fur comically puffed out from the static from the spell that's still in the air. Clearing his throat, he flatly snarks, "Shocking..."

Posted on 08-24-14 12:05 PM Link | ID: 74340
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Sapphyre gets up from the floor, the spell having knocked him on his arse. "Ow. Could you have warned me before you threw that? The lightning actually hurt me for a second because I wasn't ready for it. Other than that though I'm fine and you seem to have pretty much fully recharged me, biologically and magically."

Looking much more energetic, Sapphyre uses his EK (what I'm calling electrokinesis from now on because I'm lazy) to gently lift up a chair and put it back down again.

He then continues talking "Yep, fully charged and fully effective. Thanks Cai."


Posted on 08-24-14 06:58 PM (rev. 2 of 08-24-14 10:04 PM by ゼンガー・ゾンボルト) Link | ID: 74361
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Bel, who had been pretty much observing the events in from of him play out the last few minutes, including Garin coming down just to go back up again, decides to speak up as well.

Bel: I have several electric spells at my disposal aswell, in case you're wondering.

The wizard was standing close to Caionna when she fired her Thundaja but is seemingly unaffected by the static electricity it caused. He turns his attention to Niesse and someone who looks like he/she's had too much sugary drinks.


Bel: I'd be careful with that one if I were you, miss...? (directed at Niesse)

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Posted on 08-24-14 09:33 PM Link | ID: 74384
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"You're welcome." Cai says as she pats her hair back into place.

Turning her attention to Niesse, she says, "Welcome. Sorry for not introducing myself before. My name is Caionna and I am the hostess of this world."

For the record, that spell put off more energy than Garin's transformation.

Posted on 08-24-14 10:29 PM Link | ID: 74403
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OoC: That's kinda why I said to take it outside.

"Yeah, sorry to leave you defenseless with that ball of crazy" Sapphyre said to Niesse. "I'm Sapphyre. That piece of work is Ani, from what little I know of her she can be a bit abrasive at times." He then says under his breath "More like all times".


Posted on 08-24-14 11:30 PM Link | ID: 74409
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Niesse was, at the moment, terrified- she had been expecting to run into some band of travelers, or a kindly old lady, but apparently had run into the largest grouping of high-power individuals she had ever seen gathered in one place.

However, at least they didn't seem to dislike her.

Niesse: *nods to Caionna* Ah, it's nice to meet you, my name is Niesse... I hope you don't mind me staying here for a bit?

Then, she looked at Ani, who appeared to be on the verge of an explosion upon seeing her. But at least it seemed like a happy explosion? It was important to have friends, she decided- she would be careful, but there was no reason to run away screaming. Yet.

Niesse: *stretches out arm to shake hands* Ah, it's um, nice to meet you... ah, Ani, you said?

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