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Posted on 08-24-14 11:59 PM Link | ID: 74420
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"Ah yiss, very very very nice to meet you too," Ani returns. "When I've calmed down from the excitement of meeting you, you must let me study you. We can talk about all sorts of stuff! Upstairs! ...Wait, that sounded wrong."

All that in a few seconds.

Posted on 08-25-14 12:34 AM Link | ID: 74423
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OoC: So tempted to write in tranq darts, but knowing Ani they wouldn't work on her.

"Before you walk off alone with her I'm just gonna give the forewarning that the smouldering remains of that tree out there is product of Ani." Sapphyre states.


Posted on 08-25-14 01:09 AM Link | ID: 74424
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Roy Koopa
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(Hoo boy...)

Bel: Aaand that's exactly why people don't trust you. You view others only as scientific research objects, care nothing for privacy, and to make matters worse one never knows where they got you when it comes to how you'd study people.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 08-25-14 02:50 AM Link | ID: 74427
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Niesse stared blankly. That was... direct. She kind of regretted not listening to the others.

Niesse: I, er, don't think I'm interested in being used as a test subject...

Posted on 08-25-14 06:50 AM Link | ID: 74432
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"Test subject? I didn't say test subject," Ani notes, slowing down. "Being a test subject implies way different things than being a study subject."

It pauses for a moment, drops the smile and stands up, knocking over the chair.

"As for the rest of you... 'Gee Ani what's with the terms of endearment?' 'Ani why are you so damn excited?' 'Ani what the hell gender are you anyway, I can't tell?' 'Ani could you please stand back a little I barely you know!' But noooo, as far as I can tell you're all just making and acting on assumptions. Rude!"

With that, Aneron sits back down, produces a small handheld device and... apparently plays something that might be Tetris. While silently muttering to itself. "As if none of them ever saw something they'd never seen before."

Posted on 08-25-14 09:19 AM Link | ID: 74435
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"In all fairness, Ani..." Caionna begins hesitantly, "You have been rather invasive and overly excitable." Shaking her head, "So much so, that it has started making many of us uncomfortable."

Turning to Bel, she rebukes, "She did not say she wanted to test Niesse, she did say 'study'."

Before anyone has a chance to respond to anything she has said, she motions a cut and holds a finger up as if to say 'hang on'.

"That said," she begins, "I'm sure there is a more appropriate way to study those of us you would like to learn about than secluding yourself in private with them. For instance, you could watch as we go about our business and use our skills as they are seen to be fit." Having sensed Garin's hesitation to rejoin the group, she decides to add, "What you did with Garin was uncalled for. I recall mentioning respecting the privacy of the other guests, and I would prefer to not have to enforce a rule to make sure respect be given. I ask that you only enter another guest's room upon being requested to do so."

Heaving a heavy sigh, she drops her arm to her side and tries to change the subject. "I believe we have enough people gathered to make an attempt at trying to find my brother." Hesitating a bit, she continues, "That is, if you are so inclined to assist me."

Posted on 08-25-14 09:30 AM Link | ID: 74436
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"...I did ask if he was okay with it. I would've left if he said no," Ani weakly defends, pausing its game. "I do recall offering my ship's scanners to help look for this brother of yours, but now I'm not sure if I should -- I can't shake this feeling that you guys were talking shit behind my back."

Continuing the video game, Ani mutters some more. "Would like to see you guys grow up unaffected with parents like mine... and maybe some hormone inbalance on the side..."

Posted on 08-25-14 09:49 AM Link | ID: 74437
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"You should still be mindful of others' privacy." Caionna begins, the tone of her voice is stern and matter of fact. Having no intention of continuing this particular conversation, she moves on. "Whether you help me or not is entirely up to your discretion. I won't expect you to assist if you don't want to."

Scanning the room, making eye lingering eye contact with everyone in the room, she blanket states, "I will not tolerate any more overtly negative opinions toward anyone here, unless there is justifiable cause for it."

Walking over to Ani, having overheard the mumbling, and whispers, "My mother is a dragon goddess, specifically the one crazy enough to grant me the power to create this dimension... I also accidentally killed my blood father in a tragic mishap of my magic coming to fruition at puberty." subtly nodding toward Zissou, she adds, "My father figure has been a dog-man Nu Mou for as long as I can clearly remember. Basically what I'm saying is, we're both a little messed up in our own little way."

Zissou it too busy trying to shake the static to notice Caionna talking about him.

Posted on 08-25-14 10:19 AM Link | ID: 74438
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Roy Koopa
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Bel: Gotcha, Cai. I don't criticize people unless there are good reasons to do so, anyway. And speaking of Zarik, are there any of his personal belongings anywhere in the room?

I need one if I'm to be able to point us in a general direction. Don't really know if it'll work, though.

Bel finishes his drink while awaiting eventual answers.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 08-25-14 10:30 AM Link | ID: 74439
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"My father's an escort, my mother's a whore, and my big brother is an alcoholic who tried to get drunk off battery acid once. Only one of these things is unacceptable."

Posted on 08-25-14 02:44 PM (rev. 2 of 08-25-14 02:44 PM by SapphireBlaze) Link | ID: 74450
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"Sorry, I'm not very used to human... or otherwise contact, so I find it hard not to default to antagonizing people. Ani, if you would refrain from grabbing or touching me again without warning I'm sure we can get along great." Sapphyre said in an apologetic manner. " Also is that Tetris? I seriously love Tetris."

He then replies to Caionna's request for help with a hearty chuckle."You have my axe... err Sword. Plus I could use a stretch of the legs, sitting in a room hacking for a living eventually gets extremely boring for the body. Also, it will be nice to have someone else here that doesn't have a completely magic based skill set, besides Ani of course"


Posted on 08-25-14 02:52 PM Link | ID: 74451
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel: My skillset isn't entirely magic-based. I do have a few sword moves as I'm an expert swordsman aswell. Among other things. I do need to develope more, though.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

My youtube channel
FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 08-25-14 04:30 PM Link | ID: 74468
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Niesse: I'm sorry if I seem a bit paranoid... I haven't had an easy time of it lately. *pauses and turns to Caionna* I want to repay you for your hospitality here; if you think I could be of use, I would be honored to help you find your brother.

Posted on 08-25-14 05:05 PM Link | ID: 74472
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Bel: I hope it's ok if I jump in here and say that you don't need to repay anything. Caionna will most likely agree. As for if you can be of use, I'm certain you'll be able to aid us in some way. In any case, we'll have two more eyes.

Bel walks over to Zissou.

Bel: Heh. No offense but you look kinda funny. Btw, what were you reading when I got here, if I may ask?

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 08-26-14 05:20 AM Link | ID: 74568
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Caionna perks a brow, curious as to how exactly Sapphyre knew how Zarik was incapable of magic. Shrugging it off, she echoes what she told Adel earlier to Niesse, "Payment is unnecessary here. All I ask is that you make yourself useful while out with a group on quests."

Zissou stares blankly at Bel with a furrowed brow, and remarks, "You would look queer as well if you were covered in shaggy fur and just experienced a close range discharge." With a sigh, he continues, "But I digress. The book was just a small novella about a band of four intrepid warriors on a quest to restore the balance of light to the world by way of four elemental crystals. It's an old favorite of mine."

Posted on 08-26-14 01:00 PM Link | ID: 74584
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Looking at Caionna's expression Sapphyre realizes he hasn't explained how he knows Zarik's abilities. "Oh, sorry. You must be wondering how I know that. I have low level psychic abilities and sometimes when I space out, information from other's heads leak into mine, still working on that. My apologies for accidentally mucking around in your brain Caionna."


Posted on 08-26-14 05:19 PM Link | ID: 74610
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Bel: Four crystals, huh. Now, where have heard that before? Bel says slightly jokingly but with no inention of mockery.

Bel: As for why I was unaffected yet standing right next to Caionna when she fired that spell off is thanks to the elemental resistances in my robe. Anyway, let's concetrate on more important matters for the time being. Is any of Zarik's belongings lying around?

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 08-27-14 04:23 AM Link | ID: 74640
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Caionna's expression turns stormy as she says, "How did you manage to get any kind of readings off of my mind when I have an enchantment in place to prevent such actions from happening?" The tone of her voice makes it evident of her severe dislike of telepaths, friendly or otherwise. "Looks like I'm going to have to restructure the spell to prevent this from happening again." With that, she walks into the back room.

Zissou whistles and remarks, "She is not happy." Preempting questioning, he adds, "She has had several bad experiences with mind readers and telepaths in the past, and she has grown to hate the ability. She has much hidden in her mind that she feels must be protected." Clearing his throat, he says, "However, it is curious how you did not feel the effects of her mind reader counterattack."

Turning his attention to Bel, he answers, "I'm sure something of his is lying around here somewhere." scratching his chin, he adds, "I am unsure of where though."

Posted on 08-27-14 08:33 PM Link | ID: 74686
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Garin begins to walk back down in hows that Ani isnt hovering someone again "So are you guys done the staring con...test..yet?" Garin halts just before the last step

"Well now...hello and who might you be?" The boy says toward Niesse

Posted on 08-27-14 09:05 PM Link | ID: 74738
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Sapphyre shrugs. "Honestly, unlike my EK, I have little to no idea how my psychic abilities work or the extent of them. I barely got them under minimum control when I got the vision that lead me here."

Sapphyre's face takes on a sombre expression "I understand her feeling that way, I had no right to be poking around in there, even if it was only by accident. I myself have had traumatising experiences involving telepaths. Damn psychic powers are too unreliable and cause more damage than good unless you have complete control over them and it's not as if there's some kind of summer camp where I can train in this shit. I will try to keep a lid on it from now on."

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