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Posted on 08-28-14 08:53 PM Link | ID: 74812
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Roy Koopa
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Bel: Probably easier said than done considering that you just said you got little to no control over them. I'm a powerful telepath but I don't think I'd fit as a tutor, though.

Bel takes a walk around the room.

Bel: Hmm. And finding any of Zarik's things might be a pain in the neck considering the condition of this place when I got here. Might just look for something decently high-tech and assume it's his.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 08-28-14 10:32 PM Link | ID: 74836
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Sapphyre's mood lightens a little."If it has electricity still running through I can help. My EK allows me to see power sources through some materials. It helps to find something to recharge myself."

He then returns to Bel's earlier statement. "Well I can control it. It just takes a near constant effort and a lot of it. I had a mentor but he's kind of in a coma right now. Knowing him he probably wouldn't take well to dimensional travel, at least he'd fare a bit worse than I would, he's kinda got the old mysterious teacher thing going on. Plus I won't be of very much help to you guys trying to ferry him between worlds and needing to recharge each time."


Posted on 08-29-14 03:55 AM Link | ID: 74855
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Adel's... just gonna ignore the whole Ani situation for now.

"It seems like we can all help alleviate that," he remarks to Sapphyre. "Almost all of us are capable of electrical manipulation." He slips behind the bar and has a look around at the available drinks.

"As for the Zarik case, have we got any more specific leads? 'Decently high-tech' is pretty nebulous, you know." Not that Adel carries anything too high-tech. Honestly, the most high-tech thing he carries might be the wire launcher, and even that's ultimately pretty simple.

Posted on 08-29-14 08:04 AM Link | ID: 74858
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Anyone in the group that can sense magic will be able to sense a large amount of energy coming from the area Caionna went into. It's not clear what she's doing, aside from unleashing a harsh outpouring of magical energy.

Zissou shrugs and says, "Master Zarik tends to keep his workings in a private place. He does not tinker out and about. He has a workshop outside, separate of the building here." After a short pause, he adds, "I believe he keeps it under lock and key, however."

Turning to Sapphyre, he reiterates, "I still cannot fathom how you failed to trigger Miss Caionna's protection magic when you read her mind. It simply boggles the mind..."

Posted on 08-29-14 05:21 PM Link | ID: 74868
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Sapphyre shrugs. "I don't know, maybe the overcharge of magical energy from the spell she hit me with overflowed into my psychic powers making them extremely potent for a second or something."


Posted on 08-29-14 05:29 PM Link | ID: 74869
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Ani's ears twitch at the mention of locks. "What kind of lock are we talking about here?"

Posted on 08-29-14 05:50 PM Link | ID: 74870
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"I can pick a lock if its the sort of tumbler based lock we have in my world."Sapphyre offers.


Posted on 08-29-14 07:20 PM Link | ID: 74873
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"I have a miniature cutting torch," Ani offers. "On my ship."

Posted on 08-29-14 08:01 PM Link | ID: 74874
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Roy Koopa
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Since: 01-04-12
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Sensing the magic energy Bel stares intently towards the room Caionna went into.

Bel: Hmm. I wonder if I should go and check on her or just let her cool off on her own.

And don't bother with any form of torch or lock-picking skills. I have a spell that opens locks. Assuming it's not something out of the ordinary.

Bel then turns to Zissou.

Bel: You think he'd approve of breaking into his workshop if it's for the purpose of finding him?

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 08-29-14 08:02 PM Link | ID: 74875
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"If it's a class of padlock," notes Adel, "there's a way to undo it if you can get something very thin into the shackle, I bet -- assuming it's not magical to any extent. I mean, we would need something very thin, like the metal from an aluminum drink can.

"I mean, the cutting torch would probably be the easiest, yeah, but somehow I feel like we might want to take a less obvious approach."

Posted on 08-29-14 08:05 PM Link | ID: 74876
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Roy Koopa
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Bel: No offense but like I said, don't bother. Knock opens magical locks aswell. Or at the very least, it ceases the magical function of it.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 08-29-14 08:55 PM Link | ID: 74886
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"Does it open code and electronic locks too? If so I might have to learn that, it sounds immensely useful."Sapphyre looks excited. "I love gaining new powers and spells. Except for the aforementioned psychic bullshit ones."


Posted on 08-30-14 08:52 AM Link | ID: 74939
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"I do not rightly know," Zissou responds to Bel, "I would assume he would be grateful and would overlook our transgression."

"As for the spell, I would assume it would not work on electronic locks due to the spell affecting moving parts, such as tumblers." He says, turning his attention to Sapphyre. "As for learning the spell, it should be easy enough due to it being a basic cantrip, requiring nothing more than a brass key for spell focus."

Returning to the other topic at hand, "As for Miss Caionna. I would suggest leaving her to her own devices for now. She will return to our midst when she is ready."

Posted on 08-30-14 06:49 PM (rev. 2 of 08-30-14 06:49 PM by ゼンガー・ゾンボルト) Link | ID: 74962
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Roy Koopa
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel: Hm. I'll go out and see what kind of lock he's put on that workshop of his. In the event that I can't open the lock, there are some workarounds. Which usually means destroying the lock.

Bel goes outside and takes a look around. He spots a slightly smaller building and walks up to it, inspecting the door and the lock.

OoC: In this case, you have to describe what kind of door/lock it is, Trel/Archer, since I don't know what my character sees.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 09-01-14 05:42 AM Link | ID: 75113
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The lock system itself isn't very assuming, just three separate mechanisms in the form of a pin tumbler on the knob, a deadbolt, and mortise lock. There isn't any kind of magical energy being produced by the door. It should open easily.

Posted on 09-01-14 07:03 PM Link | ID: 75138
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Roy Koopa
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OoC: It seems that it's Open/Close that requires a brass key for focus and not Knock. As for if the lock opens as planned, I don't know if I should control that or you.

After examining the door and the lock, Bel notices that it's a common lock and that it doesn't emit any form of magic energy.

(Good. Seems like it'll open just fine.) Bel grabs his rod in one hand.

Bel: Knock.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 09-03-14 08:49 AM Link | ID: 75344
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The door seems to unlock without a hitch. Almost too easily for anyone who knows Zarik. The door is ready to be opened, but it seems to give off an ominous presence due to the ease of access.

Zissou comes out around the main building as well, and joins Bel. "How did it go?" He asks.

Posted on 09-03-14 09:20 AM Link | ID: 75345
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Roy Koopa
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel scratches his chin for second before answering.

Bel: Well, the door seems to have unlocked just fine think Zarik might have it booby-trapped in some other way?

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 09-03-14 09:29 AM Link | ID: 75347
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Sapphyre chimes in "If they're powered on I'll be able to sense any traps through the walls, but I can't sense the intent so I might not be of much help. It might be a random machine or a trap so you'd have to walk carefully and just assume any thing I tell you is."

He then thinks for a second and says "Alternately we could try and get Caionna to walk in first, the traps might recognise her and disable. I doubt Zarik wants to kill his own sister."


Posted on 09-03-14 09:50 AM Link | ID: 75351
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"As I said before we came outside," Zissou begins, "I do not recommend bothering her until she is ready to return to the group." Pausing for a bit, he says, "It is best for your health. Trust me."

Looking to Bel, he says, "Well, I do not suppose we will be getting anywhere unless we attempt to go inside." He motions for the door handle, but the door mysteriously swings itself open, revealing a rather large tread golem with an LCD screen on its torso. The screen flickers on and begins to playback the 'welcome' video:

There is little beyond blackness in the area surrounding the visage of a young man with jet black shoulder length hair, hazel eyes, and a soul patch goatee that appears in the spotlight of the camera view. The speakers on the sound card of the golem crackle as the man speaks, "Just what do you think you're doing trying to break into my lab? I'm pretty sure I told Cai to tell people to stay the fuck out of the shed! It's a good thing I set up this little defense mechanism just in case one of the guests figured it would be fun to shove their nose into my business. Now I get to shove your nose into some shit!" With a confident laugh, he concludes, "Good luck, buddy."

With those last words, the screen winks off and the golem groans to life and lurches toward the trio just outside the door. Once in the light of the outdoors, it becomes clear that this isn't something anyone wants to mess with: It's equipped with several fully articulated arms that sport a number of different classes of weapon. The camera lens on what appears to be the machine's 'face' whirs and whistles as it gathers focus on its targets. It immediately takes a swing at Zissou with its morningstar arm.

Narrowly dodging the attack, the Nu Mou growls, "I should have suspected as much from Zarik. He does not play well with others and have a problem sharing his toys!"

Grasping his staff, he begins charging a spell. His gaze is locked on his target as he gathers focus.
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