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Main - Super Mario Bros. 3 Hacking - Dark Mario - SMB3 Hack Project Progress Thread...
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Posted on 07-25-15 02:31 AM Link | ID: 86670
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Since: 08-07-12
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RetroRain on Board 2 gave me his blessing to finish his hack. I found this hack with the title done that I did in an old folder. This hack will have 8 worlds with 4 levels each, at the end of each dungeon you will go down a pipe and fight a Koopa Kid. I plan to post an ad on RHDN if someone would like to assist me in hacking the soundtrack to make it a Minor tone, like this...

Here are two screens so far...

I did the world map in 20 minutes, I know it looks bland but I like it. I'll be more creative with the other world maps I promise. But then again there's only gonna be 4 levels in each world... ^_^

Once I figure out how to make Boomboom spit out the fire flower "He's already a mid boss" then I'll add RetroRain's levels and edit the text, and release a demo... :)


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Posted on 07-25-15 02:36 AM Link | ID: 86671
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Seeing as that's just a note change, I think I might be able to help you with that, actually. It doesn't take much beyond using the Code/Data logger in FCEUX to track down the notes. From there it's just figuring out what notes are what.

Good work on getting approval to do this! Good to see another SMB3 hack in the neighborhood.

Posted on 07-25-15 02:46 AM Link | ID: 86672
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As it turns out, I did a minor key hack of SMB3 ages ago (actually just porting the code from an NSF Acmlm did)... Can't guarantee it works 100% because past- Nicole does silly things, but here's an IPS patch. Hope it helps :)

Posted on 07-25-15 05:45 AM (rev. 2 of 08-08-15 01:26 AM by Googie) Link | ID: 86673
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Since: 08-07-12
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KP Thanks for the help, Pimp. You know what it is, I've been promoting my cartoons so much for years I forgot a lot about ROM Hacking. I have so many other hacks on ice that I can't wait to work on 'em again. :)

By the way, besides RHDN where do the fellas hang out and talk all day ROM hack style? ^_^

Nicole Thank you so much! I tested it on a regular SMB3 ROM, so far it runs pretty good! I recorded a WAV file of the Plains music. :LOL: This'll give my hack a dark flavor. :heart:

Here's a sneak peek of world 1-1, Quick Curly is my beta tester in this project. Once I edit the necessary text & change the offsets I need to change I'll release a demo, enjoy the video for now! :)


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Posted on 08-08-15 01:34 AM Link | ID: 86867
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Posted by Googie
By the way, besides RHDN where do the fellas hang out and talk all day ROM hack style? ^_^
IRC is the place to be, man. Get yourself in #kafuka on as well as #rom-hacking on It's not always hack talk but someone is usually in #rom-hacking to help you out.

I love that music, man! Nicole, thanks for putting that up there. This hack of yours, Googie, is gonna be pretty awesome when it comes out!

Posted on 10-01-15 09:51 PM Link | ID: 87574
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Since: 08-07-12
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Thanks Pimp, so far the hack is up to level 2-1. And I have the offsets needed for the changes I wanna do, thanks for those chat links too I'll be visiting you guys there real soon... :D


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Posted on 10-08-15 06:23 PM Link | ID: 87656
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Cool little hack! Looking forward to more SMB3 hacks!

BTW, if you need help in creating the worldmaps, I can help.

Here are some references from my part:

Posted on 10-13-15 08:43 PM Link | ID: 87692
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Since: 08-07-12
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Okay you can be my map man, lemme add in the stuff that needs to be added & I'll send you the ROM. Remember this hack is gonna have 32 levels, 3 levels & a dungeon leading to the Koopa Kid. :)

Thanks for offering too by the way, I really appreciate it... ;)


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Quick Curly
Posted on 10-15-15 08:36 PM Link | ID: 87720
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gridatttack: If you're on board for editing the maps, just so you know ahead of time, the last updated version of the hack that I sent to Googie uses custom offsets now. So, you'll need to have the updated text file as well once Googie is done with his additions if you plan to edit the map pointers as well. I just wanted to point that out before it's suspected that there's something wrong with the ROM, when that's all it is.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I've always wondered how your SMB3 hacking projects were coming along.

Posted on 10-15-15 08:47 PM Link | ID: 87721
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This hack sounds like it's seeing some good work. I can't wait to play it, man! This really makes me want to work on my Communist Mario 3 hack some more. Quick Curly, you ought to check out my hack thread that's somewhere in here. I should update it. If you can, jump in #kafuka on Googie, that's a really good place to get some help with the hack if you need it. Also, in #rom-hacking on

Posted on 10-16-15 07:21 AM (rev. 2 of 10-16-15 08:02 AM by gridatttack) Link | ID: 87733
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Posted by Googie
Okay you can be my map man, lemme add in the stuff that needs to be added & I'll send you the ROM. Remember this hack is gonna have 32 levels, 3 levels & a dungeon leading to the Koopa Kid. :)

Thanks for offering too by the way, I really appreciate it... ;)

Alright! Thanks for the opportunity. I'd like to play the levels, or easier, see some pictures of them first before doing the worldmap, as I'd like to know what theme it encompasses and if its possible to translate it to the worldmap.

Posted by Quick Curly
gridatttack: If you're on board for editing the maps, just so you know ahead of time, the last updated version of the hack that I sent to Googie uses custom offsets now. So, you'll need to have the updated text file as well once Googie is done with his additions if you plan to edit the map pointers as well. I just wanted to point that out before it's suspected that there's something wrong with the ROM, when that's all it is.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I've always wondered how your SMB3 hacking projects were coming along.

Thanks for the info. I suppose we can then leave the maps for the last part? I suppose you could guys just leave the pointers you will use in the maps and I can just then move them around when making the maps. If not, I would appreciate any help in not messing up. I was never good at hex editing SMB3 :S

Oh, as for my projects, they're really stopped now. I managed to make all the 8 worldmaps (as well as another 8 set because I love making SMB3 maps <3 ) and as for levels, I reached world 6, with some levels skipped beforehand.
Things went down because some levels decided to corrupt themselves. I suppose I will wait until a proper version of Reuben is out, as I still haven't lost my itch to make SMB3 style levels, even with the limits lifted in Reuben.

Quick Curly
Posted on 10-16-15 01:57 PM Link | ID: 87734
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KP: I have noticed your project before both on here and It's pretty sweet. :) I never noticed it explicitly stated anywhere, but based on the advanced appearances and object arrangements, I assume that you're making this most recent project with Reuben, yes?
It's understandable that you've been focusing on other stuff though. Please don't feel rushed. Take your time and do what you feel like when you feel like it. ;)

gridatttack: Yes, building the world maps around the level themes is a good method and practice. Not one that I've always followed, I admit. X-P

Also, yes, I generally leave the maps for the end. This way, like you said, the maps can be built to reflect the levels themselves, and also, once all of the levels are actually completed, there's a better idea of which ones are easier and which ones are harder to better determine a fitting order for all of them.

I understand. It's unfortunate that you came across obstacles, but you shouldn't feel forced to continue working on something when you don't have the motivation.
If it ever comes to the extreme point of you knowing that you'll never finish it, you could always potentially allow someone else to pick the project up, or just make an incomplete release like what Mineyl did with his hack a few years ago.
I wonder if the corrupted levels are due to the common issue of people adding more objects and enemies than what were in the original levels.
See, that's why I clear out all of the original levels and enemies for my SMB3 hacks now, and use custom offsets instead. You can build your levels from scratch, as small or as large as you want, and utilize all of the space available in each Object Set ROM bank. All of the levels in my main Quick Bros. 2 hacks use custom offsets, and it gave me more freedom with my available space while I was designing levels.
Pretty much what I assume is one of the intentions of Reuben, though I honestly don't know for sure since I've never used it.

As for receiving help, please feel free to ask what you need another pair of eyes to look at. :) I don't want to take over Googie's thread though, so if it's cool with you, you/we can post in the General SMB3 Hacking Thread on Board 2, or we could start a Kafuka version of the thread over here in which you can post your questions and even your SMB3 hacking progress, which I would definitely be interested in seeing as well.
It's difficult to find direct help nowadays, with conflicting schedules and sometimes willingness, but I've always enjoyed being able to help other SMB3 hackers move their projects forward with what I could. So, please don't be afraid to post everything that you might be having trouble with and/or questions about. If I don't get around to it, maybe other helpful members will jump in, too. ;)

Posted on 10-16-15 02:08 PM Link | ID: 87735
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Posted by Quick Curly
KP: I have noticed your project before both on here and It's pretty sweet. :) I never noticed it explicitly stated anywhere, but based on the advanced appearances and object arrangements, I assume that you're making this most recent project with Reuben, yes?
It's understandable that you've been focusing on other stuff though. Please don't feel rushed. Take your time and do what you feel like when you feel like it. ;)
I'm not using Reuben. I'm doing all of it with current editors. The levels are not going to change, but nearly everything else is. I've changed locations of things in the ROM so I need to do some hacky things to get it to work, but that's what it's all about right? :D
Posted by Quick Curly
or we could start a Kafuka version of the thread over here in which you can post your questions and even your SMB3 hacking progress, which I would definitely be interested in seeing as well.
Do it. The other thread has some good stuff in it, but it won't hurt to have one here as well. I think maybe there will be more opportunity to keep things clean and have the information gathered in a neater chunk.

Quick Curly
Posted on 10-16-15 02:14 PM Link | ID: 87736
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KP: Sorry. My bad. Your work is very impressive, for sure! ^_^ Yes! Exactly! ;)

It'll probably take some time, and I don't know if I'll be able to get everything together right away, but I'll try. :P

Googie: Sorry for potentially derailing this board's version of your thread. ^^;;;
We all look forward to the continuous progress of this project! :)

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Main - Super Mario Bros. 3 Hacking - Dark Mario - SMB3 Hack Project Progress Thread...

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