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Robbie Rage
Posted on 10-13-17 01:58 PM Link | ID: 102793
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Posted by Swingball
What’s a real Nintendo that’s very good and has a lot of camera movement?

Game Boy Camera is totally a real Nintendo.

Posted by Danika
Red Sux or White Sux who sux more? ^_~

White Sux. At least Red Sux are good for trolling Yankees fans.

Posted on 10-13-17 07:37 PM (rev. 2 of 10-13-17 07:38 PM by Swingball) Link | ID: 102794

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I mean what’s a real Nintendo game that’s very good and has a lot of camera movement?

Sandobaggu ni ukande kieru nikui anchikushou no kao megake

Posted on 10-13-17 07:41 PM Link | ID: 102799
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Would Super Mario Galaxy game of some kind have a lot of camera movement? ^_~

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Robbie Rage
Posted on 10-13-17 10:28 PM Link | ID: 102817
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Posted by Swingball
I mean what’s a real Nintendo game that’s very good and has a lot of camera movement?

This answer may be more on the subjective side depending on what you consider "good camera movement" to be, but Super Mario 64 is the first game to come to mind. Interpret that however you will.

But in all seriousness, the Game Boy Camera was really cutting edge stuff for it's time. Plus, the in game apps were quirky and funny.

Posted by Danika
Would Super Mario Galaxy game of some kind have a lot of camera movement? ^_~

I imagine it would, yes.

Posted on 10-13-17 10:31 PM Link | ID: 102820
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Doesn't the Game Boy Camera or PXL-2000 look like trying to watch a TV station from like 60 miles away with only a wire as an antenna? ;)

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Posted on 10-13-17 11:57 PM Link | ID: 102824

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1. Which console ages the best for you?

2. What do you think of all these neoclassic retro consoles coming out?

3. What’s a good Nintendo game that has a lot of camera auto-movement?

Sandobaggu ni ukande kieru nikui anchikushou no kao megake

Robbie Rage
Posted on 10-14-17 01:45 AM (rev. 2 of 10-14-17 01:46 AM by Robbie Rage) Link | ID: 102841
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Posted by Danika
Doesn't the Game Boy Camera or PXL-2000 look like trying to watch a TV station from like 60 miles away with only a wire as an antenna? ;)

I wouldn't go that far. The GBC has way more personality.

Posted by Swingball
1. Which console ages the best for you?

In terms of both graphics and game quality, I say the SNES is king.

Posted by Swingball
2. What do you think of all these neoclassic retro consoles coming out?

I think it's a rad idea, if only they weren't so hard to find.

I want a SNES mini really bad.

Posted by Swingball
3. What’s a good Nintendo game that has a lot of camera auto-movement?

All of them? Seriously, are there any that don't?

Posted on 10-14-17 02:00 AM Link | ID: 102842

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Is there any better Nintendo game than Super Mario Galaxy that gives you the feeling of riding something?

Sandobaggu ni ukande kieru nikui anchikushou no kao megake

Posted on 10-14-17 02:01 AM Link | ID: 102843
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How about Super Mario World? The game that brought us Yoshi ^_~

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Posted on 10-14-17 02:02 AM (rev. 2 of 10-14-17 02:03 AM by ゼンガー・ゾンボルト) Link | ID: 102845
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Why not go as The Joker instead of Bats? Or better yet, Scarecrow. Would fit the theme.

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Robbie Rage
Posted on 10-15-17 12:54 AM Link | ID: 102880
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Posted by Swingball
Is there any better Nintendo game than Super Mario Galaxy that gives you the feeling of riding something?

Super Mario World comes to mind.

Posted by Danika
How about Super Mario World? The game that brought us Yoshi ^_~

I just said thaaaat.

Posted by ゼンガー・ゾンボルト
Why not go as The Joker instead of Bats? Or better yet, Scarecrow. Would fit the theme.

Because I did that last year. My lady was Harley Quinn. It was awesome.

I have been giving some serious thought to doing a Scarecrow cosplay though. Maybe next time.

Posted on 10-15-17 01:10 AM Link | ID: 102881
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Ever seen that Family Guy episode with Bird is the Word? I kinda feel that way about Open Your Heart right now for some reason, heh ^_~

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Posted on 10-15-17 01:36 AM Link | ID: 102882

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1. What would you do and how would you feel if you were given a camera preview of everything that was about to happen?

2. You and Dani are in a tag-team fight to the end on a ladder platform. It’s Dani’s turn to fight against the Men’s Private School’s 3rd-year student.

She starts of well but then her opponent baits her into getting behind him. With his gymnastics, he grabs hold of her neck and swings her vertically.

She been trapped into the:

The Great Killing Wheel of Bondage

As Dani’s face turns blue, will you carve the Blood Battle Reinforcement on your chest?

Sandobaggu ni ukande kieru nikui anchikushou no kao megake

Robbie Rage
Posted on 10-15-17 12:38 PM Link | ID: 102917
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Posted by Danika
Ever seen that Family Guy episode with Bird is the Word? I kinda feel that way about Open Your Heart right now for some reason, heh ^_~

Of course. The bird is always the word.

Posted by Swingball
1. What would you do and how would you feel if you were given a camera preview of everything that was about to happen?

I would probably throw it away. There are some things that we're better off not knowing.

Posted by Swingball
2. You and Dani are in a tag-team fight to the end on a ladder platform. It’s Dani’s turn to fight against the Men’s Private School blah blah blah anime blah blah blah reference I don't understand blah blah masochism blah blah blah teleports behind you nothing personnel, kid blah blah what now?

Seriously, if you don't explain what anime this is all from, from now on I'm going to simply post nonsensical responses to all questions revolving around this men's private school thing.

Bob Saget.

Posted on 10-15-17 01:10 PM Link | ID: 102922
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Sounds like Sword Art Online or something? Then again I don't really care about anime anymore, so... ^_~

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Posted on 10-15-17 01:18 PM Link | ID: 102925
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Swingball one day vanishes from Kafuka, seemingly without a trace. But then 10 years later, the two of you cross paths in real life. Turns out Swingball has spent all of that time doing One Punch Man style training, and wishes to fight you. What do you do?

Also does Dani even mentioning Sword Art Online anger you as well?

Giant Paratroopa
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Posted on 10-15-17 02:37 PM (rev. 3 of 10-15-17 02:43 PM by Swingball) Link | ID: 102949

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Posted by Robbie Rage
Posted by Swingball
2. You and Dani are in a tag-team fight to the end on a ladder platform. It’s Dani’s turn to fight against the Men’s Private School blah blah blah anime blah blah blah reference I don't understand blah blah masochism blah blah blah teleports behind you nothing personnel, kid blah blah what now?

Seriously, if you don't explain what anime this is all from, from now on I'm going to simply post nonsensical responses to all questions revolving around this men's private school thing.

Bob Saget.
Charge!! Men’s Private School is the anime. It came out in ‘88.

:P :P :P


As you watch Dani’s face turns blue from suffocation, will you carve the Blood Battle Reinforcement on your chest?

Sandobaggu ni ukande kieru nikui anchikushou no kao megake

Posted on 10-15-17 02:39 PM Link | ID: 102950
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Ah, must be fairly new :P I'm way out of the loop, haven't been a fan of anime in like forever

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Posted on 10-15-17 02:44 PM Link | ID: 102957
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Do you like anime oldies from the 80s and 90s or the new school stuff? :D

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Robbie Rage
Posted on 10-15-17 09:41 PM (rev. 2 of 10-15-17 09:41 PM by Robbie Rage) Link | ID: 103031
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Posted by Danika
Sounds like Sword Art Online or something? Then again I don't really care about anime anymore, so... ^_~

Same. I feel like there's lots to like, I just don't know what that is.

Posted by AtomicAstro
Swingball one day vanishes from Kafuka, seemingly without a trace. But then 10 years later, the two of you cross paths in real life. Turns out Swingball has spent all of that time doing One Punch Man style training, and wishes to fight you. What do you do?

Gasp in horror as he assaults the poor schlub he thinks is me. I then call the police.

Posted by AtomicAstro
Also does Dani even mentioning Sword Art Online anger you as well?

Not really, since merely mentioning the name of an anime causes me no discomfort.

Posted by Swingball
Charge!! Men’s Private School is the anime. It came out in ‘88.


We now return you to your regular semi-serious responses.

Posted by Swingball
As you watch Dani’s face turns blue from suffocation, will you carve the Blood Battle Reinforcement on your chest?

I would be more likely to subdue her opponent, while also wondering why a woman is in a men's school.

Posted by Danika
Ah, must be fairly new :P I'm way out of the loop, haven't been a fan of anime in like forever

Considering it's from the 80s and relatively obscure, I'm surprised anyone has heard of it, let alone Swingball. :P

Posted by Danika
Do you like anime oldies from the 80s and 90s or the new school stuff? :D

Dragon Ball is usually as far back as I go. Unless the odd episode of Speed Racer and Sailor Moon count.
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