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Posted on 12-14-16 11:46 PM Link | ID: 95157
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The portal from Caionna's dimension opens behind what appears to be a large marble castle. Not far away from behind where the portal points, there is a sheer cliff that overlooks a forest covered in thick mists for as far as the eye can see. The nearby river splits into a few smaller streams and flows southward. The grass is well-kept and lushly green, wha little of a field there is is dotted with whitish flowers.

Nearby, there is a curious small humanoid in a mask and bulky clothes. Covering its face is a large leather mask with a bulbous nose-looking protrusion with black lenses for eyes. Its big floppy ears poke out of the sides of the mask. It's rather cute, but at the same time, very strange.

Robbie Rage
Posted on 12-15-16 02:34 AM Link | ID: 95169
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Stepping out of the portal, Moxley begins to survey the landscape. He takes a moment to wipe a bit of excess dust off of his armor, when he notices the small humanoid figure nearby.

"Why hello there, my friend!" says Moxley, quickly putting away his pickaxe as to not alarm the figure.

Posted on 12-15-16 03:23 AM Link | ID: 95172
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Roy Koopa
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A few seconds later Bel steps through the portal aswell, doing a quick scan of the surroundings himself. He notices the peculiar creature but doesn't pay it much mind at the moment.

Bel: I don't suppose this Aren fellow would be living in that castle? Hmm. Nah, that'd probably be too easy.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 12-15-16 03:58 AM (rev. 4 of 12-16-16 01:25 AM by Trelior) Link | ID: 95174
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Zissou is the first to come through the portal, but there is somethiung glaringly different about him. Instead of his normal No mou form, he appears to be a small humanoid, no more than a meter in height, with pointed ears and comparatively fur-less, though his hair and mustache share his original fur color. He had become a Lalafell.

Hitting the ground with a thud, he gets up and brushes off, "Oh lovely," he says dryly, "the portal appears to have polimorphed me to fit in better with this world." Attempting to take a few steps in his new form, he grumbles, "I shall need a moment to acclimate to these stubby legs."

Zarik appears through the portal soon after, just as it closes in on itself. He is noticeably different as well. He maintained his height and build. His hair is shorter on his neck, but there are short braids running from either side of his head to his typical shoulder-length, he now has cat-like ears and predatory markings under his eyes. He had shifted into a Miqo'te

Listening to Zissou complain, Zarik laughs and says, "This'll be interesting to explain," he begins, "'Why is your Lalafell friend stumbling over himself?'" he says in a voice, obviously mocking a hypothetical bystander.

Zissou narrows his eyes to a glare and says, "Har har. You're so funny."

During the exchange, a sharp sound rings out signaling a light party.

The odd creature looks over and sees the band of adventurers and exclaims, "Uplanders? Appear from scary aethergate? Bad tidings! Gobbie quickstomp to make tongueflaps at Master Slowfix!" and they run off. Ignoring Moxley's greeting,

"Wonderful." Zarik says, rolling his eyes, "Luckily, Slowfix knows me. The goblins here are a little jumpy. Especially given the war going on with their other clan within the primal Alexander." realizing no one will probably understand, he adds, "Long story, but we have a long trip ahead of us, no doubt, so I can explain then if need be." He then follows the young goblin to save the effort of being confronted where they stand.

-Party detail-
Zarik Hoir
Moxley Windham
Zissou Angara
Belgarion Liadon

Posted on 12-15-16 04:53 AM Link | ID: 95177
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Roy Koopa
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As Zarik and Zissou walks through the portal, Bel begins asking Zarik about details before turning around and noticing their changed physiology.

Bel: Now that everybody's through, what do we...start with? Oh-kay. I didn't know that portal came with a complete overhaul of one's physical appearance. For some reason, I and Moxley remained unchanged, though. Bel says as he scratches his head.

Bel: Heh. Cute ears, Zarik. He says as he covers his mouth with his right hand, hiding a barely noticable chuckle.

Bel: Regarding this Slowfix fella, did he get that name fron what I think? Bel asks as he follows Zarik.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Robbie Rage
Posted on 12-15-16 01:00 PM Link | ID: 95179
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"Jumpy, eh?" Moxley says, seemingly unfazed by half the party's metamorphosis. "Well, I'll do my best not to rattle them unnecessarily."

"About how long do you think it will take us to get there?" he asks.

Posted on 12-15-16 09:17 PM Link | ID: 95181
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Roy Koopa
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel: If you're talking about Slowfix, he's probably in that castle. And Zarik's gonna explain why we landed in his backyard.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 12-15-16 11:38 PM Link | ID: 95190
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"Dude, what castle?" Zarik says, referring to the city of Idyllshire. Rounding the corner of the building the appeared behind, the area opens up into a bustling city street.

The building they were behind has a raised walkway running along it with steps leading up from the ground. Across the cobble paved road is a rustic-looking wooden building with smoke bellowing out of the roof. Down the street, it opens into a plaza with a large rotating crystal floating in the middle of a pool with a wooden platform encircling the base. All down the streets there are market stalls with shopkeeps shouting to sell their wares. Faintly in the distance, cheerful music can be heard. The street is jam packed with people of all shapes and sizes, scattered among the crowd are more goblins, all wearing the same style mask as the one that had just run off.

Zarik motions to the group and shouts above the din of the crowd, "Keep close and don't wander off! The gobbie we're looking for is up near the aetheryte plaza!" Then subsequently rushes headlong into the crowd.

Posted on 12-15-16 11:52 PM Link | ID: 95194
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Roy Koopa
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel: It looked like a castle from where we arrived. The wizard says as he follows Zarik into the busy street, carefully maneuvering between people.

Bel: Then that large crystal is an aetheryte. And Slowfix must have his own stall here too, I take it. Also, you might wanna slow down a few paces. The city won't go anywhere.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Robbie Rage
Posted on 12-16-16 12:23 AM Link | ID: 95203
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A sense of peace overtakes Moxley as he makes his way through the city streets. The heavy magic influenced city was not unlike his own homeland.

"Say, are there any purveyors of magical artifacts here? Someone around here must have something neat!"

Posted on 12-16-16 01:40 AM (rev. 2 of 12-16-16 06:27 PM by Trelior) Link | ID: 95207
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"Bingo!" Zarik shouts in response to Bel. A few bystanders that overheard the question roll their eyes in disbelief that the mage wouldn't know what an aetheryte is, having traveled this far. "Why should I slow down, you guys are keeping pace and the crowd isn't that dense."

Zissou is quietly tailing Moxley, trying his best to keep up. Responding to the hulking knight's question, he says, "Indubitably. However, the most interesting wares hail from Rowena's Center of Cultural Promotion." and motions to the grand archway that is fading from view behind them.

Rounding the square surrounding the aetheryte, Zarik walks through the gate of a fence around a small grassy yard, passing two goblins' stalls, one shouting about his wares and the other shouting for his repair service.

He walks up to a goblin in a slightly more flashy mask, the main headpiece appeared to be fancily gilded while the nose pouch was made of black leather with a leaf shape embossed on it. This particular goblin appeared to be chatting with the young one that ran off from before. The tail end of their conversation can be heard, "Make with the soothiefeel, young one. Surely Droplox dizzysaw. Uplanders do not appear from aethergate. Silly gobbie."

Zarik clears his throat and says, "Actually, in this case, Uplanders do appear from aethergate. Just not a scary aethergate, as I believe she called it."

The goblin turns, grumbling, "Pssssh Khossssh Who is making tongueflaps at Slowfix?" Seeing Zarik and recognizing him, he throws up his hands in surprise and exclaims, "Psh... Zarik? Slowfix has not seen Zarik in many moons! Slowfix has been quite fine. How has friend Zarik been?"

"Pretty good, for the most part. I was actually hoping you could point me in the direction of a friend of mine. I'm pretty sure you know him. Arendal Angara. The name ring any bells?" Zarik begins, then he remembers he's not alone, "Oh, these guys came with me. Just in case Droplox is worried about them too." and he motions to the others.

The goblin nods, and says, "Pssssh khoshk... Slowfix Cointoss is pleased to make friendlymeet." turning his attention back to Zarik, he states, "Ksssshk... Slowfix thinks some jinglyshine may make tongueflaps of Slowfix happen, or perhaps another kind of busydeal."

Robbie Rage
Posted on 12-16-16 12:22 PM Link | ID: 95211
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Moxley reaches into his cloak and produces a pair of gold coins. He flips them in his hand in plain view of Slowfix, as if to get his attention.

"I like it when my friends tell me a good story." says Moxley. "If the story is the kind I want to hear, it's lots of fun for everyone. You know what I mean, friend?"

Posted on 12-16-16 04:29 PM Link | ID: 95212
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Roy Koopa
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel notices the people around him being sort of surprised at his question but ignores it and follows Zarik until he stops at a particular stand. He chuckles a bit at Slowfix's response at Zarik's comment. When hears the name Angara, he raises an eyebrow.

Bel: Angara? That wouldn't happen to have any relation to...? He stops himself as he looks at Zissou. (Probably not. If he's a big hulk of a person it's probably just a common name. And Moxley is asking for stories!? It better be useful information)

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 12-16-16 07:27 PM Link | ID: 95213
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The coins Moxley brigs out of his cloak are noticeably different from the coins he thought he was grabbing. Instead of being standard gold coins, they are roughly two and a half centimeters in diameter and 2 millimeters thick with a head engraved on it. The coins had become 500 gil pieces.

"Pshhhh Kssssh... Slowfix will need much more jinglyshine than that, friendly Roegadyn." the goblin claps and rubs his mitts together, "Ksshh... Much more jinglyshine. Such knowledgegift worth much jinglyshine."

Zarik turns to Moxley and makes a subtle gesture with his eyebrows to signal play along. Looking at Slowfix, he asks, "How much jinglyshine? Conversely, what's the job?"

Slowfix puts a paw on his snout and ponders a bit, "Psh... Fifty thousand jinglyshine or Zarik can make stompyfeet into Gubal bookhouse to find lost trinket of Slowfix."

Zissou takes in a sharp breath at Slowfix's asking price. So sharply, in fact, his nose sounds like the goblin's respirator.

Not liking the sound of the price either, Zarik says, "I'mma have to get back to you on that, bud." motioning to the party, he makes his toward the archway that leads out of the city.

Slowfix gestures farewell as the party walks off, then returns to his business.

Robbie Rage
Posted on 12-16-16 09:22 PM Link | ID: 95220
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"I see goblins aren't so different than in my world." says Moxley, tucking his currency back into his cloak and following the rest of the group. "At least this Gubal bookhouse sounds interesting. And what on Eberron is a roegadyn?"

Posted on 12-16-16 10:01 PM Link | ID: 95225
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Roy Koopa
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Bel makes one of those whistles one does when something is of really high power, value, or in this case, price. (Yeaah, I think I'd go for that trinket.)

Bel: Guess it's trinket-hunting time. Where's the bookstore?

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 12-16-16 10:30 PM (rev. 3 of 12-16-16 11:18 PM by Trelior) Link | ID: 95227
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"He means the Great Gubal Library, it's a huge library in the southern reaches of the Dravanian Hinterlands," Zarik says as he comes out of from under the archway and points south in the general direction of the library. A fairly long distance away, large golem construct towers from the waters of the river. A great done of magic covers it, it is unclear if the dome is to protect the golem or the environment. "It's not far behind Alexander there."

Looking up at the engraving on the wall above the city while he waits for the others to catch up. On the pillar he looks at, there is a blue shell-like shape with golden outlines surrounding it, under the shape is an engraving in an ancient script that when translated reads Knowledge awaits no man.

"To answer your question, Mox," Zarik begins, "The roegadyn are one of the five races that populates Eorzea. Six if you count the Au'ra that recently came here from the east to escape the empire. They're big, musclebound types. With your size and your armor, one could easily mistake you for one. A short one, but the mistake would still be made." after a short pause, he comments, "Yeah, you'll find that goblins are pretty similar no matter where you go. At least the ones here in Idyllshire are peaceful. Can't say the same for the Illuminati."

Noticing Bel come up, he gets back on topic by adding, "Just like they'd mistake Bel for an Elezen. He looks fairly close to one of their Wildwood men. Should someone else mistake either of you for the races they're familiar with, I'd advise you play along and not make a scene. It'd be easier than explaining that you're from a different dimension."

Zissou finally catches up to the group and leans over to catch his breath. "Why must you all move so quickly?" he pants, "This form is not easy to adjust to moving around!"

After a moment, the old man decides to remark on a comment made earlier, "Belgarion, if you find Zarik's ears to be likeable, then I daresay you would surely find Caionna's appearance when she visits to be quite adorable." with a smirk, he adds, "I, as well as nigh everyone else, know you are rather fond of her."

"Alright, that's enough!" Zarik interjects, "We need to figure out what we're going to do. We can either pay him, it's not like I can't afford it, or we could go spelunking in the library." He then leans against the wall and ponders his choice.

Posted on 12-16-16 10:48 PM (rev. 2 of 12-16-16 10:49 PM by ゼンガー・ゾンボルト) Link | ID: 95230
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel: The golem has a name? As for the racial stuff I think I would go along with it instead of starting a lengthy explanation of where I'm really from. Saves us a great deal of time and trouble.

Bel just makes a mental shrug at Zissou's remark.

Bel: Yeah, yeah. No need to rub it in. And I'd probably vote for the library. A bit of sight-seeing while we're looking for whatever Slowfix forgot in there. Well, for those of us who haven't been here before. Besides, 50,000 whatever is a ridiculous price for a bit of information. I've met dwarves less greedy than that.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 12-16-16 10:57 PM Link | ID: 95232
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"See, that's what confuses me," Zarik begins, "What would a goblin need in the library? They can hardly speak the common language, as you noticed with his use of weird compound words."

Zissou interjects, "Perhaps what he 'forgot' within the walls of the library is something he merely wants us to find and give to him to sell." Touching a finger to his nose, he adds, "The goblins are merchants. They will do anything in their power to make a quick gil, even if it means being conniving little bastards."

"Good point." Zarik concedes, "We should consider our options a bit further, at least."

Posted on 12-16-16 11:06 PM Link | ID: 95234
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel: If it happens to be an item he wants to sell, and thus uses us as errand-boys, I know exactly where to cram it when we see him the next time.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood
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