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Robbie Rage
Posted on 02-10-17 03:13 AM Link | ID: 96722
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Moxley's plan to provoke the beast had worked, and now one of its limbs was now within reach. The paladin quickly drops his shield, and goes to grab the demon's arm.

[Lay on Hands - Smiting]

As before, waves of damaging holy energy began flowing through Moxley's hands. If he's lucky, he thinks, the attack will severely wound the monster and set him up for suplex city. If not, well, at least he;ll be able to heal again...

Posted on 02-11-17 10:23 PM Link | ID: 96754
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Roy Koopa
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(Here we go, then.)

Bel calms himself down by breathing slowly. Then he puts his hands together and starts to focus. He focuses holy energy towards his hands and the preparation for this spell requires a lot of concentration.

After a while, his hands begins to give off a while light which starts off as rather weak but gets progressively stronger. After yet some more time, the light has increased quite a lot but not to the point where it becomes blinding.

At this point, Bel stretches out is fingers and his arms, so as to not keep them in a praying stance.

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Posted on 02-12-17 11:54 PM Link | ID: 96764
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The demon doesn't take kindly to the painful touch of the hulking knight. Wresting its arm free of his grip, it winds up and punches at him, aiming for his head.

Zarik takes the note that he's no longer in need of being in the beast's focus, and he assumes the stance he had done several times past, but this time his sword is what flashes as he changes to --Sword Oath--. He then follows into another combo attack of a quick swipe, then a brutal swing of --Savage Blade--, then follows with a dance like swing, complete with a slash from a leaping spin --Royal Authority--.

Zissou sighs and prepares to shield Moxley from at least some of the brunt of the blow by silently beginning to cast Adloquium

Robbie Rage
Posted on 02-13-17 01:01 PM Link | ID: 96769
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The monster's blow slams against Moxley, who continues to hang on to the demon's arm. The paladin's Lay on Hands attack continues to damage the beast, as Moxley begins to shift his grip on its arm, turning it into an armbar.

"I don't know how much longer I can hold on to this thing! Someone finish it already!"

Posted on 02-13-17 09:52 PM Link | ID: 96774
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((OoC: Trap told me he's stranded offline for a day or two, so we're skipping his turn since all Bel is doing is charging his spell.))

The demon is not having any of Moxley's shenanigans, so it continues to pummel him with its free arm.

"Zissou and I can only do so much." Zarik says, then slams the floor with the light show of --Circle of Scorn--, "Maybe if you used your sword instead of channeling Los Tiburon and relying on your hot hands, it'd help us out some." Spinning his blade in his hand, he stabs the demon in an approximation of the ribs, gives the sword a twist, then yanks it out with yet another flash --Spirits Within--.

"Aye," Zissou concurs, "My skill set as a scholar leaves much to be desired in the damage department." He says as he swipes his hand over his codex to charge a spell, then thrusts the book into the air with the pages turned toward Moxley, chanting the vocal component of his spell, "Counteract the counting down of this man's life force by redressing the balance! --Physick--!"

A soft glow covers Moxley, but unlike the other restoratives, it only relieves some of his pain and does not shield him from further harm.

Robbie Rage
Posted on 02-14-17 12:03 AM Link | ID: 96777
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"Hah! I can do this all d-"

Moxley is interrupted by another punch to the face by the massive monster, but he continues to lock in the armbar on the demon.

"I can do this-"

Another monster punch crashes into Moxley's face.

"I can do-"

Yet another punch. Moxley feels his grip loosen and finally slip from the monster, dizzied from all the blows to the head...

"Someone...kill this thing...already..."

Posted on 02-14-17 04:33 AM (rev. 2 of 02-14-17 10:08 PM by Trelior) Link | ID: 96794
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The demon refuses to stop pummeling the stubborn knight. Should no one intercede soon, Moxley may not have much of a face left under his helmet.

"Oh for fuck's sake!" Zarik exclaims, "Let the fucker go! Hopefully, sometime before you lose consciousness!"

Turning his attention to to demon, he stomps and motions to himself, saying, "Hey Demon of the Tome, that punching bag's a little worn out, time to switch it up a bit! --Provoke--!" A black orb surrounds the demon's head, and it immediately steps away from Moxley and begins taking swings at Zarik.

Thinking on his feet, he retreats a short distance, then throws his shield arm into the air, making a pillar of light appear around him, then he cockily flips his sword length-wise and catches the hilt as it comes back around, quipping, "Time for a bit of protection. --Divine Veil!--!"

By this point, the demon is attempting to take a swing at Zarik with its weakened arm.

Zarik makes a parrying swing, aiming at the burnt area of the demon's arm. "Can't you see I'm working here? Take a number!" he remarks as the slash makes contact and lops the weakened limb off. The dismembered limb falls to the floor and burns to ash. It is unclear if it's from the sword's flames or by its own volition.

"Now, where was I?" The knight questions, blocking a head-ward swing with his shield. "Oh yeah." Throwing his arms out to the side, perpendicular to his body, he then pulls his hands and clasping his right hand in his left, in while leaving his elbows out, focusing. Raising his hands over his head, then pulls his hands apart as he throws his arms down and drops to one knee, praying, "Hark Halone! A knight of your charge seeks succor! Grant him --Clemency--!" Suddenly, a halo of light surrounds Moxley with a golden orb floating over his head. A moment later, a flash of healing light engulfs the other knight and an array of prismatic light swirls around him. Accompanying the prism of light, is the familiar faint glow of a magical shield surrounding not just Moxley, but the other three as well.

Zissou simply closes his book and shakes his head, murmuring to himself, "They are both glory hounds, but neither will admit it. Sodding fools, the lot of them." Then turning his attention to the meditating elf.

Robbie Rage
Posted on 02-14-17 12:24 PM Link | ID: 96795
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"Oh, you people need to lighten up!"

Touching a hand to his shoulder, Moxley supplies some of his own healing energies to the ones supplied by Zarik, bringing him back to full health as he gets back to his feet.

"I think you will find I am not so easily killed. This guy on the other hand..."

The tower shield on the ground floats back up to Moxley's hand and changes shape into a massive lance, which crackles with divine energy. Moxley flies at the heavily wounded monster, looking to take advantage of the beast's new blind spot and impale it on the lance...


Posted on 02-18-17 12:52 AM Link | ID: 96838
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Roy Koopa
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Bel continues to charge up the spell and the light starts to pulsate towards the empty space between his hands. An orb eventually starts to form, along with white aura-like circles starting to pulse around him (effect resembles those for powerups in DBZ) roughy 4 feet while he separates his hands a bit and directs them slightly forward.

The orb grows to about 3 feet all over and 4 more orbs form from the lone one and position themselves in front of Bel. They begin to emit slight godrays in all directions to signify that they've been completed.

The wizard takes aim at the soon-to-be-destroyed beast with his right hand.

Bel: This is your final chapter! And I'm the author. Holy!

The orbs take off, one after the other, with a slight shockwave and flies at great speed towards the demon. They position themselves at 5 spots around the demon and begins to swiftly rotate to prevent escape.

Bel clenches his fist, and the orbs close in on the demon while still rotating around it and eventually comes in contact with it. They explode violently, creating a white pearlescent cascade all around the center area, and also a slight shockwave. However, the spell itself does not hurt good beings/creatures.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 02-18-17 07:37 AM Link | ID: 96840
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The demon finds itself overwhelmed by the blast of the spell and roars defiantly as it is torn asunder by the terrifying force of holy energy. In a last ditch effort, it summons another tome high in the air. However, before it could fully materialise and fall, the demon and its tome disappears in a blaze, leaving a treasure coffer in a pile of ashes.

Zarik shivers and winces uncomfortably as the holy blast shoves him back slightly, despite bracing against it. Taking a moment to stretch after the area returns to normalcy, he quips, "Boy am I glad I'm only neutrally aligned. That wasn't exactly a picnic to withstand. But seeing what it did to the walking paper cut..." He whistles, "Yikes." He then slumps over slightly.

In an attempt to obfuscate his tiredness, he tries to stand up straight, and remarks in a jestingly mocking tone, "Your final chapter and I am the author. HA!" he chuckles to himself for a moment, then adds, "Wait 'til Cai gets a load of that one!" He then starts limping toward the chest.

Zissou smiles and adds wryly, "Is that the best you could come up with, Belgarion? I suppose I should not have expected the same type of witicism from you as I do from these two chuckle heads." and then motions to both knights, shaking his head at them.

Zarik holds a finger into the air, and attempts to deflect a possible question, "Before you ask, paladin credentials here don't include holy, stalwart virtue." With palpable sarcasm dripping from his mockery of the typical alignment adherence.

Robbie Rage
Posted on 02-18-17 06:08 PM Link | ID: 96841
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The monster now dead, Moxley cannot help but raise an eyebrow at Zarik's statement. While he was not so naive to think that all paladins devoted themselves to the same cause, Moxley found himself a bit surprised by the tone...

"Is that mockery I'm detecting, Zarik? Perhaps you'd be better served by showing what you actually do stand for, as opposed to looking down on what you don't."

Moxley reassimilates his lance, and notices the treasure coffer amongst the pile of ashes that was their foe.

"Maybe whatever is in this chest here will provide some insight. Who would like to do the honors?"

Posted on 02-18-17 11:13 PM Link | ID: 96849
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Bel, looking a bit exhausted after the powerful spell, watches as the monster burns up in a blaze and leaves a treasure chest behind. (About damn time.)

Bel: Regarding that comment I made, I didn't want to drop concentration on the spell too much. And that chest had better not be booby-trapped after the trouble we went through trying to kill that monstrosity.

The wizard walks over towards the chest aswell.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 02-19-17 04:20 AM (rev. 2 of 02-19-17 05:02 AM by Trelior) Link | ID: 96852
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Zarik gives the chest a sturdy boot to the lock while saying, "I stand for being a true pillar of the people for the sake of defending the innocent. I've seen enough of the religious-type paladins go full retard in the name of their god, claiming to be lawfully good, but all they are is being a fucking zealous idiot." Flinging open the box, he continues, "Sure, I'll admit, I'm not entirely righteous. I don't have to be. That's the course of being chaotic neutral. I'm a little self-serving, but that's because I'm a businessman with my metalwork before I'm a paladin. When needed, though, I will do what's right, and I won't let someone just throw his book at me because I'm not following his rules."

Bracing against the edge of the chest and fighting exhaustion, he goes on, "I guess I've done enough things that stray from 'goodness' enough to have gotten a zinger from Bel's spell. Combine that with my magical paucity and casting a huge spell to save your ass, I'm a little tired and not really chipper enough to want to deal with petty bullshit!"

Zissou silently motions to the hitherto forgotten faerie to try to ease Zarik's weariness. To which, the diminutive winged woman nods and begin to cast Embrace. However, nothing changes about the knight's disposition after the light fades away from him.

The old man then speaks up, "As for the credentials, as of Zarik spoke. They are naught more than decent skill with a sword and gladiatory experience as well as some basic skill with conjury. Acceptance, honourary or full, into the order of the Sultansworn of Ul'dah is also part. Given some of the activities those knights get into, religious devotion is clearly not a factor. Such as the hazing initiation of one of their youngest members by faking the death of one of their highest ranking members, then testing his ability to track the 'culprit'."

Anyone coming close enough to the box to peer over Zarik's shoulder would see a small cloth pouch, a bound scroll, and several ingots of whitish metal.

Robbie Rage
Posted on 02-19-17 08:28 PM (rev. 2 of 02-20-17 01:33 AM by Robbie Rage) Link | ID: 96862
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"For someone who claims to be so convicted, you seem to carry far more anger than anyone else here." Moxley notes, with a hint of pity in his voice. "Be careful how quickly you place your condemnation, unless you want to become the very thing you hate."

Moxley pauses a moment to peer inside the chest, seeing the items.

"Does any of this mean anything to anyone? I doubt I would have much use for it, seeing as how this isn't my world..."

Turning back to Zarik again, Moxley's tone grows grim...

"Oh, and when we've completed our task here, I'll ask you to tell me more about these Sultansworn of yours. If they wear the title of paladin and participate in such hazing, I may be persuaded to pay them a...corrective visit."

Posted on 02-20-17 12:02 AM (rev. 2 of 02-20-17 02:21 AM by ゼンガー・ゾンボルト) Link | ID: 96878
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Roy Koopa
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Bel walks up to the treasure chest aswell to have a look.

Bel: Hmm. Looks more like things you'd find in a regular storage box than a treasure chest. Though, that scroll could be magical. I think I'll have a look at that. Btw, are those ingots anything you could use for your new-and-probably-improved guard-dog, Zarik?

Bel picks up the scroll to see if has any form of magical properties. Hopefully it's nothing that activates as soon as the scroll is opened.

Bel: Also, if you guys could find some common ground instead of taking shots at eachothers alignments, it'd be heaps of helpful. And you will not pay them a visit, Moxley. That'd be more trouble than it's worth. Besides, it's not our concern.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 02-20-17 05:51 AM Link | ID: 96887
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The scroll does not appear to have any magical properties. To the touch, it feels worn and leathery. There is an air of mystery about it.

Zarik growls and says, "How about we don't do that? That's exactly what I'm talking about with pricks like you overstepping your bounds!" He then goes to get up, but is immediately overcome with dizziness and stumbles. He trips over his own feet and falls to the floor.

Zissou shakes his head, having realised what Zarik's problem is. He reaches into his bag an pulls out a vial with a yellow liquid in it. Walking over to the downed knight, he props him up, uncorks the vial, then pours its contents into his mouth. The old man then lets the stubborn knight drop back to the floor, stating, "That ether potion should quell your dizziness. It cannot, however, adjust your temperament, so I suggest you do that yourself."

Zarik wretches at the flavor of the medicine, but dutifully ingests it. Covering his face in his hands while he waits for the world to stop spinning, he grumbles, "How in the hell do you know any of that? I had no contact with you or Cai about my initiation as a free paladin for the honourary Sultansworn status, or any of that stuff with Constaint's initiation in the frozen wastes of Coerthas. It doesn't add up, because I didn't tell anyone."

"I have my ways." Zissou responds. "I know far more than you think I would know."

Robbie Rage
Posted on 02-20-17 01:21 PM Link | ID: 96892
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Moxley kneels down places a hand on Zarik's shoulder, his palm glowing with healing energy to reinvigorate Zarik, bringing his body closer to a state of equilibrium. It has no discernable effect on moods, however.

[Lay on Hands - Healing]

"Where you see overstepping of bounds," Moxley explains, his tone unusually serious. "I see a systemic source of unnecessary pain that must be corrected. If I see fit to investigate them on my own time once our task here is complete, than I shall do so, regardless of whether I have any assistance in the matter or not."

Getting back up to his feet, Moxley picks up the small pouch, and looks inside...

Posted on 02-21-17 03:08 AM Link | ID: 96907
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The pouch is full of odds and ends of oddly shaped pieces of various metals of varying degrees of value from tin to platinum. They don't appear to be money, at least not directly.

Zarik lays still for a moment with his eyes closed before limply swatting at Moxley, saying, "Gimme a minute to just lay here and recuperate a bit while I fill you in on some of the half-truths in what little Zissou gleaned about the goings-on of the paladins of Ul'dah." with a groan, he says, "For starters, it all circles around the sword the order keeps as a token. I was selected from the members of the Gladiator's guild to join the order as a freelancer. Long story short, I got roped into some drama surrounding the Oathkeeper because instead of receiving my job soul from Jenlyns, the acting commander of the Sultansworn, I was given one by the presumed rogue Roegadyn, Solkzagyl, which caused me a fair bit of grief. Then, I was told to oversee the initiation of a new kid that turned into a wild goose chase for the sword with the motivation being the presumed death of the aforementioned Solkzagyl that ultimately ended in the revelation that the sword was never missing in the first place. To say it was hazing is a overselling it a bit, considering how it only really happened to me and there were extenuating circumstances." With a sigh, he concludes, "I assure you, the order had its reasons. Kinda hard to go into much detail when I feel like passing out."

Gesticulating in Zissou's general direction, he says, "Turns out you don't know as much as you think that you think you know!" Then his arm drops to the floor. Moments later, soft snoring emerges from the sprawled out knight.

"Maybe someone ought to tell him he should be less long-winded when he should be resting." Zissou comments, "However, that seems to be somewhat of a non-issue now."

"Perhaps we should rest as well," the old man continues, "Though I did very little in that battle, I do respect that the three of you did." Preparing a warding spell, he notes, "Perhaps Zarik's foul disposition had something to do with sleepy crankiness. He is a young dragonet, after all, whether he wants to admit it or not."

Posted on 02-21-17 09:09 AM Link | ID: 96911
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Roy Koopa
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Bel: Hah. Look at that. A few minutes of ranting, then he snores like a baby. I wouldn't mind resting a bit myself, though. Starting to feel it after busting out the last few spells & attacks.

The wizard walks over to the edge, sits down and leans his back against one of the posts that supports the railing.

Bel: I never used any of my quickened spells but those have already been charged. Luckily, I didn't have to use any big ones directly after we entered this place so I was able to recover most of that energy.

Bel crosses his arms over his chest and closes his eyes to try and meditate a bit.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Robbie Rage
Posted on 02-21-17 12:33 PM Link | ID: 96913
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Moxley nods lightly in response to the old man's comment.

"I suspected as much," said Moxley. "He's not unlike me when I first got started, headstrong and with a story to tell. If he conquers his anger, a guy like him can become an even more superb warrior; the sort that all worlds need more of."

[Aura Shift - Healing]

As the group can feel their bodies healing up, Moxley places the pouch back down in the chest.

"Just a bunch of metallic pieces, almost like a coinpurse. Did anyone look at the contents of that scroll yet?"
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