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Posted on 12-16-16 11:09 PM Link | ID: 95235
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Zarik shrugs, "The life of an adventurer. Kinda used to it at this point." resting his head on the wall, he says, "It's all part of the kit."

Robbie Rage
Posted on 12-17-16 02:02 AM Link | ID: 95237
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"True enough, Zarik." Moxley says with a big grin on his face. "Then again, all sorts of fascinating tomes must be in a place like that. And if we find Slowfix's artifact, we'll have the bargaining chip we need. Hell, we might even get ourselves into a good fight along the way!"

The is a noticeable new enthusiasm in Moxley's gait as he says that last sentence, as if he is energized by the prospect...

Posted on 12-17-16 02:12 AM (rev. 2 of 12-17-16 05:17 AM by Trelior) Link | ID: 95238
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Hearing the responses of Bel and Moxley, Zarik perks a brow at Zissou, "Well old-timer?"

Zissou shrugs, "I would hate to disappoint our fellows with a contrarian vote. Into the library we go."

Zarik shrugs and shakes his head, "Even if I just wanted to pay up, the vote's unanimous. Let's go see was he 'lost' I guess." Propping himself back onto his feet, he makes his way back to Slowfix's stall, Zissou in tow.
Upon reaching the stall, Zarik pipes up, "Alright, Slowfix, we decided to go on your scavenger hunt. What're we looking for?"

Slowfix motions to his current customer to give him a moment, then he turns to Zarik, "Psh... Slowfix wants uplanders to find lost baubly trinket lost by friend of Slowfix in bookhouse."

"Why would a goblin be interested in going into a place like that anyway?" Zarik presses, "Our literature is hasn't ever been any interest to goblins."

"Kssssshk... Not gobbie trinket, hastymake your tongueflaps are." Slowfix responds, "Psh... No, not gobbie trinket. Trinket of lost questyman, return to friend of questyman."

Zissou rolls his eyes and posits, "You don't suppose you will tell us what we need to know untiul we procure your quandary."

"Psh kssshk... Precisely. No jinglyshine for knowledgegift, then other busydeal instead. Only fair, no?" Slowfix says with a nod.

With a gruff sigh, Zarik resigns, "Fine. Do you at least knoiw what it is we need to find?"

Slowfix nods and replies, "Psssssssh... Questyman lost castystick. Find castystick for Slowfix and Slowfix give tongueflaps. Busydeal completed."

With that, Zarik shakes his head and turns, scooping up his diminutive friend, and leaves to return to the group.
A few moments later, he announces while plopping Zissou back onto the ground, "Alright guys, we're looking for a staff of some sort in the library. Pretty sure it's a thaumaturge's staff because he called it a castystick. We'll leave through the western gate as soon as you guys are ready."

Posted on 12-17-16 10:49 PM Link | ID: 95308
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Roy Koopa
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Bel: I'm ready whenever. Is it one of those things with a set amount of magic charges in it? Or just a regular old staff? And I'm not gonna jinx it and say it's going to be easy because the library is probably gigantic.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Robbie Rage
Posted on 12-18-16 11:55 PM (rev. 2 of 12-18-16 11:56 PM by Robbie Rage) Link | ID: 95325
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Moxley says nothing. He simply stands there with a wide grin and an excited nod, placing a hand on his sword and generating a large round shield on his arm. He seems quite ready and eager to explore a new locale for a mysterious artifact.

Clearly this crusade is not wasted on the paladin...

Posted on 12-19-16 02:48 AM (rev. 3 of 12-20-16 04:28 AM by Trelior) Link | ID: 95342
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"It's a normal staff, a spell focus like the ones you and Cai use." Zarik replies to the question about the item in question. With a hearty laugh, he says, "You haven't seen anything yet. The place is... Huge." as he speaks, his enthusiasm peters off and his chuckle becomes a slight whimper.

Taking Moxley's excitement as his answer, he says, "Maybe we should go before Mox pisses himself like an excited puppy." Drawing his sword and shield, he points in the direction of the western gate and calls out, "We go!" Almost as if to add stage dramatics, his sword and shield both shade shift to red and light up with a fiery aura as they are drawn and readied. With a flourish, Zarik takes a resting stance, his weapons still glowing.

Wasting no more time, Zarik heads toward the bridge to the western hinterlands. "Let's go."

Upon crossing the bridge to leave Idyllshire, the party makes for the hinterlands proper. Vibrant green grass and vividly colored foliage sprawls out as far as the eye can see. Various forms of fauna frolic through the fields. Immediately to the east, there is a sheer cliff overlooking the selfsame misty forests from before. A waterfall down to the forests can be seen in the distance, as well as all sorts of buildings that appear to be made from the same stone in the city, but in various stages of disrepair and ruin. A nearby bridge to the eastern half of the region is visibly ruined, destroyed by the turmoils of time. The blue cobblestone road lies before the group of heroes and seems to go right along their desired path as far as the eye can see. Overhead, other adventurers can be seen flying hither and thither on a veritable rainbow of chocobos and other flying creatures.

Zarik takes a deep breath and sighs, "Man, I can't say I've missed this place. Even with the nice, clean air and all." Strolling down the road, he calls out, "We've got one hell of a hike ahead of us, so I hope you guys can stay with me and alert." By this time, he will have sheathed his sword and strapped his shield to his back, returning them to their blue resting state.

(EDIT: Forgot the ambience, fitting that the video loosely follows our path AND swoops by Gordias-stage Alexander.)

Robbie Rage
Posted on 12-19-16 03:07 AM Link | ID: 95343
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"Bwahaha! I welcome the journey!"

Moxley brings a pair of fingers to his lips, and whistles. A second later, a bolt of light lands in front of the paladin, revealing a mighty black warhorse clad in a shining metal barding.

"Gentlemen, say hello to Harper's Chance, my faithful steed!", he says, stepping up to sit upon the saddle. "He's used to long trips...and high speeds, too!"

Posted on 12-19-16 03:08 AM Link | ID: 95344
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel: Yes, it feels refreshing even though we're probably heading into battle sooner or later. And lots of traffic in the air, it seems. Bel says and eyes the chocobos. (Large chickens?)

Bel: Where are you going to get your lumber, if you need that?

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 12-19-16 03:43 AM Link | ID: 95345
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Pulling out a whistle of his own and giving it a hearty blow, Zarik says, "Some time after this, I'd wager," he answers as a rather large amber red chocobo with white-tipped plumage and a dual saddle rushes to greet him and chirps happily, "We'd need to take a rather lengthy detour from here to go to where I need to go for the wood."

Mounting the bird, he motions to Zissou to climb to the pillion. After getting the lalafell settled in, he says, "This isn't going to be as cut and dry as I had originally hoped, as far as ventures go." Petting the chocobo's neck to calm it, he continues, "Considering how I wasn't exactly expecting to get strong armed into doing this errand, that kinda put a damper on getting things done quickly."

"Come now," Zissou interjects, "You know as well as I and the rest of us, you had every intention of exploring at least a little bit." cracking a smile, the old man adds, "You are merely upset that you had to change your itinerary."

"I guess you're not wrong." Zarik replies with a sigh and a shrug.

Posted on 12-20-16 10:18 AM Link | ID: 95362
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Bel notes that everyone have some form of transportation of their own. (Hmm.)

Bel: I don't suppose you got a spare transportation animal? I'd rather not use my flight ability in case that's not common over here. Oh, and one more thing. I don't have much riding experience as I don't do that very often.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 12-20-16 09:22 PM Link | ID: 95363
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"Hang on, gimme a sec." Zarik says, dismounting his bird. "While I don't doubt the draft bird could hold all three of us by weight. I've seen two heavily armored roes riding one of these bastards. The saddle would be uncomfortable for everyone involved."

"Instead, I think I could convince one of my other chocobos to carry you." He says, pulling out a second whistle, which he gives it an equally hearty whistle. Moments later, a smaller chocobo, more appropriately sized for its master, in a black mage-esque barding rushes up to Zarik and chirps excitedly.

Pulling a leafy head of vegetables out of his bag, he presents it to the bird, whom munches it down in three quick gulps, he says, "Alrighty bud, I'm gonna need your help today. Gonna need you to ferry around a friend for me." and motions gently toward Bel to show who needs to be carried, continuing, "Do me a favor and don't buck him off, okay? He isn't quite as used to riding as I am." The bird seems to nod in understanding.

"Meet Bettergreg," Zarik says as the chocobo walks over to inspect Bel, ruffling up its feathers and lets out a shrill kweh, "It might take him a bit to get used to you, but he's a good bird. Just stay loose and keep a hold of the reigns and he'll take care of you."

As he Zarik goes to get back on the larger bird, Bettergreg squats down to make mounting the saddle easier for the elf. "A word of advice, Bel," Zarik says, "Keep your feet in the stirrups. You're taller than I am, so your legs will drag otherwise. Believe me, it will not end well for either of you if you don't."

Posted on 12-20-16 10:10 PM Link | ID: 95364
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel: Nice to meet you too, Bettergreg. Bel says and imitates what Zarik did when he petted the other chocobo's neck after he's positioned himself in the saddle.

Bel: And yes, I get the point. Me and Bettegreg here would turn into an ostrich if I don't. I was gonna go "Hi-ho, Silver! Awaay!" but that doesn't seem like such a good idea now. Especially if it's not used to me. Do you use certain commands for things or are they smart enough to understand speech?

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 12-20-16 11:03 PM Link | ID: 95365
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"You should be fine just sitting there. He ought to just follow me as if we were running around, beating on the local fauna." Zarik says as he motions to the nearby overgrown slug-like caterpillars, to which he mentions, "You may wanna steer clear of the cralwers. They're kinda nasty to deal with."

Posted on 12-21-16 12:10 AM Link | ID: 95366
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Bel: Ok, so no messing around with them by tossing fireballs at them then? I suppose I can't do that without letting go of the reigns either way.

After you then.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Robbie Rage
Posted on 12-21-16 01:44 AM Link | ID: 95367
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Moxley looks over at the giant crawler, and lets loose with a brief whistle.

"Yikes, oversized caterpillars? That's a new one for me. Any other oversized insects I should be aware of?"

Posted on 12-21-16 02:56 AM Link | ID: 95374
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Starting off down the trail, Zarik laughs and says, "Funny you should mention that. In fact, there are." Pointing to the middle distance, there are several large, vine-like dragonflies, "See those guys over there? Those are damselfflies. I'm not so well versed on the ecology here, but I think they're one of the crawlers' predators."

"Other than that," Zarik mentions, "We really only have to worry about the occasional bear, or..." His face turns noticeably pale and his voice cracks out, "Malboros..."

Zissou then quips sarcastically, "Then suppose it fortuitous that we are passing right by the arboretum."

"Yeah, thanks for reminding me, smart ass." Zarik gulps, trying to regain composure.

Robbie Rage
Posted on 12-21-16 03:29 PM Link | ID: 95387
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"Malboros? You have malboros in this world?"

The paladin materializes a wisp of silver fire in his palm, contemplating it as his steed clops along the path.

"Please tell me those things are as flammable as they seem."

Posted on 12-21-16 10:33 PM Link | ID: 95390
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"Do we ever have malboros!" Zarik exclaims, his tone nearly spooking the behemoth bird he's mounted on. "Here in Eorzea, we have 'em in all shapes and sizes! From the saplings to full grown ones in the Black Shroud near Gridania to..." He pauses for dramatic effect as they round the corner of a ruined building to a decent sized spillway lake teeming with large plant-like tentacle monsters, easily thrice the size of Zarik's chocobo. He points dramatically at one nearby and rasps, "These are the small ones here in Dravania." The stench coming from them is rather overwhelming, even from the hundred meters or so away that they are.

"It would be wise to give them a wide berth, gentlemen." Zissou states, "Even for a man like myself with a fondness for a vintage malboro wine, this is far too much."

Posted on 12-22-16 03:04 PM Link | ID: 95403
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Roy Koopa
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Bel: Ugh! What died? Bel says and manages to stop himself from letting go of the reigns to cover his nose with one of his hands.

Bel: I've heard of these things before. Or more than heard of, I've encountered them before, just not here. I assume we're taking the long way around then? Or are they covering too large of an area?

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 12-22-16 10:57 PM (rev. 2 of 12-22-16 11:14 PM by Trelior) Link | ID: 95442
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"What died?" Zarik echoes incredulously, "How about all of the carrion these things eat?" He says, almost sarcastically. "Though to answer your question, there is no going around. We basically have to trudge through the quickspill delta here, it stretches all the way over to the cliff and, well, spills into the Thaliak river." He waves his arm toward the cliff at the horizon to the east."

"Our best bet to get through unscathed," Zissou interjects, "is to hope that none of these infernal roses spot us as we invade their garden."

Upon reassessment by gazing out over the edge of the water, "I stand corrected, guys, the pond doesn't go that far out, but it looks like it's been raining, so it's probably swampy toward the cliff."
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