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Robbie Rage
Posted on 12-22-16 11:56 PM Link | ID: 95444
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Moxley begins to hold his nose as the smell begins to hit him.

"Okay, in other words, how do we play this?" Moxley says, his voice a bit strange due to holding his nose. "Do we tread carefully, or do we attempt to dash out of here as fast as possible? I don't know about your chocobos, but Harper's Chance is pretty quick. What say you?"

Posted on 12-23-16 12:03 AM (rev. 2 of 12-23-16 12:04 AM by ゼンガー・ゾンボルト) Link | ID: 95445
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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(Lots of water, huh?)

Bel: Hm. Would it be possible to fry all of them at once with lightning? They're usually weak to fire but with all the water around...or can all of us finish them if we lob a bunch of fire spells at them? Could be risky, though, as they'll probably splash about to put the fire out.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 12-23-16 12:19 AM Link | ID: 95447
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"Uhhh..." Zarik stammers, "I'd rather not engage, if possible. Not sure if you notice, but Mox and I kinda need to get into these things' face, and I'm already queasy at this distance."

Pressing on a pressure point on his chocbo's neck, the bird stomps and tries to relieve the pain of the pressure. In the excitement, the oversized bird splashes about in the water, hopefully proving a point non-verbally. Zarik then rubs the bird's neck to help it calm down. "Let's hope that display didn't..." He is cut off by the revelation that he doesn't need to finish his statement, one of the closest malboros turns and sloshes toward the party.

"Aw fuck!" Zarik exclaims, dismounting and grabbing Zissou by the collar and swatting the mount away, "Guess you're gonna find out after all, Bel!"

Drawing his sword, he gives a flourish as the sword sets ablaze and he is momentarily surrounded by reflective hexagons.

Zissou prepares for combat by also flourishing his book open then tapping the page and thrusting a finger forward. Moments later a small faerie dressed in yellow and green bursts forth.

"Eos? Really!?" Zarik exclaims.

"I was not given much time to think, thank you!" Zissou counters, "She will have to do for this battle!"

Robbie Rage
Posted on 12-23-16 12:31 AM Link | ID: 95448
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"Well, at least we get a fight out of this..."

Moxley generates another wisp of silver fire in his hand, and takes aim at the approaching malboro, pointing the flame at it.


The flame immediately darts from Moxley's hand, and the bolt of fire speeds at the malboro.

"Hopefully these fire bolts will be enough. I really don't want to get any closer to that thing..."

Posted on 12-23-16 12:39 AM (rev. 2 of 12-23-16 12:44 AM by ゼンガー・ゾンボルト) Link | ID: 95449
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel: Here we go. Bel hops off the chocobo and signals it to get back a bit while he grabs his rod at the side of his belt and starts to conjure up a wall of flame in front of them but bends it slightly on the sides to give a bit more coverage. He takes a bit of time to make it more powerful, hoping that the others can handle the initial aggressive plant.

Bel: Okay. Hopefully they'll be a bit scared by these flames. Note that things will get through the wall from our end, though.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 12-23-16 01:14 AM Link | ID: 95451
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The malboro is blasted with the fireball for visibly little damage, and is equally undeterred by the wall of fire as it whips its vines at the surface of the water to douse the flames as it continues its shambling toward the party.

Moving as quickly as possible through the water, Zarik runs a semi-circle around the monster. Throwing his shield with a show of embers, he taunts "Hey ugly! Uh... eyes? On me!" The shield smacks the beast right between the tentacles that look like they could be its eyes with a metallic thud, but the embers appear to have been nothing more than show. Catching the thrown weapon on the rebound, he holds his arms out in front of himself and focuses. With a faint golden glow, his shield burns slightly brighter. The malboro seems to take notice and turns its attention toward Zarik.

Zissou folds his hands below his opened book and focuses as well, snapping it shut, he chants, "Pray, Thaliak, give your followers succor!" The party is enveloped in a soft, warm white light. A slight haze lingers around each party member after the light fades.

Better Greg ignores Bel's dismissal and plows through the water with surprising speed, then leaps into the air and delivers a weighty kick to the monster's haunches. The bird chirps aggressively and seems to celebrate, but the kick appears to have done little.

Posted on 12-23-16 01:42 AM Link | ID: 95453
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Bel: What is that stupid bird doing!? Bel exclaims, quite flabbergasted, as he watches Bettergreg attack the malboro.

He begins to move his hands to summon a Super Fireball, which he does at surprising speed considering its power.

Bel: Okay, could you get the chocobo-equivalent of Rambo over there out of the way so I can fire this, Zarik? You might wanna back off a bit too. Or at least cover yourself with that shield.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

My youtube channel
FFRK Brotherhood

Robbie Rage
Posted on 12-23-16 01:58 AM Link | ID: 95454
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Moxley hops off of his horse, and generates a large round shield in his hand. He briefly nods to Harper's Chance...

"Take five, buddy. I've got a feeling it's about to get loud."

Moxley's steed vanishes in a burst of light, as the paladin braces himself behind his shield.

"Anytime you're ready, Bel. Light it up!"

Posted on 12-23-16 02:28 AM Link | ID: 95455
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The malboro begins a guttural grumble as it closes its gaping maw.

"Oh shit!" Zarik calls out, "Whatever you're planning Bel, make it good!" He then lets out a whistle that signals to Bettergreg to clear out. The chocobo and master back off and put some distance between themselves, and the imminent belch from hell or the hellfire. Bracing for the inevitable, he braces and a circle of illusionary shields surround him as he says, "Rhalgr, give me strength!"

Zissou takes note of Zarik's call for hallowed ground and he backs off as well, doing his best to protect his faerie helper from any backlash.

Eos turns her attention to Zarik and calls upon the power of the fey covenant to help him dampen the blow he may or may not be subject to momentarily.

Posted on 12-23-16 02:52 AM Link | ID: 95456
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel holds out his right hand with his hand and fingers fingers in a 90 degree angle from his arm and holds the other hand over his right arm to stabilize it. The fireball takes off like a cannonball, with a small recoil, rocketing towards it target, sizzling and fizzling through the air.

Bel: If this doesn't work I'm bringing the big guns. Also, how many of these things are there out there?

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 12-24-16 09:30 PM (rev. 2 of 12-24-16 09:31 PM by Trelior) Link | ID: 95473
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The malboro begins to belch out its bad breath spew as the fireball hits it. The spell explodes on contact with its target, the force thereof shoves Zarik and his chocobo a few feet, making them fall over due to lack of footing purchase in the soft mud of the pond.

After the smoke clears, the malboro is still there, singed, and angry. It roars and starts slithering toward Bel.It doesn't get very far before an arrow flies from behind Bel and Moxley, sticking in the back of the monster's throat.

From the direction the arrow came, the passing female bard calls out, "While that was impressive, mage, it wouldn't be wise to do that again." then points at the nearby malboros also moving toward the party, "It'd be best if you folks ran. It wouldn't be smart to try to fight the rest off."

Clambering to his feet, Zarik calls out, "Thank you!" turning his attention to Bel and the others, he says, "We'd best follow her advice and try to get away. I hate one of these fuckers enough, I won't deal with..." Taking a quick count of the advancing drove, "Three more." Hastily hopping on Bettergreg, and running toward the group, he scoops up Zissou from the water and makes his way toward one of the buildings due north.

Posted on 12-26-16 12:05 AM (rev. 2 of 12-26-16 07:13 PM by ゼンガー・ゾンボルト) Link | ID: 95493
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel turns his head towards the direction where the arrow came and notices the bard. And then towards the other malboros.

Bel: Thanks for the help. I wasn't out of resources just yet, though, and as much as I hate retreating, we might not have much choice. I could nuke the place but these things are just a waste of time.

The wizard follows Zarik and the others to the best of his abilities.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

My youtube channel
FFRK Brotherhood

Robbie Rage
Posted on 12-27-16 03:41 AM Link | ID: 95535
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Moxley lowers his shield, quickly following the rest of the group in their escape.

"Thanks, miss. I'm sure we could have taken them out, but it would have been some very messy business."

"By the way, miss...what is your name?"

Posted on 12-27-16 04:34 AM Link | ID: 95537
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The bard had taken off by the time Moxley had attempted to catch her name.

Rounding the corner of the building Zarik let's Zissou drop from under his arm as he dismounts and sends the chocobo back out for the wizard. Trying to wring some of the water from his sleeve, he says, "That wasn't exactly what I would have called graceful."

"Agreed," replies Zissou, "However, we are fortunate that we received the intervention of that archer."

"Not gonna lie," Zarik begins, "The plants seem unnaturally big for this time of year. I wonder what's up."

Posted on 12-27-16 05:34 AM Link | ID: 95541
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel hops on the chocobo as it comes back for him and arrives at the house in a few moments.

Bel: Okay, that was embarrassing. And what's with the stupidly high resistance of those malboros? Bathing makes them fire-retardant? I know they were in a pond, but still...The wizard asks as he dismounts the chocobo and wrings what water he got on the robe out of it.

Bel: Oh, yeah. One more thing. How strong are they compared to the other wildlife here?

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 12-27-16 05:47 AM Link | ID: 95543
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"Typically," Zarik responds, "They're generally just as strong as everything else, but considered nastier because they're, y'know, fucking malboros."

Shaking his head, he reiterates, "Like I just said to Zissou, these guys seem a bit bigger than they usually are."

"Now that you mention it," Zissou interjects, "There is a slightly higher level of earth and wind aether in this area."

Sticking an arm out and sensing, Zarik shakes his head, "I dunno. Feels normal. You sure you're not picking up on the clusters in my bag?"

Zissou shakes his head and points toward the arboretum, "The heightened aether I am feeling is coming from inside."

Continuing to dry off, Zarik retorts, "Even if that's the case, that's not our job. We're out here to head south, and I'll be damned if I have to slow this trip down with another detour." With a grunt, he adds, "We're here to find Aren, and we have to go staff chasing to find him. Otherwise, I'd not even bother!"

Posted on 12-27-16 06:21 AM Link | ID: 95544
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Bel: Lead on, then. Bel says with his right hand open as if to motion Zarik to continue towards the library.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 12-28-16 05:47 AM Link | ID: 95587
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Taking out the map, Zarik says, "It has been a while since I've been here, so let's look for a safer path south..." After a moment's perusal, he slaps his forehead and groans, "We could have just kept following the road if we didn't take the wrong turn a short way back."

Taking a sharp breath, he blows on the draft chocobo whistle and mounts the bird when it arrives. "Alright, this path will take a slight detour to the east, but it still heads mostly south, down under the cliff in the distance." Pointing due south at the raised overhanging cliff. "Unless the habitats of the monsters has changed since I was last here, it should be a safe trip."

Robbie Rage
Posted on 12-28-16 12:06 PM Link | ID: 95588
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"After that little encounter, forgive me if I'm a bit hesitant to consider this trip safe." Moxley says, putting away his shield.

He snaps his fingers, and Harper's Chance reappears in a flash of light. Mounting back up on his steed, he turns to Zarik.
"Humor me for a moment. Are there any other native flora or fauna around here that we should be aware of?"

Posted on 12-29-16 05:08 AM Link | ID: 95610
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Backtracking a way and following the road southward, Zarik replies, "Any trip we come back alive from is a safe trip in my book." With some pause, he mentions, "Especially around here."

As they approach Aelxander from the northeast, the towering golem menacing the surrounding area with its sheer size as it stands waist deep in the river, under its temporal shielding. Zarik speaks up, "Aside from the malboros and the Illuminati, nothing is really particularly threatening. Except for the Hropkens by the bridge leading to the library itself." With a bit of a shrug, he adds, "Inside the library, though, I can't be so sure."
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