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Robbie Rage
Posted on 01-05-17 04:08 AM Link | ID: 95782
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"It wouldn't surprise me at all if that was the case, Bel." Moxley says, stroking his beard a bit. "Most of us seem to be rather acquainted with the art of dimensional hopping, planeswalking, or something similar. Perhaps such a process can alter the travelers conciousness accordingly?"

Shifting his gaze back to Zarik, the paladin continues. "If we are to bring the fight where I think we may, I suggest we take the time to rest our mages. I have found the various incarnations of Alexander to be rather facinating. If our enemy has the means to disrupt such an entity, we would do well to be properly prepared."

Posted on 01-05-17 08:18 AM Link | ID: 95787
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Roy Koopa
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Bel: We're not going there now, Moxley. It's the library that's our first stop. Then back to the city to
make Slowfix talk. After that to wherever Aren is. Then we'll see.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Robbie Rage
Posted on 01-05-17 02:08 PM Link | ID: 95790
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"Ah, I see. With the way things are going in this world, perhaps this version of Alexander was this world's library. In that case, let's just finish the task at hand, then."

"After all, it's just a library. What could possibly go wrong there?" Moxley says with a grin, fully aware of what he just said.

Posted on 01-06-17 12:56 AM Link | ID: 95801
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"Oh, no. He's just something the Illuminati have latched onto for their agenda." Zarik says, "Just like any of the other beast tribe is with their primal."

"As for our resting place, we should be fine up here on the stoop by the doorway." Zissou says, "With a few hours' rest, we should be fine to embark."

"That's two votes for resting, but one of those votes is the old man. We'd better rest, then." Zarik says, taking a seat and leaning against the wall. "Y'never know, Bel, we may just end up finding him here. It's a stretch, but I doubt we're the only ones looking for this staff."

Robbie Rage
Posted on 01-06-17 02:51 AM Link | ID: 95811
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"Well then, that settles that." Moxley says, leaping off his horse. "If we're going to be taking a break, does anyone care for a meal? We've been journeying a while, and I haven't seen anyone eat anything since we left the tavern. I can prepare a little something if you like."

Posted on 01-06-17 03:28 AM Link | ID: 95813
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"That may be for the best, thank you Moxley." Zissou says with a smile.

Zarik shoots the Lalafell a glance, then says, "Yeah... you're right. I'll probably end up making a scorched mess." With a sigh of resignation, he adds, "Cai's the cook between us."

With a shrug, Zissou reassures, "Yes, but if we need any metals dealt with, you are the one we trust. You are to the skillet as Caionna is to the crucible and vice versa."

"I guess that's fair." Standing up, Zarik makes his way over to the nearby trees to collect tinder and says, "We're gonna need a fire if you're gonna cook, Mox."

Posted on 01-06-17 05:12 AM Link | ID: 95819
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Roy Koopa
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Bel: Yeah, some food sounds fine before I start setting my spells up and recovering eventual charges. -Bel says while he takes out his spellbook and starts skimming through the pages as the fire and the meal is getting ready. He finds a stump some 6-7 feet away from the wall that he decides to sit on.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 01-06-17 06:51 AM Link | ID: 95820
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Coming back to their makeshift campsite with a decent bundle of various sizes of kindling, Zarik ponders, "Ever have that weird feeling about a quest?" Setting the wood down next to where the fire is being built, he continues, "I dunno... Like something is gonna go horribly wrong?"

"How so?" Zissou questions.

Zarik shrugs, "I just get the sinking feeling that someone or something is in there that is..." trailing off, then removing his hat and running his hand through his hair and sighing with frustration, "Something just doesn't feel right all of a sudden."

"It does you no good to dwell on what may or may not even be, my boy," Zissou says in a reassuring tone, "The anxiety you are bringing upon yourself will only serve to distract you from the task at hand. Please, do try to relax."

Robbie Rage
Posted on 01-06-17 02:01 PM Link | ID: 95826
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"Grand! One second..."

Moxley puts his hands together, emitting a brief glow in the area in front of him.

[Conjuration - Create Food and Water]

A sheet appears on the ground in front of them, revealing what resembles a small picnic. The sheet contains four jugs of water, four loaves of bread, two roasted chickens, and a bowl of apples.

"It's a bit bland, but I find a little prestidigitation magic can dress it up quite nicely." He says, feeding his charger an apple. "Anyone need some?"

Posted on 01-07-17 02:55 AM Link | ID: 95873
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Zarik shrugs and pulls one of the legs off of one of the chickens. Taking a bite out of it, he says, "I'll take bland chicken pulled from the aether over gamey-ass cockatrice sinew."

Zissou pulls out his knife and slices off some breast meat of the same chicken. "I agree. Surely, this is not fantastic, but sustenance is sustenance."

"Man," Zarik begins whining between bites, "I hate that I'm totally inept at magic. The fact you just pulled this food out of nothing is astounding."

Posted on 01-07-17 06:50 PM Link | ID: 95877
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Roy Koopa
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel: Doesn't something always go horribly wrong when you're involved? Bel asks jokingly as the goes through the pages of his spellbook.

He puts the spellbook down for a moment and goes over to the sheet to gather some food. He conjures a knife to cut off two chicken legs, a couple of sandwiches from the bread loaves and cuts up an apple while he's at it. He takes one of the number of pouches he has hanging from his belt and sprinkles some fine powder over the chicken legs.

Bel: If anyone wonders, this pouch contains a certain spice that I've picked up. It's a tiny bit hot and makes various meats and chicken taste much better.

Bel makes the conjured knife disappear while he goes over to the stump again, puts the food and the water down and conjures up a regular knife and fork.

Fork in his right hand, he takes a bite out of one of the chicken legs and puts it and the fork down momentarily while continuin to look through the spellbook.

Bel: Mmm.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Robbie Rage
Posted on 01-07-17 08:16 PM Link | ID: 95878
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"Nice forward thinking, Bel!" Moxley says, munching on the last remaining chicken leg.

"By the way, this food will only last the day, since it's magically conjured. After 24 hours, everything that we don't eat other than the water will vanish, so dig in while you can!"

Moxley points a finger at the loaves of bread, and focuses slightly.

[Transmutation - Prestidigitation]

The loaves glow for the briefest of moments before returning to normal. Anyone eating from this bread can now detect a hint of herbs and olive oil.

"Oh, and the bread is basically focaccia now. Just saying."

Posted on 01-08-17 01:55 AM Link | ID: 95887
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Zarik and Zissou both grab an apple and some of the bread each and finally take a seat on the ground next to the picnic arrangement.

"Thanks, Bel, but I'll take my chicken plain." Zarik says as he tosses his apple to the Bettergreg, whom snatches it out of the air expertly and chirps in delight.

Handing his apple to the larger red bird, Zissou politely declines, "As shall I. Spices and my stomach are not on good terms." Taking a bit out of his loaf of bread, he comments, "The bread is delightful though."

Zarik's ears twitch anxiously as he sits quietly and eats.

Posted on 01-08-17 05:33 AM Link | ID: 95891
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Bel: I see. We wouldn't want to alert the enemy to our presence with such nasty sounds. -Bel says as he finishes one chicken leg and makes some mental notes regarding spells. He takes a bite from the bread and one gulp of water, then continues to read through the pages.

Bel: Btw, if this staff is just a regular one, why would others also be looking for it?

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 01-08-17 06:25 AM Link | ID: 95892
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Absentmindedly sipping from his canteen, Zarik narrows his eyes and says, "That's one of the things bugging me." Pinning his ears back in an attempt to stop their twitching, he goes on, "I can already tell you that it's not a normal staff. Though I have reason to doubt that it's something someone lost."

"Whatever do you mean?" Zissou asks with a mouthful of bread.

"Not long ago, the archaeologists in Idyllshire sent a bunch of adventurers into the library looking for a book." Zarik responds, "Maybe the book mentioned a powerful staff and word spread. Now every bastard looking to score some quick coin is after it. It's not unheard of in these parts."

"Ah," Zissou says with a nod and an empty mouth, "You're concerned about being roped into the unsavory group of greedy ones?"

"Not at all. I don't care if some jackoff thinks I'm greedy." Zarik says with a noticeable gruffness, "The book was protected by a pretty nasty librarian. Who knows what would be protecting this staff. Something I almost don't want to find out!"

"Aye," the old man replies solemnly, "And I can understand your concern if Arendal is inside. While he is strong, he has been known to report to duties under-prepared."

Posted on 01-08-17 09:09 AM (rev. 2 of 01-08-17 09:10 AM by ゼンガー・ゾンボルト) Link | ID: 95893
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Bel: Nah, the greedy one is back in that stall in the city. And I bet he knew that it wasn't lost. If it's just regular adventurers or treasure hunters who are after the staff, they shouldn't pose much of a problem. But then again, they wouldn't be our main concern in there.

Bel finishes one of his sandwiches, takes a bite out of the second chicken legs and gulps it down with some water.

Bel: I think I may be done spell-deciding now. Bolt of Judgment, Meteor Swarm, Ice Beam and Gravity Crash. That's the maximum amount I can set up for quick casting, anyway. I'm saving these for emergencies.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Robbie Rage
Posted on 01-08-17 12:58 PM Link | ID: 95900
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"Hey, if a librarian and a bunch of rogues are the only things in there, then I wouldn't be too concerned. With this lineup of folks, only the dim would mess with us!" Moxley says, taking another swig of water.

"I'm ready to head on in whenever you boys are. Say the word."

Posted on 01-08-17 07:35 PM (rev. 3 of 01-09-17 03:07 AM by Trelior) Link | ID: 95902
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Zarik stands and takes an urn or water. Filling his canteen, he slings it over his shoulder and sets the urn back on the blanket. Giving the chocobos a whistle of dismissal, the bird start flapping their wings and fly off.

Zissou picks up the placed urn and finishes the water left inside. Wiping his mouth clean, he says, "I do believe I am ready to embark." Opening his book and focusing yet again, he calls upon the aid of his faerie pet once more. She is noticeably different this time. Instead of being yellow and green, she is yellow and pink. "Surely Selene will help us properly."

Zarik nods and grunts. Steeling his nerves, he draws his weapon and clasps his hands around his sword's hilt. with another reserved grunt, his sword and shield glow intensely for a moment with a metallic singing --Shield Oath--. He takes a ready stance with a spinning flourish of his blade. "It's now or never. Let's go." He says as he walks to the library door and shoves it open dramatically.

Robbie Rage
Posted on 01-08-17 08:45 PM Link | ID: 95907
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Moxley takes out his sword and shield before motioning to his steed. "Take five, boy. I'm gonna need some room to work."

Harper's Chance vanishes in a flash of light, and Moxley follows closely alongside Zarik. "I guess you're taking point then?"

Posted on 01-08-17 11:04 PM Link | ID: 95924
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Bel focuses for a bit to set the spell charges, finished the chicken leg and the sandwich, then gulps it down with the remaining water. He closes the book and puts it back in side the robe, then takes the staff out from its attachment on his back and follows the others.

Bel: I don't suppose anyone's gonna "Hoo hoo, anybody home?".

OoC: I'm going to make it so Bel has some form of leather harness that goes diagonally over the robe with two attachements (one is a sheath) on the back for two larger weapons that can be fit diagonally over eachother. They're the staff and his longsword.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood
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