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Posted on 01-09-17 12:25 AM Link | ID: 95932
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"Is that supposed to be a joke?" Zarik snarks, "The aforementioned librarian was an owl."

Zissou snickers and follows Zarik though the door.

Inside the doorway of the library, it immediately opens into a lobby with bookshelves lining every wall with a desk situated on the southern wall. There is a red, sinister haze all around. The laughing of demons and imps can be heard through the cavernous house of literature. Despite the sheer amount of books, the acoustics are hollow and echoey.

Waiting for the others to follow him in, Zarik says, "Something's definitely up in here. I don't know what exactly to expect, so stay on your guard." Locking gaze with Moxley, he cautions, "We are two paladins, and we have two squishy mages. I'll cover Zissou, you cover Bel. I am dead serious. We can't afford to let anything happen."

(OoC: I'm of the school of "If it is reasonable that a person would have it, it doesn't need strict accounting for." As long as you're not going crazy with it, I'm going to assume everyone has exactly what they need.)

Posted on 01-09-17 12:53 AM Link | ID: 95936
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel follows Zarik inside and immediately senses that something is wrong. Other than noticing the red tone in the air and the laughing, that is.


Bel: Well. Don't this place look cheerful. Maybe I should scan the place like I did in the forest, yes?

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Robbie Rage
Posted on 01-09-17 01:05 AM Link | ID: 95937
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Moxley looks back at Zarik with a smirk. "Z, I've been at this gig for at least as long as you have. I know to look for threats after my squishy friends. Speaking of which, let me see what I can find..."

Moxley's eyes begin to glow, as his gaze darts around the room and the surrounding area.

[Divination - Detect Evil]

Posted on 01-09-17 01:19 AM (rev. 2 of 01-09-17 01:22 AM by Trelior) Link | ID: 95941
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"Nah, a detection of magic in here would basically blind you from how bright it'd get. Just about everything in here has magical energy on it." Zarik says, "Even someone as magically inept as me can feel this place is uncomfortably magical."

The room goes dark from Moxley's perspective. A few books on numerous shelves glow and denote evil energy. Aside from that, the lobby shows no signs. The door on the opposite end of the lobby, however, is bright as if staring into the sun on a clear day.

Zissou's hair stands on end as if he's able to see what Moxley can see with his detection spell, "I do not like the feeling coming from the main hall. This bodes ill."

"Whether you guys like it or not, we have to go in there," Zarik states, "Steel your nerves, all. This is gonna be a bumpy ride."

(OoC: Some ambience just try to imagine it with a bit more of a sinister tone (and this version of the song is noteably heavier than Normal mode.))

Robbie Rage
Posted on 01-09-17 01:38 AM Link | ID: 95958
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Moxley begins to laugh as he spots the door in question.

"I don't know about you, Z, but I LIVE for this kind of thing! I am a scalpel of divine justice, and it's time to operate..."

Moxley begins walking towards the door without hesitation, silently expecting the others to follow.

Posted on 01-09-17 01:46 AM (rev. 2 of 01-09-17 01:50 AM by ゼンガー・ゾンボルト) Link | ID: 95967
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Roy Koopa
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Bel: It'd be more to determine where the strongest sources are. But I'll refrain from it on your advice then. However, even with the ability permanently being used passively and being far weaker and less accurate than it'd be from active use, that door over there...-Bel says and points.

Bel: That, or something behind it gives off powerful magical energies.

Seeing Moxley walk towards the door without so much as a slight concern for his own safety, Bel makes a mental facepalm. (Fool.)

Bel: Moxley, you're being too careless. Do you want to step into a trap?

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 01-09-17 03:06 AM Link | ID: 95978
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Walking out through the door reveals a drop off into a vast column of bookshelves lining the entirety of the large cylindrical room. There is a circular platform in the center of the room, suspended in the air. Upon it are books strewn haphazardly with three winged demons and two ink wells with wings.

Stepping out in front of Moxley, Zarik steps on a switch near the edge of the lookout they are standing on. From beneath where the paladins are standing, a glowing blue pathway juts out then falls neatly into a magicked stairwell that leads down to the platform with the monsters. Another similar staircase also appears on the northeastern edge of the platform as well that leads to a similar doorway.

Running down the stairs, he pumps out his arms which causes the shield glow from earlier to happen --Rampart--, as well as flourishing his blade and causing his blade to flash --Fight or Flight--, he hurls his shield at the demon front and center to grab its attention. With a flick of his wrist, a burst of light blasts forth --Flash--, catching the rest of the monsters attention and angering them into attacking him.

Hot on Zarik's Heels, with Selene folowing closely, Zissou folows to about halfway down the stairs before stopping. Holding his open open book out in front of his body, he begins chanting for a moment. "Go forth with strength, my friend. May my shield strengthen yours! Adloquium!" then snapping the book shut. Suddenly, the soft light from before surrounds Zarik as it did against the malboro.

Robbie Rage
Posted on 01-09-17 03:53 AM Link | ID: 95980
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"Ha ha! Have at thee, infernals!"

Moxley dashes another one of the demons, looking to slash at it's leg. As he does, the paladin emits an aura that envelops him and his allies. Those in the aura can feel themselves able to move faster and without fear.

[Aura of Valor]

Posted on 01-09-17 04:41 AM Link | ID: 95981
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel runs along the rest of them through the door and notices the demons and ink wells in the center with books scattered all ove the place.

Bel: It figures it'd be small fry we encounter first. And they're not very careful with the books either. The wizard stops at the same spot Zissou did and starts chanting while holding out his staff.

Bel: Alright, those of you with shields, cover your heads and be careful not to take any blows meanwhile. We're going to have a bit of hail.

Ice Storm

Bel's staff starts to glow with an icy blue color as a great portal opens over the center area of the room and hailstones as large as bowling balls begin to fall down at the enemies with great speed. The hailstones keep falling for roughly 6-8 seconds.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 01-09-17 05:01 AM Link | ID: 95982
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The demon Moxley slashes shrieks in pain, but is too angry at Zarik to turn its attention away. It swipes angrily at the Miqo'te, but nothing happens due to the shield granted by Zissou's spell.

The hail makes quick work of the sentient ink wells, breaking their fragile bodies and making them drop harmlessly to the floor.

Emboldened by Moxley's aura, Zarik jumps into the air then drives his sword into the floor as hard as he can --Circle of Scorn--. The force of impact causes pillars of light to spring from the ground in the meter of so surrounding him. The pillars of light do nothing to Moxley, but pierce through the demons causing them to begin bleeding. The first demon is dispatched by this attack.

Zissou holds his book his book aloft in his left hand while making a somatic gesture over it with his right. He calls out, By the arcane rites, I smite thee, Ruination!" and he points to a second demon and blasts it with a bolt of unaspected aether. The blast causes it the intended harm, but it still strikes out at Zarik, again, doing no damage to him, but the light fades.

The remaining demon to act looses a flash of dark energy, causing minor damages to both paladins.

Selene glows with a yellow light then emits an energy that envelops the party, allowing them to act slightly faster --Fey Wind--

Robbie Rage
Posted on 01-09-17 12:50 PM Link | ID: 95992
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Moxley raises his shield to block the incoming hail. As he does, he swiftly begins to dash at the remaining demon who just fired the blast at him.

"Bwahaha! Is that all?"

Moxley charges at the demon and goes for a smiting stab with his sword, looking to finish it off.

Posted on 01-09-17 10:46 PM (rev. 2 of 01-09-17 11:56 PM by ゼンガー・ゾンボルト) Link | ID: 95994
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Roy Koopa
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel: Guess that's that. Zarik and Moxley will be able to finish the rest on their own. I wonder if there's anything of use in the pile of books or if my hailstorm wrecked all of them. That's the bad thing with offensive magic. Collateral damage. -Bel says while resting the staff on the ground, obviously addressing Zissou right next to him.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 01-09-17 11:28 PM (rev. 4 of 01-10-17 12:15 AM by Trelior) Link | ID: 95995
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Zarik and Moxley do, indeed, finish off the remaining two demons.

"Aye," Zissou nods, "Such a waste that these books must be destroyed. Naught can be done about it, however."

Zarik wastes no time after the final demon falls to take off running up the northwestern staircase. "C'mon! Let's go. No time for mourning a few books!" Reaching the landing and running through the door into a room that is very similar to the last. Stepping on a switch, the stairs go upward to the platform.

This second platform is home to a horned quadrupedal demon with wings and a long, prehensile tail, it is also accompanied by an ink well as well as a sentient quill pen. Zarik repeats his use of --Fight or Flight-- and --Rampart-- but instead of throwing his shield, he thrusts his sword into the beast's shoulder, give it a twist, then rips the blade back out witha burst of light--Spirits Within--. This attack mere pains the monster and angers it. Using this to his advantage, he moves around the edge of the platform, bringing the foe's facing toward him.

Zissou runs up the staircase and takes a flying leap over the demon and goes to cast another spell. Snapping his book shut with a chant, "Set forth with the flames of the seven hells, burn! --Shadow Flare!--" The air around the monster ignites with a burst that begins immolating it, and only it over time. "Be wary of the Bibliolater's tail!" He warns.

Selene charges as well and a burst of light surrounds Zarik and heals any wounds from the last battle caused after the shield fell. --Embrace--

Posted on 01-10-17 12:15 AM Link | ID: 95996
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Roy Koopa
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel runs up towards large demon aswell but stays out of reach of the tail for the time being. Before turning his attention to the big one he attempts to crush the ink well and quill pen with a powerful telekinetic attack to save some magical energy. It also don't necessarily require somatic movements.

He takes out the sword in the left hand aswell should the initial move fail and thus provoking them into attacking.

Bel: So cut the tail off then? Or can't it be done?

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Robbie Rage
Posted on 01-10-17 12:44 AM Link | ID: 96004
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"I'll take care of it!"

Molxey uses his cloak to teleport a few meters above the back end of the demon. His sword glows with holy energy as he falls, attempting to use the blade to cut the monster's tail...

Posted on 01-10-17 02:24 AM (rev. 2 of 01-10-17 02:30 AM by Trelior) Link | ID: 96008
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The Bibliolater slaps Moxley out of the air deftly with its tail and hisses at him. The ink well is shattered by the telekinetic force, while the quill swipes at Zarik unabated.

"Does that answer your question?" Zarik snaps as he slams his shield into the monster's face and takes a swing at the quill with his sword.

Zissou quickly runs over to Moxley's side to help him up off the floor, "You mustn't be so hasty, ser."

Selene once again uses Embrace, but targets the wounded Moxley instead of Zarik.

Posted on 01-10-17 08:44 AM (rev. 3 of 01-10-17 05:09 PM by ゼンガー・ゾンボルト) Link | ID: 96011
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Roy Koopa
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(Hmph. One down, at least.)

Bel: Ok. Looks like the pen is mightier than a telekinetic crush. And I didn't ask if it was going to defend itself. I asked if it's possible to cut the tail off assuming you don't get hit.

Bel, still keeping his eye on the flying pencil, sheaths his sword and switches hands holding the staff. He takes aim at the feather quill with his right hand while making a short chant. The area around his hand starts to glow burning red and orange.

Bel: Try and keep the flying paperworker at that spot, Zarik. And it might get a little hot in a few moments.

Scorching Rays

Fiery laser-like rays, 5 to be exact, shoots out from Bel's right hand towards the quill pen. They zoom by it pretty close at 5 different angles only to quickly close in towards it all at once, to make dodging them that much harder. When the beams become one, it gains a slight amount of power.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Robbie Rage
Posted on 01-10-17 12:40 PM (rev. 2 of 01-10-17 03:03 PM by Robbie Rage) Link | ID: 96012
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"Bah, it takes much more than that to keep me down!"

Moxley places a hand on his stomach, healing his remaining wounds.

[Lay on Hands - Healing]

The warm, healing light from Moxley's hand begins to shift, and more damaging, radiant energies can be detected by those with a keen eye. Moxley then puts away his sword, leaving him equipped with just his shield and a free hand.

"I've got a plan, Selene. Anything you can do to help me get close to that demon?"

Posted on 01-10-17 10:59 PM Link | ID: 96024
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The quill takes a direct hit from one of the firebolts and immolates to ash within seconds. The Bibliolate bites at Zarik angrily as the shadow flare circle disappears and stops doing its continuous damage.

Selene looks at the mountain of a man incredulously, rightfully baffled by whatever it is that he might be planning due to her obvious diminutive stature.

"Whatever you're planning is all fine and good, guys, but why don't you just focus on hurting the fucking thing and ignoring its godsdamned tail!" Zarik cries, exasperated, while slamming the beast in the face with the hilt of his sword, narrowly avoiding getting munched upon.

"Aye. We need to focus more on outright killing the monster moreso than just disabling an appendage." Zissou says, with a snap of his wrist of his book wielding hand which causes a green and purple cloud of smog to appear on the foe's face --Bio--. Following with a swipe of his hand to charge another spell then bracing the book as he shoves it forward with a somatic gesture, another, larger, cloud appears around the adversary --Bio II>--.

Both clouds of smoke begin chipping away at the beast with poison over time.

Robbie Rage
Posted on 01-11-17 01:29 AM Link | ID: 96029
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"No spells or anything? No big deal, I'll figure something out..."

Moxley dashes forward, weaving in and out of the group's magical blasts until he gets close to the demon. He charges the monster, hand outstretched, attempting to touch it.

"Come on beastie, give me a hug!"

[Lay on Hands - Smiting]
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