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Posted on 01-27-17 04:20 PM (rev. 2 of 01-27-17 04:20 PM by ゼンガー・ゾンボルト) Link | ID: 96405
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel: The whole truth and nothing but the truth, huh? Feel free to try, I guess. Otherwise we could always force it out of whoever's behind this demon infestation when we get there.

As of this moment, Bel is rummaging through the books on the eastern end of the room to help Zarik and Zissou aswell as to see if there are any interesting books regarding magical artifacts.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 01-30-17 01:21 AM Link | ID: 96482
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"Who says anything is behind this aside from a guardian pissed off that its ward is compromised?" Zarik says, digging through more books, "This place was sealed off when the Sharlayans were forced out for a reason."

"The Garlean Empire invaded and were, and still are, seeking information pertaining to the Allagan Empire of antiquity." Zissou preemptively explains, "There is a long, arduous, tale behind the Garlean machinations that I feel we lack time to explain in detail."

Getting fed up with trying to find the book with the seal, Zarik rushes over to the door and begins pouring focued aether into it. A white light emits from his hand as he concentrates, causing the door to glow and radiate a soft light in response. After a moment of glowing, the door shines brightly before quietly dissipating.

On the other side of the door, it opens to a decently wide pathway with guiding rails on the northern and southern edges. Looking out over either edge would reveal open air into a large hall with bookshelves as far as the eye can see. In the center of this pathway is a large, upright open-standing book with a grotesque demon's head sticking out from the spine between the pages.

Zarik shakes his head and says, "Figures this bastard would be here." Readying his weapons, he says, "Which version is he this time?"

Posted on 01-30-17 01:51 AM Link | ID: 96485
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel: Looks like we found the big hall of the library. -Bel exclaims when he follows Zarik through the door and spots the rails along with the seemingly endless lines of bookshelves.

Bel: And one ugly abomination to go with it, it seems. -He says as he spots the demon poking his head out from the large book.

Bel readies his weapons aswell.

Bel: I don't suppose he'll let us pass if we ask nicely? And by 'which version', you mean he can take any form from that book?

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Robbie Rage
Posted on 01-30-17 06:56 PM Link | ID: 96490
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"The additional info has been very helpful, Zarik." says Moxley, drawing his sword once again, and not taking his eyes off the monstrosity before them. "Tell us more about these "versions". What can we expect out of this thing?"

Posted on 01-30-17 07:20 PM (rev. 2 of 01-30-17 09:41 PM by Trelior) Link | ID: 96491
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"HA!" Zarik laughs as he rushes forward and throws his shield at the demon's head, "Let's find out what you're gonna do, ya ugly fucker!"

As the shield ricochets off the demon's paper-esque face, it lets out a roar and steps out of the book. Its body is rather bulky with big, strong looking limbs and a large screw-like tail.

"Ah, the demon of the tome." Zissou says as he prepares the shield the party with Succor.

Posted on 02-01-17 07:37 PM Link | ID: 96518
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel: Did someone order a book burning?

Bel summons up a fireball like he did earlier but doesn't make two of them this time. Instead he makes it a Super Fireball, like the one against the malboro. The movements and positioning of his right hand and left arm is the same too. The orb spins sideways back and forth while Bel makes it ready for firing.

Super Fireball

Bel: Incoming!

The flaming orb takes off like a cannonball, with a small recoil, rocketing towards it target, sizzling and fizzling through the air.

OoC: Yes, that's a copy of the description of it firing from earlier, sue me. I couldn't be arsed writing another long-winded explanation of it this time. Nor did I want to.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Robbie Rage
Posted on 02-02-17 03:07 PM Link | ID: 96552
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"And people consider me the hot-headed one." Moxley quips, as a pair of sharp throwing javelins materialize in his hands.

"Let's try something a little different..."

Moxley's javelins ignite with a magical fire a second before they are hurled at the massive book demon.

Posted on 02-05-17 12:24 AM (rev. 2 of 02-05-17 02:43 AM by Trelior) Link | ID: 96573
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Bels fireball hurtles toward the demon, zipping past Zarik in the process. Upon making contact, it explodes violently. Not long after, Moxley's javelins fly forth into the smoke. Despite expectations of the javelins making purchase in the demon's chartaceous flesh, they are heard clattering harmlessly to the floor. However, before the party could prematurely celebrate victory; the smoke clears, revealing an angry demon with only slight singeing. It roars defiantly at the group, then an omnious shadow appears above Bel's immediate area.

"Heads up!" Zarik shouts as he tackles the demon and attempts to stab it with his sword.

Zissou focuses and drops his circular puddle of black fire as he has done several time past. "Hopefully this will prove more effective."

The demon wastes no time in trying to rid itself of Zarik's irritation by taking a swing at the knight. Its back hand swing connects and knocks the Miqo'te away, off of his feet, and into the southern railing.

Posted on 02-05-17 02:23 AM Link | ID: 96576
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel: Well. Looks like it didn't like my fireball. I suppose it wants something with a little more sting. Bel exclaims as he dashes away from the area getting covered with the shadow.

Bel: Either way, I was only using that spell as a base to see how hard we need to hit to hurt it. Should I use one of my quickened ones or save those for whoever invaded the library?

Bel summons another of his barriers around Zarik but doubts it'd do much good due to the previous one being destroyed in one hit and this demon obviously being stronger than the scythe-wielding one was.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

My youtube channel
FFRK Brotherhood

Robbie Rage
Posted on 02-05-17 01:15 PM Link | ID: 96582
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"So you're at least somewhat incorporeal, eh?" Moxley says, recalling his javelins back to him. "Okay then, time to switch things up..."

Moxley takes out his longsword once again, this time the blade glowing with holy power. The paladin's allies also can feel his aura change once again, this time making the group feel tougher and react more quickly in battle...

[Aura Shift - Defense]

Posted on 02-05-17 07:42 PM (rev. 2 of 02-08-17 04:14 AM by Trelior) Link | ID: 96602
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The source of the shadow above Bel's now-vacated location lands. It was a rather large book that hits the floor with a rather loud and weighty WHUMP! The demon then stomps toward Zarik in an attempt to seize the opportunity to put a hurting on him.

"It is fully corporeal, Moxley." Zissou says as he charges a healing spell, "It appears as if it must have merely knocked your javelins out of the air." With a somatic gesture, he calls out, "May the light of purity bring you succor! --Lustrate!--" Zarik begins to glow for a moment as some of the damage from being shunted into the railing is cleansed away.

Zarik grabs his head momentarily, then shakes his dizziness away. Looking up, he spots the hulking mass of pages trudging his direction. Grabbing his weapons, he performs a sloppy somersault roll toward the rest of the group and uncoils unceremoniously at Moxley's feet. With expected gruffness in his voice, Zarik groans, "Ugh... Gonna feel that in the morning..." then he just lays still.

Posted on 02-07-17 10:57 AM (rev. 2 of 02-07-17 04:49 PM by ゼンガー・ゾンボルト) Link | ID: 96650
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel: If you wanted to grovel before Moxley, there are more graceful ways. Bel says sarcastically as he witnesses Zarik's less than average somersault.

Bel: Or is the effects from that bite you got earlier still lingering? Either way, you take five. We need to tend to our fallen comrade.

As Bel finishes the question, he turns his attention to the big monster and summons a portal beneath it and another a fair distance out over the railing. When the monster is halfway through, he closes the portals to attempt to split the monster in half. That's the plan, anyway.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

My youtube channel
FFRK Brotherhood

Robbie Rage
Posted on 02-08-17 03:55 PM Link | ID: 96660
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"Feel it in the morning? Maybe not..."

Moxley kneels down and places a hand on Zarik's shoulder. A surge of holy, healing energy surges through Zarik's body, healing his injuries.

[Lay on Hands]

As Zarik is being healed, Moxley extends his other palm to the monster before him and fires some fire bolts, hoping to distract the beast while Bel's trap closes around it...

Posted on 02-09-17 12:26 AM Link | ID: 96678
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Bel's portal appears under the behemoth as expected. However, it does not fall through. It merely steps off of the platform and summons another large shadow over the party. It then roars again, and bats away the fire bolts.

Zissou shakes his head and questions, "Why does a clever wizard like yoruself always resrt to dropping things until they break?" Motioning to the current situation, he continues, "As you can clearly see, it does not always work." Then he beats a quick retreat from the shadow.

Zarik gets up as quickly as his sore body will allow and follows quickly behind Zissou, quipping, "Clearly you've never been bitch slapped into a wall before. No amount of healing magic can salvage a wounded pride." Upon reaching safety, he swiftly twichtes his head to the side. The joints in his shoulder and the base of his neck let out a rather sickening popping chorus. Letting out a relieved sigh, he adds, "Oof... That hurt good. If you get what I'm saying." He then whips his shield out again to grab the beast's attention.

Posted on 02-09-17 01:08 AM (rev. 3 of 02-09-17 07:17 PM by ゼンガー・ゾンボルト) Link | ID: 96679
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel: Did you forget that it saved our hides when I did it last time? Bel responds of Zissou's question.

Bel: Besides, how was I supposed to know it wouldn't fall through the portal until I actually tried it?

The wizard takes note of the shadow and dashes out of its reach.

Bel: However, what about throwing one of those gigantic books back at it? With increased weight, of course.

Expecting the book to fall at any moment, Bel readies himself to decrease its weight a bit with a weaker Gravity Crash and catch it with telekinesis.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

My youtube channel
FFRK Brotherhood

Robbie Rage
Posted on 02-09-17 09:46 PM Link | ID: 96700
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Not really pausing to get what Zarik is saying, and without much other idea as to how to proceed, Moxley pulls out his shield and channels a bit more divine energy through it, forming it into a much larger tower shield. He then proceeds to wordlessly charge the beast until he hits something. Even if he doesn't deal damage to it, he thinks, it will at least get him close enough to set up his next move...

Posted on 02-09-17 11:47 PM Link | ID: 96709
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Despite Bel's attempt to wrangle the book to his bidding, it slams into the floor and disappears like the book before it had done. Moxley successfully bumps into the demon, much like Zarik had done just moments before. It then growls and swipes at the knight is the same manner it did to the first. The blow lands right across the cheek of Moxley's helmet, hard enough to knock him off-kilter.

"It appears your normal strategies will not work against this particular foe, Belgarion." Zissou comments flatly while re-positioning his fire puddle on the floor.

"Yeah," Zarik adds, "It's almost like you actually need to put some thought into fighting this one." Watching Moxley get smacked, he quips, "At least Mox is wearing something more sturdy than a chain coif." making mention of the headgear this hat is projected in the place thereof. He then runs up and takes a quick slash while the monster is distracted.

Robbie Rage
Posted on 02-10-17 12:18 AM Link | ID: 96710
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Moxley rolls with the impact of the hit, moving around to the monster's side.

"Hah! Can't break me!"

Charging some holy energy into his massive shield, Moxley flies at the beast, diving at it with a sort of smiting tackle, slamming the large slab of enchanted metal into the side of the monster.

Posted on 02-10-17 02:07 AM Link | ID: 96716
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Bel: Hmm. With my luck that spell from before, against the reaper creature, won't affect this one either, despite it being a big, hulking mass. Seems I got no choice but to break out a big one.

Bel connects the fingers of both his hands and begins to focus.

Bel: Gonna need a bit of time for this one. I trust you guys can piss it off badly enough to ignore me, yes? Oh, btw. Try and keep any giant books from falling while I do this.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 02-10-17 02:33 AM Link | ID: 96717
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Zissou snaps his fingers and magically silences Bel momentarily before he vocalizes the request for diversion, then signs a shut up! at him.

The demon lurches slightly at Moxley's shield bash, prompting it to roar and take another swing at him.

Zarik lunges his blade forward and stabs the creature, his sword blazes with orange light as it sinks into the demon's flesh. A white light similar from when he dispelled the barrier moments ago flows from the monster and into the knight --Riot Blade--.

"You'll have to give me a couple seconds to get to the point where I attempt that, Bel." Zarik adds as he tears his blade from the demon, then follows with laxing his arm to drop his blade low, then he forcibly slices upward through his victim with a bright flash of his sword. --Goring Blade--! The attack doesn't seem to do much at first glance, but the beast does appear to begin bleeding slightly.
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