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Posted on 04-14-12 09:44 AM Link | ID: 13091
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Been playing Professor Layton and the Curious Village since I'm getting annoyed by the eternal grind of Dragon Quest VI's endgame. I must say, some of the puzzles are pretty good and keep me thinking. A few of them were vague, but easily brute forced. I save before each puzzle so that I can get the maximum score possible. :P

Posted on 04-14-12 10:35 AM Link | ID: 13097
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Late night lack of sleep has been caused by Minecraft lately. I've started quite the collection of Music Discs from creepers.

Posted on 04-15-12 10:38 PM Link | ID: 13235
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Resuming my ToS: DotNW playthough after a fair little while. Now in the final chapter at a cosy set of levels.

I'm fairly certain a certain boss fight won't hammer me down too badly unlike my first playthrough.

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 04-17-12 09:03 AM (rev. 2 of 04-17-12 09:45 AM by Trelior) Link | ID: 13375
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The Pokemon Battle Revolution endgame has a knockout tourney that requires you to use level 50 Pokemon on your team to enter... instead of using the magic of data resetting that the other Gen IV games used for link battles, I had to get a team put together myself. Instead of wasting time finding everything, I PokeSAV'd my Soulsilver ROM to roll my mono-Flying team back to 50, and I'm gonna use them.

Mainly because I can't exactly find a Dusk Stone for evolving Murkrow, I can't unlevel a Zapdos, and Dragonair doesn't evolve until level 55.

EDIT: Apparently it also enforces the item clause since I can't use the team because of three Life Orbs and two Leftovers... GAH!

Posted on 04-17-12 09:23 PM Link | ID: 13398
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The most fun of the PBR endgame.. is the Level 5 "baby" challenge. Gastly and Trapinch were practically my main Pokémon through most of the battles.. I can't remember who my others were. :x

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 04-17-12 11:11 PM Link | ID: 13419
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I got through the first six Master sets with my Flying team, only having lost once due to poor planning because of a fucking Thunderbolt happy Porygon-Z. I would've moved on to set seven had whorebag Sashay, or whatever the cunt's name is, didn't spam Double Team on her already difficult to damage Giratina or Cosmic Power on her fucking Deoxys (D). I think that fight would've been much easier if I had prompted to use Dragonite, since y'know STAB Draco Meteor. It's sad when Ubers get taken down by poorly devised mono-type OUs.

As for the Little Cup, I did that a few days ago. My team was Tentacool, Cyndaquil, Larvitar, Munchlax, Sneasel, and Misdreavus. What Larvitar couldn't smack down with Stone Edge or Earthquake, Misdreavus blasted with Charge Beam and Shadow Ball.

When I finally get my motivation to play back, I'll be moving onto the survival match in the fuck awful Courtyard when I finish the Masters. Fuck that stadium and the fog that covers it. Seriously.

Posted on 04-17-12 11:43 PM Link | ID: 13421
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Posted by Trelior
Fuck that stadium and the fog that covers it. Seriously.
I tend to use a slightly different team just to counter that possibility.

As for me.. I'm now starting LoZ: Skyward Sword after finishing my Tales of Symphonia run.. Man, this game feels so like Windwaker all over again.

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 04-17-12 11:53 PM Link | ID: 13430
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Posted by Gywall
Posted by Trelior
Fuck that stadium and the fog that covers it. Seriously.
I tend to use a slightly different team just to counter that possibility.
I shouldn't have to take a Pokemon specifically to use Defog, just to fight unabated in that stadium. Especially with Defog being impossible to get without trading in Soulsilver, which is the game I'm using for my storage.

As for me.. I'm now starting LoZ: Skyward Sword after finishing my Tales of Symphonia run.. Man, this game feels so like Windwaker all over again.
Skyward Sword was a good game. A bit obscure with its puzzles in places, but overall a solid game.

Posted on 04-19-12 08:30 PM Link | ID: 13613
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Well, since I've successfully hacked my PSP to the 5.03m33 custom firmware, I've been testing the waters with a few games.

On my 4GB memory card, because this is Sony, it has to have a proprietary SD card... I currently have Final Fantasy I, Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep, Megaman Maverick Hunter X, and Persona 3 Portable as far as isos go, and I have a GBA emulator with about twenty ROMs. As for other isos I have on my external hard drive, I have Dissidia, Final Fantasy II, Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions, Megaman Powered Up, and Monster Hunter: Freedom Unite. I haven't played any of the games, except to play them far enough to establish a save file, except for Maverick Hunter X.

I'm on Hard difficulty with half of the Mavericks down. The pre-fight dialog with each Maverick would have been much better if X didn't scream, "HURR U HEV GON MAVERK DURR" before (in my case) getting mercilessly destroyed by not knowing the new boss patterns.

I was kinda letdown by Spark Mandrill and Launch Octopus because I beat them both without taking any hits because of their weakness stun locking them. Chill Penguin was tricky because his stage doesn't give the leg upgrade this time around, and even if it did, the wall dash-jump is fucking impossible to pull off with how awkward the PSP is to hold when the dash is remapped to the shoulder buttons (because in X4-8 dashing was more natural to be handled by R1 while shooting and jumping). Armored Armadillo actually made me go to Storm Eagle's level to get the armor upgrade, because he's hard to avoid when he's flying around, and does absurd damage on contact on Hard... Two hit kill with two heart tanks is a bit too squishy.

Posted on 04-19-12 08:33 PM Link | ID: 13614
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I just got Trials Evolution on my 360 and man, let me tell you, it's hella fun. And I haven't even played with the editor yet. I plan on making some HORSE maps to submit to Achievement Hunter. I always wanted a game like this when I was younger. It only took 16 years to get it. :P

Posted on 04-19-12 10:44 PM Link | ID: 13622
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Skyward Sword. My main gripe is having to recalibrate the motion+ every so often. Mostly the returning the cursor to the center of the screen. :|

Good game regardless though..

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 04-21-12 05:30 PM (rev. 2 of 04-21-12 08:56 PM by Trelior) Link | ID: 13757
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I beat Maverick Hunter X on Hard and unlocked Vile. I tried playing Vile mode on Normal, but I just couldn't get used to his awkward controls and said "fuck it!"

I went back to Megaman Powered Up and played it through on Easy not only because 100% completion requires it, but it made it possible to unlock the robot masters since you have to beat them without using any special weapons. I also went online and downloaded Roll and all of her alternate costumes as well as Protoman, because fuck doing the challenges just to get his silly ass.

EDIT: I even played a bit more P3P since I decided I would play it in tandem to FES since it has an alternate storyline for the female protagonist (the male protagonist plays like FES from what I understand). Now that I'm actually into the game, I'm noticing a few minor, but awesome, differences.

One: Full party control, I love how I can tell Junpei and Yukari what I want them to do instead of passively suggesting it.

Two: Igor's assistant is also a choice. Either Elizabeth from P3/FES or the new guy, Theo. I don't know if there are any differences yet.

Three: Party social links actually fit the user's arcana. In FES, my classmate is my Magician link, but in P3P, it's Junpei, like I expected in the first place.

I'm satisfied so far, despite it seeming to be much easier... No one's condition has fallen below Normal yet... In FES so far, my main character has fallen ill twice, Yukari has gotten tired twice, and Junpei once. Having said that, I probably jinxed myself. :x

Posted on 04-23-12 11:51 PM Link | ID: 13999
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Goddamned Minecraft. I just led thirteen cows home at once. What a mess.

Now the pit has like twenty cows in it.

Posted on 04-29-12 02:19 PM (rev. 2 of 04-29-12 06:04 PM by Trelior) Link | ID: 14526
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I'm nearing the end of the PSP version of Final Fantasy 1. I'm one Soul of Chaos boss away from being satisfied enough to go to the Chaos Shrine to beat Chaos's retarded ass. Fucking Omega. That motherfucker is way. Too. Powerful. He dropped my Knight in ONE HIT, and this is damage output, not instakill. My Knight has 90+ defense, 200+ evasion, and 850 HP.

Not wanting to be defeated so easily, I decided to try to take on Shinryu since he was there and unbeaten. I beat him within fifteen turns on my first attempt. This fucker is supposed to be stronger than Omega, but he couldn't even hit me.

I don't fucking know why, but I'll play old games and remakes thereof until the end of whatever... Yet, I have this huge backlog of new/new-to-me games that I want to play, but I don't. I think I'm cursed to forever be a retro gamer, because no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to play anything new for more than a few hours.

EDIT: I got back to Omega in the Lifespring Grotto, and got to about 27k damage dealt to him before wiping. I had my Knight stacked insanely with Temper and Strength Tonics that he was doling out 3-4k damage a turn. It all went to shit when the fucker realized my White Wizard was my squishy underbelly, because once she went down, it was over within two turns.

Posted on 04-29-12 06:26 PM Link | ID: 14533
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Repeatedly looting villages is fun!

Posted on 04-29-12 07:01 PM Link | ID: 14534
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Vanilla Minecraft is for chumps.

I built a goddamn FLYING MACHINE with Redpower.

Posted on 04-29-12 11:14 PM Link | ID: 14545
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Playing some LoZ: Skyward Sword.. also seems like my rechargeable battery pack has finally given up too.

Also playing a fair bit of Left 4 Dead 2 on the x360.

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 04-30-12 06:51 AM Link | ID: 14568
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Well, just beat Omega. I had to sacrifice my Master to do it, because he kept getting one-shot. The Final Fantasy Wiki recommends at least level 60, I did it at 49. I will keep the save to get a screenshot for proof if you guys don't believe me.

Now to kick Chaos's ass and find the new dungeon with the fucked up bonus boss.

Posted on 04-30-12 09:44 AM Link | ID: 14569
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I guess it would be too late to tell you that killing Omega is easier when you have at least 2 or 3 of the Rune Staves (the ones that cast the big group heal). Blink for characters that can use it, Protera/Invisra, etc the whole group, Temper & Haste your two highest damage dealers, and if you used a Black Wizard, he'd become your main healer by using a Rune Staff almost every turn. That fight and Shinryu are mainly luck battles.

Sonnanja, ore no inochi wa toreneena!

Jinpu Ishikawa


Steam: Ryudof

Posted on 04-30-12 10:16 AM (rev. 3 of 04-30-12 04:21 PM by Trelior) Link | ID: 14573
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I did it with only three characters. My team is Knight, Master, White, Black, by the way. In that order.

My strategy was simple.

Turn 1:
Giant's Glove
White Robe (died instantly from an 800 damage laser as the turn started, didn't use it)

Turn 2:
Giant's Glove
Full-Life > Master
Temper > Knight

Turn 3:
(lol dead again, stayed down afterward)
Temper > Knight

Turn 4+:
Temper > Knight

Toward the end, I had to take a break from my White's rotation because she ran out of mana and wound up wasting a Dry Ether and X-potion on her, because no sooner did both wizards use their items, the killing blow was dropped.

When I get home, I'll upload the screenshots.

EDIT: Looking at Chronodia's entry in the FFWiki, let me just say this: Fuck 100% completion. That is all.

EDIT2: Hurr typo I didn't see until I hit submit.
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