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Posted on 05-10-12 12:05 AM (rev. 2 of 05-10-12 08:36 AM by GreyMaria) Link | ID: 15468
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According to GameFAQs, you'll have to go visit Merlon to trigger access to chapter 7.

I don't recall that being part of it... .-.

E: Oh man, Fallout 3.

How the hell did you get up here anyway?

I jumped on top of Megaton's tallest building and ran the rim of the outer wall, that's how!

Posted on 05-11-12 10:52 AM Link | ID: 15500
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Posted by GreyMaria
E: Oh man, Fallout 3.

How the hell did you get up here anyway?

I jumped on top of Megaton's tallest building and ran the rim of the outer wall, that's how!
Wait.. is that the lookout's platform?

'cause I never got up there..

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 05-11-12 05:47 PM Link | ID: 15512
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Posted by Gywall
Posted by GreyMaria
E: Oh man, Fallout 3.

How the hell did you get up here anyway?

I jumped on top of Megaton's tallest building and ran the rim of the outer wall, that's how!
Wait.. is that the lookout's platform?

'cause I never got up there..

It certainly is. I got on top of the tallest building in Megaton by carefully jumping on trash can props. (It took two; one to get up into the shell up there the wrong way so that I could haul another up to the top and jump on it) and from there I carefully climbed as far up on the shell as I could and jumped onto the edge of the wall.

Several saves later, I was up on the lookout talking to that douchebag.

Posted on 05-11-12 06:51 PM Link | ID: 15513
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More Paper Mario.

I finished up the shit jobs for the old jackass Koopa, then moved on to chapter seven. The progression of the chapter was kinda interesting, and I liked the Crystal Palace dungeon... The boss was bitch, though. Not only could I not afford to spent turns to power myself up, but I kept fucking up the timing on my jumps. He also kept Mario frozen during most of the fight, so I kept switching partners between Kooper, Goombario, and Bombette to keep laying on the pain. He kept healing himself, which didn't make things any easier. I think I wound up dealing twice his HP in damage before he went down.

Now that I'm in the mid-chapter between seven and eight, I'm grinding in Flower Fields on the Amazing Daisies since they give a shit ton of star points. I'm level 21 right now with 40 HP, 35 FP, and 27 BP. I'm aiming to max out at least my BP before taking on Bowser, if only to have my attack power maxed out.

Posted on 05-12-12 12:13 PM Link | ID: 15536
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I would go on a rave about how Skyrim and Borderlands are both frickin' awesome in their own rights, but:

1) I'm no good with raves
2) It's less than an hour before the sun rises and "tomorrow" becomes "today" by my logic

All I'm gonna say is

FUS RO D--and then I took an arrow to the knee.

Posted on 05-12-12 04:45 PM Link | ID: 15539
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Final Fantasy II. This time, with story progression!

I just finished up Semite Falls and upgraded my team to Mythril (with the exception of my body armor and Maria's bow), my stats are waaaaaay through the roof for where I am, which is Bafsk before going to try to thwart the Dreadnaught (which fails, but anyone who's played FFII already knows that).

My (important) stats now, because I'm too lazy to post screens this time are:

HP: 538
MP: 103
Accuracy: 5 - 66%
Evasion: 2 - 0%
Magic Defense: 2 - 46%

Swords: 5 - 80%
Shields: 5 - 0%

Weapons: Mythril Sword x2 (46 attack)
Armor (same for all): Mythril Helm, Golden Armor, Mythril Gloves (25 defense)

Cure: 7 - 0%
Blink: 3 - 0%
Protect: 3 - 75%
Shell: 3 - 0%
Teleport: 7 - 50%

Strength: 16
Stamina: 17
Spirit: 38
Agility: 18
Intelligence: 10
Magic: 15

HP: 514
MP: 68
Accuracy: 6 - 55%
Evasion: 1 - 0%
Magic Defense: 2 - 47%

Bows: 6 - 0%
Shields: 7 - 0%

Weapons: Flame Bow (46 attack)

Fire: 4 - 80%
Thunder: 4 - 50%
Blizzard: 4 - 30%
Toad: 3 - 90%

Strength: 8
Stamina: 19
Spirit: 10
Agility: 18
Intelligence: 20
Magic: 15

HP: 648
MP: 10
Accuracy: 7 - 66%
Evasion: 1 - 0%
Magic Defense: 2 - 43%

Axes: 7 - 30%
Shields: 7 - 60%

Weapons: Mythril Axe x2 (51 attack)


Strength: 21
Stamina: 21
Spirit: 10
Agility: 7
Intelligence: 10
Magic: 5

HP: 1005
MP: 103
Accuracy: 7 - 78%
Evasion: 2 - 4%
Magic Defense: 3 - 66%

Staves: 7 - 0%

Weapons: Mythril Macex2 (38 attack)

Cure: 8 - 10%
Life: 8 - 0%
Basuna: 6 - 20%
(Everything else default)

Strength: 18
Stamina: 32
Spirit: 48
Agility: 20
Intelligence: 16
Magic: 40

(All weapon/spell proficiency percentages estimated)

Posted on 05-12-12 07:00 PM Link | ID: 15542
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Semite Falls, eh?

Can't say I like the sound of that, judging from this one walkthrough I glanced over some time ago.

Guess you could say I'm a little... nah let's not finish that joke. It's stupid.

Posted on 05-13-12 06:02 PM Link | ID: 15565
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Big surprise... More FFII.

I decided to take my sequence breaking up to eleven, and forced my way down to Mysidia to pick up the equipment and a spell or two. I upgraded Maria, Gus, and Mindu to the Ice Bow, Ogrekiller x2, and Power Staff x2, respectively, then switched Firion over to spears since I couldn't pass up the power of the Flame Spear (got him up to 7 or 8 already, I haven't checked). I also picked up Esuna and Holy for Firion for shits and giggles. Esuna is available is Bafsk and Salamand, but I never got hit with permanent ailments until everything and their dog started doing poison strike when I ventured to Mysidia, it's mid level 3. Holy, on the other hand, is freshly taught, so it's at 0% of level one... Then after I saved, I remembered that Holy is a fucking waste of TWENTY THOUSAND gil, because it sucks until level 10, and I never have the patience to grind my white magic.

My stats are also more balls absurd than they were before, but what can I say? I'm trying to squeeze as much shit into Mindu before I lose him, because I don't want Soul of Rebirth to be too much of a pain in the dick. His HP is over 1500 and his MP is nearing 200.

Posted on 05-14-12 09:42 AM Link | ID: 15578
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Since: 01-01-12
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As of midnight tonight, I'll be off work and playing Diablo III until next week Monday. >.>

Sonnanja, ore no inochi wa toreneena!

Jinpu Ishikawa


Steam: Ryudof

Posted on 05-14-12 01:43 PM Link | ID: 15583
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I stand corrected about Holy... It's only level 6 so far and on a single target, it does about 650 damage. Firion's Spirit being around 55 is probably a factor, though.

As for my team... Gus has broken 2000 HP, Maria is nearing 1000, and Firion is right between them at 1400-something. Mindu left the team at 1551 HP and 183 MP, I joined up with Josef but didn't get enough time to fuck around with him because I kinda forgot that the Snow Cave is the only dungeon he does with you before Borghen performs retard Harakiri and takes Josef with him, I'm with Gordon now, and he's shit... His good start stats (default of 22 in all stats, 2 on all weapons, but no magic) don't save him from uselessness.

I'm currently saved on Kashuan Keep 3F.

Posted on 05-15-12 10:33 PM Link | ID: 15619
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The Sims 3 is quite amusing for me right now.. as I'm trying to solve a mass-march to the science lab crisis. >_>

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 05-16-12 04:15 PM Link | ID: 15628
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As I just posted in the screenshot thread, I'm at Deist with Leila in tow. I haven't gotten the pendant yet, so I'm not supposed to go far into the dungeon.

I actually got confused about the sequence of events after I destroyed the Dreadnaught... I knew about Princess Hilda being replaced by a Lamia Queen doppelganger that you have to fight before finding out that she's being held prisoner at the Palamecia Arena, where you're tricked into fighting a Behemoth... I apparently forgot that you have to enlist the Dragoons first. Whoops.

Posted on 05-17-12 10:34 PM Link | ID: 15699
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Mostly Sims 3 right now. Had the most hilarious glitch with the entire neighbourhood walking to the science lab... that wouldn't stop either..

Had to destroy the lot and rebuild it from scratch. :x

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 05-19-12 06:57 PM Link | ID: 15749
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Final Fantasy II, I'm really getting into the story now...

I managed to get through Deist, the Colosseum, and Castle Fynn all in the window of about two hours. I had to keep leaving Deist Cave because Firion kept running out of mana, and I even scrapped his Cure to reteach it since the benefit was being outweighed by the cost at level 12, it's back to level 8 already. :x

Going to the Colosseum was an... erm... Interesting... Scenario. I beat the Behemoth boss nigh instantly with spread Teleport 9 to the face, but the dungeon escape was a bitch... I had to save scum my way out because the place was crawling with Specters and Revenants, and they have Drain Hit. Normal attacking monsters hit for 0-20 and inflict ailments if they have them, because my defense is so high... Drain Hit gives their attack a combination of their attack power plus their difficulty rank as a Drain spell level, then smack your 3000 HP members across the face for easily 30% damage. I went from having Gus with near full 3200 HP at the beginning of a battle to having ~300 left when the first turn was over. Not cool... And again, Gordon wasn't much help.

Castle Fynn isn't much to talk about... A straight run up the castle stairs to the boss, then free reign once the rebels reclaim it to gather the treasures. More Specter/Revenant issues, though... Now I'm going through the castle catacomb looking for the White Mask to take to Mysidia. Yeah, now I'm on my way there because the plot needs me to.

Shit is bananas.

Posted on 05-22-12 03:31 PM Link | ID: 15810
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I grabbed "Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet" during the monthly sales that Microsoft has. Pretty sweet game. It's a little bit like Metroid where you explore your surroundings, collect/find items, and fight bosses. I think the game said I was 32% of the way through. Pretty awesome so far.

Posted on 05-22-12 04:03 PM Link | ID: 15811
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Diablo III as a Level 11 wizard so far.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 05-22-12 08:17 PM Link | ID: 15825
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I dinked around in FFII for a bit earlier, got both masks and made my way to the Mysidia Cave for the Crystal Rod. The Ultima tome is so close I can almost see the thousands of damage I'll pull with it.

Then I went to Paper Mario and started Chapter 8... I'm on my way to beat Bowser's ass. I think they made him look way too cute in the paper cutout art style...

Posted on 05-22-12 08:52 PM Link | ID: 15827
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Still on Diablo III. Working on Hell Difficulty, looking to have Inferno open by the weekend.

Sonnanja, ore no inochi wa toreneena!

Jinpu Ishikawa


Steam: Ryudof

Posted on 05-23-12 08:25 AM Link | ID: 15843
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I got Diablo 3. To be honest, I'm more looking forward to Torchlight 2 as Diablo 3 feels overly streamlined. I probably go through the game at least, but I can't see myself playing the game as much when Torchlight 2 is out for real.
Posted by GreyMaria
E: Oh man, Fallout 3.

How the hell did you get up here anyway?

I jumped on top of Megaton's tallest building and ran the rim of the outer wall, that's how!
Why does he have the name of the capital city of Sweden?

His name doesn’t make sense as a name btw. Since it basically means "log isle".

AIM: gamefreak1337, MSN:, XMPP:, YouTube

Posted on 05-23-12 08:47 AM (rev. 2 of 05-23-12 08:48 AM by ゼンガー・ゾンボルト) Link | ID: 15844
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Roy Koopa
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Posted by Ailure
I got Diablo 3. To be honest, I'm more looking forward to Torchlight 2 as Diablo 3 feels overly streamlined.

Probably to make it accessible to a "wider audience". I hate when games do that. But I like D3, though.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood
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