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Posted on 05-23-12 09:22 PM Link | ID: 15853
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I believe I've broken Final Fantasy II. I'm at the start of the Mysidia Tower with Firion and Maria at legit 999 MP.

I got the Osmose Tome from the Mysidia Cave, then started experimenting with boosting my MP, since having a larger pool will help enormously. I was originally just going to Osmose Maria's MP away with Firion, then Swap to alternatingly boost their MP that way... Then I realized, I taught Osmose (a black spell) to Firion (my established White Mage) so I figured I would teach Swap (a white spell) to Maria (my Black Mage). Having done that, I went to Altair and did some heavy grinding.

Since the inn was progressively becoming absurdly overpriced, I decided to heal myself with Cottages, since they're set at 2000 gil each, and the inn price was nearing 3000 or more (dunno, stopped going to the inn). About an hour of grinding got Firion's HP to a bit over 5000, and Maria's to around 2500. The rest of the game will be a breeze.

I can do the same in Soul of Rebirth for Mindu and Scott, I think... Although, I don't think I'll have access to the world map to use Cottages, and I don't know if I'm gonna have the money. I'll cross that bridge when I get there, though.

Posted on 05-23-12 10:54 PM Link | ID: 15866
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Once it finishes loading.. The Sims 3. Boy do I hate the load/save times on this game.. they're pretty.. long. :|

Although, I do enjoy playing it.

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 05-26-12 05:18 AM Link | ID: 15945
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I just made it through the section depicted in the first minute of this Youtube video depicting Super Mario 74.


Posted on 05-26-12 02:20 PM Link | ID: 15952
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I got Ultima in FFII, taught it to Firion, and was disappointed by the fact that even though his Spirit is maxed out (without equipment bonuses), he knows eight other spells (none under level 3, Cure being at 15), and all of that... That when spread across a group of eight enemies (Two Sorcerers, five Sergeants, and a Captain), it only did ~40-65 damage to each.

Maria's Intelligence is much lower (57), yet Flare 3 deals ~150-200 when spread across the same foe ensemble. Ultimate magic? Fuck that noise.

Posted on 05-26-12 11:11 PM Link | ID: 15969
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134/150 stars on Super Mario 74.

This game is a pain in the ass!

I was looking through walls in the third hub when I saw this pipe underneath the central temple. Unfortunately, I have no clue how to get there...

Posted on 05-28-12 01:46 PM Link | ID: 16030
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I started the Arcane Labyrinth since going to Jade Passage to make my way toward the end of the game was a bit more ridiculous than I remember.

Leon, being the big ball of suck that he is, forced me to spend two and a half hours grinding to get his HP up to par with the rest of the team. I did it the same way I raised my MP, only I had to use Semitt Falls since the world map is full of strong enemies that resist Swap. His MP wound up at 999, too, so he's my backup healer. He has Cure 16, Osmose 6, and Swap 5.

Gus and Firion capped their HP, too. It's kinda cool looking at Firion on the status screen and seeing HP:9999/9999 MP:999/999 and knowing that I got him there without any cheats. The only problem is that drain monsters (Vampire Girl in particular) fuck their Christmas faster than anything else... They both took 3300+ from a single hit, which would've been awesome if their HP was capable of going higher.

As for Leon and Maria's HP, they're both around 5500, and Leon is slightly ahead. Having a higher Stamina helps.

Posted on 05-30-12 06:26 PM (rev. 2 of 05-30-12 06:32 PM by Trelior) Link | ID: 16097
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So I'm putting the finishing touches on Final Fantasy II so that I can nearly put the PSP version to rest... That is until I reach the end of my Dawn of Souls version let's play that I plan to showcase the 20th Anniversary additions and yank this psychotic file out of the dust. (I plan to start my LP soon after this is wrapped up)

I decided to do a little bit of game economics on how fucked up it is paying for getting healed.

At an inn, your price is calculated based on how much HP and MP you're missing at this rate (only accounting for characters not in KO):
HP: .25 gil/point
MP: Point for point

I figured this out after wrapping up the Northeast Arcane Labyrinth for the second time since Leon was sucked of all of his MP by Parasites. I killed him then revived him with a Phoenix Down after the fight since it always revives to 1 HP then went to the inn and got this:

Taking my calculations into consideration, I figured what it would cost if all four members were in Leon's situation, coming up with 13992 gil. A Cottage will do the same thing for 2000 gil and is usable anywhere on the world map.

Looking at items, you have Ethers, which cost 1000 gil each and only heal ~10-50 MP... Hardly cost effective, you're paying ~950-990 gil just to heal on the go. Potions cost 30 and heal right about the same as an Ether to HP, which you actually profit somewhat from. Hi Potions cost 150 and heal around 300 HP, so you definitely make out there... Unfortunately, there is no Hi Ether, and if there was, it would probably cost 5000 gil and not be as effective due to the reduced maximum for MP, making them worse for the wear.

Now for the major offender: Elixir. Costs 50000. That is not a typo, it costs FIFTY THOUSAND GIL! Effect? Full HP and MP restoration to one party member. Well, going to an inn, we can get that effect for less than four thousand, and that's if you're at the absolute minimum of the absolute maximum! From the field? A Cottage only costs 2000, and affects the team. The only plausible upshot is usability anywhere, even in dungeons and combat... The price tag doesn't make it worthwhile, not by a long shot. I can only ever see Elixirs being useful for a quick heal before fighting the Emperor in Pandaemonium, and even so, healing the whole team would mean sinking a staggering TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND GIL into a heal you probably won't even need. Especially if you have fair level Osmose on all of your casters since everything in that dungeon has fairly large mana pools and attack in droves.

In summation: Go with Cottages.

EDIT: I accidentally grammar.

Posted on 06-01-12 11:52 PM Link | ID: 16171
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More The Sims 3.. It's also a great pain when a ghost comes to your home, and steals your bed. Bastard.

I had to find alternatives to sleeping in the bed until the spooky bastard left.

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 06-02-12 12:54 AM Link | ID: 16176
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Preordered Torchlight 2 and am playing the original now.

This gameplay feels very familiar. I'm thinking maybe some folks ripped off of it.

Posted on 06-02-12 01:48 PM Link | ID: 16191
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Gah... grinding is starting to really suck! I got Gus's MP to max, which brings the whole team to the maximum possible.

As for my spells, I'm getting high up there on most of them, but I'm finding that it's going to take more than a pre-prescribed amount of casts overall, but instead a fuckton of casts in one fight. Proof? I was casting Ultima three times per fight, but my exp wasn't rising at all... As soon as I took twenty turns in one fight and it leveled up. I have a feeling all of my magic is gonna do everything.

In other news, I started playing Final Fantasy VII. I just joined up with Aeris, and am on my way to the Wall Market. It drives me nuts about not being able to keep my materia at an equal AP level. Between Cloud and Aeris, I only have six slots for my eight materia (two of each basic black magic, a Restore, and All).

Posted on 06-02-12 06:58 PM Link | ID: 16220
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Say, is Final Fantasy VII for PC any good? I really need to try and beat that game some day.

I tried Amnesia: The Dark Descent last night. An imaginary internet to whoever correctly guesses my reactions.

Posted on 06-02-12 07:12 PM Link | ID: 16225
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Posted by GreyMaria
Say, is Final Fantasy VII for PC any good? I really need to try and beat that game some day.
I imagine it'd be pretty close to the Playstation version, only keyboard controlled.

I kinda wanna play the iOS versions of the 2D Final Fantasies.

I tried Amnesia: The Dark Descent last night. An imaginary internet to whoever correctly guesses my reactions.
Scared shitless?

I dunno if I'm gonna play that one if I get the new bundle. Not a fan of horror. Well, screamer horror, that is, because Shin Megami Tensei is an amazing horror series I love to death, because of its subtlety.

Posted on 06-02-12 10:56 PM Link | ID: 16246
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Posted by Trelior
Posted by GreyMaria
I tried Amnesia: The Dark Descent last night. An imaginary internet to whoever correctly guesses my reactions.
Scared shitless?

Surprisingly, Amnesia isn't all that scary.

It's mildly unsettling, but it's not shit-your-pants scary like people like to say it is.

Posted on 06-03-12 06:28 PM Link | ID: 16269
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I have yet to play it unfortunately because it's fucking bullshit and won't work on ANY of my computers. Watch my youtube videos to see it trying desperately to work on my old laptop (

It just.... doesn't work. Which is unfortunate cause I wanted to prove to everyone my retarded capacity to not get scared. My friends say they scream and cry playing the game. I said "I'll just laugh" and I wanted to prove that but I couldn't ):

As for games I played, Dwarf Fortress. Currently working on a Castle-Fort called Butterbutters. Currently magmacrabs are constantly climbing up from the magma sea and harassing my people, and my guards can't do shit.

Posted on 06-03-12 06:39 PM Link | ID: 16274
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Fucking grinding... I have three spells on Firion at peak (Cure, Ultima, and Teleport), and Holy is getting close (about 20% through level 15), with Osmose being the next spell in line at just into level 10. Doing some research, I found that in order to get the absolute most of Ultima, I have to boost my weapon skills, too. FUCK!

Oh, and a discovery about Teleport: It costs less HP when you use it to escape a dungeon as it levels up. I only noticed this when it was level 14, when Firion was reduced from 9999 to 3333, instead of dismally near death. 15 dropped him to 4999, and 16 only costs the mana to cast. No HP lost at all! So, in addition to being one of the best death spells in the game, it also makes for a great way to escape and fight your way to an inn to heal up.

Posted on 06-05-12 06:12 PM Link | ID: 16491
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I started playing Swordbrothers: Sword and Sorcery, and made it to the first "session" end.

I was expecting episodic gameplay, but this takes it to almost a literal extreme... Hell, it says, and I quote verbatim, "Each session will take approximately 15-30 minutes." Just like a TV show.

What I wasn't expecting was the rather poor pixelated art style. I enjoy low resolution and blocky art... but this is ridiculous. It doesn't mesh well with the use of normal text and the way the areas you click fade to black. It's like they tried to do low-resolution art with standard resolution effects, which is tacky at best.

I kinda like how they approached the story telling, though, it comes up with little snippets of text that the game allows you to broadcast to your Twitter account... Although, that leads me to question why anyone would want to play the game if someone they're following on Birdwarble posts every bit of dialog the game spews.

Side note: Don't you just love how I always give first-impression reviews when I post in this thread?

I feel it justifies how much I double post in it, because I seem to be the only one that uses it!

Posted on 06-05-12 06:31 PM Link | ID: 16501
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Some more of The Sims 3. I had some random magic gnome graves appear in my lawn for no reason. Oh well, an easy couple of thousand simoleons for me!

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 06-06-12 04:45 PM Link | ID: 16548
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I attempted to start Psychonauts, but my laptop's video capability doesn't seem to be able to handle it as well as I'd like. Ingame scenes have a huge desync on the audio and video, and in the more action-y parts, the frame rate gets so choppy it's almost unplayable, and that makes me a sad panda.

From what I've played so far, I'm liking it a lot. The humor is quirky and fun, and the gameplay is engaging. I just wish my laptop wasn't a steaming pile of ass when it comes to gaming.

Posted on 06-06-12 09:21 PM Link | ID: 16561
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From playing The Sims 3.. I know they certainly use some more.. American wording..

I had to check up something 'cause the definition I knew of one word had a very different meaning to what I knew. <_<

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 06-07-12 12:09 AM Link | ID: 16570
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Posted by Gywall
I had to check up something 'cause the definition I knew of one word had a very different meaning to what I knew. <_<

Curiosity is striking hard. Mnya?
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