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Posted on 06-07-12 05:29 PM Link | ID: 16603
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Been workin' on Banjo Tooie recently. I'm currently just bouncing around, but I only need to unlock two more levels. The game doesn't really have that many levels, but it's so much longer and more confusing than Kazooie, probably cause in Kazooie you only needed to go forward in a level to get an ability, like, once. And that was in Freezeezy Peak, and that was just one Jiggy. I STILL can't remember if the Jiggy I missed in the first level is something I needed an ability for or one I just cant' find. And I own the strategy guide! Which, by the way, is written poorly. Oh well.

Posted on 06-07-12 05:36 PM Link | ID: 16608
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Posted by Marzen64
And I own the strategy guide! Which, by the way, is written poorly. Oh well.
Is it by Prima? If it is, poor writing is the worst of your problems. Hell, in the Prima guide for Majora's Mask, the dumb motherfuckers instruct you to use the Song of Time to return to the start of the Great Bay Temple, when they were supposed to say the Song of Soaring.


Posted on 06-07-12 05:50 PM Link | ID: 16612
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I own that strategy guide. But no, this is made by... *looks* ....Bradygames. It also has a Blockbuster logo thing on it so I guess they were owned by Blockbuster. Heh, Blockbuster. Classic.

It says the "official" strategy guide so I dunno.

Posted on 06-07-12 06:01 PM Link | ID: 16616
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Bradygames has written a bunch of good guides, but they've also had a few Prima-esque fuck-ups. None come readily to mind, but I remember hearing about a few.

Posted on 06-09-12 07:58 PM (rev. 2 of 06-09-12 10:39 PM by Trelior) Link | ID: 16691
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I decided to go hang out with my friend last night, and we started up a game of Final Fantasy IX. We decided to split up control of the characters. I took Vivi and Steiner, and he took Zidane and Dagger. We even decided on how to split up the rest of the party, Eiko and Amarant are mine, and by process of elimination, he gets Freya and Quina.

As for progression, we clocked about seven hours and made it to Dali. The team ranges from level 8 to 10, and we have more gil than we probably should... About 18000. I think we should be able to gear up and max our consumables to take on the Black Mage factory... Not that I think we need to.

FFII EDIT: Since I'm too lazy to make a screenshot collage this time, I'm just gonna paste my "What's left" list.

Firion: Basuna 7, Esuna 11, Swap 8, Protect/Shell/Blink/Wall/Barrier/Berserk/Haste 5

Maria: Thunder/Blizzard/Scourge 13, Flare 12, Swap 8, Barrier/Wall 5

Gus: Osmose 14

Leon: Osmose 16 (just needs the bar filled), Swap 8

So very close, but not even.

Timer - 62:55

Posted on 06-09-12 11:29 PM Link | ID: 16713
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Minecraft. I managed to lose my inventory...twice. I found this place surrounded by lava but containing an astounding number of ores. It's been more trouble than it's worth.

Reminds me of that time I got stuck with a diamond sword in a deep cave. I didn't have a pick-axe, so I was only able to exit after what felt like hours of manually breaking blocks. I bet if I played on multiplayer more often, this problem would be solved.

Posted on 06-11-12 02:23 AM Link | ID: 16793
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I did some more Tooie today, I just finished Terrydactyl land, so I'm FINALLY ready to head on to the.... worst level in the game. Grunty Industries. OH BOY I LOVE that level.

BEFORE that however I will play some Mass Effect, currently installing it.

Posted on 06-12-12 10:43 PM Link | ID: 16919
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The Sorceress.

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Returned to playing some Skyward Sword. Currently hunting the Triforce parts.. and that dungeon is a royal mind bender..

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 06-13-12 03:13 PM Link | ID: 16957
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Downloaded Pikmin 2 (US) WBFS and decided to give it a whirl to make sure it worked.

Aside from taking twenty minutes to get into CFG because my external hard drive decided to take a nap on me, and a few other things, I'm pleased to announce that it does, in fact, work.

I also decided to play Day 1. It was certainly interesting having my first experience actually playing Pikmin be this. I'm not sure about how I feel about the Wii controls, though.

One thing that bothers me so far about the game, doesn't even have to do with the gameplay. It has to do with the copyright dates on the title screen. It says "2004 - 2009 Nintendo," which would be accurate for every region except North America. You foreign bastards got this game three years ago and Nintendo of America didn't have the decency to change the Wiirelease copyright date. I wonder whose jackass idea it was to hold off the release until the end of the Wii's lifetime, anyway, aside from hyping Pikmin 3 on the Wii U. Whoever it was, I want to find him and smack him upside the head for being a retard.

If it was Reggie, I'm gonna make him feel even more like a purple pikmin by burying him up to his neck and seeing if he sprouts a flower!

Posted on 06-13-12 03:39 PM Link | ID: 16959
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T̨̞͎͓͉̮͓̠o͚͎o ̴̘̼̳͔̥̺͓m̤̤a̸̳̫̜̠̬͉̗ny͕̳ ̥͈̘̞͟c͚̦̳̘̠̟ͅo҉̗͎̮̣͉o̷͍̤̥̞͔͎̹k҉͙̲̩͍̮̮s͈̼͎
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I actually found Pikmin 2. It'd been lost and I REALLY wanted to Let's Play it. Of course I find it now THAT MY CAPTURE CARD IS BROKEN AND I HAVE NO MONEY TO BUY A NEW ONE

Ahem, well, Mass Effect 3 is great. The writing is great, up to a certain part, story is fun, up to a certain part, and it's just an amazing game.....

Up to a certain part. I can't wait till the ending causes me to get a torch and pitchforks and riot about six months too late.

Posted on 06-13-12 05:55 PM Link | ID: 16968
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Finally got back into FFII after about a week of not getting much chance to 'play.'

My grinding is getting close to a close... For Leon. He only has a little bit to go before getting Swap to 16, then maxing it out.

Gus is done, and because of that, he's been put on heal duty for when Maria is spamming Flare... Which doesn't do much good since her damage output is twice his healing capability because of his shitty Spirit. When he isn't heal bitch, I'm having him cleave himself to pieces for his axe skill, which is currently at 14.

Maria has Thunder at 16 (needs maxed); Blizzard, Scourge, and Flare are at 15; Swap is nearing level 10; and Barrier and Wall are still at 5.

Firion has maxed Esuna, and gotten Basuna, Protect, Shell, Blink, Wall, Barrier, Berserk, and Haste all to 8, which brings them up to Swap.

I'm really starting to hate this.

Posted on 06-13-12 11:13 PM Link | ID: 16977
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The Sorceress.

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Since: 01-01-12
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Just finished Skyward Sword. Demise kinda kicked my ass the first time.. but I kinda did go in with empty bottles. >_>

Second time, I was better prepared and upgraded my shield and bottled items.

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 06-14-12 02:24 AM Link | ID: 16982
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Posted by Gywall
Just finished Skyward Sword. Demise kinda kicked my ass the first time.. but I kinda did go in with empty bottles. >_>

Second time, I was better prepared and upgraded my shield and bottled items.
I had to retry the fight with Demise five times because the game wasn't very clear with what it wanted me to do. I went in with three bottles of Heart Potion++ and the Goddess Shield, too.

What kept killing me was Fi going "HURR YOU CAN'T SKYWARD STRIKE HERE DURR!" immediately at the beginning, then not being clear that once Demise started doing it, that I had access to it again. Hell, I even asked for advice when the section started, and she STILL said the strike was impossible. Fuck you, bitch in the sword.

Posted on 06-14-12 05:07 AM Link | ID: 16996
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I still can't play Skyward Sword.... I want my LP to be blind, and my capture card broke. I AM SAD PANDA D:

Posted on 06-14-12 11:53 AM Link | ID: 17020
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The Sorceress.

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Posted by Trelior
Posted by Gywall
Just finished Skyward Sword. Demise kinda kicked my ass the first time.. but I kinda did go in with empty bottles. >_>

Second time, I was better prepared and upgraded my shield and bottled items.
I had to retry the fight with Demise five times because the game wasn't very clear with what it wanted me to do. I went in with three bottles of Heart Potion++ and the Goddess Shield, too.

What kept killing me was Fi going "HURR YOU CAN'T SKYWARD STRIKE HERE DURR!" immediately at the beginning, then not being clear that once Demise started doing it, that I had access to it again. Hell, I even asked for advice when the section started, and she STILL said the strike was impossible. Fuck you, bitch in the sword.
I had two bottles of Heart Potion++, a single Guardian Potion+ and a Fairy. I had the Hylian Shield as opposed to Goddess Shield.

I found that Fi's advice tended to be pretty poor towards most bosses at the end, that I tried to learn the attack patterns by myself.

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 06-14-12 12:59 PM Link | ID: 17024
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Posted by Gywall
Posted by Trelior
Posted by Gywall
Just finished Skyward Sword. Demise kinda kicked my ass the first time.. but I kinda did go in with empty bottles. >_>

Second time, I was better prepared and upgraded my shield and bottled items.
I had to retry the fight with Demise five times because the game wasn't very clear with what it wanted me to do. I went in with three bottles of Heart Potion++ and the Goddess Shield, too.

What kept killing me was Fi going "HURR YOU CAN'T SKYWARD STRIKE HERE DURR!" immediately at the beginning, then not being clear that once Demise started doing it, that I had access to it again. Hell, I even asked for advice when the section started, and she STILL said the strike was impossible. Fuck you, bitch in the sword.
I had two bottles of Heart Potion++, a single Guardian Potion+ and a Fairy. I had the Hylian Shield as opposed to Goddess Shield.

I found that Fi's advice tended to be pretty poor towards most bosses at the end, that I tried to learn the attack patterns by myself.
I wasn't able to get the Hylian Shield, because Lanayru was a dickhead about the order he threw bosses at me. I could consistently get one fight away, then he would always throw The Imprisoned form 2 or 3 at me, and I always found those two bosses really hard.

Posted on 06-14-12 09:53 PM Link | ID: 17044
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So I saved the Quarians and the Geth. That was THE big thing I feared when I started up Mass Effect 3, that I wouldn't be able to save them both. And for a second, I thought I wasn't able to. There were only 2 choices and I was scared shitless, like "NEITHER DESERVE TO DIE D:"

Well the Quarians did more than the Geth, but Tali is my one true love so fuck that.

Posted on 06-15-12 10:40 AM Link | ID: 17066
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The Sorceress.

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Posted by Trelior
I wasn't able to get the Hylian Shield, because Lanayru was a dickhead about the order he threw bosses at me. I could consistently get one fight away, then he would always throw The Imprisoned form 2 or 3 at me, and I always found those two bosses really hard.
I managed to dodge Imprisoned form 2.. I run into the first and third ones though. The third one feeling the easiest of all three. >_>

I was so glad that the 8th battle was Ghirahim's second form.. else I mighta been in a bit of trouble.

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 06-15-12 06:01 PM Link | ID: 17071
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During my grind session today, I noticed that Shell and Barrier do nothing for me. Since they raise magic defense, and my natural magic defense on my characters are more or less maxed out... So, of course, it doesn't do anything. It pisses me off just ever so slightly since it's one of Maria's to-be-raised spells... I might just drop it. In fact, I think I will.

Posted on 06-15-12 11:26 PM Link | ID: 17079
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The Sorceress.

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Picked up Lolipop Chainsaw. There's just something so satisfying about killing zombies to me..

The game's pretty weird, but I think that's something that made it enjoyable for me.. Also, I think £29.99 is quite nice for a newly released game.. >_>

The world could always use more heroes!
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