Been playin' three games on and off for the past few weeks, two for videos and one for funzies.
First off, back to Ogre Battle. I'm about a fourth of the way through now, but it's a really long fucking game. I'll keep at it, though. No one's actually done a legit playthrough yet, and dammit I wanna be the first.
Secondly, Majora's Mask. People were requesting it, and hey, it's my favorite Zelda game

And finally, Fire Emblem Sacred Sword. The one with Roy. I have a translated ROM, and I finally returned to playing it. I restarted the whole thing though cause I last played it like, a year ago. I'm bad at that with Fire Emblem. I go on a binge for a week, then don't touch it for an age and feel that it'd be better to restart when I get back to it eventually. I'm also TERRIBLE at Fire Emblem, if the Gamecube version is any indication, cause that's the one I can't use save states on and WOW does that seem to make a difference.