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Posted on 02-19-13 09:42 AM Link | ID: 30901
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I just had another fun romp through The Binding of Isaac. I tried to use Samson since I unlocked him last time I played... I can't get out of the cellar with him since he's so fragile. I switched to Cain and all hell broke loose.

I dunno why, but every time I use Cain, everything goes exactly how I need it to go. This time I had Dr Fetus and all the range ups I would possibly need. I also got an eternal heart on damn near every floor.

The run I unlocked Sam started off beyond perfect: The treasure room on Basement 1 had the wafer, Pin killed itself and gave me Mom's coin purse with a health up and THREE balls of steel pills. I ended that run with about ten hearts, though the battle with Isaac started with a measly three left.

I now have two of the six pieces of the Polaroid. I hope I can get the other four just as easily... With someone other than Cain.

Posted on 02-19-13 05:46 PM Link | ID: 30913
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Been between The Sims 3 and Borderlands 2.

Borderlands 2's raid bosses are quite challenging to take down with one or two people. :|

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 02-19-13 06:36 PM Link | ID: 30925
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Roy Koopa
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Final Fantasy 3 for NES and some Borderlands 2 every now and then.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 02-22-13 08:32 AM (rev. 2 of 02-22-13 08:36 AM by Trelior) Link | ID: 31056
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I finally recorded my race of Metal Slug with @Jay4gamers1 and Thetwodud. We were gonna include Aesur, but he was asleep... I didn't win, but we had a load of fun.

After that, we just joked around and played other games. I went back to Binding of Isaac... Been playing it a lot lately. Almost beat Isaac with Maggie. Got to his third form and ended up dying during the transformation because of an Angel Baby... I hate Babies.

Posted on 02-26-13 08:23 PM Link | ID: 31240
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Been playing Metroid Prime. Felt like hitting up a Gamecube title for some good times. First thing I selected, so blam.

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 02-27-13 11:08 AM Link | ID: 31257
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I just finished the challenges in Binding of Isaac. The Purist was a bitch until I read on the wiki that you can glitch the challenges to allow you to use any of the seven characters you want, regardless to if they're unlocked, provided you have fast enough fingers.

With that knowledge in hand and the fact that he's incredible to play as, I picked Cain since I can nearly guarantee a successful Cathedral run with him.

Items I managed to get included: Little CHAD (wound up being totally useless), The Relic, Gish, The Holy Grail, Mom's Purse, Child's Heart (also useless), Mom's Pearl, Cancer, The Missing Page, fuckload of Range+ and Tears+ pills, and Guppy's Paw.

I went into the fight with Isaac with a staggering seventeen and a half soul hearts. I know this because I knew he couldn't kill me, so I deliberately took damage until my missing HP was visible.

Posted on 03-05-13 04:17 AM Link | ID: 31508
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My roommate and I just played through Super Mario Land and Super Mario Land 2: Six Golden Coins. I started on Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3, but she lost interest so it kind of fizzled out there. :P

Posted on 03-05-13 01:50 PM Link | ID: 31509
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Been playin' three games on and off for the past few weeks, two for videos and one for funzies.

First off, back to Ogre Battle. I'm about a fourth of the way through now, but it's a really long fucking game. I'll keep at it, though. No one's actually done a legit playthrough yet, and dammit I wanna be the first.

Secondly, Majora's Mask. People were requesting it, and hey, it's my favorite Zelda game :D. I'm at Snowhead right now.

And finally, Fire Emblem Sacred Sword. The one with Roy. I have a translated ROM, and I finally returned to playing it. I restarted the whole thing though cause I last played it like, a year ago. I'm bad at that with Fire Emblem. I go on a binge for a week, then don't touch it for an age and feel that it'd be better to restart when I get back to it eventually. I'm also TERRIBLE at Fire Emblem, if the Gamecube version is any indication, cause that's the one I can't use save states on and WOW does that seem to make a difference.

Posted on 03-05-13 08:22 PM Link | ID: 31524
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Roy Koopa
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Since: 01-04-12
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Final Fantasy VI Advance. Repeating the last dungeon to steal & duplicate items.

It isn't a cheat. I'd say it's a legitimate glitch since you don't utilize any form of code.

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Posted on 03-05-13 08:27 PM Link | ID: 31525
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Been switching between The Sims 3 and Super Mario Sunshine.

Some of the areas of Super Mario Sunshine feel a hell of a lot easier than when I first played it. >_>

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 03-05-13 08:56 PM Link | ID: 31527
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Yeah, that's typical of all games ever. I pretty much just casually longjump across the tiny mushroom field in Tall Tall Mountain (SM64) any more.

Posted on 03-06-13 12:08 AM Link | ID: 31535
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I kinda take that back. I forgot just how much I hate blooper surfing in general. Whoever invented that should have been fired before they invented it.

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 03-06-13 05:13 PM (rev. 2 of 03-06-13 05:15 PM by GreyMaria) Link | ID: 31578
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The only problem with blooper surfing is you can't safely dismount unless you get a Shine. <_<

I've been binding me some serious Isaacs as of late.

The only problem with this setup? I lost the Mom kill I got from it by way of Isaac crashing and not saving the game data.

Posted on 03-06-13 05:28 PM Link | ID: 31579
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Wow... You have to play on low quality? Is your computer that bad?

The game usually saves itself... Or is that a Linux problem?

Posted on 03-06-13 05:44 PM Link | ID: 31581
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The game seems to save itself only on a successful clean shutdown.

I play on Low quality for a performance boost that leads to a slightly more difficult game sometimes. Interestingly, Binding of Isaac is the game that revealed to me how much more power my laptop has in comparison to my desktop.

I don't need to play on Low quality, I just like it.

Posted on 03-08-13 02:37 AM Link | ID: 31640
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Roy Koopa
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Kefka didn't even get to attack. :P Oh, and about the renamed characters. I like naming them after my friends. Regarding Setzer, I couldn't fit the full last name of that other friend of mine. Locke's named after me, of course.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 03-08-13 02:40 AM Link | ID: 31641
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How do you have two instances of Terra on your team?

Posted on 03-08-13 04:05 AM (rev. 2 of 03-08-13 04:06 AM by ゼンガー・ゾンボルト) Link | ID: 31642
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Roy Koopa
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Posted by Trelior
How do you have two instances of Terra on your team?

It's a glitch you can utilize in the GBA version of the game. It's not a cheat code or anything so I'd say it's legitimate. You can clone weapons and shields that way. I'll just copy the most simple way to do it. I found the instructions on gamefaqs.

1. Get to Kefka
2. Place Terra in the #1 slot with Paladin shield+whatever weapon you want equipped
3. Place any three characters in the other 11 slots
4. Kill all three other characters in the first tier prior to defeating the bosses
5. Kill all three other characters in the second tier prior to defeating the bosses
6. Kill all three other characters in the third tier prior to defeating the bosses
7. You should be facing Kefka with Terra in the #1 slot, your final two characters in the next two slots, and a
second Terra in the bottom slot. If you do not have a 2nd Terra you have failed and need to restart.
8. Unequip the items from BOTH Terras. The 2nd one is supposesd to be the clone, but I have done this with
only unequipping one or the other of the Terras and had it fail.
9. Watch the ending and check your inventory as soon as you reappear near the tower.
10. Lather, rinse, repeat until you are beyond godhood.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 03-08-13 04:55 AM Link | ID: 31643
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I was watching a video of the new SimCity early this afternoon and was inspired by it to play SimCity 2000. Then suddenly it was midnight...

Posted on 03-08-13 11:36 AM Link | ID: 31649
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Posted by Nicole
I was watching a video of the new SimCity early this afternoon and was inspired by it to play SimCity 2000. Then suddenly it was midnight...

I saw on the old twitter. I was tempted to dig up my copy of that as well. Comes with two benefits; already have it, and no "Server unavailable" :)

How did your city turn out?

The Dynamic Profile Administrator™

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Note: if you can see this my layout broke. ALL THE CREDITS WILL BE REVEALED!!
'Victory Noriko' by @thatsheepagain.
'Chibi Dance Noriko' by @Haru__Kitsu.
'Deity's Night Out (Featuring Gabbie)'
by @thatsheepagain
Noriko Emotes by @Haru__Kitsu.
Side Bar Noriko by @thatsheepagain
'Noriko's Nature Walk' by @projectTiGER_
Emotive Noriko by @thatsheepagain.
"Space Candy Noriko" by BerryVerrine.
"Super Sharp Noriko" by Xionfes.
A gift illustration from the wonderful EverKinzPony!
"Magical Girl Noriko" by @cute_hospital!
"Patient Chibi Noriko" by @Ruii_ki!
'Dapper '60s Noriko' by @thatsheepagain.
'Shiny Chibi Noriko' by @inioli.
'Flower Veil Noriko' by @Sushiee_.
'Noriko in Realism' by @_Sarybuu.
'Noriko's Midnight Adventure' by @projectTiGER_
'Yukata Noriko' by @yunyunmaru_
'Birthday Wishes Noriko' by @thatsheepagain
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