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Posted on 08-19-13 10:27 PM Link | ID: 35470
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Been playing WoW still and some Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition. In WoW I decided to set up a raid team and lead it, though after I got everything set up some asshat and his wife tried to come after me because I did the work to set it up that the asshat was supposed to do two goddamn months ago. Then I'm called immature because I was offended that they TRIED to take that out from under me. If I could meet them face to face the I'd give em a good one. In SSF4 I think I finally found my character I'm good with in that series. I've always been a Tekken player so it's nice to find a comfort zone somewhere else.

Posted on 08-20-13 11:28 AM Link | ID: 35480
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Cancelled my WoW sub awhile back, and glad I did. Have been all over the beta phases for FFXIV, spent most of the weekend on there. Back and forth on RO2 with Gywall and Traps, but kinda difficult to dedicate a lot of time while on the road.

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Posted on 08-20-13 06:06 PM Link | ID: 35484
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I've been going through a third or fourth playthrough of the Mass Effect Trilogy and finally on the 3rd game. I played the first two on X360 and was able to transfer my femshep to my computer through a save converter that someone somehow made. I also found out I am able to stream at 4096x1080 at 30 fps. Screen renders at 5760x1080 but the software doesn't go that wide. Not sure how badly it got compressed, I'll have to look at it.

Posted on 08-24-13 08:11 AM Link | ID: 35519
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Posted by KP
I've been going through a third or fourth playthrough of the Mass Effect Trilogy and finally on the 3rd game. I played the first two on X360 and was able to transfer my femshep to my computer through a save converter that someone somehow made. I also found out I am able to stream at 4096x1080 at 30 fps. Screen renders at 5760x1080 but the software doesn't go that wide. Not sure how badly it got compressed, I'll have to look at it.

I considered buying the Mass Effect Trilogy earlier. I don't own it yet. May the trilogy be a rare item? Or could it be more common / less common depending at witch country you are to buy it?

Posted on 08-25-13 05:34 AM Link | ID: 35540
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Here's the glitches I pulled off in DK64:

The first glitch I did was clipping through the wall in Troff 'n' Scoff's room to circumvent the banana/Kong requirement. I beat Army Dillo without giving Scoff my sixty bananas, then forced my way into Dogadon's room and beat his ass as DK.

The second glitch was clipping my way past B. Locker to get into Angry Aztec, which isn't exactly easy as DK. You need to backward hop carefully to get inside the barrier he creates, then do your standing attack combo. DK's hands stretch far enough to touch the portal and allow you to slip past the retarded hunk of wood. It's much easier to clip into stage portals as Lanky, because of his insane reach.

I got curious about what happens if you try to use Diddy's jetpack without his pistols, so I backtracked to Jungle Japes to get him. I clipped my way into the banana fairy island (I needed the charge skill to nab coins quickly) by swimming close, then mashing the B button to fool the game into letting me swim into the island itself.

From there, I made my way into Angry Aztec and had to perform the trickiest clip I've run into... You can back flip into the wall behind the temple Tiny's held in to circumvent needing to climb on top of the camel's cage and play Diddy's guitar. It took me fifteen minutes each attempt to get into the negative zone (I had to do it twice because I died) because it's incredibly precise on how you need to inch DK through the wall.

The final glitch I did was the moon kick from K. Lumsy's cage island up to the grate path that leads to Frantic Factory... I only was able to pull it off the one time, I tried to do it again for shits and giggles, but couldn't pull it off. Turns out the door that leads to the factory lobby is false, you can walk right through it. I guess the devs figured that you had to beat Dogadon to get up there and wouldn't figure out how to do it otherwise. Good bug testing there, guys.

Posted on 08-26-13 03:07 AM Link | ID: 35550
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I'm playing Splinter Cell: Double Agent for Xbox360, I'm up to the third mission. I hate being timed... -_-


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Posted on 08-26-13 11:48 PM Link | ID: 35561
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Been playing Saints Row 4. There seems to be nothing more satisfying than killing people and aliens with the sound of Dubstep. Especially with "Explosive Wubs". :)

Also, makes the sound of killing so much more enjoyable.

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 08-28-13 08:43 AM Link | ID: 35577
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I got bored of breaking DK64 and decided to hop back on Tales of Xillia.

I just wrapped up the plot in Xian Du and decided to grind up a bunch of items and gald to buy my painfully lacking equipment... My weapons and armor were at least twenty shop levels old... What pissed me off is that every time I would upgrade a weapon, it would expand the shop and make it produce someone else's next step up... Or worse, I buy it, then get an upgrade for the same person.

I'm sitting at an average level of 33, playing on Moderate, and I'm capable of fighting mobs that are level 60! It seems to me like the difficulty curve is a bit on the shallow side. I'm not going to bitch too loudly about it, because it enables me to rip every group of mobs a new ass fairly easily so I can continue to enjoy the excellent narrative.

Posted on 09-04-13 03:46 AM Link | ID: 35653
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I'm playing Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City, I like this game it's pretty bad ass. I've been hooked on it all day... ^_^


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Posted on 09-04-13 02:49 PM Link | ID: 35658
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Project X Zone for the 3DS. Just picked it up yesterday.


Posted on 09-04-13 05:24 PM Link | ID: 35659
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I'm sitting at the tail end of Milla's story of Tales of Xillia. I got bored of running around the world map trying to finish sub events and skits once I realized that I can't get either trophy this run.

I'm sitting at an average level of 62, which is eight levels under the final boss. I've never had much difficulty shit stomping bosses and mobs of similar level difference with my team and skill setup. After two good all-out-beatdown battles of attrition lasting a good twenty five minutes each, and losing the battle but also my shit, I gave up and shut my PS3 down.

The thing that burns me is that I had Muzet down to, like 75 HP left and I watched her fully recover! Granted, I know that she revives once during the fight, but it wasn't an instant refill. I watched as her HP gradually climbed from near death to damn near full! It was at that point that I lost hope on the fight because my (I thought was sufficient) supply of items (15 lemon/pineapple/melange/miracle gels, 15 life/panacea bottles, 15 (heavy) treat/specific (plus), 10 elixir, and 8 omega elixir) was nearly completely depleted and Gaius was going absolute ape shit and spamming his mystic arte at a rate that probably shouldn't have been possible.

Posted on 09-05-13 10:27 AM Link | ID: 35669
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From my experience in the series, there should be a requirement for enemies using Mystic Artes. Although.. some of the requirements are unusual. I've seen one only use one in retaliation to using an item.

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 09-06-13 12:05 PM Link | ID: 35678
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I've dropped WoW like it insulted my.... Uuh stuff? I left my raid teams and uninstalled the game and anything that had to do with the game. I've picked up FF14 again played back in 1.0 and through the beta. Been having fun but I dunno if I'm going to play it as heavily. Depends on how much I like end game when I get there.

Aside from that I just completed another play through of Tales of Abyss. Was my first time clearing the game in the 3ds version and I've started on my second. Going to go for 100% or as much as I can anyway. Tried to do the cameo battle before betting up the main baddy but that ended horribly because I was not prepared. Though that's one of the things I'm going to get ready for in this second clearing.

Along with picking those two games back up I've also picked up Ar Tonelico MoE again. Gust and Nis are quickly becoming my favorite names in the game world. As soon as I complete MoE I plan to move to the second and hopefully by that time I can buy the one released on the ps3.

Posted on 09-07-13 11:42 PM Link | ID: 35686
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I'm playin' some Ghoul Patrol on a SNES emulator...


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Posted on 09-09-13 11:18 PM Link | ID: 35708
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Been back to Ragnarok Online 2. Found a couple of parties for the Cursed Ghost Ship dungeon.. which is quite nice in terms of difficulty compared to the Hell of Deadly Poison dungeon before it.

It's nice to face bosses which don't fart out monster summoning gas as they move!

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 09-11-13 10:49 PM Link | ID: 35734
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I'm playing Streets Of Rage an a Sega Genesis Emulator, memories... ^_^


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Posted on 09-13-13 09:15 AM Link | ID: 35753
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Just started Jude's side of Tales of Xillia. This run is going to be a fucking joke.

I inherited my levels, money, and Devil's Arms. Before the game even let me do anything with my Lilium Orbs, I was capable of dealing upwards of FORTY THOUSAND DAMAGE! I'm on Unknown difficulty to boot, so everything getting a bonus on HP is absolutely MEANINGLESS!

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Posted on 09-14-13 04:32 PM Link | ID: 35778
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Madden 25. Bit rusty though.


Posted on 09-16-13 11:35 PM Link | ID: 35796
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Posted by Trelior
Just started Jude's side of Tales of Xillia. This run is going to be a fucking joke.

I inherited my levels, money, and Devil's Arms. Before the game even let me do anything with my Lilium Orbs, I was capable of dealing upwards of FORTY THOUSAND DAMAGE! I'm on Unknown difficulty to boot, so everything getting a bonus on HP is absolutely MEANINGLESS!
They allow you to inherit level in Xillia? I thought Vesperia's ability to inherit the entire item bag was pretty crazy. Geeze..

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 09-16-13 11:59 PM Link | ID: 35797
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Posted by Gywall
Posted by Trelior
Just started Jude's side of Tales of Xillia. This run is going to be a fucking joke.

I inherited my levels, money, and Devil's Arms. Before the game even let me do anything with my Lilium Orbs, I was capable of dealing upwards of FORTY THOUSAND DAMAGE! I'm on Unknown difficulty to boot, so everything getting a bonus on HP is absolutely MEANINGLESS!
They allow you to inherit level in Xillia? I thought Vesperia's ability to inherit the entire item bag was pretty crazy. Geeze..
Yeah. Inheriting the Devil's Arms is the real game breaker, because Jude's progress with Folzex is about four thousand kills (thanks to linking with Milla and getting credit for her kills). Each kill adds one point of P.Atk and A.Atk to the user's weapon. This works retroactively, too, since you have to beat the Golden Mage Knight in Magnus Zero at least once to activate the effect.
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