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Posted on 09-17-13 04:26 AM Link | ID: 35802
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I'm playing Dead Island, I'm trying to find Water for that Kim character, she's Annoying... >_<


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Posted on 09-21-13 07:24 AM Link | ID: 35836
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I started playing Wind Waker HD and got up to Dragon Roost Cave. I'm kicking pretty hard in the ass because I missed the heart piece in Forsaken Fortress that I knew was there! I hope I can go back before the story forces me to in the second half of the game, because I want that heart piece, damn it!

I was going through the eShop and couldn't help but notice a few things... For starters, I noticed that the games I own for the Wii Virtual Console are available for 80% off for Wii U Virtual Console. I'm not sure if it's because I own the Wii version and it's allowing me to buy it again with Gamepad support or if it's just a dumb little quirk. I can't tell because nothing conclusive pops up when I Google it.

Another thing I saw was that Tank! Tank! Tank! is free on the eShop... I just spent $20 on a retail copy of it. What the fuck?

Posted on 09-21-13 06:56 PM Link | ID: 35844
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Jeez, I'm still stuck on Minecraft. I really need to play less of this mindless game and immerse myself in a good story. I suppose I'm just waiting for the XB1 to come out...

I did just finish up my playthrough of the Mass Effect Trilogy. I love that story, no matter what people say about the ending.

PS. Trel, your mood avatar... I bet you use it more than 80% of the time. Haha! I wonder if there could be a feature that tells you what mood avatars you use most frequently.

Posted on 09-22-13 04:35 AM Link | ID: 35856
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I'm playing Arkanoid on an NES emulator. ^_^


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Posted on 09-22-13 09:30 AM Link | ID: 35860
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Posted by Trelior
I started playing Wind Waker HD and got up to Dragon Roost Cave. I'm kicking pretty hard in the ass because I missed the heart piece in Forsaken Fortress that I knew was there! I hope I can go back before the story forces me to in the second half of the game, because I want that heart piece, damn it!
If I recall, you can't go back until after you get the Master Sword. :x

I was going through the eShop and couldn't help but notice a few things... For starters, I noticed that the games I own for the Wii Virtual Console are available for 80% off for Wii U Virtual Console. I'm not sure if it's because I own the Wii version and it's allowing me to buy it again with Gamepad support or if it's just a dumb little quirk. I can't tell because nothing conclusive pops up when I Google it.
Yeah, that would be why. If you owned it on the Wii VC, you can buy it discounted on the Wii U VC.

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 09-23-13 10:15 AM Link | ID: 35870
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I just dropped another eight hour sitting into powering through the platinum for Tales of Xillia. Story-wise, I played through the tail end of chapter three and the entirety of chapter 4. Once I returned to Rieze Maxia, I powered through the last twenty or so sub-events I needed to pop the Sub-Event Superhero trophy. Most of them were odd jobs or cutscenes, but a fair amount of them were "Go find this boss and force feed it some dirt."

I thought it was pretty funny how the trophy popped during the optional boss fight against The Lord of the Underworld's servants. Not that it matters from a gameplay standpoint, but it showed me that you get credit flags for doing sub-events and the grade points from whatever tier of the title you pop for doing so BEFORE any battles happen, if applicable. Though, aside from the trophy popping, you can't see the benefit from completing your titles until after the events tied to them are finished. Case in point: the link (Breaker, Bind, etc)/signature (Snap Pivot, Spirit Shift, etc) skill trophies don't pop until the victory scene plays, so you have to play those ones by ear.

All in all, the trophy flags seem to be all over the place.

Now to get some sleep since I work this afternoon (it's ten after six in the morning as I type this). Tonight, I get to see what Unknown* throws at me for the final showdown against Muzet and Gaius.

I've only wiped against the two of the Devil's Beasts and the Servants that I can recall. Hell, I even shit stomped the bosses that gave me hell on Milla's side in under a minute each**.

* My difficulty setting.

** I completely owe those victories to inheriting levels and Devil's Arms progress.

Posted on 09-23-13 11:30 PM Link | ID: 35879
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I'm playing a little bit of GTA: V, damn it's a good thing I have alotta space on my HD, the game comes with 2 discs. One disc is the install CD with you need about 8 GB of space & the second CD is to play the game.

This game is cool can't deny...


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Posted on 10-04-13 04:53 AM Link | ID: 35963
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Been playing my Wii U in my spare of time when I'm not exhausted from work.

In NSMBU, I've made it to 2-fort, and haven't played it much since the first couple days of owning the system. I'll get to it eventually.

Wind Waker HD has most of my attention, I just did the Earth Temple in my last sitting. I have all but eleven heart pieces, all four bottles, the magic armor, both bomb and arrow upgrades, the extended mana meter and the Swift Sail. I'm enjoying this version of the game so much more than the original.

Tank! Tank! Tank! has gotten very little attention from me, probably due to the fact that switching to the "free" version from the retail copy still has me a bit pissed off.

I also picked up Nintendo Land, which is fun for what it's worth. Some of the minigames are annoying, but I haven't played them all yet. Some I doubt I'll be able to play anytime soon due to being a loner.

In unrelated Nintendo news for me: I bought Shantae on 3DS Virtual Console.

Posted on 10-04-13 06:03 PM Link | ID: 35966
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I'm waiting for Bayonetta 2 to come out ;3 (hoping that and the new Disney/Pixar film Frozen come out by my 30th birthday)

Recently, I've been playing various old Windows solitaire games (such as Cruel, FreeCell, Spider, Golf, etc.) trying to see how fast I can beat them or what score I can get :)

I still have like 20 DS RPGs I haven't even started either... and a ton of PS2 RPGs...

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Posted on 10-05-13 03:21 AM Link | ID: 35994
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First I was playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, now I'm playing some Left 4 Dead 2. I never get tired of that game... ^_^


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Posted on 10-07-13 10:44 AM Link | ID: 36037
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So I picked up Windwaker HD. Having the Swift Sail makes a very noticeable increase in sailing speed compared to the original. In two playing sessions, I've managed to reach the Master Sword. There's still some side-stuff that I've not done, but I'll go back and do those later.

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 10-07-13 10:39 PM Link | ID: 36050
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Xbox Live's "Games With Gold" program has a game called Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes that has a really strange battle system that is surprisingly addictive to play. Reminds me slightly of YuGiOh, though the two are 98% different from each other. I'll probably drop it like a stone when Halo 3 becomes free on the 16th.

Posted on 10-07-13 11:07 PM Link | ID: 36054
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Decided to restart Chrono Trigger DS, so far I'm up to the first time Chrono goes back to 600 AD and you have to try to find Marle and Lucca ;)

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Posted on 10-08-13 12:25 AM Link | ID: 36058
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Posted by KP
Xbox Live's "Games With Gold" program
How does it feel to finally have something that Playstation Plus has had for almost two years?

Posted on 10-08-13 01:04 AM Link | ID: 36060
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I try not to pay attention. Xbox was simply the platform I decided to go with because I thought it prohibitively expensive to my budget to have two systems; therefore I don't really pay too much attention to my competitors. Especially when I already am pleased with what I have and the fact that my family in AZ also has an X360 and that's how I stay in touch.

Posted on 10-08-13 07:23 AM Link | ID: 36065
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I finally sat and finished the main story of Pokemon White 2. Really, I just went as fast as I could, cutting whatever corners I could to get to the Pokemon League at level 65.

I was able to romp the whole league with very few hang ups, despite not having as many type advantages as I would have preferred, seriously, a Fighting-type move would've been GREAT against Grimsley and a Psychic-type move would've been great against Marshal.

My team finished as follows:
Echo level 69 - Arcanine
Smugleaf level 67 - Serperior
Drake level 66 - Dragonite
Sodomizer level 65 - Magnezone

Echo was my champion because of his type coverage. Smugleaf surprised me against Marshal because I only had to HP heal him due to three Coils turning him into an unstoppable beast. Drake took out Iris' Hydreigon and Shauntal's Chandellure right out of the gate, but he saw very little beyond that. I think I only used Sodomizer against Iris' Archeops because I knew Discharge would absolutely destroy it.

Now I can move onto X and Y without feeling like I left ends untied.

Posted on 10-08-13 04:16 PM Link | ID: 36073
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Posted by Trelior

Ah, so you like that move too?

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 10-08-13 06:41 PM Link | ID: 36077
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Posted by Trapster
Posted by Trelior

Ah, so you like that move too?
Of course. It's Curse with a third benefit instead of a drawback, what's not to love?

Posted on 10-09-13 10:59 PM Link | ID: 36117
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Posted by Trelior
Sodomizer level 65
What the fuck.

Also, I'm debating on getting GTA 5. Should I? I mean, I hear people have a shit ton of fun with it, but I've never really played a GTA game and nobody I really know has it either so I don't think I'd play online with someone else I know; which is really the only thing that appeals to me right now.

Posted on 10-10-13 12:53 AM Link | ID: 36120
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Posted by KP
Posted by Trelior
Sodomizer level 65
What the fuck.
My Magnezone is a nod to my friend Doc Sigma. He makes a lot of fucked up jokes like that, and he really likes Magnezone.
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