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Posted on 10-12-13 04:54 AM Link | ID: 36142
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I decided I would pay Nintendo to allow me to play my three Wii Virtual Console games that have been updated and released on Wuu because I had a gift card that I needed to bleed the last of the funds from...

I played a bit of Kirby's Adventure and Legend of Zelda only long enough to see how they played on the new hardware and see what the hubbub behind the new Virtual Console was about.

Pros: You can map the controls however you want as long as you're mapping to valid buttons. This means I can set LoZ's action buttons in a way that's comfortable for my modern game attuned muscle memory.

Cons: Both the Wuupad and Pro Controller have absolutely shit D-pads. I'm not sure if it's because neither are broken in yet or if the hardware is shit this time around. Hopefully it's the former, because Nintendo was the god of good digital control in the old days. Now, the controllers just feel odd in my hands.

If you've not seen either controller, allow me to describe them... The analog sticks are ABOVE face buttons, which is awkward as all hell. I don't like going DOWN from the stick to press a button or switch to D-pad movement. Hell, the way my hands fall on the pro controller is hardly conducive to pressing either the Y or B buttons, I have to reach rather uncomfortably far down to hit them.

Nintendo, what the fuck happened? The Gameube controller was fucking brilliant! What has happened over the past few years? Has the dickstick that was the Wiimote so distracting to you that you forgot how to properly design a fucking controller? Yes, the Wii classic controller sucks, too.

Posted on 10-12-13 10:53 AM Link | ID: 36143
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Roy Koopa
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Posted by Trelior
Yes, the Wii classic controller sucks, too.

But not the classic controller pro.

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Posted on 10-12-13 05:15 PM Link | ID: 36145
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Posted by Trapster
Posted by Trelior
Yes, the Wii classic controller sucks, too.

But not the classic controller pro.
Yes it does. I have a classic controller pro, and I don't like it. The analog sticks don't have proper sensitivity.

Posted on 10-13-13 01:52 AM Link | ID: 36152
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Roy Koopa
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Posted by Trelior

But not the classic controller pro.
Yes it does. I have a classic controller pro, and I don't like it. The analog sticks don't have proper sensitivity.

Worked fine for Monster Hunter Tri.

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Posted on 10-13-13 01:57 AM Link | ID: 36153
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He's not pointing out whether or not it works but more about how it feels. Of course it "worked fine" but to Trel it just doesn't have proper sensitivity to him.

Posted on 10-13-13 02:25 AM Link | ID: 36154
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Yeah, the controller "worked," but its dead zone went "Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing... HOLY SHIT BREAK FREE WHIP AROUND!" which made aiming anything in a first-person perspective impossible. I can't do the shooting galleries in either of the N64 Zeldas because of this... On the original hardware, I could snipe from near outside the draw distance, but not on the Wii.

Posted on 10-13-13 03:56 AM Link | ID: 36156
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Been playin' Just Cause on Xbox360, decent game just unlocked two achievements... ^_^


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Posted on 10-13-13 09:09 AM Link | ID: 36160
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Roy Koopa
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Mostly Ragnarok Online 2 but decided to try and beat the E4 in Pokémon White 2 before I order Pokémon Y.

My current team:

Serperior Lv. 62
Ampharos Lv. 59
Starmie Lv. 60
Braviary Lv. 61
Haxorus Lv. 58
Lucario Lv. 61

Thinking of getting a couple more levels for some of them. I can level up a Litwick into a Chandelure aswell but the speed IV seems to suck.

Is Trelior interested in the movesets of my team?

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 10-13-13 09:13 AM Link | ID: 36161
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I decided to give the WuuVC another shot with the gamepad tonight. I actually found the analog stick to give better digital feedback than the D-pad... What the fuck? I played all the way up to Level 8.

Posted by Trapster
Is Trelior interested in the movesets of my team?
Not particularly, no.

Posted on 10-14-13 06:35 AM (rev. 2 of 10-14-13 06:36 AM by Trelior) Link | ID: 36162
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I went out in the afternoon to pick up my copy of Pokemon X and Y, and sat down to play X like I had planned to.

I've dropped about nine hours into the game so far, and am surprised that I've only fought one gym leader so far and I'm not even close to the second. Sure, the next town is the next gym, but I have another route of trainers to slog through.

So far, only two things annoy me: One, the Exp Share isn't an equip item anymore... It's a toggleable key item that functions like the Exp All from Red/Blue/Yellow, and I hate it. Two, the roller blades are a pain in the ass for minute movement. I wish I could set the control scheme I want, because I would rather be able to just run using the circle pad instead of holding B and using the D-pad.

My team so far is:
Kisuke (Frogadier), level 22 (Muramasa reference)
Combusken, level 25 (Fuck not being allowed to name outsiders)
Mothra (Vivillon), level 21 (Obligatory Godzilla reference, though I think Vivillon's more of a butterfly the more I look at him)
Solar (Ivysaur), level 20 (Venusaur learns Solar Beam, sue me)
Beatrix (Kirlia), level 20 (Final Fantasy IX reference)
SaveTheQueen (Honedge), level 20 (Recurring sword name in JRPGs)

Combusken, being an outsider (Mystery Gift DW Torchic), is why I hate the Exp All Share. That fucker gains two levels to everyone else's one when it's active. I don't use him unless I absolutely have to because I don't want him breaking the Bug Badge's obedience threshold (or just becoming way too high level). I haven't actively used him since the first gym, only to bail Beatrix out of a tight spot (because Ralts can't fight worth a damn until it learns something beyond Confusion) and because the first Team Flare Grunt's Houndour Roared Kisuke out to him.

Posted on 10-14-13 11:08 AM Link | ID: 36163
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That level threshold on the badges becomes less of an issue after the third gym.. Since the fourth and fifth aren't too far behind that one.

My Pokémon X team stands at currently:
Butterfree, Greninja, Charizard, Linoone, Aurorus and Sylveon. Around level 40. Some lagging a bit below, some *coughButterfreecough* racing ahead.

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 10-15-13 12:54 AM Link | ID: 36183
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Roy Koopa
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Posted by Gywall

Why do you use that one?

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Posted on 10-15-13 02:07 AM Link | ID: 36188
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I'm still in Minecraft... but there's a horrible cycle... While playing, I get some idea of something to build with LEGOs, but then I end up having a build idea for Minecraft while playing with those! I don't have all this damn time...

Posted on 10-15-13 02:20 AM Link | ID: 36195
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Posted by Trapster
Posted by Gywall

Why do you use that one?
HM Slave, duh.

Linoone learns three of the five Kalos HMs. Cut, Strength, and Surf.

Posted on 10-15-13 04:19 AM Link | ID: 36203
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Roy Koopa
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Posted by Trelior
HM Slave, duh.

Linoone learns three of the five Kalos HMs. Cut, Strength, and Surf.

Hm. Almost thought he used it for battling. Which would be weird since it sucks.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 10-15-13 04:23 AM Link | ID: 36204
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Giant Koopa
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I'm playin' the Battlefield 4 Beta on Xbox360, punk ass snipers... >_<


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Posted on 10-15-13 05:38 AM Link | ID: 36207
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Roy Koopa
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Posted by Googie
I'm playin' the Battlefield 4 Beta on Xbox360, punk ass snipers... >_<

I hear it suffers from bad framerate too.

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Posted on 10-15-13 10:45 AM Link | ID: 36209
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Posted by Trapster
Posted by Trelior
HM Slave, duh.

Linoone learns three of the five Kalos HMs. Cut, Strength, and Surf.

Hm. Almost thought he used it for battling. Which would be weird since it sucks.
I do use it for battling.

Linoone, aka Ziggy, knows Shadow Claw, Rock Smash, Cut and Strength. It helps in the field, picks up items and mops up scenarios gone wrong. Psychic gym, I'm looking at you here...

Well, I'm up to getting towards the Elite 4 slowly.

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 10-15-13 11:38 AM Link | ID: 36211
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Roy Koopa
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Meh. There are plenty of good pokémon that can use bug-type moves out there.

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Posted on 10-15-13 03:00 PM Link | ID: 36213
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Posted by Trapster
Meh. There are plenty of good pokémon that can use bug-type moves out there.
Why is Bug-type important? Ziggy has Shadow Claw. Ghost is still Super Effective on Psychic.
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