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Posted on 10-23-13 07:56 PM Link | ID: 36352
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I'm playin' Maui Mallard in Cold Shadow on an SNES emulator. ^_^


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Posted on 10-24-13 08:31 AM (rev. 2 of 10-24-13 09:01 AM by Trelior) Link | ID: 36363
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Spend the day fucking around on X doing Wonder Trades and negotiating more trades and battling with the guys I randomly traded with.

I wound up getting a few interesting 'mons or ones I just plainly wanted. Some of the ones I wound up with were a few foreign ones, like a German Hawlucha, a bunch of assorted Japanese ones. I wound up finally getting Chespin, too.

The two traders I battled lost fairly easily to me, but swapped friend codes with me. Both of them had awesome friend safaris. One was Fire-type and gave Braixen, and the other was Water-type and gave Frogadier. I also discovered tonight that my third safari contribution is Ninetales.

I can't help but notice a trend in that I seem to give awesome stuff, but get shit in return... Most of my 3DS friends give me really shitty safaris, and Wonder Trade just loves screwing me over.

Safari example: one of my local friends gives me Ground-type for his safari, and he gives me Trapinch, Dugtrio, and Diggersby... All three Pokemon are not only really common in the normal game's wilderness, but they also have really shitty hidden abilities.

Wonder Trade example: I caught ten Dittos to distribute to (hopefully) foreign players hoping to get a Ditto to use the Matsuda Method with, since that's what I'm hoping to achieve at some point. Only three of them produced something I didn't immediately regift.

Granted, I gave them all the same, albeit weird, name, but I was receiving weird shit all day... I got a Magneton named Buttmagnet and a Pidgey named Backupmeal, so a few Dittos named Birtha should be totally acceptable, right?

I also decided to challenge my friend to a few battles since I was in a battling mood. We quickly came to the decision that Speed Boost Blaziken was banned in GenV for a reason, because it is horribly broken. Every time I lead with my Blaziken, I swept him as easily as cleaning a dusty floor after even so much as a one turn setup of Focus Energy. I got him to rage quit on his last mon, having lost all of them to five consecutive critical hits.

Posted on 10-25-13 05:34 AM Link | ID: 36417
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Since: 01-04-12
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Hm. Yeah, I heard that a lot of people are using Speed Boost Blaziken.

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Posted on 10-25-13 05:42 AM Link | ID: 36418
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What's worse is that Mega Blaziken has Speed Boost whether you have a hidden Blaziken or not. I can foresee another generation of Blaziken being in Ubers.

Posted on 10-25-13 05:50 AM Link | ID: 36419
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Roy Koopa
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Posted by Trelior
What's worse is that Mega Blaziken has Speed Boost whether you have a hidden Blaziken or not. I can foresee another generation of Blaziken being in Ubers.

Yeah, that or banned altogether in tournaments.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 10-25-13 05:58 AM Link | ID: 36420
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Well, I was talking the Smogon tiering. Most tourneys I've seen either follow Smogon OU or Game Freak's retarded ban list. Seriously, why do they blind-ban every event legend (Celebi, anyone?), yet allow known broken legends (Lati@s) to be used unabated.

I prefer Smogon, because they allow me to use Jirachi because all it has is Iron Head Paraflinch (which, as of GenVI is totally walled by every Electric-type), as opposed to Lati@s unbeatable Soul Dew defenses and amazing typing/move pools.

Posted on 10-28-13 11:02 PM Link | ID: 36573
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Been playing with Pokémon X mostly recently. Been playing with some ideas, but nothing's come out of it so far.

Although, that might change for a while with Assassin's Creed 4 due out here tomorrow ..

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Posted on 10-30-13 04:40 AM Link | ID: 36619
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I'm playing The Simpsons arcade on the MAME emulator right now, forgot how much fun this game is... ^_^


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Posted on 10-30-13 11:44 PM Link | ID: 36640
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So Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag came out yesterday (which is a launch date brought forward)..

Been playing that, Kinda digging the pirate theme to this one. Although, I kinda wish the box for the Buccaneer edition wasn't so freaking huge.. >_>

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 10-31-13 12:04 AM Link | ID: 36641
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Still slogging through Pokemon Y... haven't made too much progress as of late due to busy, I only now just became able to use FLY...

Posted on 10-31-13 12:45 AM Link | ID: 36642
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Posted by Gywall
So Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag came out yesterday (which is a launch date brought forward)..

Been playing that, Kinda digging the pirate theme to this one. Although, I kinda wish the box for the Buccaneer edition wasn't so freaking huge.. >_>
I preordered it, but I got it for the Xbox One. So now I gotta dodge all of the spoilers for three and a half fucking weeks.

Posted on 10-31-13 01:04 AM Link | ID: 36644
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Posted by KP
Posted by Gywall
So Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag came out yesterday (which is a launch date brought forward)..

Been playing that, Kinda digging the pirate theme to this one. Although, I kinda wish the box for the Buccaneer edition wasn't so freaking huge.. >_>
I preordered it, but I got it for the Xbox One. So now I gotta dodge all of the spoilers for three and a half fucking weeks.
Oh, I gotta say that the blowpipe is awesome. As well as the epicness of raiding for rum.

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 10-31-13 08:35 PM Link | ID: 36656
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Since: 08-07-12
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Left 4 Dead 2, out of all the games I have & have some heavy hitter games, that's the game I go back to. What can I say, Gib Fest is fun... ^_^


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Posted on 11-01-13 03:21 AM (rev. 2 of 11-01-13 03:34 AM by Trelior) Link | ID: 36660
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Been trying to get a shiny Froakie on X for the past two hours thanks to my friend trading me his spare Japanese Ditto for one of my Honey Gatherer Teddiursas.

The father is my Protean Frogadier, because I'm hoping for the shiny that eventually hatches to have it. So far, I've hatched fifty Froakies with a 50/50 split on their ability.

The aforementioned friend managed to get TWO shinies today. An Eevee and Sableye. I'm kinda pissed. :/

Posted on 11-02-13 03:40 AM Link | ID: 36668
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I'm playing Temple Run on my phone, you gotta be quick in that game... :o


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Posted on 11-11-13 07:43 AM Link | ID: 36760
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lol blank cell
I recently hooked up my GameCube and am currently replaying both Need For Speed Underground 2 and Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door.

For 3DS, I'm still playing through Pokemon X and Etrian Odyssey IV (this game is such a grind). I also played and beat Super C for the first time using the virtual console, but I used save-states so I guess it doesn't really count.

For Xbox 360, I'm not playing anything because Microsoft bricked my console and they aren't accepting my payments methods, so fuck them.


Posted on 11-15-13 12:59 AM Link | ID: 36898
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lol blank cell
I beat the original Super Mario Bros. for the first time ever the other day. I started playing through the Lost Levels, but I'm stuck on world 7. I've also started playing Secret of Mana for the first time.

I'm coming really close to finishing Pokemon X. I'm about to get the 8th gym badge and then I'm off to the Elite Four.


Posted on 11-15-13 01:57 AM (rev. 2 of 11-15-13 02:37 AM by Trelior) Link | ID: 36899
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Been playing Y since I'm kinda tired of the only thing being left to do in X is the Battle Maison and fruitlessly gleaning for shinies.

My team is Delphox, Greninja, Crobat, Gogoat, Granbull, and Kangaskhan.

I'm right at the fourth gym leader at roughly level 40. Leveling is a breeze since I have my team's exp gain bolstered by having high affection and the Lucky Egg that I just picked up. I already have Nightscream's (Crobat) affection maxed because I wanted the bonus exp to help him catch up from level 13, after I get this badge I'm going to focus on getting everyone the rest of the way to max.

As for Pokemon Amie itself, I find myself playing Head It the most since it's the simplest of the three to do extremely well at. Hell, I've already maxed out the score counter (it stops at 999 then adds your highest combo at the end) and my highest combo so far is 147.

Posted on 11-18-13 02:45 AM Link | ID: 36965
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I've been play Batman: Arkham City, I beaten those stupid AR missions & I'm glad too... ^_^


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Posted on 11-18-13 05:18 PM Link | ID: 36986
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Been ping-ponging between games. Been playing some The Sims 3. New expansions equal new things to do.. Although screwing with time is awesome.

Some Ragnarok Online 2, which is dubbed Bugnarok at the moment due to a fair few issues.

Then there's Pokémon X. Been breeding some Mawile up, so I kinda have a boxload of 'em just sitting there for now.

The world could always use more heroes!
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