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Posted on 03-05-14 05:46 AM Link | ID: 51307
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I finally popped in Batman: Gotham Origins, even though I bought it on Black Friday of last year... Then I played some Halo 4 Multiplayer with my Nephew, and I messed around in GTA V... ^_^


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Posted on 03-06-14 07:47 AM Link | ID: 51420
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I got my Wii back from my buddy and immediately booted up the SD card to play Super Mario Sunshine.

Since I have a list on my website for all of the games I own/have access to play, I figured I would start a segment on my Youtube channel that showcases games I know I'm bad enough to prove it's not worth doing Let's Plays that are worth more than gag reels.

Here's the video I made tonight.

Posted on 03-06-14 07:29 PM Link | ID: 51509
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Ninja Gaiden 3 on an NES emulator. ^_^


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Posted on 03-06-14 07:35 PM (rev. 3 of 03-06-14 07:36 PM by Kak) Link | ID: 51512
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Bullet Bill
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Post #3133
Fired up the alternate NT 3.51 VM, where I've played that 3D Pinball...

I suck at it. >_<


Posted on 03-07-14 04:17 AM Link | ID: 51589
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I'm playing Deadlings on my phone... :LOL:


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Posted on 03-07-14 09:25 AM Link | ID: 51591
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I did a quick playthrough of Cold Shadow for SNES to practice for my upcoming Let's Play. It went well enough, I suppose. It was a nice refresher for a game I really enjoyed as a kid.

Posted on 03-09-14 07:44 PM Link | ID: 51794
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I've not been playing much due to moving. Did mess a little bit with the StreetPass games on the 3DS. But that's about it for the last week or so.

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 03-09-14 07:46 PM Link | ID: 51796
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Post #3253
I'm playing the game most played around the offices.

Solitaire. :P

Not a good thing since I'm posting right now. Ugh.


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Posted on 03-10-14 03:05 PM Link | ID: 51909
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Post #3297
Playing Golf...

This game is brutally hard, and I've never won due to the extremely bad card randomizer. :@

I'm not kidding, the randomizer is crap, and how the cards are placed in the top pile doesn't help (referring to a certain Castle Camelot card game).


Posted on 03-10-14 07:22 PM Link | ID: 51992
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Posted by Witch
Playing Golf...

This game is brutally hard, and I've never won due to the extremely bad card randomizer. :@

I'm not kidding, the randomizer is crap, and how the cards are placed in the top pile doesn't help (referring to a certain Castle Camelot card game).

Heh, I think I've only won Golf like once or twice in my history of computing ;P Cruel is much easier once you get lucky :)

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Posted on 03-10-14 07:24 PM Link | ID: 51995
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Post #3333
Posted by Bayonetta
Posted by Witch
Playing Golf...

This game is brutally hard, and I've never won due to the extremely bad card randomizer. :@

I'm not kidding, the randomizer is crap, and how the cards are placed in the top pile doesn't help (referring to a certain Castle Camelot card game).

Heh, I think I've only won Golf like once or twice in my history of computing ;P Cruel is much easier once you get lucky :)
Meh, I may take a look in the game source code to see how this game throws the cards.

I expect I won't be happy if I look at that. >_>


Posted on 03-10-14 09:23 PM Link | ID: 52048
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I'm playing Bubble Bobble on an arcade emulator. ^_^


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Lili~ ♥
Posted on 03-15-14 11:01 PM Link | ID: 52469
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I started to play through Pokemon Gold, since that's one Pokemon game I haven't beaten so far.

I'm right at the very beginning and I have a Cyndaquil, a Spearow and a Sentret. I wonder if these are good choices for my upcoming adventure...

Posted on 03-15-14 11:31 PM Link | ID: 52470
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You sure you don't mean HeartGold?

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 03-16-14 12:26 AM Link | ID: 52474
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Posted by ゼンガー・ゾンボルト
You sure you don't mean HeartGold?

She could, very well, mean Gold. It did exist on Gameboy Color.

Not everyone plays the most modern iteration of a game.

Lili~ ♥
Posted on 03-16-14 01:23 PM Link | ID: 52485
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Trelior is completely right.

And I now have two badges. Quilava rapes Bugsy so hard, lol.

Posted on 03-16-14 11:29 PM Link | ID: 52520
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Since: 08-07-12
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I'm playing The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct, people say it's a bad game but it's decent... Way better than Shell Shock 2... ^_^


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Posted on 03-19-14 09:19 AM Link | ID: 52635
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I decided to kick off my Pokemon Red Hard Mode challenge this afternoon. The stream ran for almost thirteen hours and I just got the Rainbow Badge from Totally-not-Erika.

Posted by Stream description
Rules of engagement:
1. Only the first Pokemon encountered on a route can be caught.
2. Every Pokemon caught must have a nickname
3. If a Pokemon faints, it is released at the first opportunity.
4. Battle mode is Set

If a Pokemon that has been on the party before appears again, a reroll is allowed for that capture.

If there is a dungeon within a town, it gets its own chance to add to the party.

Silph Co is separate from Saffron City
Safari Zone is separate from Fuchsia City
Game Corner is separate from Celadon City
Unknown Dungeon is separate from Cerulean City

Instances of a Pokemon being FORCED upon the player do not count toward the Pokemon of the area.

Randomizer rules:
All Pokemon (wild, trained, gifts, trades etc), trainer classes, gym leader names), move sets, and item locations have been randomized.

Encounter rates are randomized at a 1:1 per area level, each area contains the same amount of Pokemon as in the original game, but are completely randomized.

Legendary Pokemon are not permitted for use by the player or opponents. All wild legendary Pokemon are marked as bounties.

Moves are updated to their Generation V type, power, and accuracy.

Types have also been modified to their proper effectiveness.

Pokemon requiring trades to evolve now evolve by reaching a certain level.

Current Roster:
Rounderp (Machoke) 33
Laera (Lapras) 30
Jay (Cloyster) 32
Phyresis (Kingler) 31

Current Reserve:
Oh Shit He (Kakuna) 25

Casualties to date (in order of meeting them)
-Jimbo (Poliwrath) Met in Oak's lab, succumbed to poison while trying to flee Viridian Forest. Levels 5-7
-Elemenope (Clefable) Met on Route 22, blown to smithereens by an Omastar's explosion. Levels 3-27
-The unnamed Vileplume I failed to catch on Route 2, Jay overpowered him with Spike Cannon. It was level 2
-Kuma (Rhydon) Met on Route 3, laid to rest in a pile of petals left in the wake of a dancing Mr Mime. Levels 5-15
-Lore (Graveler) Purchased from the swindler in Route 3's Pokemon Center, Failed to keep tempo with a Nidoking in his flowery dance of destruction. Levels 5-18
-Brisulph (Cubone) Met in Mt Moon, Cut down by a Vileplume's Double Edge. Poor bastard never got a chance. Level 6
-Thet (Primeape) Met on Route 4, caught in the the unrelenting deluge from Kabutops' Hydro Pump. Levels 10-25
-Batshit (Zubat) Met on Route 24, Frozen by Jolteon's clever Mirror Move. He died far too young, Level 10
-Sparky (Pikachu) Met on Route 25, vaporized by Slowbro's Hyper Beam. Levels 9-23
-Dave (Gyarados) Met on Route 5 as a Magikarp, naught but ashes remain in the wake of yet another Omastar Explosion. Levels 12-26
-Lies! (Dugtrio) Met on Route 11, Just a crater in the earth thanks to Charmander's Hyper Beam. Level 15
-TopPercent (Raticate) Met in Diglett's Cave as a Rattata, Exeggutor shattered every bone in his body with a Hi Jump Kick. Levels 19-27
-Rudi (Tentacruel) Met on Route 9, Mind melted from Hypno's Psybeam. Levels 13-18
-Ghouly (Gastly) Met on Route 10, buried in a pile of bones courtesy of Marowak's Bonemerang. Level 16-18
-The unnamed Staryu in Rock Tunnel that got impaled repeatedly by Rudi's unrelenting Spike Cannon. Level 17
-The unnamed Omanyte on Route 7 that scared Jay away with a mighty roar. I can only assume the Seakings it shares a home with feasted upon its succulent meat. Level 18

Posted on 03-20-14 07:12 AM (rev. 2 of 03-20-14 08:20 AM by Trelior) Link | ID: 52675
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I just wrapped up the stream for the night... Gotta be to work in less then seven hours and I need to at least attempt to take a nap. As far as progress goes, most of the seven hours I streamed were devoted to grinding. I'm only just now ready to face the Fuchsia Gym.

Current Roster
Jay (Cloyster) 41
Phyresis (Kingler) 41
Stu (Pidgeot) 41
ProJared (Vileplume) 40
Tongya (Lickitung) 40

Current Reserves
Oh Shit He (Kakuna) 25
Supersoakr (Squirtle) 20
Maryjane (Weedle) 28

New casualties (in order of meeting them):
-Laera (Lapras) Met on Route 6, beheaded by a bloodthirsty Scyther's Guillotine. She didn't deserve to die like that. Levels 12-35
-Rounderp (Machoke) Met on Route 8, having been critically wounded by a fellow Machoke's Drill Peck, he fell due to my hubris of forgetting the foe knew Quick Attack. I'm so sorry, my friend. Levels 19-36
-Benedict (Exeggutor) Met on Route 18, Outwitted by a cunning Arcanine that poisoned him with Twin Needle. So much potential lost. Levels 25-27
-The unnamed Hitmonlee that fled from me in the Safari Zone. In his haste to get away, he twisted his ankle and fell into one of the many small lakes. He drowned soon afterward. Level 24
-Sanic (Dugtrio) Met on Route 15 as a Diglett, you can probably still find pieces of his body scatted all over Route 14 where the Jolteon detonated. He wasn't fast enough. Levels 26-29
-Powderhead (Jigglypuff) Met on Route 14, popped like an overinflated party balloon by a Jump Kicking Flareon. Level 26
-Drako (Dragonite) Met on Route 12, frozen in a wintry tomb on the pier near the patch of grass I found him by a vengeful Haunter. Level 24
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