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Posted on 03-20-14 03:56 PM Link | ID: 52691
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Just a question. Or rather two: How can you randomize moveset of trained pokémon that are used by gym leaders? And item locations?

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 03-20-14 04:11 PM Link | ID: 52692
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Posted by ゼンガー・ゾンボルト
Just a question. Or rather two: How can you randomize moveset of trained pokémon that are used by gym leaders? And item locations?
Item locations weren't changed, just what they are.

The trained move sets are determined by the Pokemon's individual randomized set with influence from any TMs that trainer is programmed to have used. In other words, nothing is different.

Posted on 03-21-14 08:35 AM Link | ID: 52714
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Stream highlights:
I managed to get up to Victory Road, grinding to 60 to take on the League. I fought the "Legendary Birds" in that it was Mewtwo, Articuno, and Zapdos (respectively).

Current roster:
Jay (Cloyster) 54
Stu (Pidgeot) 53
Ol Lopper (Scyther) 51
Phyresis (Kingler) 54
ProJared (Vileplume) 52

Reserves (not that it matters, they're not being used):
Oh Shit He (Kakuna) 25
SuperSoakr (Squirtle) 20
Maryjane (Weedle) 28
Headaches (Psyduck) 15
Pebble (Geodude) 30
Twilight (Rapidash) 30
Jimbo Jr (Poliwag) 20
Rootface (Bellsprout) 30
Lore MkTwo (Ivysaur) 30

Casualties tonight (in order of meeting):
Tongya (Lickitung) Met on Route 17, Taken from us by Seadra's Toxic combined with Bind's restriction. Levels 26-48
Rudrake (Nidoking) Met in the Saffron Dojo, buried under the earth by a Cloyster during training on Victory Road. Freak accident. Levels 30-49
The unnamed Venusaur in the Seafoam Islands that teleported away from Tongya only to telefrag itself in the terrain. Level 30
Ramses (Raichu) Met on Route 23, He suffered a fate very similar to Laera. A damn shame. Level 38

Posted on 03-23-14 03:54 AM Link | ID: 52758
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I played some GTA V multiplayer but I did an online mission by myself and passed it. And I played some thief... ^_^


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Posted on 03-24-14 02:31 AM Link | ID: 52819
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Well, I finished things off.

I ended up having to run the League twice because I forgot Gen I doesn't save until "THE END" comes on screen.

I managed to make it through Unknown Dungeon fairly quickly thanks to emulator throttle, because fuck that encounter rate.

Phyresis killed Moltres in a single critical Rock Throw, so my final boss was totally anticlimactic.

The ending lineup:
Phyresis (Kingler) 62
Ol Lopper (Scyther) 60
Stu (Pidgeot) 60
Jay (Cloyster) 60

The unnamed Kabutops in Unknown Dungeon teleported away from Jared in utter fear of being captured. He also telefragged himself. Level 52
ProJared (Vileplume) Met in Pallet Town, burned to death by Ninetales' Fire Punch. Levels 15-61

Posted on 03-24-14 08:48 AM Link | ID: 52821
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Since I'm trying to flip my sleep schedule thanks to my new overnight position, I figured I would grab Thomas Was Alone from Playstation Plus.

I wound up 100%'ing it in about three and a half hours. I must say, it was a nice little puzzle platformer with a few fairly mind bending puzzles, at least for a partially sleep deprived mind.

The worst offender for rough puzzling has to go to 4-3, because I spent twenty minutes trying to wrap my head around pressing the switch. I'm almost certain I solved the puzzle in a way that wasn't intended.

Posted on 03-24-14 08:56 PM Link | ID: 52838
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Went back to playing some Thief, finished chapter three. Then it's off to playing some Halo 4 Multiplayer...


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Posted on 03-25-14 03:01 AM Link | ID: 52863
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Final Fantasy X HD. I still love this game!


Posted on 03-25-14 11:57 PM Link | ID: 52906
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Decided to try out the Pokémon randomizer with Pokémon Gold... unfortunately, I didn't realize that the emulator I chose had a saving issue, so now this game is as if a dream, when it ends it will never continue~

Current team, after the first gym and Union Cave: Sally (Seel, starter), Glenda (Gloom), Neichan (Mew), and Raichael (Raichu)... (and the Mystery Egg, of course)

Posted on 03-26-14 12:35 AM Link | ID: 52907
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Nice cheating with Mew. I always turn legendaries off in the randomizer.

Posted on 03-26-14 12:38 AM (rev. 2 of 03-26-14 01:09 AM by Nicole) Link | ID: 52908
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Posted by Trelior
Nice cheating with Mew. I always turn legendaries off in the randomizer.

Having the potential of legendaries showing up unexpectedly was part of the fun to me :P And at the moment, Raichu is doing most of the work anyway <_< My inner child got all excited by seeing "Wild MEW appeared!" anyway...

Of course, my inner child (when she was being the outer child) also blew through Gold version by trading in her beloved Articuno from Red version as soon as she could and proceeding to just plow through... (not sure how I dealt with the disobedience thing, probably just chose attacks often enough that it wasn't a big deal) So maybe I shouldn't listen to her regarding Pokémon?

Posted on 03-28-14 03:59 PM Link | ID: 52994
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I'm playing Hungry Cats on my phone, it's an Angry Birds clone...


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Posted on 04-06-14 04:58 PM Link | ID: 53533
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I recently picked up Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD and have been playing that pretty hardcore, having clocked fourteen hours in two days.

For story progress, I just got Ixion from Yevon-Djose Temple. I've been working my Sphere Grid pretty well since I started farming for Ability Spheres thanks to finding a monster that drops them and teaching Wakka the ability to force more to drop.

As it stands right now, I can get just about any sphere flavor I could possibly want to complete nodes on my grid.

For Speed Spheres, I have Tidus with Extract.
For Mana Spheres, I have Tidus with an Distill weapons.
For Power Spheres, I have Auron, Tidus, and Wakka with Distill weapons.
For Ability Spheres, I have Wakka and Kimahri with Extract and Yuna with a Distill weapon.
Luck Spheres haven't appeared yet.

The two Level 1 Key Spheres I've gotten have been used to get from Kimahri's grid into Wakka's and the Power node cluster in Lulu's grid near the -ara spell family.

I think it's hilarious how I have Lulu, the black mage, set in a way that gives her more HP than Tidus. (~1100 for Lulu vs ~980 for Tidus)

I've also been playing the shit out of 2048 on my phone. I almost won twice today. Both times, I had a very similar end result.

The high score was set by the first near-win when I played on my break at 5:30 this morning.

The playing field gets surprisingly cluttered when it fills with high value panels, even after clearing half of the board in a huge combo.

Posted on 04-06-14 05:37 PM Link | ID: 53540
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Posted by Trelior
I've also been playing the shit out of 2048 on my phone. I almost won twice today. Both times, I had a very similar end result.
Have you not reached 2048 yet in it? o_O

I had a score of 20200 when I did it..

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 04-06-14 05:52 PM Link | ID: 53546
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Posted by CherryBunny
Posted by Trelior
I've also been playing the shit out of 2048 on my phone. I almost won twice today. Both times, I had a very similar end result.
Have you not reached 2048 yet in it? o_O

I had a score of 20200 when I did it..

Nope, because I only play it for about twenty minutes on any given day. I also tend to zone out when I play and it leads to some pretty damning moves.

Posted on 04-06-14 10:14 PM Link | ID: 53572
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Took me long enough.

Posted on 04-10-14 01:48 AM (rev. 2 of 04-12-14 03:27 AM by Googie) Link | ID: 53715
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I'm playing Bubble Bobble Neo, it's okay but I'm not paying ten bucks for it lol! ^_^


I played Batman: Arkham Origins, I defeated Deathstroke & I played some Darksiders II. I gotta wake up a guardian, the game is okay. ^_^


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Posted on 04-14-14 09:47 PM Link | ID: 54203
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So I'm back to playing a bit of gaming.

So I picked up the GBA remake of the SNES Yoshi's Island to play on my 3DS. So I'm now up to world three. I forgot how fun some classics could be. :)

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 04-16-14 03:58 AM Link | ID: 54695
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I bought some Indie games for $1 each that I've been having fun with...

1. Zombie Estate
2. Zombie Estate 2
3. Zombie Compound
4. Zombie Death Quota - It's like killing zombies in minecraft
5. The $1 zombie game

What can I say, I like Zombies... ^_^


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Posted on 04-16-14 06:20 PM Link | ID: 54722
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I've been playing a lot of FFX.

As far as the story goes, I beat Yunalesca and got the airship. I have done nothing story-based since. Instead, I've been monster hunting. I've ran into a few of the Dark Aeons by total mistake and my party ended up shitting teeth.

In terms of area conquests, I have the following areas completed: Besaid, Kilika, Mi'ihen Highroad, Mushroom Rock, Djose, Calm Lands, and Mt Gagazet. I also have Macalenia and the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth started (the former due to Imp and Nidhogg spawning on Gagazet and the latter from getting the Celestial Mirror).

Celestial weapons in my possession are: Nirvana and Caladbolg.

I have several of the crests (I don't know offhand because I'm not booted into my file as of typing this) and I also have the Sun Sigil.

Which brings me to my next point: Why do people bitch about the chocobo training minigame associated with getting the Sun Sigil? I seriously started it on a whim and had the sigil in my inventory on the short side of forty five minutes.
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