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Posted on 06-23-14 11:53 AM Link | ID: 67771
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The first boss isn't exactly hard. Just grind out the first level, play minigames, get minigame coins, buy the most expensive item-shop item. Blam. You only need to score two hits to beat any boss should you do that.

The four chambers though, each boss has a weak-item which leave it at two points of health left. The other 10-coin items leave it about 5 if I recall.

The final boss isn't weak to any of the items, so buy whichever one.

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 06-23-14 12:04 PM Link | ID: 67773
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Eh, I remember I used to grind minigame coins and never spending them. Ever.

Also, the final boss is weak to the Black Dog. It deals 8 points of damage.

Oh yes, remember items cost more in the other two modes.


Posted on 06-24-14 08:39 AM Link | ID: 68053
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Playing through the original Sly Cooper. I love this game a lot, but I am just terrible at it.

Posted on 06-24-14 08:53 AM (rev. 2 of 06-24-14 09:52 AM by Trelior) Link | ID: 68054
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Since I finished the circuits with three stars, I decided to go and get the rest of the racer stamps by replaying the 150cc with everyone I hadn't already won with. That took me a couple of hours, now I'm working on getting the course stamps and gold tires for beating the staff times in the time trials.

When I'm done with that, I'll move on to more leisurely multiplayer to grind up however many coins I still need to hit 10000 for the gold glider. This is gonna be kinda interesting, to say the very least.


Here's a video I recorded of one of the time trials to see how the Hauppauge looks in standalone mode.

I know the video looks rough, so I'm gonna be looking into making it better.

Posted on 06-24-14 10:58 PM Link | ID: 68106
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Been playing some SM3DW. Taking a bit of a break for now.

Right now.. I have The Sims 3 open.. and I'm waiting for a lag-bomb to defuse itself. The only problem with the game is when a major routing error comes up. Right now, I managed to hit a colossal one which has lagged me down for a few minutes. :x

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 06-26-14 12:09 AM Link | ID: 68221
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Zombie Driver HD, then some Rage... ^_^


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Posted on 06-28-14 09:38 AM Link | ID: 68379
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I was bored tonight so I figured I would sit and play Ittle Dew on the Wuu since I bought it a few weeks ago and have been putting it off.

I have about 90% of it done after just a few hours. It's a fun little romp that's very reminiscent of the old top-down Zelda games. It's super simple, but loads of fun.

You play as Ittle, a young adventurer girl; and are accompanied by the ever-so-snarky yet lovable Tippsy, who acts as a sort of Navi character.

Your objective is to get off of the island you wake up on after a storm throws you from your boat. After traveling through a short cave, you find a shop run by an eccentric pirate-looking guy that goes by the name Itan. He tells you to go to the castle in the north to find an artifact for him so that he'll make you a raft to set sail again. He also tells you that he'll sell you items (a flaming sword, a 'portal wand' and an ice rod) if you steal the money from the castle... Except when you gather the money, you're sent sprawling through the air to a dungeon where you get the item and solve puzzles to make your way back to the castle instead of being handed the item in question.

Each dungeon must be solved using only the dungeon's item. The other item(s) you've already found are confiscated until you return to Itan's, where you dig them out of the trash. You don't need all three items to traverse the castle for the artifact, but it's a damn good idea, since you need all three items to get all of the collectables.

Overall, the game is really fun. A must-buy for anyone who enjoys Zelda and puzzle games.

I would have beaten the final boss tonight had the game not crashed on me during the battle. That, and a nasty music glitch that reared its head in the ice dungeon are my only major complaints.

I give the game an eight out of ten.

Posted on 06-29-14 12:30 AM Link | ID: 68419
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Started Pokémon Emerald recently, so far I've got a Ralts, a Lotad, my starter Torchic and a couple other Pokémon on my team (including an HM slave Zigzagoon)... grinding up a bit before fighting Roxanne :D

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Posted on 06-29-14 01:56 AM Link | ID: 68426
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I'm playing Castle of Illusion: Starring Mickey Mouse, great remake but the witch is a pain in the ass... :@


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Posted on 06-29-14 04:30 AM Link | ID: 68440
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Beat Final Fantasy X (HD) and I'm almost done with Final Fantasy X-2 (HD). FFX-2 started to bug me and I had to take a break from it.

Bought the Deadpool table for Zen Pinball 2 on PSN since I've had credits in my wallet for over 5 years now. Might as well use it towards Deadpool.

Started to play LEGO Hobbit tonight after getting it months ago.

I need to clean up my to-do list before Dragon Age 3 drops.


Posted on 07-01-14 10:00 AM Link | ID: 68625
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Just played though Shovel Knight on Wii U. I beat the normal mode in just under five hours with 80% item completion.

Yacht Club Games really hit the nail on the head with this one. They took the best elements from a number of classic games and mixed them nicely with newer game elements. Old elements include: an intro stage (Mega Man X), an overworld (Super Mario Bros 3), activated items (Castlevania), side scrolling action (Mega Man), eight bosses and rematches thereof before the final boss (Mega Man), downward attacking (Zelda II), and many more.

The most prevalent new feature is recoverable money loss on death, similar to that of Dark Souls: When you fail, be it falling to an enemy or falling into a hazard, you drop a portion (up to three separate units of 10%, based on how much you're carrying) of your carried gold where you fell (as opposed to Dark Souls making you drop all of your souls) which can be recovered if you pick it up without dying again and dropping more money. However, unlike Dark Souls, the game doesn't take into consideration the accessibility of your lost spoils, potentially making recovery impossible.

The difficulty is perfect. It's hard, but not punishing. Every failure is almost certainly the player's fault, but it allows for learning from your mistakes.

The upgrade system is unique in that unlike other games that just increase your damage output and reduce your damage intake, you get specialized bonuses and penalties based on the armor you choose. One armor increases your max MP, but doubles the damage you receive; another gives you a damage boost for two consecutive aerial thrust attacks; a third one prevents knockback from attacking and being attacked, but makes Shovel Knight more susceptible to his own momentum (think Luigi Mode in SMB2J). There are also several other armors to choose.

I give this game a spade out of ten.

This game takes what made the classics great and rolled them together perfectly. It's a fun little romp that is well worth the fifteen dollar price tag.

I highly suggest picking it up. It's on Steam, Wuu, and 3DS.

Posted on 07-02-14 04:14 AM Link | ID: 68697
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I've been playing Gotham City Impostors, it's a fun multiplayer game.


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Posted on 07-04-14 06:49 AM Link | ID: 68893
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Taking a not-so-brief break from Sly Cooper to play the PS2 Ratchet and Clank games. I'm still on the first one, primarily because HOLY FUCK do you need to collect a lot of bolts to get everything! Thankfully there's a fairly easy exploit for bolts that can be run, but it still only slightly takes away the sting of needing <430k bolts (if I recall correctly) still to get the Ultra Nanotech, the RYNO, and all of the gold weapons.

Posted on 07-04-14 11:52 PM Link | ID: 68939
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I've been playing the ROM Hack "Super Mario Bros. 3 Mix" I'm up to the last world now... ^_^


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Posted on 07-05-14 12:20 AM Link | ID: 68940
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I finished the first Ratchet and Clank. That felt like it took forever, probably about as long as a runthrough of one of the later games and their Challenge Mode takes.

SPEAKING OF WHICH, time to graduate to the second game, which is probably the best game in the whole series.

Posted on 07-05-14 04:26 AM Link | ID: 68941
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I joined a Pokemon League run by my friend is running.

Using this team:

I have five of the badges, and everyone seems to be rooting for me take the champion's throne.

Posted on 07-06-14 09:12 PM Link | ID: 69039
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I went back to playing some Skyrim, I'm almost to level 6... I gotta play that game more... ^_^


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Posted on 07-06-14 10:33 PM Link | ID: 69063
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Been playing The Sims 3, through all its glitches and things.

Although, some people do approve of Maggie, the adopted kitten.

I wonder why~

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 07-07-14 01:50 AM Link | ID: 69064
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I was playing some Left 4 Dead 2, there was a lot of lag tonight I couldn't stay on that long... x_x


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Posted on 07-12-14 11:30 AM Link | ID: 69605
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I decided I would fuck around with some NU games on Showdown.

They don't know how to handle me
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