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Posted on 07-14-14 02:32 AM Link | ID: 69713
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Since: 08-07-12
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I'm playing Ducktales 2 on an NES emulator, and I'm playing some Gotham City Impostors again... ^_^


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Posted on 07-15-14 10:59 PM Link | ID: 69875
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So I picked up The Wonderful 101 when I got Mario Kart 8 via promotion.

So I gave it a whirl recently, and damn. It's fun. The difficulty in learning the game initially is tricky, but once you get past that.. It's one hell of a game. It's quite hard in places, but it makes up for it in humour.. I mean.. How many games do you get to tickle a giant killer robot?

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 07-16-14 10:42 AM Link | ID: 69892
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Last 10, 15 days, I've played Metal Gear Solid 2. It was the first time I've played a Metal Gear Solid game..

I've been playing Silent Hill 2 as well. Again a game from a serie I was unfamiliar with..

In the past some people talked about Silent Hill and Metal Gear Solid in a positive manner. (like people I knew better, not just random people..) That may also have contributed to the choice to learn more about and experience the gameplay for myself..
I may disagree with those people.. what they said.

One month before or so, I was playing Final Fantasy X (1). Again a game from a serie I was unfamiliar with.

Posted on 07-16-14 03:24 PM Link | ID: 69900
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Since: 08-07-12
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I'm playin' Battle Block Theater on Xbox Live Arcade, it's pretty fun. ^_^


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Posted on 07-17-14 07:43 AM Link | ID: 70005
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I just put the finishing touches on Zelda: Minish Cap.

I still feel the same way I did about it as I played it as a kid: I fucking hate this game.

It's very hand-holdy in the dumbest places. In places where a hint would be appreciated, the game won't have Ezlo give you any kind of insight, only a snippy beration.

A great example was that I couldn't remember where to go to get to Mt Crenel. I honestly was at a loss, and all Ezlo would say is "HEY FAGGOT! YOU NEED TO GO HERE! I WON'T TELL YOU HOW TO GET THERE! JUST GET TO IT ASSHAT!"

A great example of getting an unwanted hint: In Dark Hyrule Castle, there are cannons that you reflect the shot back to destroy. If you kill less than all of them, they come back immediately. There's a set of glowing tiles to create doppelgangers in the correct spacing to pull off the kill with little adjustment needed. I charge the sword and begin to set up for the split; then Ezlo pops up, interrupting the charge, saying "HEY DINGUS! SPLIT YOURSELF UP AND REFLECT THE CANNON BALLS! AREN'T YOU GLAD I'M HELPING YOU? YOU GIGANTIC RETARD!"

Don't even get me started on the heart pieces... Some are obvious, some are obnoxious. I hate heart pieces being in dungeons. I hated it in Twilight Princess, too... But the one that took the cake was the fucking sculpture collection. You need a good FIVE THOUSAND mysterious shells to reliably get new figurines (75-90% success rate), and the only way to get that many is to grind the grass in the highland for rupees or single shells, or save scum the gambling minigame and buy them. Neither process is fun.

Overall, this is the absolute weakest game in the series. Skyward Sword gets a lot of hate, but it's nowhere near as mind numbingly tedious.

Posted on 07-18-14 10:09 PM Link | ID: 70148
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I played some Wolfenstein: The New Order, Watchdogs, Thief & Halo: Spartan Assault...


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Posted on 07-21-14 10:56 AM Link | ID: 70291
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So I finished the story in the Wonderful 101 while playing on easy to learn and grasp the controls. It's a great game, if not challenging. All I can say is.. screw trying to get platinum scores on every operation in the game. I've had a few overall Platinum results.. but some of the sequences are just stupidly hard for silly reasons. Where my score is only "Consolation Prize"

Would totally recommend giving it a try for anyone with a Wii U though.

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 07-21-14 09:13 PM Link | ID: 70387
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Many people tend to think the Mac is/was bad for gaming, but during the 1980s and well into the 1990s, Macs had a lot of great games, some ports from other platforms... Spin Doctor is a fun game I have on my old Macs :D

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Posted on 07-21-14 10:01 PM Link | ID: 70425
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Just beat Phoenix Wright: ace attorney - Dual Destinies, first three cases were rather bad, but last two were nice outside of Wright's overreactions. I still need to buy that DLC case someday, but I'm thinking of playing R&C: into the nexus next ^_^.


Posted on 07-22-14 04:46 AM Link | ID: 70446
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Just a bunch of Pokemon Showdown with Aesur. I got him involved in IronFury's Pokemon League, and have been battling him randomly with an arrangement of my teams, a shitload of randoms, and some Mew Metronome battles.

Posted on 07-22-14 11:18 PM Link | ID: 70599
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I spent a good portion of the day on Fire Emblem: Awakening.

I was screwing around with some more DLC missions, which also gave certain units a new outfit as shown:

I also remembered the 3DS can now take screenshots by posting to Miiverse.

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 07-23-14 12:41 AM Link | ID: 70622
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Since: 08-07-12
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I'm playing some Halo: Reach, the mission I'm up to I'm in the middle of a war and I'm dying too fast! :LOL:

The Multiplayer battles all these people know how to do is shoot and fly away & they stay in the air, those punks... @_@


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Posted on 08-04-14 11:26 PM Link | ID: 71973
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Since: 01-01-12
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So I've been messing with Fallout: New Vegas with console commands and mods and stuff.

I've crashed it by moving way too fast.. and nothing's got to the point of even inflicting damage on me yet. (Not even that fall that crippled every single bone in the courier's body) >_>

The world could always use more heroes!

Next Jen
Posted on 08-08-14 06:29 PM Link | ID: 72283
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Since: 08-04-12
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Started to play Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes. It was free one month for XBL gold members.


Posted on 08-09-14 02:12 AM Link | ID: 72361
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I've been playing Bloodrayne: Betrayal, I'm already up to chapter twelve. Those achievements are hard to get, or maybe I suck in the game... ^_^


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Posted on 08-17-14 06:26 AM Link | ID: 73388
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I finally have started on Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea, an indie RPG that I've been meaning to play for a while now.

So far, it is really, really easy.

Posted on 08-17-14 09:42 AM Link | ID: 73393
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Been playing Kingdom Hearts Final Mix lately. Playing on Proud Mode as Guardian sans Mystic.

I'm level 38 sitting at Neverland's Shadow Sora boss fight. I nearly beat him twice, only to run out of mana and get killed trying to heal and defend.

Posted on 08-17-14 10:55 PM Link | ID: 73641
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I bought a wonderful little early access game called Factorio which I have put many hours into. It's basically a game where you build huge sprawling factories on a planet with big bugs that try to kill you if you pollute too much or go near them.

Also I bought Morrowind and Dragon Age: Origins recently so there goes my time.


Posted on 08-17-14 11:05 PM Link | ID: 73643
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I'll be playing these followed by .hack//G.U. (which I've not played) later on. I'm already halfway through the first one. I didn't finish due to a memory card data loss; I could have started fresh with #4, but I had a lot of shit I didn't *not* want to have by just starting anew. I've just now managed to have the desire to play these from the beginning again. Killed me not to have played the fourth one in its entirety...

Posted on 08-17-14 11:50 PM Link | ID: 73664
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The Sorceress.

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Since: 01-01-12
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So I've been giving Fallout 3 a whirl again. I have to say.. I really know how to spin the karma wheel around. I managed to go from Very Good to Very Evil, and it's climbing towards neutral for now..

I think I might try to explore this time to also hunt down a few achievements too.

The world could always use more heroes!
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