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Posted on 08-18-14 06:20 AM Link | ID: 73688
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Too many games, but mostly Portrait of Ruin.

Sometime in the past few years I became a Castlevania fanatic.

'Cause when you've given up,
When no matter what you do it's never good enough,
When you never thought that it could ever get this tough,
That's when you feel my kind of love.

Posted on 08-18-14 08:34 PM Link | ID: 73768
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Roy Koopa
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Began playing Earthbound since I bought that on a sale a while ago. Trying to alternate between that and Bravely Default, though the latter is more interesting atm.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 08-18-14 08:48 PM Link | ID: 73799
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I guess I pop up occasionally now
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"Super Mario 74", a hack of SM64 by Lugmillord.

Can you burn a Luigi board?

Posted on 08-18-14 10:57 PM Link | ID: 73997
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So in my Fallout 3 playing.. I'm working through collecting the various Bobbleheads to seek out the achievement for collecting them all. I'm doing whatever other activities on the side that pop up as well.

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 08-22-14 08:21 PM Link | ID: 74225
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I'm playing Zombies on Call Of Duty: Black Ops with my nephew and his friends, so far we made it to round 22... ^_^


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Posted on 08-22-14 08:35 PM Link | ID: 74227
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I'm doing endgame things in Kingdom Hearts.

I'm sitting at level 61, mildly stuck at the fight with Cloud and Leon in the Hades Cup. I'm also stuck grinding for hard-to-get synthesis materials. I would really like to get the Ultima Weapon, but it's kinda walled off behind three more tiers of synthesis.

Posted on 08-23-14 05:49 AM Link | ID: 74271
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I decided to play Kingdom Hearts on the PS2 thanks to the above mod playing the PS3 version. Unfortunately, I'm getting my salad tossed by something early in the game. I'm ashamed enough of this to not say what it is.

Posted on 08-23-14 09:37 AM Link | ID: 74278
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I'm getting a little bit closer to the end of Kingdom Hearts. I'm sitting at level 81, I've beaten the Hades Cup, Ice Titan, Kurt Zisa, and Phantom. The only superboss left to fight is Sephiroth.

I would really prefer to have the Ultima Weapon before I try to take that bastard on. I need my stats as high as I can get them, so I may need to grind a lot for synthesizing the Power Up and Defense Up to top off. I know it's not necessary to do all of that, I'm just not confident enough to take on that asshole in my current state.

As for my progress on synthesis toward the Ultima Weapon... I'm sitting at fourteen of eighteen recipes mixed in my current tier of the shop. Let me tell you, it's a pain in the ass trying to get Lightning Stones and Serenity Power because of the bullshit requirement to get them to drop.

To get the Serenity Power, you need to score a high combo on the Pink Agraricus in Deep Jungle, which only noteworthily spawns in Deep Jungle in the tree house after casting Stop on the three White Mushrooms that spawn there. I know that Aeroga and Ragnarok help in the combo, but I can never seem to break 40 hits, which is super fucking lame.

The Lightning Stone is gotten from the Black Ballad Heartless, which is an obnoxious cup minigame. Either I'm too tired to follow the right one, or the game is just super fucking cheap about it... But I can't hit the right one more than twice in a row, and that's if I'm lucky (20% chance every time).

This game's Platinum trophy will be the death of me.

Posted on 08-23-14 09:34 PM Link | ID: 74308
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I may or may not be back to life.
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I just bought Dishonered and Borerlands 2 GOTY editions along with The Longest Journey and Civ 3 because they were on sale. I really need to stop buying games and just play the damn things.


Posted on 08-24-14 01:46 AM (rev. 2 of 08-24-14 11:29 AM by Trelior) Link | ID: 74323
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I've spent the day grinding for synthesis materials. Now I'm up to the last three items to synthesize (Seven Elements for Goofy, Fantasia for Donald, and Ultima Weapon for Sora).

I need to gather just about every piece of material required to make them... And there's a lot of shit needed.

In total I need:
3 Power Stones
9 Mythril Stones
2 Blazing Stones
3 Frost Stone
3 Lightning Stone
5 Dazzling Stone
2 Serenity Power
11 (!) Mystery Goo
5 Thunder Gem
2 Stormy Stone
3 Dark Matter
6 Mythril
9 Mythril Shard

That is a metric fuck ton of grinding left to do.

I think I may hit level 100 before I gather everything since I'm gaining an additional 70% exp from the exp ring, bracelet and earring. Donald and Goofy are eating some stat penalties for wearing them, but that's a small price to pay for nearly doubling my grinding rate.

EDIT: After eight hours of grinding, I now have everything synthesized. I'm level 100 and have beaten Sephiroth and Xemnas. I will say that Xemnas was a very anticlimactic fight that was surprisingly much easier to beat than Sephiroth ever was. I'm also disappointed by the fact that the fucker dropped the EXP Necklace to round out my 200% exp gain... When I had been level 100 for AT LEAST four hours by the time I fought him.

Sephiroth, however, gave me some trouble. I died to him twice. How? I mistimed my elixir on Heartless Angel and got killed by the followup attack scrambling to correct the error.

Protip: execute the elixir command right as the halo fills out above Sora. That gives the perfect delay for the attack to land, and the item to go into effect immediately after being drained.

All that's left for this run to complete is the Gummi Missions 2 and 3 (I need to clear one of each) and get the last few ship blueprints. From there, I can go stomp Ansem into the dirt, claim victory, and then begin my speedrun though Beginner mode for the last four trophies (beat Beginner, beat the game in under fifteen hours, never change equipment, and don't die). Should be a cakewalk.

Posted on 08-25-14 04:46 PM Link | ID: 74471
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Miracles Happen
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Started a new file on Dragon Quest V for DS because I felt like it (although this time I will be marrying Debora... first time I played DQ5 DS I married Bianca), just finished the Uptaten Towers :D

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Posted on 08-25-14 06:50 PM Link | ID: 74480
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internet = mistake

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I'm playing this very weird version of conker's pocket tales it is weird because it every time I turn off my gameboy and turn it back on it puts me in different places mainly a corrupted town that I can't get out of.



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Posted on 08-25-14 06:52 PM Link | ID: 74481
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Miracles Happen
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Posted by Yushe
I'm playing this very weird version of conker's pocket tales it is weird because it every time I turn off my gameboy and turn it back on it puts me in different places mainly a corrupted town that I can't get out of.

Is it a bootleg or does it maybe have a dead battery? Also try cleaning the terminals on the front of the cartridge ;)

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Posted on 08-25-14 07:26 PM Link | ID: 74483
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internet = mistake

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Posted by Danielle
Posted by Yushe
I'm playing this very weird version of conker's pocket tales it is weird because it every time I turn off my gameboy and turn it back on it puts me in different places mainly a corrupted town that I can't get out of.

Is it a bootleg or does it maybe have a dead battery? Also try cleaning the terminals on the front of the cartridge ;)
I think it is clean at the moment I will check later, It can't be the battery because I have not got far enough in the game to get a save point, And no it is not a bootleg it is a black cartridge and with no sign indicating it is a bootleg.



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Posted on 08-26-14 01:14 AM Link | ID: 74563
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Posted by Yushe
Posted by Danielle
Posted by Yushe
I'm playing this very weird version of conker's pocket tales it is weird because it every time I turn off my gameboy and turn it back on it puts me in different places mainly a corrupted town that I can't get out of.

Is it a bootleg or does it maybe have a dead battery? Also try cleaning the terminals on the front of the cartridge ;)
I think it is clean at the moment I will check later, It can't be the battery because I have not got far enough in the game to get a save point, And no it is not a bootleg it is a black cartridge and with no sign indicating it is a bootleg.
I remember having tried to emulate the game many years ago and it did something like this, just minus the corruption parts (I think). Definitely take a little bit of rubbing alcohol to the contacts (a little). I think rubbing alcohol is what you should use for that, anyway.

Posted on 08-26-14 07:21 AM (rev. 2 of 08-27-14 05:03 AM by Trelior) Link | ID: 74569
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Just finished my Proud Mode run of Kingdom Hearts

I gotta say, that kill count is a major low ball. I probably nuked 20-30k Heartless EASY! Hell, I popped Heartless Hunter (2k kills) within eight hours of starting the game.

Rough estimate time: sixty one hours.

I still have seven trophies to get before the Platinum pops. They are:
-Final Mix Master (Silver, clear Final Mix difficulty)
-Speedster (Gold, clear World of Chaos in under fifteen hours)
-Novice Player (Bronze, clear Beginner difficulty)
-Unchanging Armor (Silver, clear the game without changing equipment on any character)
-Undefeated (Silver, clear the game without using a Continue)
-Ace Pilot (Bronze, clear any single Gummi Mission rank 3)
-Gummi Ship Collector (obtain every Gummi ship blueprint)

I should be able to take out Speedster, Novice Player, Unchanging Armor, and Undefeated all at the same time. Beginner difficulty makes doing all three of the others I mentioned with it much easier since it hands you an EXP Necklace and Ribbon, eight Power Up, eight Defense Up, and four AP Up.

The necklace and ribbon are equipped by default and don't invalidate Unchanging Armor, and the boosts essentially make the Kingdom Key as powerful as Oblivion without the mana drawback and give you a HUGE boost to your survivability (+11 defense between the items and the Ribbon), and the AP is nice for slotting into abilities like Leaf Guard and Second Chance when they pop.

Ace Pilot is essentally a handout as part of Gummi Ship Collector since the Final Mix exclusive ships are required for the trophy and are all unlocked through completing particular worlds' rank 3 missions. The lack of a damage penalty (Proud Mode cuts damage output in half and increases damage suffered) will make getting the beefier ship blueprints to drop much easier. Of course, this will be done in the postgame since I won't have time to dick around with missions during the fifteen hour time crunch.

Finally, the Final Mix Master will be just a leisurely stroll through Normal mode, without worrying about a timer or needing the best of everything. A fitting end, because by that point, I truly will be a master of Kingdom Hearts Final Mix.

Posted on 08-26-14 06:50 PM Link | ID: 74615
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Roy Koopa
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Since: 01-04-12
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Pokémon TCG on my 3DS. Currently collecting cards so I can make my deck more organized. No Gym Medal yet.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 08-31-14 10:45 PM Link | ID: 75100
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Giant Koopa
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I got Black Ops 2 in the mail, gonna get down with that. I mostly bought it for the Zombies... ^_^


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Posted on 09-15-14 10:01 AM Link | ID: 76336
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Since I finished out the stream for Phyresis to get the Speedster, Undefeated, and Novice Player trophies for Kingdom Hearts, I figured I would load up the parallel save and grind a few levels now that I don't have the time constraint to worry about to get the Unchanging Armor trophy.

I'm sitting at level 51. Sora is considerably tankier than Donald and Goofy, if only because of the Ribbon, EXP Necklace, and the Power/Defense boosts given to me on the outset of the run. My stats are sitting at a piddly 51 HP, 33 Strength, and 34 Defense.

The defense and HP don't bother me, since bumping the necklace to the Omega Arts for the parallel I finished only bumped me to 60 and 35 (respectively)... What kills me is the strength. The Divine Rose made the parallel bearable because I could do significantly more damage (13 strength on the Rose, as opposed to 3 strength on the Kingdom Key), which made the adage of "The best defense is a good offense" shine true. Nope! I stuck cherry tapping everything, which means I'm open to a fuckload more damage coming at my face.

I could potentially grind up a boatload of materials for more Power Ups from the synth shop, but that requires a ton of material grinding just to get to the fourth tier of items, plus it's not exactly easy to get the materials... I need TEN to rival the power of the Rose, but there's no guarantee that boosting my raw strength will even affect my damage output since RPGs tend to have extra factors in damage calculation dependent on the power of the weapon, which makes having a higher base nigh useless.

tl;dr I'm stuck in Kingdom Hearts on a trophy that should be trivial.

Posted on 09-15-14 10:32 PM Link | ID: 76372
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Giant Koopa
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I've been playing Destiny, I love that game it's my first MMO, and Diablo III: Reaper of Souls, Dead or Alive 5: Ultimate, Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare and Black Ops. :)


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