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Posted on 02-24-12 02:28 PM Link | ID: 7323
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I've been playing the shit outta Mario Kart Wii recently. It runs quite well emulated.

Posted on 02-24-12 02:48 PM Link | ID: 7330
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I've been dinking around a bit in Paper Mario again, just finished Chapter 2 and am still on the pre-chapter stupid self-imposed runaround... I'm not happy about how the mail side quest takes you from Dry Dry Outpost where you get the first letter of a series that takes you to Goombario's house, to Peach's Castle ruin, to Koopaville, to Toad Town Harbor, back to Koopville, then BACK TO DRY DRY OUTPOST! Why in the hell did they feel it necessary to have that much stupid backtrackiness, especially with how slow Mario walks.

Posted on 02-24-12 08:31 PM (rev. 2 of 02-24-12 08:50 PM by Trelior) Link | ID: 7382
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Well, Four Swords Adventures appeared on my doorstep from Gamestop from somewhere in the bowels of Texas this morning. Seeing as it's my first Gamecube game that I neither played before nor felt the need to play through another game before getting to it, I decided to dive right in.

I played for an hour and couldn't help but notice how it felt so much like the mentally addled GBA rerelease of Link to the Past's Four Swords add-on title, which I suppose is the point, but whatever. The thing I noticed was that it didn't seem to want to make up its mind which graphic set it wanted to use... The ground textures and houses look like LttP, but the enemies look like their retarded reskin from Minish Cap. As much as it may seem like I'm ragging on the game, which I am - heavily - I can't say it's not what I expected, because it is in a roundabout way.

I beat Level 1 in about an hour, which isn't bad... I just kinda wish that it came with the instruction booklet (yes, I read them) to tell me that there was a graceful way to get into formation in combat... Which would've been nice to know on 1-3 where I had to use a faerie because in follow-the-leader mode, the other Link copies stick to Green's ass and just watch him fight. It wasn't until Phantom Darknut, or whatever the hell his name is, at the end of the stage that I discovered the C-stick could be used... How did I figure this out? I bumped it and the rainbow retards lined up...

I've been watching too much Zero Punctuation the last few days, because this post feels a bit much like Yahtzee's snarky commentary. I also love how "What am I playing" became "Give a first impression review."

EDIT: Fitting mood avatar

Posted on 02-24-12 08:42 PM Link | ID: 7387
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Posted by Trelior
the C-stick could be used... How did I figure this out? I bumped it and the rainbow retards lined up...

I immediately thought of Pikmin... after I stopped chuckling at "rainbow retards".


Posted on 02-24-12 08:43 PM Link | ID: 7390
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Go go, Rainbow Retards, you Mostly Morphine Rainbow Retaaards~

Posted on 02-26-12 03:48 PM Link | ID: 7541
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Since I've just recently beaten Dragon Quest V and had a bit of a letdown with how retardedly dickish the final boss is if you don't decide to exploit how ridiculously easy it is to break its pattern, as well as the drawn out ending (which is done so by the Zenith Dragon taking you to places of importance and talking to the NPCs for ten minutes each place in a completely illogical travel between towns)... I have moved onto Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelations (who didn't see that coming?), and I've gotta say, it's pretty good for only being about two hours of faffing about into it.

The music is really good, and very nostalgic to me since most of it was put into Dragon Quest Warrior Monsters for GBC (since the SNES/PS2 DQVI never saw the light of day outside of Japan as far as official releases go) and I loved that game to pieces. The battle theme is a catchy jazz-ish tune that, while pleasant, is never heard for very long since random encounters are laughably short.

I can't wait to actually see where the plot goes with this one.

Posted on 02-29-12 09:36 AM Link | ID: 7945
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still working on twewy, and currently playing the shit out of blazblue cs:extend. relius is awesome and i really needed a new main in this game.

also clickr on steam. get it. its good.

Posted on 02-29-12 10:21 AM (rev. 2 of 02-29-12 10:22 AM by Trelior) Link | ID: 7950
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Posted by Trelior
I can't wait to actually see where the plot goes with this one.
Apparently it feels that flip flopping between reality and a dream world is a good idea.

Don't get me wrong, it's an interesting storyline convention, I just wish it wasn't so jarring going from the dream world to reality since the world maps are supposed to be of the same world, yet they're so bizarrely different it doesn't make sense... For example, the area I just finished to get the nigh useless plot coupon mcguffin that's spoken of the entire way along until you find the damn thing and finally use it for a fucked up plot twist in the dream world... Isn't actually existent in the fucking dream world, and it just blows my fucking mind. Bear in mind, you're given he quest to get said mcguffin from the dream world, where the story begins.

That said, I'm still playing it in hopes that the spoiler I read on its trope page can be disproven... And that is this: The Alltrades Abbey being unavailable until fifteen hours of gameplay have passed. The funny thing is: I'm six hours in, and just got the story flag to go beat the piss out of The Big Bad that isn't really the Big Bad after all, but that's another spoiler section in itself. Either that troper is stupid, or just plays incredibly slowly.

Posted on 03-01-12 04:44 AM Link | ID: 8062
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jay4gamers1 and I played Fortune Street online a few hours ago, and we recorded it.

It's two hours of insanity and stupidity. He's editing and chopping into Youtube sized chunks for anyone who gives half a shit's viewing pleasure.

The game was us, obviously, and two CPU controlled idiots, Slime and Mario on The Observatory board. The final few turns got kinda hairy since it was neck and neck between Slime and me. We did a tactical financial suicide on Jay's part to clinch the victory... I was in second place to the D-rank AI with just a few thousand points of net worth and very few spaces away from the bank for the game to go either way, so Jay sacrificed his sizable third place advantage over Mario (who ironically is an A rank AI) by purposely landing on my absurdly priced properties to pump my wallet over the 15000 needed to clinch victory. Within the three turns it took me to get to the bank, I went from ~11000 to almost 20000 for the win. Funny how that worked out, eh?

Posted on 03-02-12 05:56 AM Link | ID: 8212
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Three words.

Chinchilla Woman Corpse.

@Sukasa should know exactly what kind of hell I have just entered.

Posted on 03-02-12 11:41 AM Link | ID: 8222
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Been playing The Sims 3.. Although, I'm hoping that I can pickup Mario Party 9 later today.

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 03-02-12 05:53 PM Link | ID: 8240
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Been playing through ME1 as femshep. I can't get my motherfucking save files transferred over, so I have to TRY TRY AGAIN... Don't think I'm going to make it before the midnight March 6th release...

Posted on 03-02-12 08:22 PM Link | ID: 8247
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Now officially Mario Party 9.

It's actually the most fun Mario Party game I've played in a while to be honest.

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 03-03-12 02:25 PM Link | ID: 8280
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Well, I'm still playing Dragon Quest VI... Made it to real-world Murdaw, whipped the shit outta his first form, then he downed my whole team within three rounds in his second phase. I don't think high-teens to low-twenties is quite high enough level. :/

As for my overall Wii library, it's nearing 40... I just downloaded a bunch of games on Virtual Console and picked up a few Gamecube games, including: Zelda 1, Zelda 2, River City Ransom, Kirby's Adventure, Super Monkey Ball, Smash Bros Melee, and Wind Waker. I think I need to get ahead of my purchase rate and get my game on a little bit more. D:

Posted on 03-03-12 02:28 PM Link | ID: 8285
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About to finish acquisition of Sonic Colors, gonna give that an honest go.

Then back to Noxico.

Posted on 03-06-12 10:22 AM Link | ID: 8563
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Holy Ssssssshhhhhhitt, Mass Effect 3. Best franchise EVER. Halo ain't got shit on this.

Posted on 03-06-12 11:13 AM Link | ID: 8564
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Posted by Kawa
About to finish acquisition of Sonic Colours
Seriously stop wasting your time and precious bandwidth. Sonic has not been cool for years now.

I don't give a flying feather

Posted on 03-06-12 04:18 PM Link | ID: 8570
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T̨̞͎͓͉̮͓̠o͚͎o ̴̘̼̳͔̥̺͓m̤̤a̸̳̫̜̠̬͉̗ny͕̳ ̥͈̘̞͟c͚̦̳̘̠̟ͅo҉̗͎̮̣͉o̷͍̤̥̞͔͎̹k҉͙̲̩͍̮̮s͈̼͎
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Except for Sonic Unleashed, Sonic Colors, Sonic Generations.... yeah, pretty much any Sonic game that came out in the past few years has been good. People just continue to diss him cause it's fun and it became the norm after.... failures *shoves Sonic 06 deeper into the pool of water* DROWN YOU FUCK, DROWN.

But YES, I have been playing TF2 again recently. Finally got back into it, what with my computer being fixed. It's about time, really.

Posted on 03-07-12 02:03 PM (rev. 2 of 03-07-12 02:03 PM by Ailure) Link | ID: 8605
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Sonic Generations is good as I got it and I admittly got pleasantly surprised. Voice acting is bloody annoying though. Sonic colors got good reviews too. Sonic Unleashed had some critisms though, especially with the whole werewolf thing not working out that well.

Also hats.

AIM: gamefreak1337, MSN:, XMPP:, YouTube

Posted on 03-07-12 02:19 PM Link | ID: 8606
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Mario Party 9 with family.
The Sims 3 alone.

Pretty much it right now.

The world could always use more heroes!
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