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Posted on 09-04-16 09:46 AM Link | ID: 92380
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Posted by skyu
Posted by skyu
Kirby Super Star, I just got it for the Wii U virtual console. :D

I cannot beat the goddamn Great Cave Offensive >_> mostly because I can't find the exit to the Old Tower, and.. yeah, lack of motivation as well. Mostly because the Great Cave Offensive is plain annoying.
If you don't care about the treaures in Old Tower, it can be skipped entirely. The exit is at the bottom, to the far left. If you're looking for it after Chameleo Arm, that's your problem.

Posted on 09-08-16 06:05 PM (rev. 3 of 09-10-16 04:53 PM by Trelior) Link | ID: 92440
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I decided to give the Broadcast Satellaview Zelda games a whirl. I must say, I was not disappointed.

I played the "Third Quest" first and had quite a it of fun with it, despite the entire game losing all threat when I bought the blue ring and only getting easier from there. Although, I think the fact that my ROM had the timer turned completely off and all time-sensitive events active.

I then went on to play Ancient Stone Tablets in earnest and I enjoyed the hell out of it. I missed the blue mail entirely and skipped right to the red mail in epiosde 3, which answered my long-time question of "what happens when you skip blue and go to red?" However, due to how the episodic gameplay worked, I couldn't answer my other niggling question of "What happens if you get the blue mail after you get the red?" I never tried it because the blue mail soaks a lot of damage and even with my skill level, I'm not cocky enough to bumblefuck up to Ganon's Tower essentially naked.

Final screenshots:

Third Quest:

Yes, I ended the fight with only taking two hearts of damage. I went into the fight with full health and had both potions still on reserve (The same potions I bought for 10 rupees each outside of level 5 at that).

Ancient Tablets:

Just my score results. I managed to have five to ten minutes at the end of each episode with nothing to do. It was easy, by not nearly as laughably toothless as Third Quest.

EDIT: Just plowed through Fourth Quest. I wasn't quite as satisfied with this one since the wonder of the journey wore thin when I realized the dungeons are the same as the third quest, just in a different area (completely different overworld) and the dungeons are still shaped like letters, but they spell out NiNtENDO (yes, the t and the i are lower case) so things got really boring around the third N. And the game lost all challenge at the blue ring and white sword.

While it was still a neat little romp, it left a lot to be desired. I understand this was a weekly broadcast game and the ability to make new stuff was a little out of the question. It just felt stale having played them back-to-back. Or maybe my expectations were skewed because I wanted a balls-to-the-wall difficulty like the original's Master Quest, but then my expectations were dashed when I realized, that it needed to be easy enough to finish in four, hour-long sessions.

tl;dr I'm kinda conflicted on Fourth Quest.

EDIT2: Just did Ancient Stone Tables Master Quest. It felt very samey to standard, with exception to level 6 in week 3 and one heart piece and two chests in level 8 in week 4. I didn't go into this one with such high expectations, so I was rather pleased this time.

My only compaint is that the ROM I downloaded had a few of the optional patches applied, one of which being the "level 2 and better sword breaks pots" which made a few crash jumps difficult to make.


Posted on 10-22-16 01:05 AM Link | ID: 93728
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I just got Wheel of Fortune for the Wii U, goes well with the other Wheel of Fortune games I have for PC, PS1/PS2, and Sega Genesis ^_^

Tempted to pick up Dragon Quest VII for the 3DS but I don't know if I want to wait (don't want to end up spending $70 on a used copy in like a year :P)

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Robbie Rage
Posted on 11-22-16 09:18 PM Link | ID: 94404
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I've been playing heaps of Overwatch lately, and Sombra is an awesome addition so far. I am a little bummed that it seems like she renders Torbjorn largely obsolete, though. Maybe I'm missing something?

Posted on 11-23-16 06:29 PM Link | ID: 94435
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Been playing Terraria again. Got my world into hard mode and upgraded my equipment to adamantite, but I still feel really squishy.

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Posted on 11-29-16 06:04 AM Link | ID: 94658
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Final Fantasy XV once it installs. :)


Posted on 12-01-16 06:25 AM (rev. 2 of 12-01-16 06:25 AM by Trelior) Link | ID: 94704
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Late to the Pokemon Sun party.

Just broke into Rt 4... At just shy of 12 hours. Why? Bagons on Rt 3 SOS for Salamence and I wanted one.

Now I'm so insanely overleveled, the only one of my Pokemon who is on par with the surrounding enemies is... Mence. And he hardly counts because he's stronger than my Dartrix (whom happens to be my highest level).

Robbie Rage
Posted on 12-01-16 12:30 PM Link | ID: 94710
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Season 3 of Overwatch just started yesterday, and I'm working my way through placement matches for competitive. I keep hearing that placement will be a bit tougher this time around, but as long as I get my gold weapon at the end, I'll be happy.

Posted on 12-18-16 01:09 AM Link | ID: 95311
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Been playing some old Mac games from when I was a kid, such as Spin Doctor, SimCity 2000, and the Munchers games :) (I always liked 2000 over 3000 myself)

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Posted on 12-18-16 01:30 AM Link | ID: 95312
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I've been playing Pokemon Sun in small bursts here and there. Just putzing around, avoiding exploring Poni Island. I don't know why, I just don't want to.

I think my interest in Pokemon may be petering out. The current and last generations haven't introduced many new monsters, mostly variants and pseudo(mega) evolutions.

Doesn't help that they pulled another Gen IV by adding a metric fuckload of the new 'mons as legendaries. 80 all-new Pokemon in Sun/Moon. Fifteen of them are legends/ultras and Cosmog.

Posted on 12-19-16 03:58 AM Link | ID: 95347
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Upon having finished the main story and poking through the the postgame in Sun, I'm pretty satisfied at how everything wrapped up.

Not gonna lie though, I may soon drop it from my "currently playing" list and move on. I don't particularly have much interest in things in the postgame since all that there is left is multiplayer stuff. The only way I'll really start caring about that is if there's a demand for me to be yet another competitive Pokemon streamer/let's player.

That said, my copy of Moon is reserved for when I go to Nuzlocke gen VII.

Robbie Rage
Posted on 12-21-16 02:44 AM Link | ID: 95371
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Well, thanks to an early gift exchange, I'm finally playing Pokemon Sun.

I chose Litten for future fire lariats.

Posted on 12-21-16 02:58 AM Link | ID: 95375
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When you get a ditto, breed me off a litten. I can give a rowlet in exchange.

Shame that incineroar's signature Darkest Lariat is a dark move.

Posted on 12-21-16 03:04 AM Link | ID: 95377
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If you're a fan of the classic Mac game Oxyd, you might want to check out Enigma, which is a modern clone of Oxyd (kinda like Tile World for Chip's Challenge) :)

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Robbie Rage
Posted on 12-21-16 03:44 AM Link | ID: 95382
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Posted by Trelior
When you get a ditto, breed me off a litten. I can give a rowlet in exchange.

When I get to that point in the game, you got a deal. I was looking for a Rowlet, anyway.

Posted on 12-21-16 03:54 AM Link | ID: 95385
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Are you okay with goofy/innapropriate names? I have a tendency to give really dumb nicknames to my 'mons.

Robbie Rage
Posted on 12-21-16 12:09 PM Link | ID: 95386
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Posted by Trelior
Are you okay with goofy/innapropriate names? I have a tendency to give really dumb nicknames to my 'mons.

It's cool, I do the same thing. Makes playthroughs more fun. I'll send you a message if/when I find one.

Posted on 12-31-16 04:30 AM Link | ID: 95669
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Two of the guys from the free company I used to be in wanted to o roulettes with me today, so the three of us partied up and queued. It was me, my buddy Tohka, and Yumi.

We managed to get through the Expert roulette with very little salt or trolliness... Until the end, when I mentioned I got the rando tank's commendation.

Then we moved onto the 60, and it was a salt factory of Yumi whining that Tohka and I were making her tanking hard since we both outgeared her by a significant margin. The comedy, in my opinion, came from the exchange we had between the first and second bosses. Then she said to calm down on the second boss and I joked "There are no breaks on the rape train" because our DPS was pushing 4000 for the whole team, and the boss was absolutely melting.

The 50 was mostly uneventful, just walking the rando healer through the mechanics and giving each other a hard time because we're all assholes.

The the Trials is where I started getting trolly. Tohka had switched to Paladin and said "I hope we don't get a Heavensward trial." We did, Ravana. The first of the two pre-60 trials, which is a pain in the ass to do since everyone lacks some of their best expansion skills. Right before we broke into the third phase (that has the really cool music change), Tohka gets knocked off and I tease him by saying in party chat "Bye Tohka" to giggles from the other mage and one of the ninjas. Then mechanics start happening and I goof a few, I stayed on my feet but ended up with four stacks of vulnerability, which is basically a death sentence. He brings up my nasty debuff and says "Lol rip Cai" (my main's name is Caionna Hoir, which shouldn't be surprising, given the RP forum), to which I say, "Bitch please" and finish the fight basically untouched. When the screen faded out on the win, I said "WHAT'S THAT? I SURVIVED!"

Needless to say, he wasn't happy with my gloating. I didn't care, I had fun.

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Posted on 02-01-17 05:59 PM Link | ID: 96517
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Been playing through the three Mass Effect games again. I just started ME3.

Cannot wait for Andromeda to come out in March!


Posted on 02-02-17 12:22 AM (rev. 3 of 02-02-17 12:23 AM by Swingball) Link | ID: 96527

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What I playing? A YouTube! :P It's awesome, you get to watch whatever video you want with controller buttons. Play, Pause, Stop... and many more control moves at your disposal to see you through to the end! X-P

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