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Posted on 10-25-18 01:18 AM Link | ID: 142920
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Maple Post-o-Matic 9.2
Mainly Picross e8 on my 3DS and System Shock on my iBook G3. The controls are still wonky af.

Layout by Maple.
Hoennese Realm Safir Alliance

Posted on 10-25-18 11:33 AM Link | ID: 143029
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I'm playing Crash Bandicoot 2 for the first time. It's a massive improvement over the first game in terms of design, and I love the weird tropical snow aesthetic (especially in the boulder levels, those are surprisingly gorgeous for PSX) (yeah I'm playing the PSX version, I like the way the N-Sane Trilogy looks but I wanted to play the original for reference). I do kind of miss the difficulty of the original, but apparently 100%ing the game actually gets surprisingly hard without being as stupidly unfair as the original game, so I'm looking forward to that.

I'm replaying Chrono Trigger, too. It's as great as I remember.

I'm also slowly working through trying to 100% Ape Escape with my girlfriend (we recently beat it). It's still a dream of mine to 100% it, but the fact that my girlfriend's involvement is required and she works so often means I might have to shelve it for a bit, unfortunately...

Posted on 10-25-18 12:16 PM (rev. 2 of 10-25-18 12:16 PM by Hālian) Link | ID: 143076
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Maple Post-o-Matic 9.2
I've never played any of the Crash Bandicoot games proper, but Crash Team Racing and Ape Escape used to be my jam when I got my PSone.

It was my first console.

In like 2003.

>_> <_<

Layout by Maple.
Hoennese Realm Safir Alliance

Posted on 10-25-18 12:55 PM Link | ID: 143177
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Ape Escape ruuuuuuuuules omg

It's so good

And so cute

And the music is greeeeeeat

Posted on 10-25-18 12:57 PM Link | ID: 143183
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Maple Post-o-Matic 9.2
I need to play it again sometime. :o

Layout by Maple.
Hoennese Realm Safir Alliance

Posted on 10-25-18 11:25 PM Link | ID: 143283
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To no one's surprise, still playing Final Fantasy XIV. Startiung to burn out again though, which is bad because I'm only on my fourth of fifteen weapons in Eureka Pagos, and Pyros is right around the corner.

A friend of my roommate got me back into World of Warcraft, he paid for my pass into Battle for Azeroth, so I used the free level boost to take a Warlock to current content.

Been playing for, like, four days and I've already sworn off PUGing content. Had a healer in Freehold being a total raging fuckwit. Insisted we skip trash packs, and would freak the fuck out when we face pulled packs at the bridge choke points. Then the asshat thought it'd be hilarious to yank me out of combat where I'm helping my friend kill the shit that we were abandoned to deal with. My breaking point was when the fucker yanked me INTO an aoe I dodged just because my Black Mage-ing in FFXIV taught me how to minimalistically dodge aoes to keep my casting uptime rolling.

I hate the community in WoW, and they wonder why they can't keep me playing.

Posted on 12-03-18 02:00 AM Link | ID: 144800
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L.A. Noire. I conclude that I wouldn't be a very good detective overall.

Also, the Driving AI.. I never thought I'd have virtual road rage before. I failed a case because a car drove into me for no blinking reason. I wasn't even moving, and CRASH! Case Failed, attention was drawn.

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 12-07-18 11:27 AM Link | ID: 144950
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smash ultimate fucking whoops ass. its good folks. its real damn good

Posted on 12-08-18 06:20 PM Link | ID: 144980
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are you okay...? BUSTER WOLF
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Since: 09-08-17
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i've been playing smash ultimate like all day for the past 2 days. it is really fucking awesome.

young link is best

haven't played world of light tho

my armor's made of leather i hate saltypepper

discord: salty#1212

Posted on 12-08-18 10:45 PM Link | ID: 144986
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Roy Koopa
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Posted by Rambly
smash ultimate fucking whoops ass. its good folks. its real damn good

Thanks for reminding me that I didn't get it yesterday. Jerk. ;_;

I suppose it's my own fault for ordering it late, though.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 12-18-18 01:59 AM Link | ID: 145213
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It's Winter Wonderland in Overwatch. Hunting lootboxes for the season.

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 12-31-18 01:35 PM Link | ID: 145539

See rosyilu
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SMB Next 2, an old SMB1 hack.

Posted on 01-19-19 04:53 AM Link | ID: 145801
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a litte bit late. but I finished fire emblem revelations recently.

not really playing any games other than smash right now to be honest, though i still play rev occasionally

Posted on 02-16-19 07:26 PM (rev. 2 of 02-16-19 07:27 PM by Nicole) Link | ID: 146318
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I just beat Portal 2... yes, yes, this game was old when it was gifted to me, and it still took me years upon years to actually play it... sorry Colin :<

Also started playing Overwatch recently, but I still am too intimidated to do anything more serious than practice vs AI on easy :P

Posted on 03-18-19 11:37 PM (rev. 3 of 03-26-19 07:55 PM by Trelior) Link | ID: 146825
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I played Smash Ultimate through World of Light, as a purist run as Kirby. He survived, he saves them all.

Started a second run to try to force myself to play as Lucas. World of Light is nt a good place to learn advanced play with a new character since a lot of stages boil down to FOO strategy. In most cases, that's PK Smash Geyser (up tilt), because even on even ground with your spirit against the opponent, it hits for 40-70 damage on a mid charge. Either that, or they bumble into you impatiently, or don't attempt to escape.

Got my hands on Tales of Vesperia: DE the other day, not sure how I feel about it. I like it so far in terms of story and some of the gameplay. Trying to remember how Xillia played, but the differences are subtle enough to mess with me. In terms of the port, I think Bamco just shat it out and shoved it out the door, which is not what I would call "definitive".

In the interaction scenes with the portaits of the party members, it's pretty egregious at how badly they did the slap job. In the cases where a character's portrait slides away to signify that they're walking away from the group, the portait's movement is jagged and jumpy. It honestly looks like a novice video editor trying to do an animation of movement by sliding the portrait away manually, a frame at a time, then getting impatient and moving the portrait several pixels over, then giving up entirely. Very sloppy.

I understand that they weren't able (or probably didn't even try) to get the voice cast back together, and the characters they didn't bring back are noticeable with headphones because the audio has a layer of crust on it that is pretty distinct to early PS3/Xbox360-era games. This is most noticeable on Yuri, and a few NPCs (Teddy's mother at the very beginning of the game come readily to mind), and it's kinda jarring. It hasn't pushed me away from the game, but I certainly don't feel like I have a lot of time at the moment, but that's for a different novella of a post for a different time.

Posted on 03-19-19 01:36 AM Link | ID: 146828
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The Audio's pretty much the original in Vesperia: DE for all original "vanilla" scenes. The thing that jars me is the new skits, where the audio quality is notably worse - that said. They've recently pushed a patch out that improves a lot of that, but it's not perfect.

The game does have most of its flaws from the original, but it doesn't take away from it entirely imo.

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 04-24-19 06:28 PM Link | ID: 147306
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darkwitchclaire post

Gargoyle's Quest, at least when I've had time.

produced by or under license from cat witches co, ltd

Posted on 05-03-19 12:11 AM Link | ID: 147409
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darkwitchclaire post

also Sonic Mania now that I'm back home

produced by or under license from cat witches co, ltd

Posted on 05-13-19 11:56 AM Link | ID: 147550
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Been on a big video pinball kick lately, especially the Naxat Crush (Alien Crush, Devil's Crush, Jaki Crush) trilogy. Great games to pick up and play at random :D

Posted on 05-13-19 01:19 PM Link | ID: 147555
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Roy Koopa
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Since: 01-04-12
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Devil's Crush has a fun endless bonus bug.

Enemies start spawning as soon as you load out of there, and as a result, you bounce back in again.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood
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