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Posted on 06-06-20 02:31 AM Link | ID: 159124
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i;m playing runescape (:

pleasE end my sufferin,g,

Posted on 06-12-20 12:26 AM Link | ID: 159519
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darkwitchclaire post

playing megaman zx in addition to my other games, since i've never played or seen much of it before

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Posted on 06-12-20 01:34 AM Link | ID: 159526
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Been playing Hyrule Warriors again. I put it down after finishing story mode. Been plugging away at adventure mode. I have the original map, Great Sea, Master Quest, and Master Sea complete. Working on Twilight (55% as of writing) now, and I fucking hate it.

It's not an "I hated Twilight Princess and hate the adventure map based on it" so much as "the difficulty is artificial" It's a "hard" map insofar as the constraint on the themed difficult panels is one of the three of "No MP", "No SP", or "No items" and radar blindness. HOWEVER! The Tears of Light to get rid of the Twili effect is put in convenient enough places that you can completely dispel the Twilight if you do it right.

Granted, the Great Sea effects on both of the Wind Waker maps were similarly easy to ignore, either outright or to clear the effect away. But they weren't bad when you ignored them (namely the No-item tornadoes) since they didn't tack a second layer of bullshit.

I'm also not a fan of how the game gives you access to some characters, then doesn't allow you to improve their weapons until SIGNIFICANTLY LATER! You get Linkle in story mode, but you don't get her good weapon until DEEP into the first adventure map (the boots are ace, her crossbows are worthless and the scenes involving them make her out to be a worthless ditz), but you can't upgrade to level 3 or above crossbows or 2 and beyond for the boots until the Koholint map, which is Heroic difficulty. They also give you Medli incredibly early in the Great Sea map, but she isn't required at all (or upgradeable) until Master Sea, where she gets the rank 4 harp (incidentally, the first rank 4 weapon of the whole cast if you're playing it in order like I am).

I don't know what Koei did to this game when combining the two inferior versions and porting them, but the game gets SUPER unstable after it runs for long enough. I'm talking six to eight hours. Unacceptable because I've played marathon sessions of Animal Crossing that have spanned sixteen hours and that game never even pretended to jank out at all. But this one does WEIRD shit. You can see named units' HP bars and names, ground textures pop in and out at near seizure-inducing frequency, and the level geometry clips itself in freaky ways. It would be comical if it wasn't telegraphing an imminent crash.

SPEAKING OF CRASHES! This game can be crashed on purpose in the smithy in the bazaar. Go into Sell mode, mark all of your weapons for sale, individually sell the last one that can't be mass-marked (gotta have at least one weapon per category) then confirm the mass sale. The game won't know what to do, so it cashes to the home screen. GREAT QA DUMBASSES!

Posted on 06-12-20 10:17 PM Link | ID: 159570
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darkwitchclaire post

and i forgot that make a good mega man level 2 exists. that should satisfy my mega man needs for a while

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Posted on 06-18-20 01:25 AM Link | ID: 159864
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Been playing the new Isle of Armor expansion to Pokémon SwSh.

There's a guy who asks for help finding his Digletts.. all 151 Digletts.

I found 'em all.. Got a bunch of Alolan Pokémon with hidden abilities, a Kantonian Slowpoke.. and a hidden ability Popplio for the trouble.

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 06-18-20 11:08 AM Link | ID: 159876
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Not sure I'm gonna bother with those Diglett's to be honest. And I can't seem to beat the Zeraora.

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Posted on 06-18-20 12:01 PM Link | ID: 159877
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Posted by ゼンガー・ゾンボルト
And I can't seem to beat the Zeraora.
The three-star one I can crush solo. The five-star one.. yeah, AI allies aren't gonna be of use there.

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 06-18-20 10:35 PM Link | ID: 159893
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Posted by ゼンガー・ゾンボルト
Not sure I'm gonna bother with those Diglett's to be honest. And I can't seem to beat the Zeraora.
Five star basically REQUIRES at least two human players. Shit, I did one on stream last night with a dude that carried in a Rhyperior that didn't have Lightning Rod, and we nearly got wiped. Did a two-man with Jay and we barely survived WITH Lightning Rod.

As for the mole hunt, I don't care enough unless all of the Alolans carry their Hidden. I don't want Vulpix unless it summons hail.

Posted on 06-18-20 10:49 PM Link | ID: 159894
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Posted by Trelior
As for the mole hunt, I don't care enough unless all of the Alolans carry their Hidden. I don't want Vulpix unless it summons hail.
All of the Pokémon gifted are guaranteed their hidden abilities.

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 06-19-20 03:30 AM Link | ID: 159904
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Posted by Epele
Posted by Trelior
As for the mole hunt, I don't care enough unless all of the Alolans carry their Hidden. I don't want Vulpix unless it summons hail.
All of the Pokémon gifted are guaranteed their hidden abilities.
That's good, because that gives flexibility for the ones whose hidden ability is shit.

Rattled Persian is good, but have you used Fur Coat?

Posted on 06-21-20 12:28 AM Link | ID: 159978
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I'm playing Super Mario Odyssey, I really dig that game. ^_^


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Posted on 06-21-20 10:32 PM Link | ID: 160029
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Posted by Trelior
Posted by Epele
Posted by Trelior
As for the mole hunt, I don't care enough unless all of the Alolans carry their Hidden. I don't want Vulpix unless it summons hail.
All of the Pokémon gifted are guaranteed their hidden abilities.
That's good, because that gives flexibility for the ones whose hidden ability is shit.

Rattled Persian is good, but have you used Fur Coat?
Fur Coat is a good ability. You could always breed with an everstone to get an Alolan Meowth from the egg, and hope that it rolls a standard ability.. after all, breeding and passing down hidden abilities isn't guaranteed.

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 06-22-20 04:15 AM Link | ID: 160048
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I'm pretty sure that the everstone method you mention here doesn't actually work. All an everstone does in breeding is lock in the holding parent's nature. Form is determined by regional origin of the parents.

I have a Unovan Ditto anyway that I breed with, so it really doesn't matter where any of my Pokemon are from.

Posted on 06-26-20 10:13 PM Link | ID: 160298
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darkwitchclaire post

back to trying to get good at touhou

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Posted on 07-01-20 04:53 PM (rev. 2 of 07-01-20 05:06 PM by Trelior) Link | ID: 160443
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I stand corrected on my assertion on the everstone holding form. That is not good because it forces nature as well.

I put my Naughty Alolan (form, sourced from Galar because of lolGameMechanics) Meowth into the daycare with my Timid Sinnohan Ditto. The resulting Meowth was Naughty Alolan, I want Timid. I'll be damned if I pay for Pokemon Bank and Pokemon Home just to get a competitive monster.

I refuse to have $20 FORCIBLY taken from me because I have a preference for usage in battles I only do for casual bullfuckery.

EDIT: Having done a group of five more eggs using both parents holding everstones, I got my timid cat. Now to breed for IVs.

Posted on 07-05-20 02:07 AM Link | ID: 160522
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darkwitchclaire post

been playing magmml episode zero, which unlike the previous games is a level jam rather than a contest. despite the title it plays mostly like a classic mega man game except zero has some extra moves and weapons

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Posted on 07-06-20 01:12 AM Link | ID: 160543
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Picked up Hyrule Warriors.

I forgot how much fun it is to play these kind of games. There's something satisfying about slashing through hordes of enemies.

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 07-09-20 07:39 PM Link | ID: 160684
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Roy Koopa
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Since: 01-04-12
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Pokemon Blue. Made it through the Rocket Hideout in Celadon but Giovanni isn't there. Help?

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 07-11-20 03:26 PM Link | ID: 160732
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I'm playing Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga on the 3DS. ^_^


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Posted on 07-11-20 08:32 PM Link | ID: 160733
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Pokemon Shield using a competitive-geared team (perfect-enough IVs, EV trained) of Alolan Ninetales, Alolan Persian, Rhyhorn, Cinderace, Galarian Slowbro, and Araqanid. Finished the Stow-on-Side gym before putting it down for the night last night.

Allister was a joke. I shat all over him between Persian, Araquanid, and Rhyhorn.
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