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Posted on 07-12-20 12:12 AM Link | ID: 160739
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Since: 01-01-12
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Working my way through the first adventure map of Hyrule Warriors. Some of the stages have been plain bullshit. The fight against the bosses for the hookshot? When the AI decides to rush one ally and then spends the entire stage juggling them.. and then juggling anyone else who you try to swap control to..

Managed to get Linkle's boots on the third try. First time, I got B-Rank for enemies defeated.. Second time, B-Rank for time taken.. Third time, the straight A-Rank. Gonna take a bit to learn the moveset for the Boots, but they're pretty neat.. not as good at mobbing as the Crossbows though.

I also swear Link just levels up without even playing him.

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 07-12-20 02:13 AM Link | ID: 160740
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Posted by Epele
Working my way through the first adventure map of Hyrule Warriors. Some of the stages have been plain bullshit. The fight against the bosses for the hookshot? When the AI decides to rush one ally and then spends the entire stage juggling them.. and then juggling anyone else who you try to swap control to..

Managed to get Linkle's boots on the third try. First time, I got B-Rank for enemies defeated.. Second time, B-Rank for time taken.. Third time, the straight A-Rank. Gonna take a bit to learn the moveset for the Boots, but they're pretty neat.. not as good at mobbing as the Crossbows though.

I also swear Link just levels up without even playing him.
Link levels up REALLY FAST because you use him. I hit cap on him on Lorule (spinner 4+ stage) because I forced myself to STOP using him. He has the only 300 power weapon until you start getting your rank 3 weapons, which is pretty fucking late in Adventure Mode.

If you saw me playing as Linkle on stream, you would see she's a very First Order Optiimal character. B+B+Y (Zelda controls) is her flying kick, and it's absolutely NUTS, if you can deal with the constant "HUP! HUP! HEEEEEEEEYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" of the combo, it's really strong.

Posted on 07-16-20 05:19 AM Link | ID: 160810
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It's been a few days, so I'm gonna say it's safe to double post.

Just finished all there is for story in Shield. Main game and Isle of Armor. Mainly because the former was a prerequisite of the latter.

I still have Pokedex to do if I really wanted, but I kinda don't. The only other thing left to do, I guess, is the million watt donation to fight Honey.

The fight with Mustard was a joke, and I don't get why people claimed it was hard. I used ONE hyper potion on my Rhyperior, which I call fair because he would have used a full restore if I got him into range.

My team (post-battle)
Po (Urshifu-Rapid) L71
Unseen Fist
Adamant 252 Attack/252 Speed/4 HP
Close Combat
Aerial Ace
Surging Stikes
Iron Head

Slow Man (Slowbro-G) L71
Bold 252 SpA/212 HP/44 Speed
Sludge Bomb

HotCrossBunn (Cinderace) L70
Adamant 252 Attack/252 Speed/4 SpD
Pyro Ball
Zen Headbutt
Gunk Shot

Spidrowned (Araquanid) L69
Water Bubble
Adamant 252 Attack/188 Speed/68 HP
Leech Life

Drillo (Rhyperior) L69
Solid Rock
Adamant 252 HP/252 SpD/4 Attack
Stone Edge
Swords Dance

Amaterasu (Nintales-A) L70
Snow Warning
Timid 252 HP/252 Speed/4 SpA
Freeze Dry
Baby-doll Eyes

Posted on 07-18-20 11:42 PM Link | ID: 160870
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Since: 05-23-16

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replaying the mario galaxy games

Posted on 07-19-20 12:54 AM Link | ID: 160875
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Since: 08-05-17
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Played Danganronpa for the first time recently, after getting recommendations up the ass to play those games for years. Upon finishing the first game it's pretty dang good. The class trials were all super damn fun, they only get better, and none of them suck or get boring at all.

Giant Paratroopa
Affected by 'Wooster Syndrome' ++++!!
Handsome Gentleman

Posted on 07-29-20 10:38 PM Link | ID: 161282
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Super Koopa

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Since: 07-31-14

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going into Persona 5 blind and I love it

Posted on 07-31-20 02:05 PM Link | ID: 161315
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darkwitchclaire post

started shin megami tensei devil summoner: raidou kuzunoha vs the soulless army. it has a talking cat as a supporting character so you know it has to be good

produced by or under license from cat witches co, ltd

Posted on 08-01-20 12:02 AM Link | ID: 161342
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Super Koopa

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you know you're in for a good time when there's a talking cat :%3

Posted on 08-01-20 01:14 PM Link | ID: 161345
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Since: 08-07-12
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I went back to playing Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon, I'm stuck in the Ice Caverns where you gotta cross the rope on the broken bridge and the wind keeps blowing me off the rope. >_<


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Posted on 08-02-20 03:19 AM Link | ID: 161368
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Started another island on my second Switch, and I honestly don't know why.

Messing with the stalk market sounds like an idea, but I don't have the patience to mess with that.

Posted on 08-12-20 11:20 PM Link | ID: 161735
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13624 4835 28
Madou King Granzort. It's the second-best platformer on a console with two platformers!

It's actually decent enough. But I don't think it would get any attention if not for the whole "on a console with six games" thing.

Posted on 08-12-20 11:52 PM Link | ID: 161737
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darkwitchclaire post

the first super monkey ball, which is proving as tough as ever

produced by or under license from cat witches co, ltd

Posted on 08-13-20 12:03 AM Link | ID: 161739
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Roy Koopa
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Since: 01-04-12
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Doom & Destiny. Some RPG Maker game, I think. It's fun but leaves a bit to be desired.

No option to change resolution. It's either a small-ass window or fullscreen. As such, the resolution is set. Already on 1920x1200 I can see some slight blur on it so if you have a monitor with higher resolution it's likely to look like crap.

Next is that the visual effects have a tendency to not show up like they're intended to. Down below is an example.

The battle system is surprisingly deep, though. It's also full of references to other games and stuff.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 08-15-20 05:13 PM Link | ID: 161788
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Since: 07-25-20
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sims 2

Posted on 08-27-20 03:45 PM Link | ID: 162088
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Since: 08-07-12
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I'm about halfway through Tomb Raider 2013. ^_^


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Posted on 08-27-20 04:14 PM Link | ID: 162089
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Started a randomized nuzlocke of X on my Twitch channel.

Got to Shalour City, and HOO BOY! and I getting the everliving piss beat out of me.

My team, as of wrapping up this morning is:
Mojo Jojo (Monferno) level 38 - holding evolution to 49 for Fiery Dance
Groucho (Probopass) level 35
Dactyl (Aerodactyl) level 35
Kenshiro (Lucario) level 32 (Thanks Korrina)
Nessie (the Lapras that can't swim) level 30 (Thanks random NPC on Rt 12)

I only have THREE reserves... And they suck. Simipour, Bonsly (that can't learn mimic), and Kyurem (not shitty, but using it feels wrong).

Posted on 08-31-20 05:20 PM Link | ID: 162150
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Randlocke X is not looking any better after Laverre City. Had to pull Huskgon back out of storage because Groucho, Kenshiro, and Nessie ate shit within minutes of the session starting.

The team now is:
Mojo Jojo (Infernape) 52
Beaver ;) (Bibarel) 50
Lithp (Lickitung) 49 - Can't learn Rollout naturally, so I'm forcing her to evolve in PKHex when she learns Shell Smash in a few levels
Dactyl 48
Huskgon (Kyurem) 49

And since I had to pick up my new pair of glasses today, I figured I would walk the 8km round trip and get some good shit in Pokemon Go.

And good shit I got. Caught enough Mudkip to have candy for Swampert, almost have Kingler, Croconaw (Totodile is not an easy catch), Bayleef (Ditto for Chikorita), found a *few* Squirtle, and I found a Lickitung. That's FIVE shinies I've gotten in Pokemon Go in a little over a month of playing. If only the main series was that easy to stumble dick-first into them.

Lickitung is on the gym only because someone knocked Melmetal - and ONLY Melmetal - off the gym while I was on my way home.

Posted on 09-09-20 02:04 AM Link | ID: 162284
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Giant Koopa
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Since: 08-07-12
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I'm playing Splinter Cell for the OG Xbox, it backwards compatible on Xbox One. :)

I'm also playing Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker on the Wii U, I collect all the diamonds up to Chapter 12.


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Posted on 09-09-20 05:40 AM Link | ID: 162286
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In the past week and a half, I have DOUBLED my shinies in Go. Three of which were found within an hour of each other this morning.

Putting off evolving the Magneton until I find a shiny Nosepass. The reason being, I only have one magnet lure and I refue to spend coins on anything that isn't an inventory expansion.

As far as the Randlocke went, it ended in a victory, but it wasn't pretty.

It ended with Lithp 72, Hurrdurr 71, and Dactyl 71 as the survivors. On a technicality, I had a reprisal of Finnegan from Platinum. Except that I didn't use Mojo enough to form the bond I had with Finn.

Posted on 09-10-20 11:23 AM Link | ID: 162305
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Since: 06-25-16

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Been playing a mix of:

Lumines Remastered / Lumines II: Trippy puzzle games for whenever I need to relax or zone out for a bit

Terraria: multiplayer with friends

Pac-Man Championship Edition: both DX+ and 2, hella fun, but incredibly frustrating when trying to achieve an S rank

"The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear." --Ram Dass
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