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Posted on 09-11-20 04:45 AM (rev. 2 of 09-11-20 04:45 AM by Kaj) Link | ID: 162327
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playing Pokémon Platinum yet again. also bloons tower defense hehe. and final fantasy ix. and civilization v

Posted on 09-19-20 11:59 AM Link | ID: 162437
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13686 4835 28
Trying Super Mario 3-D All Stars; Super Mario Sunshine is just as unplayable as when I was a kid, they really nailed it

Posted on 09-19-20 08:30 PM Link | ID: 162443
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Posted by Nicolyn
Trying Super Mario 3-D All Stars; Super Mario Sunshine is just as unplayable as when I was a kid, they really nailed it
There's nothing to nail when they literally just threw an ISO into an emulator wrapper.

I wonder if the ISOs and ROM are also common emulation site rips like the Wiishop's SMB1 was.

Posted on 09-19-20 10:10 PM Link | ID: 162451
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13688 4835 28
Posted by Trelior
Posted by Nicolyn
Trying Super Mario 3-D All Stars; Super Mario Sunshine is just as unplayable as when I was a kid, they really nailed it
There's nothing to nail when they literally just threw an ISO into an emulator wrapper.

I wonder if the ISOs and ROM are also common emulation site rips like the Wiishop's SMB1 was.

They did something to Sunshine at least, there's definitely some upscaling on the cinematics, and the 16:9 is true 16:9 and not cropped... that's right, they not only threw the ISO in, they played with the settings

Posted on 09-23-20 10:35 AM Link | ID: 162482
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I am legit super fucking pissed about what I went through to get the 800 candy you see in this screenshot. Up until yesterday Magikarp has been BRUTALLY difficult for me to find. I finally found where they spawn: The walking path that connects the side of town that I live on with the part of town where the mall is. It had to be a seasonal change; because I have walked that path several times, at several times of day, and have NEVER seen ANY Magikarp there.

I got the candy to evolve that shiny yesterday, and I figured since I have a 100% 'karp that I passed over to evolve, that I would go back and see if I could amass enough candy to evolve the second one. I figured I was out because Jynx and Lapras were also spawning, that I would leave the park and walk to the mall to get Taco Bell to eat. I had to walk the 10km for Eevee to evolve into Espeon for the Celebi research anyway, may as well say "fuck resting today" and haul my fat ass over there.

All was well because I forgot today was "double exp for evolving, and Spearow is common for a while I guess". Took a half hour to swoop through my inventory of shit I waited for the event to benefit from it and a lucky egg. Got to about 500k toward rank 33 and was super psyched. Until I stood up, forgetting my power cell wasn't in my hoodie pocket, dropping it onto the paver the bench I was sitting on... Breaking it internally (no damage WHATSO-FUCKING-EVER on the exterior). Thinking it was the cable, I stopped in at Staples before going for food to buy a replacement cable. Nothing doing. Come to find out I could charge the cell, charge my phone, but not the phone off of the cell. I spent $40 on it, had it for a month, and it's a paper weight.

To add insult to injury, when I got home, I took count on my fish candy: 302. Went back out, despite it being 2AM by this point. Figured it'd be a quick hike to the halfway point of the trail to get a measly 14 fish (and a few Wailmer along the way since it's another "why does this thing need 400?") Got to the halfway point needing five fish. Found two while I was at the Pokestop, then decided to do the "Battle Another Trainer" field research I picked up at one of the stops along the way. Then disaster struck. 30% battery left (left home with 60%) ad the game CONVENIENTLY couldn't communicate with the server. I'm sitting there on the bench to rest a bit while I try to get shit working again. 10% of my battery later, I give up and start walking home, defeated. I leave the game running for the snowball's chance in hell it decides to unfuck itself. It has a moment of clairvoience long enough for me to catch a third fish, then it eats shit for perpetuity, teasing me by connecting just enough to say "oh hey, these spawned" about a half dozen or so times in the three quarters of a mile back to the city. I finally get to where the path meets the sidewalk just behind the post office and see this.

You aren't seeing that wrong. That is a pow-wow of THREE wailmer and a magikarp. I want the karp the most because I'm RIGHT FUCKING THERE. I watch with bated breath as I hope it lets me interact. HAHA! FUCK YOU! I saw the "You cannot use that item now (26)" error message beginning to drop down as my phone powers off due to exhausted battery. I was furious to the point of almost crying.

Sent Niantic a thread of sternly worded EXTREMELY ANGRY tweets when I got home. Allowed my battery to charge to 65% and went out AGAIN because everything was working when I got back on my home wifi. Got to where my phone died and found my two fish. Caught them, then saw an Exeggutor-A, so I caught it for my Meltan research. Needing one more, I went back to the park to find one since they've been spawning there. Turn in the research on my walk across the bridge to walk down the street toward home. One of the new tasks? "Evolve a Drowzee" I just got one from a field research to kick the shit out of two Rocket Dorks. The Rocket I beat gave me a shitty shadow Hypno. The Drowzee was actually suitable for my IV requirements (my acceptability is a floor of 12 in all three stats, by the way), so I just evolved it out of spite... This was on my way to catch the Exeggcute.

Sorry for turning this into a blog post about my shitty day, but it kiiiiinda all tied together.

Posted on 10-09-20 10:41 AM (rev. 2 of 10-09-20 10:42 AM by Trelior) Link | ID: 162854
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Genshin Impact. And I have been hitting it HARD.

I'm on the cusp of Adventure Rank 31, just shy of 1000 AXP away. I'm out of storylines for the time being. Finished the Archon quests, I don't have any gachas to try out, and the world quests that are left aren't worth the trouble to dig them up since they're worth 100-200 AXP. I'd rather do blue leylines, world bosses, and treasure domains.

My main team, as of writing this, is Aether (58), Razor (50), Amber (40)/Lisa (50) [depends on context], and Barbara (50). I only have one or two weapons ascended high enough to even be comparable to its user, which is really hamstringing me offensively. My artifacts are also lagging because I don't know if I should burn off my unused ★★★ artifacts and just keep the people I use equipped or what I should do.

My other characters are: Xiangling (15), Noelle (15), Sucrose (15), Keqing (39), and Fischl (1, literally just got her, and the vanguard is taking precedent on exp pages). Kaeya (40, ascended to phase 2, but I can't afford the pages), as well, but he's a gimme in the prologue.

I really don't know how there are people pushing 35. I've been playing for likely unhealthy lengths of time since day 2 of the game's release since I missed the release announcement until super late. I must be missing something, unless there's benefits on the microtransactions I'm not seeing.

I literally crunched the numbers on the crystals. At the USD prices, it's $0.015 per gem all the way up. And that's not including the "benefit" of getting doubled crystals for your initial (and solely the initial) purchase. If you go full-on whale and spend the $99.99 on your first shot, the best you can get is 80 rolls on the gacha. Fuck that noise with a cactus.

The other benefits don't seem that hot either. I love the game, and I'm not averse to spending money on it, but the cost doesn't justify the reward in my book.

As much as I hate the cocksuckers at Niantic, at least they have the decency to give a real bonus when you whale into their shit show of Pokemon Go. At least the exchange is a penny per point with actual bonuses on top. 100 coins for 99 cents, 550 coins for $4.99, with a larger benefit of up to 45% extra at the $100 level, and it's not exclusive to your first payment! I know, I whaled the $100 and it still gives me the "$99.99:14500 coins" when I look at the exchange!

Posted on 10-09-20 02:47 PM Link | ID: 162856
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Picked up Among Us.

It's surprisingly fun. Shame about people who have to hack to get instant-wins.. that's pretty sad.

But played with a private group, it's pretty fun.

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 11-25-20 09:50 PM Link | ID: 163508
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13800 4835 28
decided to play some Tonari no Princess Rolfee but there is way too little interaction in this game, play for an hour and make like two choices

apparently most of the events are random too, what a strange game

Posted on 12-23-20 06:40 AM Link | ID: 163733
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miitopia lol

Posted on 12-29-20 08:06 PM Link | ID: 163753
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I've been playing Ring Fit Adventure the last few months. It makes me tired as hell, but I'm not sure how well it's working as exercise...

Posted on 01-03-21 01:14 AM Link | ID: 163784
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I've been playing Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Tipping Stars on the 3DS, I even got a code to get the game free on the Wii U. :)


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Posted on 01-06-21 09:22 PM Link | ID: 163818
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darkwitchclaire post

been playing the smw hack jump 1/2, it has some really creative levels and starts out easy enough for anyone to get into

produced by or under license from cat witches co, ltd

Posted on 01-09-21 02:34 PM Link | ID: 163832
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Since: 01-03-12
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13844 4835 28
Top Player's Golf for the Neo Geo CD; very calming and relaxing to play with the CD soundtrack, even if I keep getting well over par.

Posted on 01-11-21 01:45 AM Link | ID: 163850
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13850 4835 28
Posted by Nicole
Top Player's Golf for the Neo Geo CD; very calming and relaxing to play with the CD soundtrack, even if I keep getting well over par.

Today's Neo Geo game was Real Bout Fatal Fury Special which, admittedly, I actually played on the Sega Saturn, because I don't have it on Neo Geo. It's really fun, I even managed to beat it! yes... I played on super easy... and yes... I didn't get nightmare geese...

Posted on 02-22-21 12:19 AM Link | ID: 164097
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replaying fire emblem fates

Posted on 02-22-21 08:05 PM Link | ID: 164102
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darkwitchclaire post

now playing the smw hack sicari remastered, basically a new game built on top of the smw engine and i highly recommend it

produced by or under license from cat witches co, ltd

Posted on 04-05-21 06:02 AM Link | ID: 164324
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lots of mario kart wii

Posted on 04-12-21 01:21 AM Link | ID: 164376
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Real Bout Fatal Fury Special... I've beat the game a few times on Beginner mode now thanks to plenty of practice; I wonder if it's worth staying on this difficulty and trying to get good enough to reach Geese, learn other characters than Terry, or try a harder difficulty... hm

Posted on 06-06-21 12:54 PM Link | ID: 164697
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I've been playing Resident Evil VII, Alien Isolation on my Xbox One S & God of War on the Playstation 4, and Luigi's Mansion 3. ^_^


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Posted on 08-04-21 11:54 PM Link | ID: 165119
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Getting back into World of Warcraft after running too many runs on Resident Evil Village.

Anyone here Horde on Thrall?
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