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Main - The βetaMax Entertainment Center - Media you've cried to
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Decoy Blimp
Posted on 01-26-18 02:59 AM Link | ID: 124061
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Since: 06-26-17
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I personally have a hard time crying, but there have been a few things that got me to start crying pretty hard.

Undertale - Asriel Dreemur Fight + Pacifist Ending

deadmau5 - Strobe
Eminem - Not Afraid
Linkin Park - One More Light

Robbie Rage
Posted on 01-27-18 02:26 AM (rev. 2 of 01-27-18 07:02 PM by Epele) Link | ID: 124246
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I'm a crier. I own my tears, and these are some of the things that have really moved me:

- The ending to Armageddon (movie): We win, Gracie.
- Amazing Grace by Celtic Woman: I'm a practicing Christian, and this is the most beautiful version of the song I've ever heard. I seriously want to hear this when I die.
- Everything I Do by Bryan Adams: For some reason, this is just incredibly memorable to me.

Posted on 01-27-18 07:11 PM (rev. 2 of 01-27-18 07:26 PM by Epele) Link | ID: 124303
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Fixed a missing ] in Robbie's post.

I'll admit, there's a whole ton of stuff I cried to.

Many scenes in the Tales of series to start the list off. Some of them are so powerful. I'll put in spoilers examples, but they really do include some big spoilers. Read at your own risk.

Tales of Vesperia: Raven, as Schwann, going to sacrifice himself at Baction to allow the party to escape after they find out the truth about him.

Tales of Zestiria: The history of the Lord of Calamity, and his real identity as General Heldalf. Such a tragic backstory, being cursed as to lose everything then forced to become a malevolent monster through the fallen Shepard.

Tales of Berseria: The whole of Velvet's story is tragic. Witnessing her brother being used as a sacrifice, which leads to the whole plot of the story. Only in the late game is the truth revealed as to why her brother was used as a sacrifice.. and that truth being told to her may have changed her entire fate.

Outside of that, the song Superheroes by The Script. That song is so beautiful, it still sometimes makes me want to cry.

Edit: Beefed up spoilers under two-tier hiding. They're pretty big.

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 01-31-18 01:51 AM Link | ID: 124760
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Katelyn and I watched A Walk to Remember tonight... quite the tearjerker movie too, kinda like The Fault in Our Stars only 15 years earlier

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Robbie Rage
Posted on 02-03-18 07:21 PM Link | ID: 125129
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This one is a bit unusual. In my first post here, I mentioned my late friend from high school who first told me about the original Acmlm's Board.

Well, after looking around randomly, I found his old profile along with all his old posts. I confess, going through the archive did get me misty eyed.

I miss you, Daanish.

Posted on 02-03-18 07:23 PM Link | ID: 125130
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Posted by Robbie Rage
This one is a bit unusual. In my first post here, I mentioned my late friend from high school who first told me about the original Acmlm's Board.

Well, after looking around randomly, I found his old profile along with all his old posts. I confess, going through the archive did get me misty eyed.

I miss you, Daanish.

Yeah, I feel the same way around Taryn myself, looking at old AIM logs and board posts :(

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Moonlight Capital
Posted on 05-18-18 07:49 PM Link | ID: 132518
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Probably Mother 3 chapter 1.

It's the heaviest part of the game i guess.

Robbie Rage
Posted on 06-05-18 12:56 AM Link | ID: 133408
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I lost my dad a couple of weeks ago. This made me think of him.

Nuff said.

Posted on 07-24-18 01:12 AM Link | ID: 138189
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I rarely cry to media in general but if I had to say off the top of my head.

The Iron Giant (the scene where the giant flies off to stop the missile)
The Ending of Persona 3 RIP Door-Kun
Katawa Shoujo

That's about all the ones I can think of offhand.

Giant Paratroopa
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Posted on 07-24-18 08:13 AM Link | ID: 138205
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the end of Terminator 2

Good riddance!

Posted on 07-24-18 10:57 AM Link | ID: 138216
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Posted by Jamie
the end of Terminator 2

Oh yeah, I remember that was a real tearjerker for my brother when we first watched that movie. That was some emotional shit right there.

Giant Paratroopa
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Posted on 09-20-18 12:26 PM (rev. 2 of 09-21-18 02:32 AM by Rambly) Link | ID: 140530
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Oh, gosh, do I even wanna post here

- Undertale made me cry on five separate occasions. FIVE. It's one of the only video games to even make me cry in the first place, and it made me do it FIVE TIMES. The Asriel sequence and the entire pacifist ending really had me going, ugh... but also the beginning with Toriel and even sparing Flowey at the end of the neutral ending -- I dunno, there was something emotionally disarming about the intensity and brutality of the fight, I guess, and having it over with and having to make that painful decision...


- I lied, I cried at another video game: Kirby's Adventure, for some stupid reason. I don't understand why, either, but my friend got it for me for my birthday and I sat and beat it + 100%ed it in one day, and at the end of it all I just started tearing up and had to try and push it back down because I was out in the living room in front of her and it would have been so awkward and stuff.

- I lied AGAIN because I forgot about NIER!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh god, I haven't even played Automata but I know that's gonna make me cry like a baby. I had to sit and hold my tears after ending B, with Shadowlord and his daughter and everything, just, fucking god damn it because my roommates were there and when I finished I just immediately went into our room and let loose. God damn it. (and the ending where all memory of Father gets erased and Kainé and Yonah are all that's left -- I forget if that's C or D and I'm not even sure the endings have letter classifications -- made me tear up too)

- OK this one's embarrassing but I promise it won't be (as much) after I explain it: I CRIED AT THE LAST EPISODE OF THE TONIGHT SHOW WHEN CONAN WAS HOSTING IT I'M NOT EVEN JOKING. Like, it wasn't because his run with the show was ending, I was a little bummed out by that at that age but it didn't make me too distraught or anything. It was, very, very specifically, the part where he gave a speech telling people not to be cynical and that it's his least favorite quality -- I don't know, it was at the beginning of 2010 and I'd just gotten done spending most of the past year being exceptionally cynical about everything because I was really unhappy with my life and his stuff about how if you work hard and be kind you can make good things happen just, ugh. I swear anything with that same message could have made me cry at that point -- that just happened to be The Thing. It was a gutpunch I really, really needed, but it was a gutpunch, nonetheless.

- Mother 1. No, I don't know why that game, either. I was playing it with my then-girlfriend and I just finished the game feeling relatively unemotional about it when I was playing it but for some reason I just got the urge to bawl like crazy afterwards.

- I cried a little the day I found out a friend of mine from a forum I went to and looked up to died. It's still hard for me to internalize the fact that he's gone sometimes... it doesn't feel right, or something... it's the same thing with Terra, although I don't wanna be too much of a downer... anyway, there's other online stuff that's made me cry, but that was more stuff that happened while I was talking to people and that's veering closer to personal territory >>

- Like a million billion songs:
- True Love Waits, Motion Picture Soundtrack (the live acoustic version), How to Disappear Completely, Reckoner, and Scatterbrain by Radiohead. My level of crying ranged from "tearing up a bit" to "basically flat-out bawling". FIVE DIFFERENT SONGS I SWEAR TO GOD THOM YORKE I SWEAR TO GOD

- New Star in the Sky by Air. I don't know why, but I had a phase when I was 18 where I was committed to crying at every song ever for some reason

- Talking Shit About a Pretty Sunset by Modest Mouse (look, I was like, 18, okay. I was THE target audience and age for that song to punch me in my Feelings I swear)

- Disappear by Dream Theater (I was like 15) (look don't make fun of me) (I'm almost tempted not to count this, but that'd be dishonest)
Posted by Jamie
the end of Terminator 2

Posted by Moonlight Capital
Probably Mother 3 chapter 1.

Couldn't technically count these, but both of these got me extremely close. If I counted every piece of media that nearly brought me to tears but didn't technically, this post would be like an entire page long.

Posted on 10-25-18 01:21 AM Link | ID: 142927
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Maple Post-o-Matic 9.2
The only thing I remember crying to is the ending to Mother 3.

I hate not being able to remember my past D:

Layout by Maple.
Hoennese Realm Safir Alliance

Posted on 11-11-18 08:27 PM Link | ID: 143906
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What I can remember right now:

- The ending of To The Moon
- Lewis' story in What Remains of Edith Finch
- The safe ending in Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors
- Le Hérisson (The Hedgehog), a movie, subtitled of course since I don't know french. There's not much I can say without spoiling it:

What matters isn't the fact of dying but what you're doing when you die.

Renée, what were you doing at the moment you died?

You were ready to love.

also yes I still exist

"The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear." --Ram Dass

Posted on 11-25-18 10:51 AM Link | ID: 144416

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I was almost in tears during the film Bohemian Rhapsody which I watched the day after the UK release in cinemas, and also almost at BT Sport's Ian Wright & Rocky Rocastle documentary here.

Regards to both, they're very good.

Posted on 01-27-19 02:52 AM Link | ID: 146004
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spoilers for fe fates conquest

ryoma killing himself in conquest was not fun to deal with

i really can't remember much else i cried to unfortunately

Posted on 06-28-19 09:22 PM Link | ID: 148925
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Super Koopa

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just mentioned it in another thread but THIS DAMN ALBUM is so heartbreaking and spooky. definitely cried to it plenty ;_; rip bowie

Next Jen
Posted on 08-08-19 02:08 AM Link | ID: 150403
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One More Light - Linkin Park

You're Not Alone - Final Fantasy IX


Posted on 09-21-19 02:20 AM Link | ID: 151442
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There were a few points through Jojo's Bizarre Adventure that got me pretty close to tearing up.

The death of Caesar Zeppeli hit me pretty hard, definitely put part of the intro into a new light. The ending of Stardust Crusaders also hit like a bag of bricks when it showed Avdol, Iggy, and Kakyoin in the sky as Jotaro and Joseph were disposing of Dio.

Spoilers seemed fitting since I actually spoiled a lot of the suspense for myself by wiki diving.

Posted by Next Jen
You're Not Alone - Final Fantasy IX
Best song in that whole game. Hands down. Can't guarantee I won't choke up during that scene when I finally get around to streaming FFIX, especially since I plan to do live voice acting on it.

Posted on 01-22-20 04:52 AM Link | ID: 153860
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LOL i cant believe ryoma killing himself hit hard

fuck ryoma tbh

anyway spoilers for re:zero rem getting tortured is like one of the most unpleasant things i have ever experienced

Also spoilers for fire emblem radiant dawn ike witnessing his father kill his mother is incredibly horrifying

Also, in happier notes, Ronald Acuña's grand slam in the 2018 NLDS literally makes me cry tears of joy i'm such a fucking loser
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