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Main - AcmlmBoard Developer Zone - [WIP] [Abandoned] Experimental Acmlmboard 0.7 fork (1)
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Posted on 07-25-18 01:23 AM (rev. 14 of 10-23-21 02:35 AM by NinCollin) Link | ID: 138407
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Daydreaming about PHP

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Since: 09-06-17
From: World X Pipe

Last post: 152 days
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The past few weeks years >_> I've been working on a highly experimental fork of Acmlmboard 0.7 on-and-off.

My main goal is to clean up and optimize the code as well as documenting everything to ultimately create a lightweight base for others to fork and customize, while also being powerful. I eventually want to add a custom installer for users to choose either the "full" set of features, or a minimal set of pages for the Slimmed Down Posting Experience™.

As of right now though the code is a mess, and the pages are still buggy and/or incomplete.

Version specific info in in the README file for some releases.

This is test software blah blah blah, don't expect it to work.

Current release not yet uploaded
Alpha 0.8 release (10-20-2021) not yet uploaded

Pre-Alpha (with intentionally erratic naming schemes)
Not Almost Release 01-06-2020
Almost Release 01-08-2019
Prerelease 10-17-2018
Prerelease 09-23-2018
Nightly 07-27-2018
Nightly 07-26-2018
Nightly 07-25-2018
Nightly 07-24-2018
Nightly 07-23-2018

*Revise code for neatness, security, and functionality.
*Finish permissions system
*Figure out a simple search feature
*Add pages in certain places
*Add pronouns, revise namecolor system
*Add buttons to jump to the last post in a thread
*Optimize queries
*Remove all notices and warnings
*Make most input boxes "HTML Proof." We don't want threads that are titled with autoplaying HTML5 video
Additional Notes
*Powerlevels have been almost completely removed, but the permission-based system hasn't been finished yet. It's getting close though. It's based on Acmlmboard II's permission system, but does have its differences. Inheritance is linear (referred to as the "group ladder") and groups can also be separate from the inheritance ladder.
*Temporary and permanent bans, along with a pardoning system
*Includes WIP news system, with comment support
*Includes PM support

Known Bugs:
*Number of threads in profile is calculated wrong (not sure if this is still a thing or not)
*Some PHP warnings/notices
*Probably many more little things

Check out some of my websites!

Posted on 07-25-18 10:49 AM Link | ID: 138430
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I'd be interested in testing this, or at least giving you some kind of testing ground. My server runs MariaDB 10 (based on MySQL 5.8 iirc) and PHP 7.0 on Apache 2.4.25 if you want to use it for anything. I've just got to figure how to make permissions works on PHP with homedirs while allowing write access by the user :P

Good riddance!

Posted on 07-25-18 05:37 PM Link | ID: 138463
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You might want to downgrade to PHP 4...

Mario Making Mods

Posted on 07-25-18 10:29 PM (rev. 3 of 07-25-18 10:37 PM by NinCollin) Link | ID: 138509
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Daydreaming about PHP

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Since: 09-06-17
From: World X Pipe

Last post: 152 days
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Posted by Jamie
I'd be interested in testing this, or at least giving you some kind of testing ground. My server runs MariaDB 10 (based on MySQL 5.8 iirc) and PHP 7.0 on Apache 2.4.25 if you want to use it for anything. I've just got to figure how to make permissions works on PHP with homedirs while allowing write access by the user :P

If you want to, go right ahead! I haven't been able to test this at all on PHP 7 (I've been using 5.6) but theoretically it should work. Let me know if it does (or does not) and feel free to report any bugs here ;)

Nightly 07-25-2018 has been released.

Version Changes
*Misc things fixed to point to new working pages
*Until permissions are finished, a field titled "debug" controls staff functions
+Edit Thread is now working.
+Edit User is now working.

Check out some of my websites!

Posted on 07-26-18 06:54 AM Link | ID: 138567
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Since: 06-03-14

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mysql_error() is being used in profile.php

also, remove the password from the debug stats, that's kinda creepy. MD5 is also not secure at all, look into using password_hash function from Php 5.5 onwards

Good riddance!

Posted on 07-26-18 10:25 AM Link | ID: 138573
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MD5 isn't totally insecure. Just ensure you salt it with some garbage and it can't be brute-forced as the attacker would need the salt to brute force it.

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Posted on 07-26-18 10:44 AM Link | ID: 138575
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given it gave me my plaintext password on a certain debug page, I doubt it's salted for some reason

Good riddance!

Posted on 07-26-18 11:06 AM Link | ID: 138578
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Posted by Jamie
given it gave me my plaintext password on a certain debug page, I doubt it's salted for some reason
There is no security as of yet provided on the password field as per the initial post:
Posted by Nin★Collin
*Password cookies are currently unencrypted for testing purposes. The cookie/login system will be rewritten at some point, or at least encrypted.

This would suggest some systems are still due to be updated.

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 07-26-18 11:13 AM Link | ID: 138579
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you should put a warning on the register page in the meantime. people are known to reuse passwords easily, it's actually pretty irresponsible not to consider that.

there's a link here.

Posted on 07-26-18 11:43 AM Link | ID: 138580
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Since: 06-03-14

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yeah. I use the same pass pretty much everywhere or the same style

Good riddance!

Posted on 07-26-18 04:08 PM Link | ID: 138628
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Posted by Thieppy
you should put a warning on the register page in the meantime. people are known to reuse passwords easily, it's actually pretty irresponsible not to consider that.
This. Kinda dumb just to put the warning message on the login page.



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Posted on 07-26-18 08:22 PM (rev. 3 of 07-27-18 05:49 AM by NinCollin) Link | ID: 138709
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Daydreaming about PHP

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Since: 09-06-17
From: World X Pipe

Last post: 152 days
Last view: 106 days
Posted by Yushe
Posted by Thieppy
you should put a warning on the register page in the meantime. people are known to reuse passwords easily, it's actually pretty irresponsible not to consider that.
This. Kinda dumb just to put the warning message on the login page.

Inputing a password in register.php doesn't directly pose any security risks, as it doesn't automatically log you in and it stores your password in the database using MD5. But yeah, I get what you're saying, and the new authentication system will either be salted or use the native password_ functions.

I've added the warning marquees everywhere, as well as added a disclaimer at the top of every page.

Edit: (I can't double post)

I wiped the user accounts on my test board, because the new login system is incompatible with it :P

Nightly 07-26-2018 has been released.

Version Changes
*Software now released under the Affero GPL license.
+A new encrypted login system has been implemented. I'm still deciding on how well I like it, so it's subject to change.
+Began documenting and formating a few pages
+Fixed a profile.php bug thanks to Jamie

Check out some of my websites!

Posted on 09-23-18 03:03 PM Link | ID: 140741
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Daydreaming about PHP

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Since: 09-06-17
From: World X Pipe

Last post: 152 days
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Been a while since I put a release here
Prerelease 09-23-2018 has been released.
Version Changes
So many things, but all pages are at least mostly functional now.

Check out some of my websites!

Posted on 09-23-18 11:21 PM Link | ID: 140796
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Keeping the legacy alive!

Very happy to see finally a version that brings all the basics and should offer people a simple clean base to work from!

I'm tired of trying to shave Acmlmboards and breaking everything the getting bamboozled.

I'm gonna keep an eye on this, your work is appreciated!

Posted on 10-21-21 12:31 AM (rev. 2 of 10-21-21 07:09 AM by NinCollin) Link | ID: 165811
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Daydreaming about PHP

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Since: 09-06-17
From: World X Pipe

Last post: 152 days
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Amazingly, I still haven't given up on this project, but progress has definitely slowed down.

I've added a PM system, a banning system allowed for both temporary and permanent bans, a news system (doesn't allow for making news posts yet,) a work-in-progress permissions system that takes inspiration from Acmlmboard 2's permission system (but aims to be a bit simpler and lighter,) and a variety of other smaller things.

I'm in the process of massive changes to the permissions system again. It's definitely one of the biggest hurdles holding me from declaring this project in a beta state. The big two things left for it are an equivalent to Acmlmboard 2's "bindvalue" for permissions (to replace my limited Forum Groups system) and actually implementing the permissions system on pages (partially complete; partly needs to be revised due to new permissions direction, but should be simple to implement using custom functions.)

The code quality is still not the best (there are a few warnings and its still messy) but so far it seems to run on PHP 8(!) without completely falling apart (for the most part.) I do plan on cleaning everything up and adding comments, but that'll come at a later date when the board is developed enough to be in a "generally working state."

Once I get the permissions system fleshed out enough and implement it, I'll be making my first Beta™ release, so check back in another 2-3 years (maybe only 1 if I get enough motivation.)

Edit: As a little side note, I have a few unreleased versions with erratic versioning schemes, but I never got around to cleaning up the SQL dumps or simply packaging them for release at all, but it's something I will get around to eventually.

Check out some of my websites!

Bill Cipher fan
Posted on 10-22-21 10:15 PM Link | ID: 165826
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Since: 07-15-21
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Can you also add Profile Posts? this place could really use em:D


Posted on 10-22-21 10:30 PM (rev. 5 of 10-23-21 02:11 AM by NinCollin) Link | ID: 165827
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Daydreaming about PHP

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Since: 09-06-17
From: World X Pipe

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It's not out of the question (and it would be neat to add,) but it'll be a bit before I add any extra bonus functionality; my main priority right now is the permissions system and administrative functions

Edit since I can't double post:

As a half-joke, have-serious, all wanting-to-respect-other's-properties, I created a "nonlicense" for this software which will be used for all upcoming releases (since it's not legally possible to relicense or license someone else's code without permission.)

Acmlmboard Zero Nonlicense V1 (2021-10-23)

The Acmlmboard Zero Nonlicense is not a software license. This nonlicense acts as a disclaimer, attribution of copyrights to their respective owners, and a recommendation of practices to insure that all parties' code and ideas are properly credited.

1. Declaration of Copyright
a. This software contains copyrighted code, structural design, assets, and ideas of outside parties.
b. This software may be modified and distributed, but the properties of others must be respected. Failure to give proper credit to those whose properties are included in this software may result in legal action from the owners of said property.

2. Attribution of Copyright
This software includes the properties of outside parties, whose properties and copyrights are listed below.
a. The original Acmlmboard 0.7 is property of Acmlm, including code, assets, and structural design.
b. A large potion of new code in Acmlmboard Zero is property of NinCollin.
c. Acmlmboard Zero includes pieces of SQL data, pieces of PHP code (including a few schemes and the $formcss mechanic) as well as other ideas from Acmlmboard 1.92.08. Acmlmboard 1.92.08 contains code, structural design, and assets which are property of Acmlm, Emuz, Blades, and Xkeeper.
d. Acmlmboard Zero includes SQL tables similar to those included in Acmlmboard II, as well as some structual design and ideas. Acmlmboard II contains code, structural design, and assets which are property of Acmlm, Emuz, blackhole89, Xkeeper, Sukasa, Kawa, DJ Bouche, knuck, Gywall, Arisotura, Scrydan, SquidEmpress, Schezo, KP9000, Ailure, Nina, Shroomy, and Ijah.
e. Acmlmboard Zero contains assets and ideas from Jul. Jul contains code, structural design, and assets which are property of Acmlm, Xkeeper, Kaito Sinclaire, et al.
f. Acmlmboard Zero contains assets from Acmlmboard 1.A2. Acmlmboard 1.A2 contains code, structual design, and assets which are property of Acmlm, Emuz, Blades, Jesper, bass, and Kasumi.
g. Acmlmboard Zero contains assets which are property of Nintendo Co., Ltd.

3. Limitation of Liability
This software is provided AS-IS, and comes with no warranties, express or implied, and no contributor or copyright holder whose work is included within this software can be held liable for any damages that may result from the use of this software.

Again, it's not meant to be a ""serious license,"" but I did have fun trying to make it "legal sounding," while also being serious. Also, you're probably wondering why Acmlmboard 1.A2 is included on the list... Well, thats the result of me copying the same folder of assets around between different Acmlmboard versions during my own personal testing of various versions. I may go back and edit the old releases to remove the assets, and they will be removed in the future. The future cost of past laziness >_<

Check out some of my websites!

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Main - AcmlmBoard Developer Zone - [WIP] [Abandoned] Experimental Acmlmboard 0.7 fork (1)

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