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Posted on 09-22-18 01:55 AM Link | ID: 140596
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Since: 01-02-15
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I'm generally not the biggest fan of "AMA" threads, but this forum seems to genuinely be really active, and everyone's got a thread, so....why the hell not. And this way, you guys get to ask questions to a totally new person in this community who is unbiased, has no pre-made notions of the community, and someone who you guys know nothing about anyway!

Here goes. Ask whatever you want and such.

"No, he doesn't row."


Posted on 09-22-18 01:56 AM Link | ID: 140597
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Knuckles the Bunny? When did Knuckles become a Bunny instead of an Echidna? ^_~

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Posted on 09-22-18 02:00 AM Link | ID: 140598
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What attracted you to Kafuka?

Was it me????

Posted on 09-22-18 03:12 AM Link | ID: 140606
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whoa, that's instant. first time making an ask thread? I dunno if they do that on SMWC.

haven't checked it in years for that matter. how's everybody doing?

there's a link here.

Posted on 09-22-18 03:41 AM Link | ID: 140610
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If there were a newbies club for people who first started posting this month, what should it be called?

Would it be composed of the very coolest people on Kafuka???

Posted on 09-22-18 04:13 AM Link | ID: 140612
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Posted by Danika
Knuckles the Bunny? When did Knuckles become a Bunny instead of an Echidna? ^_~

I mean, I've only actually been reading the posts here for a day and already I've noticed the bunny obsession around here, so it was probably only a matter of time before even Knuckles fell victim to it.

What attracted you to Kafuka?

Was it me????

Silly answer: Obviously, anyone named Nicole is like a magnet to me honestly . . . <_<

Real answer: I've already known for a few years that this was one of the more active descendents of Acmlm's Board, and I pretty much grew up with the original Acmlm's. It just seemed kind of fitting that I would finally end up making a few posts here, I suppose.

On that note, maaybe I'm wrong, but I vaguely remember there having been a pretty prominent person on the older versions of Acmlm's back around like 2006 or so named Nicole as well, are you the same person? If so I do believe that this is an honor.

first time making an ask thread? I dunno if they do that on SMWC.

I guess I was just never bored or cared enough to make one in the past. As for the rest of SMWC, back in late winter 2007 I recall there was a brief trend where a bunch of Ask threads popped up from the moderators and such, but it stopped there. And then I believe a couple years back a few regular user made threads like that, which prompted more people to make them until the entire forum was flooded with "AMA" threads that no one was even really asking questions in anyway. So yeah, I always had rather negative impressions with them.

haven't checked it in years for that matter. how's everybody doing?

Could be a lot better to be honest. I really hate how much people unnecessarily toot SNN's horn but honestly it really does seem like he was pretty much the only person competent enough to keep the site together. Ever since he permanently resigned three years ago the whole community has been gradually falling apart, from the decision to make moderation so lenient that now people can make unfunny threads all the time, to the recent hiring of new staff members that don't at all clash well with the other staff's moderation styles (there's been a lot more drama lately as a result of this too).

Though I suppose all that really doesn't matter anymore anyway- the forums themselves are pretty much dead now outside of the hacking forums, and while they keep telling themselves it's because "everyone's moved to the Discord", I'm in that and it certainly isn't any more active than the board. I hope I don't sound like I'm antagonizing the place too much, but it just makes me a little sad how much one of the places I spent most of my childhood on is devolving. *end rant*

If there were a newbies club for people who first started posting this month, what should it be called?

Would it be composed of the very coolest people on Kafuka???

It should be called the "KTB AND RAMBLY ARE AWESOME, SHOWER THEM WITH FAME AND MONEY" club. And yes, it would be composed of the coolest people.

"No, he doesn't row."


Posted on 09-22-18 10:50 AM Link | ID: 140616
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Isn't Nicole just a really cute name? :P

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Posted on 09-22-18 12:25 PM Link | ID: 140637
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Posted by K.T.B.
It should be called the "KTB AND RAMBLY ARE AWESOME, SHOWER THEM WITH FAME AND MONEY" club. And yes, it would be composed of the coolest people.
Damn right. We can get mel in too if she wants.

(Also for the record I totally agree about SNN; I haven't checked SMWC much lately but he was probably the last person there with a really good sense of leadership, especially judging by some of the stuff I hear about coming outta there lately >_> I've actually been watching my own non-Acmlm's childhood Internet home devolve lately for literally pretty much exactly the same reasons -- the lead admins left and there's been a total lack of initiative from the moderators there and the spirit just feels gone.)

Oh, right, question. Uh uhhh uhhhhhhh. Crap I don't have any good ones. If you were going to ask yourself a question, what would you ask yourself?

Maybe a more serious one -- what was it like growing up with Acmlm-related communities, especially being mostly an observer at a young age? Do you think it's been easier for you to have an unbiased perspective on things? I guess that's a little open-ended, but it's legit actually hard for me to imagine; I didn't really become super active on an Acmlm's adjacent community until I was 18, and even the very youngest I was on a forum was like almost 13.

Posted on 09-22-18 12:30 PM Link | ID: 140640
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Did you ever go to Sonic Retro? 😘

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Posted on 09-22-18 04:05 PM Link | ID: 140649
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Posted by Danika
Isn't Nicole just a really cute name? :P

Absolutely, I don't know a single girl IRL named that who isn't utterly adorable >_>

If you were going to ask yourself a question, what would you ask yourself?

I would ask myself to come up with some good questions. A paradoxical answer, no?

what was it like growing up with Acmlm-related communities, especially being mostly an observer at a young age?

I dunno, I'm not really sure how to answer "what was it like" questions because feelings are never easy to describe in words. It was a pretty dang long time ago too, so my memory is really hazy... My earliest memories of the internet come from when I was about 5; Youtube was still relatively new, but I didn't discover it until a holiday visit with the family a few months later. My much older, much nerdier cousin showed it to me and all the videos on it. I was obviously too young to be able to fully grasp it for a while, but I guess it must have still interested me enough anyway because when we got back home I began kind of obsessed with the computer and spent a lot of time screwing around with the internet on my WinXP machine.

Miraculously, my family didn't care or even really moderate what I was doing on there. My father was a really skilled engineer who works with computers so he was always able to immediately solve the problem whenever I messed up and accidentally installed a virus or something, so neither of my parents really cared what I did on there. When I stumbled onto Acmlm's, I begged them to let me have an account but for some reason actually letting me register on sites was where they drew the line. I never disobeyed them either, I'm the kind of person who's so obedient that I still click out of webpages when there's an "18+ only" warning so for the longest time I was just a lurker.

That still doesn't really answer your question though.... Hm. I'd say it was a pretty cool experience. Although I wished I could've participated, I still enjoyed reading whatever threads that weren't too difficult for my 7-8-year-old self to understand, and as a result I have a lot of great memories from those times. Not just from AB, but from the rest of the internet in general as well. I remember having witnessed first-hand a lot of amazing internet moments; that whole Loss comic thing, the SA thread that spawned my favourite Youtube channel ever (Retsupurae), the drama string that resulted in the AB splits, the Pewdiepie vs. Slowbeef incidents... When I was like 12 or 13 I went back and re-read a lot of older threads too from the archives when I could actually "get" them a lot better and that was loads of fun as well. It's kind of hit-or-miss though. Although I enjoyed having known about all this, I can't ever really make jokes about them or reference them with my IRL friends because none of them would get the jokes or just think I'm being too much of a geek :P. And if I try to talk about them with older users who did have a lot more experience with them, if they know my age they just sort of assume I'm just a dumb kid who's trying too hard to fit in despite not knowing what I'm talking about. So yeah, it's not really something I like to bring up too much outside of threads like this.

Do you think it's been easier for you to have an unbiased perspective on things?

I never really thought about that, actually. If anything I would've assumed it makes me MORE biased since I used to spend most of my free time on these sites, but I guess it is true that I'm really not afraid of criticizing even those places I used to love, so...shrug.

Did you ever go to Sonic Retro?

Yeah, I went there a few times to read about various projects going on there like the Sonic Robo Blast games, and various disassembly threads intrigued me, but I didn't spend a lot of time on that site since I'm not that much of a Sonic fan. I might have registered an account there, but I haven't used it in years.

"No, he doesn't row."


Posted on 09-22-18 04:28 PM Link | ID: 140654
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The real question - Are You Ready?

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 09-22-18 04:50 PM Link | ID: 140658
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Born ready.

"No, he doesn't row."


Posted on 09-22-18 04:55 PM Link | ID: 140659
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What time is it now?

How's your day been so far?

Do you have any regrets?

Is your bed spring or foam based?

Desktop or Laptop?

Favourite season of the year?

Coca-cola or Pepsi?

Favourite weather conditions?

Would you rather live by the beach, or in a rural area?

Trains or Buses?

Cats or Bunnies?

What's the best rainbow?

What's in the news right now?

Do you prefer the day or the night?

Rock or Pop?

Most embarassing fail?

Did you skip any questions?

Would you rather travel by air or by sea?

Would you prefer to live on the Moon or Mars?

How's the weather right now?

How do you feel about censored words?

Do you like animal puns?

Aren't bear puns just grizzly?

What fantasy animal would you like as a pet?

Are you on a roll with answering these?

If you're on a roll, does that make you a ball?

What was the answer to question three?

Most expensive purchase you made?

How many would an email-spam to real-spam converter feed?

Oldest video game you've played?

Most recent video game you've played?

What was your first computer experience?

Ever used dial-up?

Isn't this a classic?

Did you watch the video in the previous question?

What time is it now?

What meal would you go for right now?

Alarm Clock, or Phone Alarm?

Would you rather have a pet bear or lion?

Are you a cat person or a dog person?

Would you rather be a bird or a fish?

Do you have any regrets?

The world could always use more heroes!

Decoy Blimp
Posted on 09-22-18 05:14 PM Link | ID: 140662
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Remember me?

Posted on 09-22-18 06:21 PM Link | ID: 140667
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Since: 01-02-15
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Posted by Epele
What time is it now?

2:07 EST, but it'll probably be at least 4:00 by the time I finish writing this.

[Quote]How's your day been so far?

Pretty good. I'm waiting to see a play right now.

Do you have any regrets?

I guess I regret not putting more effort into school back in like 7th grade, but even that's a bit of a stretch because I'm still in a good position now.

[Quote]Is your bed spring or foam based?

Spring. Are purely foam beds even a thing? o_O

[Quote]Desktop or Laptop?

I hour actually use internet for longer than an hour without needing to restart on my desktop, so that.

[Quote]Favourite season of the year?

Winter, it's tradition to play SimCity SNES and Puzzle Bobble then. :P

[Quote]Coca-cola or Pepsi?

I don't drink soda, so both of those taste exactly the same to me. I'm serious, I took a sip from each back-to-back and I wouldn't be able to tell them apart.

[Quote]Favourite weather conditions?

Rainy when I'm inside, something about it is so relaxing. I like it sunny when I'm out though because I just like to relax in the forest just down the street.

[Quote]Would you rather live by the beach, or in a rural area?

Beach. I love the sound of waves.

[Quote]Trains or Buses?

Trains, because atmosphere.

[Quote]Cats or Bunnies?

Cats are cuter, but I can't say I don't love Irisu.

[Quote]What's the best rainbow?


[Quote]What's in the news right now?

Brett Kavanaugh

[Quote]Do you prefer the day or the night?

Day, so I have a reason to not be in bed.

[Quote]Rock or Pop?

No preference actually

[Quote]Most embarassing fail?

Uhh.. Other than maybe a quiz or two when I was little, I don't generally fail things. Hm.


"No, he doesn't row."


Posted on 09-23-18 11:42 AM Link | ID: 140710
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Since: 07-16-12
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Think Brett Kavanaugh will cause a huge snowstorm or massive hurricane in Washington DC?

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Posted on 09-23-18 10:39 PM Link | ID: 140774
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Think Brett Kavanaugh will cause a massive shitstorm in Washington D--Oh, who am I kidding, we're well past that point

Actual question: What's your favorite type of sandwich

I don't know why this question came to mind, but it did

Posted on 09-23-18 10:40 PM Link | ID: 140777
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Is KTB your initials?

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Posted on 09-24-18 12:15 AM Link | ID: 140834
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Scratch my answer to the last question in my previous post, because I made big FAIL by not realizing that capitalizing "Quote" in the BBCode would make...that happen. And to make things even worse, I wrote another post for the rest of the answers and end up wasting all that time when I discovered I couldn't make two posts back to back in a day. I suck.

Would you rather travel by air or by sea?

Air. I belieeeve I can fly

Would you prefer to live on the Moon or Mars?

Moon, because at least then there's a chance I could visit Earth every now and then.

How's the weather right now?

It's night now, but it was pretty clear and sunny earlier.

How do you feel about censored words?

There's a reason I call it "censorsh**".

Do you like animal puns?

After having played Persona 4, I can say that they're bear-y irritating.

Aren't bear puns just grizzly?

I actually didn't even look at this question until after I wrote my response to the previous one, so that coincidence alone confirms that yes, they are.

What fantasy animal would you like as a pet?

Dragon, I could rule the world with that.

Are you on a roll with answering these?

Well, I need to practice my random question-answering improv for a competition I may or may not be entering in a few months, so I'd hope so.

If you're on a roll, does that make you a ball?

That'd make me the butter and other toppings, actually. And lemme tell you, I'd be the most delicious part of that role.

What was the answer to question three?

What I wrote for it.

Most expensive purchase you made?

Probably a yearbook from school. I don't like to spend much money.

How many would an email-spam to real-spam converter feed?

I read this like ten times and have no idea what this means. Welp.

Oldest video game you've played?

Oldest as in, the first game I ever played? Or the game I've played with the earliest release date? If the former, then I Spy Fantasy. If the latter, then ... well, Pong.

Most recent video game you've played?

My question above applies. Last game I played: BioShock Infinite, Game I've played with the most recent release: Celeste

What was your first computer experience?

I mentioned this earlier already, but messing around on Youtube when I was like 6-7, especially after my dad installed Windows XP on it and made my younger self's balls blow up with how beautiful it looked compared to Windows 98 or whatever we previously had.

Ever used dial-up?

Sadly no, that was just a little before my time. I adore that modem sound effect though.

Isn't this a classic?

I hate you

Did you watch the video in the previous question?

yes, i did. many, many many times ages ago.

What time is it now?

8:05 PM.

What meal would you go for right now?


Alarm Clock, or Phone Alarm?

Used to use a clock, but phone alarms are just in.

Would you rather have a pet bear or lion?

Bear, if only to make fun of a buddy of mine (we have an inside joke relating to that).

Are you a cat person or a dog person?

Cats in general are way cuter...Unless we're talking about MY dog. >_>

Would you rather be a bird or a fish?

Bird, because then I'd still have unlimited access to the mall and whatever food people aren't careful enough to protect. Also flying is just way more awesome.

Do you have any regrets?

Making this thread.

Remember me?

wtf is a say

Think Brett Kavanaugh will cause a huge snowstorm or massive hurricane in Washington DC?

It's already looking well past that point if I'm being honest. I can already see this ending up in the history books eventually >_>

(Unless your question was whether it will cause either a snowstorm or a hurricane, in which case it seemingly already has caused a hurricane)

What's your favorite type of sandwich

Hot dogs obviously

Is KTB your initials?

Mathematically speaking, that depends on which values the variables K, T, and B represent, and what their product would be. The next step would be to figure out which value is defined by "your initials", and I really don't have enough information to calculate this problem.

(I don't really know anymore. My username is something I came up with literally like ten years ago now and I'm just sort of used to it. It might have stood for something when I first came up with it, but it's long since lost its meaning now ever since I realized that the abbreviation just sounds catchy on its own. Now it's just fun to watch people guess at its meaning and make up silly things for it)

"No, he doesn't row."


Posted on 09-24-18 12:16 AM Link | ID: 140836
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How much snow do you get in a year where you live?

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."
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