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Posted on 09-25-18 01:51 AM Link | ID: 140937
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Don't kitties just wanna have fun? :-3

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Posted on 09-25-18 02:25 AM Link | ID: 140948
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Yes. I think our cat's idea of fun is getting in front of our TV and just sitting there while I'm trying to play a game >_>

Posted on 09-25-18 02:26 AM Link | ID: 140949
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Does anyone in your house watch baseball/football/etc.? :P

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Posted on 09-25-18 05:49 AM Link | ID: 140951
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Not a single person in our apartment watches sports at all, unfortunately.

In fact, the person who's probably watched the most sports is... me, back when I used to watch basketball occasionally. But I don't think I've watched a single game of basketball since 2011 or 2012 or so...

Last time I still lived with my parents they were in a phase where they were really into baseball, but I couldn't get into it and I think that phase is over by now.

I think the extent of my interest in sports these days is I'd like to play a couple, like tennis I think would be fun. But I don't really get much out of watching sports, or statistics or anything like that. Except this article. That article is great.

Posted on 09-25-18 08:59 PM (rev. 2 of 09-25-18 09:01 PM by K.T.B.) Link | ID: 140984
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Posted by Rambly
I've, uh, technically never taken any high school classes — I was illegally and haphazardly homeschooled by my parents with no real long-term plan. x_x I've had to fill the gaps in what I wasn't taught with lots and lots of reading (bless the internet, bless libraries).

Wait, did you never go to college/trade school/etc? How did you get an education other than reading stuff in books and the internet?

Also, favourite video game for every year since 1971?

"No, he doesn't row."


Posted on 09-25-18 09:01 PM Link | ID: 140985
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Is Knuckles the best? :P

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Posted on 09-26-18 02:36 AM Link | ID: 140998
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Are the Ramblin' enemies in Earthbound related to you in some way?

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Posted on 09-26-18 03:38 AM Link | ID: 141001
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Posted by K.T.B.
Wait, did you never go to college/trade school/etc? How did you get an education other than reading stuff in books and the internet?

I, uhhh... didn't. Very technically speaking, I was a forced Kindergarten dropout, since I've been """homeschooled""" since about that age.

Honestly, my parents kind of fucked up my entire educational trajectory (and my entire social life growing up on top of it!), but I don't really wanna get into my whole life story on here, I guess.

For a long time I was depressed and dysphoric and feeling utterly defeated by my complete lack of education, so I didn't really have any motivation to do anything, but for the first time in my life I've seriously been considering going to actual college. That'd be cool.

Posted by K.T.B.
Also, favourite video game for every year since 1971?

I'm going by year of original release in the country of origin, here, so there's a lot of games with weird release years.

1971: Galaxy Game
1972: Pong
1973: Lunar Lander
1974: Star Trader
1975: Doctor Pong
1976: Breakout
1977: Combat
1978: Space Invaders
1979: Adventure
1980: Polaris
1981: Centipede
1982: Xevious
1983: Sinistar
1984: Duck Hunt
1985: Gradius
1986: The Legend of Zelda
1987: Wizards & Warriors
1988: Bionic Commando
1989: Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse
1990: Mega Man 3
1991: The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
1992: Sonic the Hedgehog 2
1993: Kirby's Adventure
1994: Castlevania: Bloodlines
1995: Chrono Trigger
1996: Pokémon Blue
1997: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
1998: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
1999: Bomberman 64: The Second Attack
2000: Banjo-Tooie
2001: Sonic Adventure 2
2002: Super Mario Sunshine
2003: F-Zero GX
2004: Cave Story
2005: WarioWare: Touched!
2006: Mother 3
2007: No More Heroes
2008: Rhythm Heaven
2009: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors
2010: NieR
2011: The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
2012: Animal Crossing: New Leaf
2013: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies
2014: Mario Kart 8
2015: Super Mario Maker
2016: Pokémon Moon
2017: Super Mario Odyssey
2018: Persona 5: Dancing in Starlight

Posted by Danika
Is Knuckles the best? :P
I like Tails more... except in SA2 where Sonic and Eggman are clearly the most consistently fun characters, actually.

Posted by ゼンガー・ゾンボルト
Are the Ramblin' enemies in Earthbound related to you in some way?
Actually, yeah, sorta. My name is actually just a cutesy form of "Ramblin' Evil Mushroom", which in turn was just a random name a friend gave to me on a forum he was admin on.

Posted on 09-26-18 12:00 PM Link | ID: 141016
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Would you play the real battle royale called "Minecraft: Hunger Games"?

owo Delp!
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Posted on 09-26-18 12:53 PM Link | ID: 141021
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I see 2007.. You opinion on Travis?

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 09-26-18 03:44 PM Link | ID: 141031
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Will the UN live to see its 80th anniversary?

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Posted on 09-26-18 11:26 PM (rev. 2 of 09-26-18 11:31 PM by Rambly) Link | ID: 141058
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Posted by orsiniortiz
Would you play the real battle royale called "Minecraft: Hunger Games"?
Probably not. Forcing teenagers to fight to the death in some insane competition for food so they don't starve is one thing, but forcing people to play Minecraft? That's cruel.

Posted by Epele
I see 2007.. You opinion on Travis?
He's fun. He's entertaining. I kind of like the fact that he's kind of a pathetic otaku nerd and dipshit, actually. I guess a lot of people don't like him because he's actually kind of a shitty person, but I kinda feel like that's the point.

Posted by Danika
Will the UN live to see its 80th anniversary?
I dunno. That's like, what, 10 years from now? Probably. If they've lasted this long, I don't see why they'd just disappear. I don't pay enough attention to the UN to know what their trajectory is likely to be — about the only things I know right now are that their Secretary-General is Portuguese and that they all laughed at Trump (probably deservedly).

Posted on 09-26-18 11:27 PM Link | ID: 141059
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Roy Koopa
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Most annoying enemy in Earthbound?

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 09-26-18 11:28 PM Link | ID: 141061
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Did you play No More Heroes 2?

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 09-26-18 11:29 PM Link | ID: 141062
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Since: 07-16-12
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Scared of another 11/22/63 or 9/11/01 happening?

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Posted on 09-27-18 12:00 AM (rev. 3 of 09-27-18 12:15 AM by Rambly) Link | ID: 141069
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Posted by ゼンガー・ゾンボルト
Most annoying enemy in Earthbound?
Oh, God, it's been so long since I've played Earthbound that I don't even think I remember... as weird as it sounds, probably some the moles in the gold mine or, actually, the little ant dudes in the first dungeon (the way they swarm and gang up on you). I felt like the game got easier as it went on, actually.

In spite of my name, I'm actually not a huge, huge Earthbound fan. I've only played it once and I far prefer the other two Mother games (I don't think preferring Mother 3 is that controversial, but I don't know many people who like Mother 1 more than Mother 2 >_>)

Posted by Epele
Did you play No More Heroes 2?
Not yet, but I'd really like to! I actually only played No More Heroes for the first time super recently.

Posted by Danika
Scared of another 11/22/63 or 9/11/01 happening?
I dunno that those events are all that comparable? The assassination of a political figure (the president, in this case) has a different set of ramifications than a large-scale terrorist attack...

That said, in general, not really. I don't really spend a lot of time thinking about the what-if's of events like that because they can rarely be predicted in advance in a specific way. Stuff like that always seems way more obvious in hindsight.

I do think you could have maybe predicted 9/11 on a very broad level — knowing that Osama bin Laden had wanted to strike the U.S. (and had done so before), or knowing that the World Trade Center was already a target of terrorist attacks before (the 1993 bombings). But the scale and the specific date and the loss of civilians? I don't know that that was on anyone's radar. Nobody wants to think of things like that as being possible because it's unthinkable. It's the same reason that, even in the face of obvious economic instability (the mortgage crisis and resultant recession), few thought that it was possible that a major financial institution in the United States could completely collapse until it did.

I guess I'm always cognizant that some tragedy could unfold (especially w/r/t widespread gun violence being the worst it's ever been), but I don't live in fear because of it. I just try to live day-to-day.

Posted on 09-27-18 12:15 AM Link | ID: 141071
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What type of animal would you prefer to be? :bun:

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Posted on 09-27-18 12:24 AM Link | ID: 141072
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I like being a human. Honestly, a human is the best animal to be; you can just do so much more as a human than as any other animal.

Plus, honestly, humans are kinda adorable when you think of them as animals. We're basically cute little soft nerdy monkeys.

If I haaaaaaave to pick an animal other than the one I already am, I dunno, maybe a sheep or something? Sheep are cute. Probably something domesticated so I can just chill in someone's house and occasionally get taken places. Maybe a dog; dogs seem like they have fun. Plus you can lick peoples' faces and people find you cute for it

Posted on 09-27-18 11:39 AM Link | ID: 141135
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Since: 04-06-17
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What are your thoughts on Bowsette?

owo Delp!
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Posted on 09-27-18 12:04 PM Link | ID: 141153
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Bowsette is an expression of our species' shared longing for the infinite and the constant struggle to reach that point, only briefly tasting it in moments, just dangling above our heads, never met, never resolved. Bowsette is everything and nothing all at once. Bowsette is the gaping maw drooling with pitch blood of the future and past all at once, at our backs. Bowsette is steely, dead gnarled tree arms, wrapping us in a cotton wool's warm embrace. Bowsette is a mirror reflecting itself into itself. Bowsette is Lawrence Welk's grandfather's grandfather's reanimated corpse, and it is a horny corpse. Bowsette is a giant tombstone that says "R.I.P. Millennials" on it. Bowsette is Hel making love to Yggdrasil. Bowsette is a monster ejecting from the vomitous mouth of a monster from itself from itself from itself and so on and so forth. Bowsette has made us all everything and nothing at once. I've seen some cute fanart of her I guess. I like her design.
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