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Main - The βetaMax Entertainment Center - What're your favorite albums?
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Posted on 09-23-18 11:37 AM Link | ID: 140706
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If you're still the kind of neeeeerd that listens to full albums. Like me, for instance.

Hi. If you know me at all, you probably know that I'm a big music nerd and I spend like 400,000,000 hours a day just listening to music. If you're the kind of person like me who spends 178,262,629,128 hours in one day listening to music like me, then you might actually listen to albums every once in a freakin' while.

I posted this list on Jul already, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to share here maybe for the sake of striking up some conversation about music. Music's good. I like it a lot.

Anyways here it is. If you hover over the album titles with the dotted lines you can see my comments on stuff.

Not soundtracks

7% Solution | All About Satellites and Spaceships
Aphex Twin | Selected Ambient Works 85-92
The Beatles | The Beatles
Björk | Homogenic
Blonde Redhead | Misery Is a Butterfly
Cocteau Twins | Head Over Heels
David Bowie | Station to Station
Elliott Smith | Either/Or
The Fall | This Nation's Saving Grace
Laika | Sounds of the Satellites
Modest Mouse | This Is a Long Drive for Someone With Nothing to Think About
My Bloody Valentine | Loveless
Nirvana | Nevermind
The Rolling Stones | Beggars Banquet
The Olivia Tremor Control | Black Foliage: Animation Music Volume 1
Pink Floyd | Animals
Polvo | Exploded Drawing
Radiohead | In Rainbows
Sweet Trip | Velocity : Design : Comfort
Sweet Trip | You Will Never Know Why
Slint | Spiderland
Stereolab | Transient Random-Noise Bursts With Announcements
Stereolab | Dots and Loops
The Sundays | Reading, Writing and Arithmetic
Swirlies | They Spent Their Wild Youthful Days in the Glittering World of the Salons
Talk Talk | Laughing Stock
Talking Heads | Remain in Light
Unwound | New Plastic Ideas
Unwound | Leaves Turn Inside You
Yes | Fragile
Yes | Close to the Edge

Soundtracks (games, anime, etc...)

Ape Escape
Bomberman Hero
Bomberman 64: The Second Attack
Cave Story
FLCL Original Sound Track NO.3
Neon Genesis Evangelion (I+II+III)
Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt Official Soundtrack
Persona 4 DANCING ALL NIGHT Original Soundtrack
Ragnarok Online
Sonic Adventure 2

Posted on 10-02-18 10:40 AM Link | ID: 141653
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The resurfaced version of Swim, also Echo Park, both by Feeder. :)

Good riddance!

Posted on 10-02-18 06:36 PM (rev. 2 of 10-02-18 07:27 PM by ゼンガー・ゾンボルト) Link | ID: 141765
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Since: 01-04-12
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I'm a bit picky when it comes to favorite albums. It'd have to be ones that don't have a single bad song on it. I could count those on one hand atm. I'll have to come back to add them.


Amon Amarth - Surtur Rising
Machinae Supremacy - A View From The End of The World
Redemption - Snowfall on Judgment Day

More may/may not be added.

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Posted on 10-02-18 07:14 PM Link | ID: 141771
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VA - Altered Senses (Mechanik Records)
System of A Down - Toxicity || STEAL THIS ALBUM
Smashing Pumpkins - Zeitgeist
Rage Against the Machine - *
Most of Mohican Sandbag's Touhou Psytrance albums

The list would go on but my cheeseburger will burn before I have the chance.

Posted on 10-23-18 09:01 PM Link | ID: 142645
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I think I like Selected Ambient Works Vol. II better than 85-92. These are some good picks, Rambly. Loveless might by my favorite album.

Posted on 10-24-18 09:00 AM Link | ID: 142680
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Maple Post-o-Matic 9.2
One Hundred Mornings and Gradient Horizont by Windows 96.

I almost never listen to full alba. <.<

Layout by Maple.
Hoennese Realm Safir Alliance

Posted on 10-25-18 01:54 AM (rev. 2 of 10-25-18 01:55 AM by Rambly) Link | ID: 142953
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Posted by mel
I think I like Selected Ambient Works Vol. II better than 85-92. These are some good picks, Rambly. Loveless might by my favorite album.
Ahhh thank you! I think I'm biased towards 85-92 cuz it was my first (also I just love Heliosphan and Ageispolis and ofc Xtal way too much) but Vol II is reallllllly good too, I used to not like it but lately I've just been getting lost in it in a really good way

Loveless!!! God, I feel like it's the Obvious /mu/ RYM Hipster Album that everyone likes, so I wanna be all kneejerk reactionary and say it's not that good and whatnot, but the problem is I can't do that because every time I listen to it I realize it's really good and there's not a single weak moment on it. The stretch of songs from When You Sleep to Sometimes is amazingggg and beautiful and also Soon is like, 10/10 song (the repeating almost kinda mantric riff at the end of I Only Said murders me every time I listen to it, it's so gooooood)

Posted on 10-25-18 02:01 AM Link | ID: 142967
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Maple Post-o-Matic 9.2
I feel bad that I've never heard of any of the alba or songs mentioned in your post, even though I'm not a hipster or /mu/ reader.

Layout by Maple.
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Posted on 10-25-18 05:03 AM Link | ID: 142986
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Posted by Halian
I'm not a hipster or /mu/ reader.
Neither am I, really. (I haven't read /mu/ since 2012 and that was once and it was just a bunch of idiots jerking Anthony Fantano off and talking about ITAOTS and Low and nothing else. Generally I avoid 4chan like the plague, I just was embedded in a circle of friends who were really into /mu/ and they were stupid as shit)

Posted on 10-25-18 08:56 AM Link | ID: 143000
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Maple Post-o-Matic 9.2
I've also never heard of Anthony Fantano, ITAOTS, or Low, either. ^^;

Layout by Maple.
Hoennese Realm Safir Alliance

Posted on 10-25-18 11:22 AM Link | ID: 143023
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In the Airplane Over the Sea by Neutral Milk Hotel (which I've never cared for, even as far as Elephant 6 type stuff goes — I like the fuzz folk aesthetic I guess but On Avery Island displays it better and Jeff Mangum isn't a good enough songwriter to get any really deep emotional reactions out of me) and Low by David Bowie (good album and I like Bowie in general, but I find Low a little overrated by that crowd. I like Station to Station more, obv)

As for Anthony Fantano, good. He moonlights stumping for neo-nazi weirdos. That's about all you need to know about him.

Posted on 10-25-18 12:16 PM Link | ID: 143078
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Maple Post-o-Matic 9.2
I'll have to listen to them at some point, then.

Layout by Maple.
Hoennese Realm Safir Alliance

Posted on 05-13-19 11:07 PM Link | ID: 147576
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I realize this is a rather old thread but the topic interested me so I figured I'd reply with something.

As far as actual albums go:

King Crimson- In the Court of the Crimson King
Reel Big Fish- We Aren't Happy til You're Not Happy
Reel Big Fish- Cheer Up
Megadeth- Rust in Peace
Metallica- Ride the Lightning
Sabaton- Primo Victoria
Descendents- Milo Goes to College
Iron Maiden- Killers (just all of early Iron Maiden is great)

As far as soundtracks go:

Guilty Gear X/XX (though Xrd has some great tracks too)
BlazBlue (cuz Daisuke Ishiwatari)
Persona 3 (all the Persona games have good osts but I like the style of 3's the most)
Panty and Stocking
Hotline Miami
Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne
Azumanga Daioh
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (a good game and soundtrack despite the rather stupid title)
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
Pretty much any Sonic game (except maybe Sonic Boom)
Cowboy Bebop
Yu Yu Hakusho
Final Fantasy (I haven't even played too many of them extensively, but the soundtracks are jammin)
Pretty much any old Capcom/SNK fighting game (3rd Strike, older KOF, CVS 2, MVC, that sorta shit)
Ranma 1/2 (also the fighting game on the SNES has a pretty jammin OST too surprisingly)

As you can probably tell I like a lot of soundtracks. I enjoy my instrumentals.

That's what I got off the top of my head, there's probably more I'm not remembering now. I'm not the most well-versed in music in comparison to some, but it's a topic I do find interesting.

Also Rambly you have very nice taste in music my friend.

Giant Paratroopa
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Posted on 06-17-19 11:03 AM (rev. 2 of 06-17-19 11:04 AM by Rambly) Link | ID: 148406
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Posted by AtomicAstro
Also Rambly you have very nice taste in music my friend.
thank you!! could say the same for your taste in music, these are some pretty killer picks (tho i think red's my fav king crimson, but court of the crimson king is still a fine pick. also i realized earlier this year that ride the lightning fuckin owns (really any of their first 4 are great). still haven't heard any megadeth and not nearly enough iron maiden ;;)

(also did i seriously not mention cowboy bebop's music in my OST list for the first post, wtf, criminal oversight)

updates for my original post: i've kind of gotten over my grumpy kneejerk anti-RYM phase to finally admit actually i really like low by david bowie (david bowie in general owns) but station to station's still my fav

i also think i've come back around to repetition as far as unwound goes but unwound still kicks my ass hard in general so really i don't think there's a wrong pick here

Posted on 06-28-19 01:45 PM Link | ID: 148847
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Of the records I have, Time by Electric Light Orchestra is my favorite as an album; ELO is awesome and they do a great job creating a story and world through the music.

Robbie Rage
Posted on 06-28-19 07:14 PM Link | ID: 148868
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Two albums come to mind above all others whenever I hear this question: Metallica's Black Album and Dropkick Murphys' The Warrior's Code. One is one of the greatest metal albums of all time, and the other was the soundtrack to my high school and college years.

Posted on 06-28-19 09:14 PM Link | ID: 148919
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David Bowie's last album Blackstar is probably my favorite album of the decade.

Posted on 10-22-19 01:17 PM Link | ID: 152004
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some new ones (and old ones i wish i'd included sooner):

The Cardigans | First Band on the Moon
midori | aratamemashite, hajimemashite, midori desu.
Morbid Angel | Altars of Madness
The New Pornographers | Electric Version
Nine Inch Nails | The Downward Spiral
of Montreal | Coquelicot Asleep in the Poppies: A Variety of Whimsical Verse
Peaches | The Teaches of Peaches
R.E.M. | Reckoning
Savath & Savalas | Folk Songs For Trains, Trees and Honey
The Smiths | Morrissey Is A Prick Racist, But I Still Kind Of Like "Meat Is Murder"
Sparks | No. 1 in Heaven
Sparks | Kimono My House
Wilco | Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
Yo La Tengo | I Can Hear the Heart Beating As One

weird observation: my tastes have swung significantly less british lately. only one UK band on the list of stuff i've really grown to love or remembered in the past year (as opposed to like 50% of the original list)

anyways *holding two corndogs on sparklers in a red white and blue top hat* U S A U S A U S A

Posted on 01-21-20 12:17 AM Link | ID: 153793
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black gives way to blue - alice in chains
the devil put dinosaurs here - alice in chains
jar of flies - alice in chains
alice in chains - alice in chains
walking the fallen - avenged sevenfold
ten thousand fists - disturbed
an ocean between us - as i lay dying
the poison - bullet for my valentine
scream aim fire - bullet for my valentine
venom - bullet for my valentine

i may be slightly edgy

Robbie Rage
Posted on 01-21-20 03:22 AM Link | ID: 153808
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Going through Michael Jackson's discography, and I realized I have a controversial opinion:

I think Bad is a better album than Thriller.

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