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Main - The Kitchen Table (Role Play Forum) - Trial by Dragon Blood |
Trelior |
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Level: 129 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 4492/4986 EXP: 24486723 Next: 562931 Since: 01-02-12 Last post: 1601 days Last view: 1601 days |
Upon stepping through the workshop door, the party is immediately transported to an official looking room with a window that looks out over a large workshop. The workshop houses an incomplete machine with a wide assortment of people of numerous races. From Moogles and Lalafell to Bangaa and Roegadyn. The din of the workers shouting at each other and metal clashing is audible in the office, only mildly dampened. Walking to a conference table in the middle of the room, Zarik places the second letter onto the table and waits for Bel and Zissou to follow. Zissou isn't far behind, and he rushes to the table and bards, "Zarik! I demand to know what has gotten into you!" Zarik puts up his hand dismissively, and points to the still-open portal. "I'll explain when Bel gets here." Somehow, Zissou's yelling is heard by the foremen on the floor, and they can be heard shouting, "All right, you lazy sacks of turd! Boss is here, so quit slacking!" Somewhere, miles away, in a dark, dank cave, Cai finds herself in a prison cell of sorts. Her mouth and hands bound, but she appears to be otherwise physically sound. She can hear excited jabbering. "So, boss, when are we gonna have fun with this one?" "Yeah, this one's gorgeous! Can't wait to have my way with her!" Among other lecherous comments. There is a clearly irritated growl, followed by a beckoning roar, "I AM UNDER ORDERS THAT SHE IS TO BE UNHARMED! WHAT DID YOU WORMS NOT UNDERSTAND?" followed by a deafening silence from the underlings. Cai lay on the mossy floor of the cell, coiled into the fetal position, crying. |
ゼンガー・ゾンボルト |
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Normal User
![]() Roy Koopa My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil! Level: 155 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 7020/7703 EXP: 47014052 Next: 403168 Since: 01-04-12 From: Sweden Last post: 1398 days Last view: 1362 days |
Trelior |
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Normal User
Level: 129 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 4493/4986 EXP: 24486723 Next: 562931 Since: 01-02-12 Last post: 1601 days Last view: 1601 days |
The portal closes behind Bel as he comes through.
"You could say that, "Zarik says, finally breaking his silence with a calmness that belies his obvious rage, "Staying in that pocket world was no longer tenable. They knew more about us than I thought they could know." Zissou slams his fist against the desk and demands, "Belgarion is present. Out with it!" Before Zarik had a chance to say anything, there is a knock on the door. The door swings open without waiting to be beckoned to open. A Moogle flutters through the door, his red pom-pom and tan fur blackened with soot begins to speak, "Mister Hoi-" "OUT!" Zarik bellows, pointing at the door. "Whatever you want will have to wait. I have more important matters than project management. Unless something is at critical mass and threatening to explode, you can walk your fuzzy little ass out of my office with it for the next hour or so!!" The hitherto unnamed Moogle is taken slightly aback by Zarik's outburst, but takes note and scurries away. Walking over to close the door and affix the lock, Zarik begins, "Bel isn't gonna like this, nor will Cai when when save her. but long story short: Plan A was for her to fall into enemy hands for us to use the aether beacon to pinpoint the location that the enemy are operating from." Returning to the table, he slams his fists against it and continues, "I wasn't anticipating that they would take her to the black dragon keep to hold her. Those fuckers are depraved and dangerous. We need to act fast, and hope they don't find a way to overcome the dispel resistance on Zissou's beacon. Cai is in danger." "Your plan from the outset was to put Caionna in danger, you imbecile!" Zissou blurts out. "But not this much danger, you mangy mutt!" Zarik snaps back, venomously. "If I know the Twilight Reach inner workings the way I think I do, she's deep in enemy territory, and we are in desperate need of another ally. Otherwise, we will struggle to reach her, if we even get anywhere close. And who knows what those bastards will do to her before they turn her over to the chromatic counsel." He hangs his head in shame. "And just what do you propose we do? You are the supposed mastermind here, glorified lizard that you are!" Zissou bites back with a growl. "I expect you to try to pinpoint your bastard kid, that's what!" Zarik hisses, "Surely you recognize what plane we're on. Aren doesn't plane hop like we do, and he usually hangs around the city. If you can't find him here, you're a washed up shit factory!" Clearly unfazed by the fever pitch exchange of derogation, teeth bared due to the heightened anger all the same. He concentrates a moment and reflects on Zarik's words to get a feel for the flow of the plane's magics. His face seeming to rest on a pensive snarl, he closes his eyes and focuses. Several minutes pass, and the old man's eyes pop open again. He says with a distinctly less angry tone, "You have not won, whelp, but you are correct. He is here. In this very factory." "Yeah, that's what I thought, you crusty old gelding." Zarik seethes, walking to the intercom, he beckons, "Will Arendal Angara hand off all current duties and report to the office." Almost immediately, all chatter stops from the workers, replaced by an admonishing "Ooooooooooooh!" to which Zarik quips, "Did I tell everyone else to stop too? Please mind your business and get back to work!" With a smoking flair of his nostrils, Zarik says, "I'm sorry for getting so worked up at you." Zissou shakes his head and replies, "It is I who should apologize. Our anger is justified, the both of us, it was only a matter of time until it boiled over. It appears as though I doubted your command of the situation and let my anger burst. You merely fought back." The aforementioned sooty Moogle was outside the door merely whistled and squeaked out a "Kupo!" |
ゼンガー・ゾンボルト |
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Normal User
![]() Roy Koopa My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil! Level: 155 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 7021/7703 EXP: 47014052 Next: 403168 Since: 01-04-12 From: Sweden Last post: 1398 days Last view: 1362 days |
Trelior |
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Level: 129 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 4494/4986 EXP: 24486723 Next: 562931 Since: 01-02-12 Last post: 1601 days Last view: 1601 days |
"In my defense," Zarik begins, "I wasn't anticipating the threat to be this severe. I knew the risks, and gambled. It wasn't a good bet to make, but those fuckers were more on to me than I banked on. I wasn't aware that Zerilisk had the speed you say he showed. Maybe he was hiding his hand, because if he wanted to give chase, he would have stopped me from getting away from him."
Turning to the wall he says, "By 'that plane', surely you mean this plane. Twilight Reach is here. We're on our home plane of Henozal. Anyway, a portal WOULD be a bad idea. It would only invite a battle we were unprepared for. If you thought a green dragon's acid was bad, a black's breath is way worse." Putting a hand on his chin, he continues, "That'll be the least of our worries, and that's assuming we can move stealthily enough to get to the caverns. Hopefully we don't have the whole council because it's the whole rainbow of dragons. Great Wyrms at that." Suddenly, the lock on the door an be heard turning. The door swings open to reveal a mountain of a man. A tan, soot-covered man with long, spiked, black hair. His ivory-esque horns form something of a crown around his head, sprouting from where his ears would logically be. His face is framed with pale scales, the scales also go down his neck and disappear beneath his shirt. The scales also appear on his arms and legs, but in a way that looks more ornate than defensive, like a dragon or lizard. He is wearing the company uniform, consisting of a red long-sleeve shirt with a black and gray vest and black shorts. Walking into the office, the man speaks, "What's up, Z? You rang." The tone of his voice is far less burly than one would assume it would be for a man his size. Zarik peers over his shoulder, "Go figure you're here now. Where were you when I needed you a while back?" Before the larger man has a chance to say anything in his defense, Zarik keeps going, "Now I need you, and there's nothing you can say to stop me from bringing you along. Even if I have to drag you by your horns!" "Hey! wait! What the hell are you going on about Zarik? I don't know what you're talking about!" Aren protests. "I'll spare the details of why I'm mad at you, and go straight into what I need from you." Zarik starts, "We need to mobilize against the Reach, and I underestimated the danger. I need your dad and our friend on the artillery, and we need a medic." "Hang on, slow down!" Aren cries, "Why do we eed to do anything with the Reach! We already paid them off this month!" "This has nothing to do with the workshop. It's a personal vendetta that's coming to a head." Zarik explains, "Aesalth has been stealing aether from Cai to fuel what I can only assume is a primal ascension from the data I was able to collect. My plan to infiltrate and stop it has ran into a few issues. Cai's been kidnapped, and is in more danger than I was anticipated when I, foolishly, planned to let it happen. We're going on a vengeful rescue, hence why we... No... I need your help." "I can't just drop this project I'm managing! This is our biggest commission in years! Arms and armor worth millions!" Aren protests. "To whom?" Zarik inquires. Turning pale on realization, Aren responds, "The Reach... Luckily, nothing has finished manufacturing, but we're gonna get totally wiped out if we don't honor this!" "Oh, and just who do you think they want to use that shit on? The fucking tooth faerie? I refuse to make armaments to aid the enemy when I'm trying to put them in their place!" Zarik spits, "Dunno if any of you guys know this, but whether you like it or not, if I go, the Ironworks do too! they know this business is mine. If we fail in our mission, and don't send the message that we are not to be fucked with, they're gonna raze this to the ground." Going back to the intercom, he calls out, "This is a direct order from top brass. Cease all operation on armaments for the Reach immediately. Dismantle everything and repurpose the materials. I will not be arming my foe before engaging in warfare with them. No, this is not a disguised voice, this is Zarik. If I find a single piece of our machinery with its cannons aimed at me, heads will roll when I get back. If I don't return, this facility is likely to get toasted anyway." While Zarik is making his announcement, Zissou approaches Aren, "Hello, Arendal. Not quite what I had in mind for a reunion, but we are in a predicament here." Aren shakes his head and says, "Yeah. Hi, Dad. Not exactly how I wanted to be greeted by my best friend, either." Looking over at Bel, he perks a brow, "Who're you?" |
ゼンガー・ゾンボルト |
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Normal User
![]() Roy Koopa My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil! Level: 155 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 7024/7703 EXP: 47014052 Next: 403168 Since: 01-04-12 From: Sweden Last post: 1398 days Last view: 1362 days |
Trelior |
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Level: 129 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 4495/4986 EXP: 24486723 Next: 562931 Since: 01-02-12 Last post: 1601 days Last view: 1601 days |
Aren extends a hand, and says, "Nice to meet you Belgarion. As you've doubtless figured out, I'm Arendal. Zissou adopted son, and close friend to Zarik and Caionna. Although, I get the feeling I'm not as close to her as you are." He cracks a smile.
"I'm sure you could have stopped Zerilisk... If he wasn't so damn fast and slippery." Zarik starts, "But because of that speed, we need to be careful. As far as gear goes, I'll have to defer to Aren because he's defacto lead when I'm not around." Aren turns and says, "The only projects we have running, aside from your mech were; that big order you just canned, and our usual deal of fabrication for the local shops. Y'know, nails and hammers and stuff. We're on par with the little stuff, but now we can take on a different job if we come back from this." "Do not speak pessimistically, Arendal. Believe in yourself, us, and our missing comrade." Zissou says calmly. "Well, we're not getting any younger, or getting closer to saving the one damsel I never expected to be in distress." Aren pipes up, feigning his father's optimism, "What's the plan, Chief?" With a snap of his fingers, Zarik instantly is in a whole new attire. He appears to be wearing a matching light blue tunic and cone hat, white cotton leggings, knee-high leather boots, and leather finger-less gloves. A steampunk-esque axe of a similar shade of blue to his clothes is affixed on his back. With a deft motion, he draws the axe and activates its combat state. The handle lights up in a pattern from butt to bight as the head spins 360 degrees and unfolds, locking into place. "I plan to cover you guys while you guys do your thing." He says as he shoulders the axe, a metal clang makes it apparent the tunic is merely a glamour. Looking at Zissou, he says, "I need you in whatever magic situation you think is gonna blow as many scales off as possible." Turning to Aren, he says, "I need you for your heals since, last I knew, it was your specialty for combat." Zissou nods and snaps his fingers in a similar fashion to Zarik. His attire changes to a cornflower blue long coat, a yellow leather pointed hat, striped breeches of white and blue, with leather shoes. He brandishes an ornate black staff with a purple stone set in its tip and a glow of purple light and two offset halos of light rings. "I believe thaumaturgy is called for here." He states, confidently. "I see you've branched out a bit, Z. I guess I should showoff some of my new skills too!" Aren chuckles and follows suit with the two before him, snapping his fingers. His attire changes to a flowing black robe with white trim, gold decorations and accents with a golden sun at the left hip, and a moonstone on the right. The sleeves on this robe are obscured by the half-sleeve gloves he wears, they are a similar style of black, white, and gold with an outward flair toward the shoulder. The robe has a flowing collar that lays over the shoulder and extends down his back. The collar is adorned with gold inlaid with moonstones and rubies. The lower part of the robe, beneath the waist, is dotted with stars. His breeches are mostly black with a slight flair out at the ankles with a white trim, decorated with a gold insignia on the left leg, visible from the parting in his robe. His shoes are black leather with gold trim and sun shapes on them, they lace at the side. His hat is a tall, black pointed hat, with the point folded over behind and a large, swooping brim. The upright part of the hat is decorated with a golden wings with silver line signifying light, flecked with similar dotted stars from his robe. Upon his back is a silver disk-like object, at his waist is affixed a sheath that extends from his belt to knee-level. Calling upon the disk, it floats above his left hand and is orbited by what appear to be cards that were brought forth from the sleeve on his belt. As the last card falls into its place in orbit, the whole ensemble glows with a purple hue with a halo of white light around it, there are also three small, white orbs in orbit around the larger one. "Fortune telling, huh? I guess an Astrologian isn't a bad fit on this crew." Zarik says. Turning to Bel, he sarcastically tries to drum on the table with one hand. "C'mon, Bel, surprise me!" |
Robbie Rage |
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Normal User
![]() Boomerang Brother Fueled by Board Nostalgia and Old Memes Level: 131 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 5107/6020 EXP: 25800290 Next: 624330 Since: 11-22-16 From: New Jersey, USA Status: Not even mad. Since: 2001 Last post: 1064 days Last view: 200 days |
The magical shell that has been lingering begins to stir, then shatter as Bakk slumps to the ground beside Zarik. The kobold archer slowly makes his way back on his feet...
"If you wanted some assistance on this hunt...you should have just asked. I was getting bored as it is." Bakk takes stock of the state of his equipment, ensuring everything is still in place. "Now then, what do you say we cut to the chase and tell us about the target in question? The more we know about it's biological functions, the easier it will be to kill it." |
ゼンガー・ゾンボルト |
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Normal User
![]() Roy Koopa My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil! Level: 155 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 7030/7703 EXP: 47014052 Next: 403168 Since: 01-04-12 From: Sweden Last post: 1398 days Last view: 1362 days |
Trelior |
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Level: 129 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 4496/4986 EXP: 24486723 Next: 562931 Since: 01-02-12 Last post: 1601 days Last view: 1601 days |
"The thing is, short stuff," Zarik says to Bakk, "I didn't have any other option as we were leaving. It was either bring you with, shunt you home, or let you die in a collapsing void. I figured you were drawn to the pocket by some force and wouldn't have appreciated being sent home, and I certainly couldn't just leave you behind and feel okay about it."
Turning his attention back to Bel, he whistles, and says, "While you didn't disappoint, you're clearly not any better at picking up on sarcasm." Looking the group over, he continues, "Alright, looks like we're ready to hit the road. I hope we have everything we need, because it's gonna be a while before we can really do much on that front. Let's go!" Aren swipes his arm out in front of himself, causing the cards on his plane to leave orbit and manifest before him. Grabbing a card from random, the other cards vanish and reappear back in their orbit. "Should I do a reading before we go?" He asks. "No time, let's go!" Zarik dismisses, already making his way out the door. "But it'll onl--" Aren begins, but is cut off. "CAN IT! LET'S GO!" Zarik shouts back. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
ゼンガー・ゾンボルト |
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Normal User
![]() Roy Koopa My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil! Level: 155 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 7031/7703 EXP: 47014052 Next: 403168 Since: 01-04-12 From: Sweden Last post: 1398 days Last view: 1362 days |
Trelior |
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Normal User
Level: 129 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 4497/4986 EXP: 24486723 Next: 562931 Since: 01-02-12 Last post: 1601 days Last view: 1601 days |
Aren holsters his globe and stands, dumbfounded. Unsure if Bel's misunderstanding is cultural difference or ignorance.
Zissou takes notice and mentions, "Ignore him. That one is a curiosity." hustling to the door, he quips, "Hurry, before we are left behind." Aren follows Zissou silently, still flabbergasted. ------- Outside the facility, Zarik stands impatiently. The building they emerged from looked very unassuming and only had a small, hand-painted sign that read Hoir Ironworks over Zarik's insignia. The street is bustling with carriages and civilians. A few older folks recognized Zarik and tried to motion greetings to him, only to rescind sheepishly once they notice his pensiveness. Once everyone is finally outside, he says, "The fastest way to the Reach is to head west from the city limits. There's not terribly much along the way, unless things have changed drastically in these parts. A few days' hike along the road will bring us through a forest and into my childhood village. Or what's left of it, at least. I don't know, never looked back after trying to escape Cai's little accident." Pointing down the street, he says, "We can get there a bit faster if we go by horseback. I would rather we rent horses and shave a considerable chunk off the travel time, but that's just me." Not bothering to wait for anyone to protest, he starts walking in the direction he pointed. "Rent?" Aren calls out, "That's awfully bold to assume we'll be able to bring them back alive with our luck, if we're taking them all the way to the Reach!" "From what I remember, there's a stable we can drop them off at before we make the ascent. I have been out that way a time or twelve in the past few decades, I just never went back to the village site. Never bothered to check out of concern that I was labeled a drive-out pariah there too, given its proximity to, and influence from the Reach." Zarik calls back, seemingly oblivious to the curious glances he's getting from the townsfolk. |
ゼンガー・ゾンボルト |
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Normal User
![]() Roy Koopa My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil! Level: 155 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 7032/7703 EXP: 47014052 Next: 403168 Since: 01-04-12 From: Sweden Last post: 1398 days Last view: 1362 days |
Trelior |
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Normal User
Level: 129 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 4498/4986 EXP: 24486723 Next: 562931 Since: 01-02-12 Last post: 1601 days Last view: 1601 days |
"I could understand a carriage or a wagon if we had a large party, or a lot of shit to haul." Zarik calls back to Bel, "And I'm not entirely keen on taking my sweet old time getting in to where Cai's being held."
Upon teaching the stables, he goes inside to talk to the attendant. "So let me get this straight..." Aren begins, "We're on a quest to save Cai from the Reach because she was kidnapped by Zerilisk?" "Aye, that is correct." Zissou replies, "Although, Zarik was not thinking it would be so dire. He thought a lesser legionnaire would be the one to try to abduct her for his plan. One we could have potentially stopped and questioned." "I don't need to be told twice that our target is a slippery bastard. Not only is he dangerous by the innate abilities of his color, what with being known for caustic breath and being all but a harbinger of death..." Aren muses, "And the fact that I've heard murmurings that his cronies are at the top of the 'Most Likely to Kidnap, Rape, and Murder your Women' list. And, from what I've heard, Cai doesn't exactly have the best track record when it comes to point number 2 on that list." "Please do not speak of that, it surely is making everyone uncomfortable." Zissou rumbles, "Although Caionna has confided in me that she has defense mechanisms in place with her runic tattoos, she is dealing with a higher caliber of captor.They will likely circumvent her protection, or hurt her until she acquiesces." Turning somber, he says, "Though, if my hunch is correct, they will not harm her irreversibly, or their heads will surely roll due to her being a key component in Aesalth's scheme." "Her mother?" Aren gasps. "Yes, now hush!" Zissou barks as Zarik pops open the door to the stable office and beckons the party over. The party is taken into the entrance of the stable, and the equestrian comes out leading four large steeds. "Wait... Four?" Zissou quizzes. "Yeah," Zarik replies, "I figured we have two smaller riders, so they can ride pillion together. I explained what was absolutely necessary to the guy, and he said we could go at a reasonable pace with this accommodation." Mounting his horse, he continues, "Plus, it's cheaper, and fits with the available stalls where we're going. It works out." Aren helps his father and the kobold onto their draft horse's pillion saddle before climbing onto his own. "I assume we'll be going once everyone is ready?" He asks, rather foolishly. "No, we're gonna paint a fence and watch it dry first." Zarik snides, "Of course, you jackass!" Staring into the middle distance, Aren has a look of I deserved that on his face. |
ゼンガー・ゾンボルト |
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Normal User
![]() Roy Koopa My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil! Level: 155 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 7034/7703 EXP: 47014052 Next: 403168 Since: 01-04-12 From: Sweden Last post: 1398 days Last view: 1362 days |
Trelior |
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Normal User
Level: 129 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 4499/4986 EXP: 24486723 Next: 562931 Since: 01-02-12 Last post: 1601 days Last view: 1601 days |
It doesn't take long for Zarik to connect the dots between Bel's threat and what was said. With a frustrated, and annoyed, sigh, he says, "Aren, you are probably the dumbest smart person I know on a personal level." Giving his horse the signal to move with a gentle motion on his reins.
"Huh? Why?" Aren questions. "Add 'totally oblivious' to the list as well." Zarik grunts as he adjusts his position in the saddle, "You don't just drop a bombshell like the one I think you dropped abut who we're after, then the trivia about how it connects to the person we're trying to save. Especially when a certain someone here has a somewhat vested interest in a related activity." Crickets seem to chirp for a moment before the realization hits Aren like a brick to the head, "Oh shit! I thought everyone knew about that." Zissou shakes his head and gruffly sides with Zarik, "Arendal, you should know that there are things that people choose not to talk about due to circumstances that cause painful memories. Frankly, I'm sure this particular topic is one Caionna would have preferred to broach on her own terms." Several moments later, the group finds themselves at the city's west gate. They are stopped by a guardsman at the post. "Ho-there!" the guard beckons, "Where are you gentlemen off to today? Word has it things aren't safe heading west right now." "I know," replies Zarik, "We're on our way to investigate. Please open the gate and allow us through." The guard is hesitant, but then examines Zarik's face and recognizes him. "So sorry, Master Hoir. I didn't recognize you at first. You're with unusual company today and merely thought you riffraff. I will open the gates at once!" The gate begins opening as the other guards begin to raise the gate. "No harm, no foul, Captain." Zarik responds, "I assure you these are my Ironworks colleagues. We will be out on an adventure and will not return for some time. Keep your eyes fixed to the skies for dragons. Things might turn dicey." motioning to the party to continue on. As they begin to leave, the captain calls out, "Thank you, sir! Your company's weapons shall keep our fair city defended by our hands!" He then gives the guard salute until the party is out of view from the closed gate. |
Robbie Rage |
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Normal User
![]() Boomerang Brother Fueled by Board Nostalgia and Old Memes Level: 131 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 5111/6020 EXP: 25800290 Next: 624330 Since: 11-22-16 From: New Jersey, USA Status: Not even mad. Since: 2001 Last post: 1064 days Last view: 200 days |
"Well, at least it's refreshing to be treated with some courtesy from a city guard," said Bakk, ensuring that he was seated tightly. "I'm normally more used to a more...unfriendly greeting by such figures."
As he rides, Bakk's keen hunter's senses dart around his surroundings. His eyes scan the area and his nose looks to discern any familiar, or noteworthy, scents... |
ゼンガー・ゾンボルト |
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Normal User
![]() Roy Koopa My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil! Level: 155 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 7037/7703 EXP: 47014052 Next: 403168 Since: 01-04-12 From: Sweden Last post: 1398 days Last view: 1362 days |
Trelior |
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Level: 129 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 4502/4986 EXP: 24486723 Next: 562931 Since: 01-02-12 Last post: 1601 days Last view: 1601 days |
"If I had to guess," Zarik replies to Bakk, "The riffraff comment had something to do with you. You're pretty obviously a rogue from a race that tends to not get much friendly interaction in these parts. I'm actually surprised I wasn't questioned on it, especially since it was only a partial truth about you guys being colleagues from my company."
Calling back to Bel, he says, "Unpleasantries or not, it wouldn't have escalated. Even if it did, they wouldn't fight long, they know about my fighting style and are quite familiar with my record in the gladiator pits." "Yeah," Aren chimes in, "He's pretty brutal. Able to bring guys easily at least triple his size down in seconds." "Anyway!" Zarik cuts Aren off, "Last I knew, there wasn't anything threatening directly around the city. Your standard early game shit." He says with a slight lean on the fourth wall, "There are bandits around, but I don't think any of them are stupid enough to try to attack a group of five well-armed adventurers." |
ゼンガー・ゾンボルト |
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Normal User
![]() Roy Koopa My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil! Level: 155 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 7042/7703 EXP: 47014052 Next: 403168 Since: 01-04-12 From: Sweden Last post: 1398 days Last view: 1362 days |
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